diff src/ui/mfw/mfw_sim.h @ 3:67bfe9f274f6

src/ui: import of src/ui3 from Magnetite
author Mychaela Falconia <falcon@freecalypso.org>
date Fri, 16 Oct 2020 06:33:10 +0000
children 92abb46dc1ba
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/ui/mfw/mfw_sim.h	Fri Oct 16 06:33:10 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+| PROJECT: GSM-MFW (?)                  $Workfile:: mfw_sim.h       $|
+| $Author:: Vo                          $Revision::  1              $|
+| CREATED: 14.10.98                     $Modtime:: 20.03.00 14:09   $|
+| STATE  : code                                                      |
+ History:
+	Apr 03, 2007    ER: OMAPS00122561  x0pleela
+	Description:   [ACI] Phone lock feature has to be supported by ACI
+	Solution: Phone Lock ER implementation
+   	Sep 26, 2006 DR: OMAPS00095524 x0pleela
+ 	Description:Implement 2 missing SIM Lock types
+ 	Solution: Made the following changes
+ 			- Added new macros MFW_SIM_PBLOCK_REQ, MFW_SIM_PBLOCK for
+ 				Blocked Network category
+	xashmic 9 Sep 2006, OMAPS00092732
+  	Sep 08, 2006 DR: OMAPS00091250 x0pleela
+ 	Description:The phone resets if no MEPD data is presented
+ 	Solution: Added a new event MFW_MEPD_INVALID which will be returned to BMI
+ 			to display MEPD not present to the user
+	July 21, 2006 ER: OMAPS00087586, OMAPS00087587 x0pleela
+	Description: 	OMAPS00087586: MasterKey funtion in TCS3.2 SW
+				OMAPS00087587: Time Penaly feature extend handset security
+	Solution:Made the following changes
+	 	Defined new macros MFW_SIM_MKEY( Master Unlocking during bootup)
+	 					  MFW_SIM_MKEYM (Master Unlocking through menu)
+	May 26, 2006 ER: OMAPS00079607 x0012849 :Jagannatha M
+	Description: CPHS: Display 'charge/Timers' menu based on AOC ( Advice of charge )
+	Solution:Made the following changes
+		       1. Defined MFW_SIM_NO_AOC with value 11
+	May 15, 2006 DR: OMAPS00067919 x0pleela
+	Description: SIMP:On repeat Depersonalisation with invalid password MEPD unblock key should 
+				be asked not Puk1.
+	Solution:Made the following changes
+		       1. Added new macro BOOTUP_OK
+			2. Added new enumeration T_MFW_SIMP_CLCK_FLAG
+	Nov 24, 2005 DR: OMAPS00045909 - Shashi Shekar B.S.
+	Description: Improve IMEI control mechanism
+	Solution : When MMI calls sAT_PLUSCFUN, if an IMEI invalid error is returned,
+		we will block on that screen & will not allow the user to browse menus further,
+		since the PS will not be booted at all!!!
