view src/g23m-aci/aci/cmh_phbf.c @ 220:0ed36de51973

ABB semaphore protection overhaul The ABB semaphone protection logic that came with TCS211 from TI was broken in several ways: * Some semaphore-protected functions were called from Application_Initialize() context. NU_Obtain_Semaphore() called with NU_SUSPEND fails with NU_INVALID_SUSPEND in this context, but the return value wasn't checked, and NU_Release_Semaphore() would be called unconditionally at the end. The latter call would increment the semaphore count past 1, making the semaphore no longer binary and thus no longer effective for resource protection. The fix is to check the return value from NU_Obtain_Semaphore() and skip the NU_Release_Semaphore() call if the semaphore wasn't properly obtained. * Some SPI hardware manipulation was being done before entering the semaphore- protected critical section. The fix is to reorder the code: first obtain the semaphore, then do everything else. * In the corner case of L1/DSP recovery, l1_abb_power_on() would call some non-semaphore-protected ABB & SPI init functions. The fix is to skip those calls in the case of recovery. * A few additional corner cases existed, all of which are fixed by making ABB semaphore protection 100% consistent for all ABB functions and code paths. There is still one remaining problem of priority inversion: suppose a low- priority task calls an ABB function, and some medium-priority task just happens to preempt right in the middle of that semaphore-protected ABB operation. Then the high-priority SPI task is locked out for a non-deterministic time until that medium-priority task finishes its work and goes back to sleep. This priority inversion problem remains outstanding for now.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Mon, 26 Apr 2021 20:55:25 +0000
parents fa8dc04885d8
line wrap: on
line source

|  Project :  GSM-PS (6147)
|  Modul   :  CMH_PHBF
|  Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 All rights reserved. 
|                 This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas 
|                 Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey 
|                 any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to 
|                 manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in 
|                 whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of 
|                 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG. 
|  Purpose :  This module defines the functions used by the command
|             handler for the phonebook management.

#ifndef CMH_PHBF_C
#define CMH_PHBF_C

#include "aci_all.h"
/*==== INCLUDES ===================================================*/
#include "aci_cmh.h"
#include "ati_cmd.h"
#include "aci_cmd.h"

#include "aci_fd.h"
#endif    /* of #ifdef FAX_AND_DATA */

#include "aci.h"
#include "psa.h"
#include "phb.h"
#include "cmh.h"
#include "cmh_phb.h"

/*==== CONSTANTS ==================================================*/

#define PHB_CMH_INVALID_TAG_ENTRY 0xFF /* fill up a tag        */
#define PHB_CMH_INVALID_BCD_ENTRY 0xF  /* fill up a BCD number */

#define PHB_CMH_YEAR_INVLD     (255)   /* invalid year         */
#define PHB_CMH_MONTH_INVLD    (255)   /* invalid month        */
#define PHB_CMH_DAY_INVLD      (255)   /* invalid day          */
#define PHB_CMH_HOUR_INVLD     (255)   /* invalid hour         */
#define PHB_CMH_MINUTE_INVLD   (255)   /* invalid minute       */
#define PHB_CMH_SECOND_INVLD   (255)   /* invalid second       */

/*==== TYPES ======================================================*/
/* Implements Measure 108, 109 */
 * Here we are having two SIM Phonebook as in our code we have two, 
 * one is FFS based that has been defined in phb_sim.h 
 * And the other one is RAM based has been defined in phb.h

