view duart28/design-spec @ 37:b2d6d8f756ea

duart28/design-spec: re-measured partial power-down current
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Thu, 23 Jul 2020 18:14:16 +0000
parents 40e2106a0500
children ba83a7cd6451
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FreeCalypso DUART28 Adapter
Board design specification

1. What it is and why it is desired

Under our FreeCalypso umbrella we have a family of hardware products based on
the Calypso chipset from Texas Instruments.  The Calypso chip has two UARTs,
one with TxD & RxD data leads plus RTS & CTS flow control, and the other with
TxD & RxD data leads only.  There is also a convention whereby some Calypso
GPIOs are defined to be additional modem control signals and associated with
the Modem UART (the one that has RTS & CTS flow control in addition to
TxD & RxD), thus the result is one UART with a near-complete set of modem
control signals and one UART with data leads only.

The convention established in FreeCalypso is that all of our Calypso development
boards bring out both Calypso UARTs in their native form, which is 2.8V native
logic levels, tolerant of 3.3V but not any higher voltages.  In order to connect
these UARTs to a PC or laptop serving as the development host, a separate USB
to low-voltage UART adapter board is used, preferably one that puts both UARTs
(two ttyUSBx devices) behind a single USB device.  Our USB to dual UART
converter chip of choice is FT2232D; this chip has been chosen over various
competitors because it provides two UART channels (ttyUSBx devices) in one USB
device, because it supports non-standard serial baud rates on both channels,
allowing us to use GSM-specific high baud rates of 203125, 406250 and 812500
bps, and because it supports the full set of modem control signals like one
would find on an old-fashioned RS-232 port.

Since we got our first FCDEV3B boards built in 2017 and up until the present,
we've been using FT2232D breakout boards made by PLDkit as our USB to dual UART

These generic FT2232D adapters work quite well for our current purposes, but
now we have several reasons for desiring our own custom-built adapter to
replace them, detailed below.

1.1. Desire for custom interface pinout

In FreeCalypso we have the following convention: all FC hardware products that
bring out both Calypso UARTs do so by way of a single 10-pin (2x5) 2.54 mm
header in a fixed pinout given below.  This convention was started with
FCDEV3B, our first FC hw product, and is now being continued with MMTB1 and
Caramel2 boards.  Our standardized DUART header pinout is as follows:

Header pin	Calypso signal
1		GND
2		GND

Pins 7 and 9 were originally left unused (they are unconnected on FCDEV3B), but
they have been assigned as DCD and DTR (from the host's perspective) starting
with MMTB1.  Note that while DCD and DTR in the table above are named from the
host's perspective, all Calypso signals ending with _MODEM or _IRDA are from
the chip's perspective, i.e., the opposite.

When we use FT2232D breakout boards from PLDkit as our USB to DUART adapter, we
use a custom hand-made ribbon cable with crimp terminations: a 10-wire ribbon
is used, the full ribbon runs intact in the main body of the cable, but toward
the FT2232D adapter board the ribbon is split in two, with 7 wires going to the
A side of PLDkit's breakout board and with 3 wires going to the B side.  Each
of the two subribbons (both the 7-wire one and the 3-wire one) gets terminated
onto a 15-position female connector, with the two resulting 15-pin connectors
mating with the two 15-pin single-row headers located on the two sides of
PLDkit's breakout board.

This current solution is much better than manually connecting each wire
individually: with connectors being solid pieces rather than individual wires,
a setup can be very easily taken down and then put back together, which is
absolutely essential for our mode of usage.  But the downside of this approach
is that once our two 15-position female connectors mate with PLDkit's headers,
there is no way to make a separate connection to other signals which are not
covered by our basic 10-wire set.  This limitation is becoming problematic for
two reasons:

1) Our upcoming Caramel2 board will have the same 10-pin DUART header as FCDEV3B
and MMTB1 (with DCD & DTR present like on MMTB1), but it will also have an
additional RI modem control output on another Calypso GPIO accessible on the
general expansion interface header.  There is no room to squeeze this extra RI
signal into our standardized 10-pin DUART interface, but this extra signal is
rarely needed.  The compromise solution currently being pursued is that the
main 10-wire ribbon will connect all UART signals (both UARTs) with the
exception of RI, and those who need RI should be able to connect it with a
separate individual wire, connecting to the GPIO1 pin on the general expansion
interface header on the Caramel2 side.  But if we use PLDkit breakout boards
with our current ribbon cables with crimp terminations, there will be no way to
connect this extra RI wire to the FT2232D adapter board when the big 15-pin
connector blocks the entire header.

2) PLDkit's FT2232D breakout boards bring out USB 5V on one of their pins, and
this auxiliary 5V output is useful in some applications.  We have one upcoming
application where this auxiliary 5V will be used to exercise the Calypso+Iota
chipset's VCHG boot mode, also on the upcoming Caramel2 board - but we get into
the same problem of the PLDkit board header pin becoming inaccessible when our
crimp-terminated ribbon cables are used.

If we replace the generic PLDkit breakout with our own custom FreeCalypso USB
to dual UART adapter board, we can easily solve these problems by implementing
our own custom header pinouts.  The new DUART28 adapter board covered by the
present design spec will bring out 3 headers as follows:

* One 10-pin header carrying TxD, RxD, RTS, CTS, DTR and DCD for UART 0 and
just TxD & RxD for UART 1, in a pinout exactly matching our standardized
FreeCalypso DUART interface;

* One 3-pin header carrying UART 0 auxiliary modem control inputs DSR and RI,
plus a ground pin;

* One 2-pin header bringing out USB 5V and GND, for auxiliary uses.