+	July 19, 2005 REF: CRR LOCOSTO-ENH-28173 xpradipg
+  	Description: To provide MMI Support to enable/disable/change password and 
+  				query all the Personalization locks
+  	Solution: Integration of the changes for the same provided by the soldel 
+  			  team
+  PURPOSE: Types definitions for SIM management of MMI framework
+#ifndef DEF_MFW_SIM
+#define DEF_MFW_SIM 
+ * events are organised as bitmaps
+ */
+#define E_SIM_STATUS         	0x0001
+#define E_SIM_INSERTED       	0x0002
+#define E_SIM_RESET          	0x0004
+#define E_SIM_READ_CALLBACK		0x0008/*MC CONQ5862, 13/06/02*, added new event*/
+#define E_SIM_ALL_SERVICES  0x000f
+#define SIM_ACTIVE                0
+#define SIM_NOT_ACTIVE            1
+#define SIM_STK_RESET             2 // bugfix for SIM refresh
+#define IMEI_NOT_VALID            3 // Nov 24, 2005, a0876501, DR: OMAPS00045909
+typedef struct {
+  UBYTE sim_procedure;
+  UBYTE sim_status;
+  UBYTE sim_operation_mode;
+  UBYTE sim_pin_retries;
+  UBYTE sim_status_type;
+} T_MFW_SIM_STATUS; /* type definition for E_SIM_STATUS event */
+typedef struct {
+  UBYTE type;           /* MFW_SIM_PIN1/MFW_SIM_PIN2                       */
+  UBYTE set;            /* MFW_SIM_ENABLE/MFW_SIM_DISABLE                  */
+/*MC CONQ5862, 13/06/02*, added new data struct for E_SIM_READ_CALLBACK event*/
+typedef struct {
+	SHORT error_code;
+	UBYTE* read_buffer;
+/* SIM configuration information */
+typedef struct
+    UBYTE access_acm;
+    UBYTE access_acmmax;
+    UBYTE access_puct;
+//x0pleela 07 Mar, 2007  ER: OMAPS00122561
+#define MFW_PH_LOCK_ENABLE     	1
+#define MFW_PH_LOCK 			1 	/* Phone lock type 		*/
+#define MFW_AUTO_PH_LOCK		2 	/* Auto Phone lock type	*/
+#endif /* FF_PHONE_LOCK */
+#ifdef SIM_PERS
+#define BOOTUP_OK 5		//x0pleela 21 Apr, 2006  DR: OMAPS00067919
+#define MFW_SIM_NOT_BLOCKED  10
+/* definition of SIM procedure in E_SIM_STATUS event */
+#define MFW_SIM_VERIFY     2
+#define MFW_SIM_UNBLOCK    3
+#define MFW_SIM_CHANGE     4
+#define MFW_SIM_ENABLE     5
+#define MFW_SIM_DISABLE    6
+#define MFW_SIM_LOCKED     7
+#define MFW_SIM_BLOCKED    8
+#define MFW_SIM_REMOVED    9
+/* definition of SIM operation mode in E_SIM_STATUS event */
+#define MFW_SIM_NO_OPERATION    0
+#define MFW_SIM_ADN_ENABLED     1
+#define MFW_SIM_FDN_ENABLED     2
+/* definition of SIM status in E_SIM_STATUS event */
+#define MFW_SIM_PIN_REQ      1
+#define MFW_SIM_PUK_REQ      2
+#define MFW_SIM_PIN2_REQ     3
+#define MFW_SIM_PUK2_REQ     4
+#define MFW_SIM_NO_SIM_CARD  6
+#define MFW_SIM_NO_PIN       7
+#define MFW_SIM_SUCCESS      8
+#define MFW_SIM_FAILURE      9
+#ifdef SIM_PERS
+	#define MFW_SIM_NLOCK_REQ		10
+	#define MFW_SIM_NSLOCK_REQ	11
+	#define MFW_SIM_SPLOCK_REQ	12
+	#define MFW_SIM_CLOCK_REQ		13
+	#define MFW_SIM_PLOCK_REQ		14
+	#define MFW_SIM_PLOCK_ERR		15
+	#define MFW_SIM_PLOCK_OK		16
+	#define MFW_MEPD_INVALID		17 //x0pleela 23 Aug, 2006 DR: OMAPS00091250
+	#define MFW_SIM_PBLOCK_REQ	18 //x0pleela 25 Sep, 2006 ER: OMAPS00095524
+#define MFW_SIM_NO_DISABLE	10  /*MC CONQ-5578, PIN disabling forbidden*/
+//x0012849: Jagannatha  26 May, 2006  ER: OMAPS00079607 -Support AOC in CPHS
+ #ifdef FF_CPHS
+#define MFW_SIM_NO_AOC		11 
+/* Shashi Shekar B.S. DR: OMAPS00045909, Improve IMEI control mechanism */
+#define MFW_IMEI_NOT_VALID	20  
+#define MFW_SIM_PIN1         1
+#define MFW_SIM_PUK1         2
+#define MFW_SIM_PIN2         3
+#define MFW_SIM_PUK2         4
+#define MFW_SIM_UNKNOWN      0
+#define MFW_SIM_NLOCK        1
+#define MFW_SIM_SPLOCK       2
+#define MFW_SIM_NSLOCK       3
+#define MFW_SIM_CLOCK        4
+#define MFW_SIM_PLOCK        5
+#define MFW_SIM_UNLOCK_ERR   6
+#ifdef SIM_PERS
+#define MFW_SIM_FC 7
+#define MFW_SIM_FCM 8
+//x0pleela 20 July, 2006 ER: OMAPS00087586, OMAPS00087587
+#define MFW_SIM_MKEY	9				//Master Unlocking during bootup
+#define MFW_SIM_MKEYM	10				//Master Unlocking through menu
+#define MFW_MASTER_UNLOCK_ACTIVE 1 	//Master unlock enabled
+#define MFW_MASTER_UNLOCK_DEACTIVE 0	//Master unlock disabled
+ //x0pleela 25 Sep, 2006 ER: OMAPS00095524
+ #define MFW_SIM_PBLOCK        11			//Blocked Network Type
+//x0pleela 27 Apr, 2006  DR: OMAPS00067919
+#ifdef SIM_PERS
+typedef enum
+ * SIM Parameter
+ */
+typedef union
+  T_MFW_SIM_STATUS status;
+  T_MFW_READ_CALLBACK callback;
+#ifdef SIM_PERS
+extern int C_KEY_REQ;
+int       sim_init                 (void); 
+MfwHnd    sim_create               (MfwHnd hWin, MfwEvt event, MfwCb cbfunc);
+MfwRes    sim_delete               (MfwHnd h);
+void      sim_verify_pin           (UBYTE pin_id, char *pin);
+void      sim_unblock_pin          (UBYTE pin_id, char *puk, char *newpin);
+void      sim_change_pin           (UBYTE pin_id, UBYTE *alt_pin, UBYTE *new_pin);
+T_MFW      sim_disable_pin          (UBYTE *pin);/*SPR 2145, now returns status*/
+T_MFW      sim_enable_pin           (UBYTE *pin);/*SPR 2145, now returns status*/
+void      sim_exit                 (void);
+int       sim_pin_count            (UBYTE pin_id);
+int 	SimHasPin				(U8 pin_id);
+void      sim_pin_status           (T_MFW_SIM_PIN_STATUS *status);
+T_MFW     sim_serv_table_check     (UBYTE serv_num);
+int       sim_check_sim_Plock      (void);
+int       sim_check_sim_Nlock      (void);
+int       sim_check_sim_SPlock     (void);
+int       sim_check_sim_NSlock     (void);
+int       sim_check_sim_Clock      (void);
+MfwRes    sim_configuration        (UBYTE *phase, UBYTE *serv, UBYTE *slen,
+                                    UBYTE *lang, UBYTE *llen,
+                                    T_MFW_AOC_ACCESS *access);
+void      sim_save_pref_lang       (UBYTE *lang, UBYTE len);
+T_MFW     sim_unlock_sim_lock      (UBYTE type, UBYTE *passwd);
+void      sim_activate             (void);
+UBYTE   * sim_get_imsi             (void);
+UBYTE     sim_simlock_ok           (void);
+void mfwSimRestartPinEntry(void);
+//xashmic 9 Sep 2006, OMAPS00092732
+void sim_enable(void);
+void sim_disable(void);
+	Ciphering
+// CPRImode :
+#define MFW_SIM_CPRI_NO_SHOW      0
+#define MFW_SIM_CPRI_SHOW        	1
+//Callback function
+typedef void (* CallbackCPRI)(UBYTE, UBYTE);  
+//Initialize the ciphering indication
+EXTERN UBYTE sim_init_CPRS (CallbackCPRI func, UBYTE CPRImode );
+//TISH, patch for ASTec32515, modified by Jinshu Wang, 2007-06-15
+EXTERN void sim_invalid_ind(void);
+//x0pleela 03 Aug, 2006 ER: OMAPS00087586, OMAPS00087587
+#ifdef SIM_PERS
+//Set Simp_Busy_State to either TRUE or FALSE based on the ACI's busy error
+void mfw_simlock_set_busy_state( UBYTE state );
+//Get the current value of Simp_Busy_State
+UBYTE mfw_simlock_get_busy_state( void );