1.2. 3.3V vs. 2.8V logic levels

Calypso I/O pins have native 2.8V logic levels, but they are specified as being
tolerant of 3.3V.  They do have internal clamping diodes to the Calypso chip's
2.8V V-IO rail, but their forward drop voltage is right around 0.5 V, thus if
external inputs are at 0.5 V above V-IO (practically meaning 3.3V inputs), no
significant current flows through these clamping diodes.

When we use a raw FT2232D breakout board as our USB to FreeCalypso DUART
adapter, we are connecting the FT2232D chip's 3.3V outputs directly to Calypso
inputs; this arrangement has been working well for us since 2017, but a more
proper 2.8V DUART adapter is desirable for a few reasons:

* When the Calypso+Iota chipset enters superdeep sleep (our shorthand term for
Calypso deep sleep combined with Iota ABB sleep mode), the chipset's VRIO
regulator (the one that produces the 2.8V V-IO rail) switches into sleep mode,
which has much looser regulation than in the regular Active mode.  In this
condition external 3.3V can feed into the V-IO rail through pull-up resistors
and pull the rail itself a little higher than where the chipset's own regulators
would have it, which is certainly not desirable.  If UART inputs to the Calypso
board are driven with 2.8V logic levels rather than 3.3V, this problem is not
expected to occur.

* If we are going to build a custom FreeCalypso DUART adapter for other reasons,
it is only proper to make it 2.8V native rather than 3.3V - after all, our
adapter is highly specific to Calypso applications, not generic, and Calypso
has native 2.8V I/O.

* We have a competitor: Sysmocom folks use CP2105 adapters (mv-uart adapter
board and other integrated designs) instead of our FT2232D, and their
CP2105-based designs operate at native 2.8V logic levels, no 3.3V.  For
political reasons it is important to be no worse than the competition, giving
us one more reason to go for native 2.8V.

Because FT2232D I/O (unlike CP2105, FT232R and many other chips that aren't
suitable for other reasons) cannot go below 3.3V, making an FT2232D-based
adapter put out 2.8V logic levels requires inserting an extra level shifter
after FT2232D outputs - we shall use an LVC buffer for this purpose.

1.3. Partial power-down considerations

The following two corner cases need to be considered, as each can be a trouble

1) When the USB to DUART adapter is connected to a host computer and thus has
USB power present, but the connected Calypso device is in the switched-off
state in the Iota VRPC sense (a condition that occurs all the time in normal
operation, e.g., whenever you are running fc-loadtool and waiting to press the
PWON button on the board), current can flow from USB DUART adapter outputs into
powered-down Calypso chip inputs.  This current flow cannot be eliminated
without putting LVC or similar buffers on the Calypso board side, but we need
to be mindful of this current and we need to limit it.

2) When a Calypso device is connected to the USB DUART adapter, the Calypso
device is up and running (VRPC Active state), but there is no USB host
connected, current can flow from Calypso outputs into a powered-down FT2232D
(or other front-end chips) in the USB DUART adapter.  With our current raw
FT2232D-to-Calypso arrangement we have about 5.8 mA of current flowing per pin
under the described condition, which is way too much.

If we replace the generic FT2232D breakout with our own custom adapter board
design, we can solve the second partial power-down problem (the case of Calypso
on, but no USB host) by inserting LVC buffers in front of FT2232D inputs -
these LVC buffers are fully specified for partial power-down applications and
have very small Ioff leakage current.

2. Circuit design

2.1. FT2232D core section

Our FT2232D core section (basically everything from the USB connector to the
FT2232D chip's ADBUS and BDBUS interfaces) is based on PLDkit's generic FT2232D

This core section is essentially boilerplate in which we have zero desire for
innovation, hence we would like to copy it from a known-working design.  In
this project the section in question has been recaptured in our ueda language
based on the above schematic drawing.

2.2. UART outputs from the adapter

We have a total of 4 outputs: TxD, RTS, DTR and TxD2.  Because we wish to put
out 2.8V logic levels rather than 3.3V, each output needs to pass through an
LVC buffer; we use a 74LVC541A as our buffer IC.

There is also a series resistor inserted into each output after the LVC buffer;
the initial value to be populated on the first board build is 2.2 kOhm, to be
further tuned empirically.  The purpose of these series resistors is to limit
the current that will flow from our DUART28 adapter into the Calypso target
when the Calypso is powered down - see section 1.3.  In our current setup with
direct FT2232D to Calypso connection (no series resistors) this current has
been measured to be somewhere around 1.77 mA, and it appears to be limited by
the current sourcing ability of FT2232D drivers (1 mA per datasheet).  However,
our new LVC buffers have much stronger drivers, specified to both source and
sink up to 24 mA, thus series resistors become mandatory for proper operation
in this partial power-down scenario.

The value of these series resistors is a delicate tuning job: they need to be
large enough to limit current flow in the partial power-down scenario, but they
cannot be too large, or they will adversely affect serial communication.  Each
of these series resistors will form an RC circuit together with various
parasitic capacitances on the Calypso target side; larger R translates to a
larger RC time constant, resulting in slower signal rise and fall times,
adversely affecting serial communication at higher baud rates.

We have an existing Calypso development board produced by another company that
features old-fashioned RS-232 interfaces (classic DE9F connectors) and uses an
on-board RS-232 to LVTTL/LVCMOS converter; this board features 1 kOhm series
resistors in the same place as in our proposed design, and it works fine at
812500 baud.  If we populate the same 1 kOhm resistors, the undesirable current
in the partial power-down scenario will be 2.8 mA per pin, which is greater
than our current 1.77 mA; with our current plan of populating 2.2 kOhm resistors
the current will be 1.27 mA, and we are hoping that 812500 baud communication
will still work OK.