 * Conversion Array that convert the type of phonebook used by
 * phonebook management to the type of phonebook used by ACI.
#ifdef TI_PS_FFS_PHB 
 * FFS based SIM phonebook
const T_ACI_PB_STOR cmhPHB_cvtPhbPsaType[]=
  PB_STOR_Ed,          /* ECC */
  PB_STOR_Ad,          /* ADN */
  PB_STOR_Fd,          /* FDN */
  PB_STOR_Bd,          /* BDN */
  PB_STOR_Ld,          /* LDN */
  PB_STOR_Lr,          /* LRN */
  PB_STOR_Sd,          /* SDN */
  PB_STOR_Lm,          /* LMN */  
  PB_STOR_Ud,          /* UPN */
  PB_STOR_NotPresent,  /* ME */
  PB_STOR_NotPresent,  /* ADN_ME */
  PB_STOR_NotPresent,  /* MAX_PHONEBOOK */
 * Old RAM based SIM phonebook.
const T_ACI_PB_STOR cmhPHB_cvtPhbPsaType[]=
  PB_STOR_Ed,          /* ECC */
  PB_STOR_Ad,          /* ADN */
  PB_STOR_Fd,          /* FDN */
  PB_STOR_Bd,          /* BDN */
  PB_STOR_Ld,          /* LDN */
  PB_STOR_Lr,          /* LRN */
  PB_STOR_Sd,          /* SDN */
  PB_STOR_Lm,          /* LMN */
  PB_STOR_NotPresent,  /* ADN_FDN */
  PB_STOR_Ud,          /* UPN */
  PB_STOR_NotPresent   /* MAX_PHONEBOOK */
#endif /* TI_PS_FFS_PHB */

 * Conversion Array that convert the type of phonebook used by
 * used by ACI to the type of phonebook used by phonebook management.
const T_PHB_TYPE cmhPHB_cvtPBType[]=
  FDN,                 /* PB_STOR_Fd */
  LDN,                 /* PB_STOR_Ld */
  ECC,                 /* PB_STOR_Ed */
  ADN,                 /* PB_STOR_Ad */
  BDN,                 /* PB_STOR_Bd */
  LRN,                 /* PB_STOR_Lr */
  SDN,                 /* PB_STOR_Sd */
  LMN,                 /* PB_STOR_Lm */
#ifdef TI_PS_FFS_PHB
  INVALID_PHB,        /* PB_STOR_Af , Not supported anymore */
  UPN                  /* PB_STOR_Ud */

/*==== EXPORT =====================================================*/

/*==== VARIABLES ==================================================*/

/*==== FUNCTIONS ==================================================*/
| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)    MODULE  : CMH_PHBF                     |
| STATE   : code             ROUTINE : cmhPHB_rplcIntnl             |

GLOBAL BOOL cmhPHB_rplcIntnl ( CHAR*  inNumber, 
                               CHAR*  outNumber,
                               UBYTE  inCnt )
  USHORT inIdx         = 0;
  USHORT outIdx        = 0;
  UBYTE  actCnt        = 0;
  BOOL   international = FALSE;

  while ( inNumber[inIdx] NEQ '\0' )
     * international indicator "+"
    if ( inNumber[inIdx]   EQ '+' AND
         inNumber[inIdx-1] EQ '*'     )
      if ( actCnt EQ inCnt OR inCnt EQ 0xFF )
        international = TRUE;
        outNumber[outIdx++] = inNumber[inIdx];
    /* PATCH LE 12.05.00
     * 00 is used in china as national number
     * checked against competitor phone
     * now ACI has the same behaviour
     * international indicator "00"
    /* else if ( inNumber[inIdx+1] EQ '0' AND 
               inNumber[inIdx]   EQ '0' AND
               inNumber[inIdx-1] EQ '*'     )
       if ( actCnt EQ inCnt OR inCnt EQ 0xFF )
         international = TRUE;
         outNumber[outIdx++] = inNumber[inIdx++];
         outNumber[outIdx++] = inNumber[inIdx];
     } */
    /* END PATCH LE 12.05.00  */
     * national indicator
      if ( inNumber[inIdx] EQ '*' )

      outNumber[outIdx++] = inNumber[inIdx];

  outNumber[outIdx] = '\0';

  return international;

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : CMH_PHBF                |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : cmhPHB_cvtPhbType       |

  PURPOSE : This function is used to convert the type of phonebook
            used by ACI to the type of phonebook used by phonebook
GLOBAL BOOL cmhPHB_cvtPhbType ( T_ACI_PB_STOR inMem, T_PHB_TYPE* outMem )
  /* Implements Measure 108, 109 */
  if ( (inMem <= PB_STOR_Ud) AND (inMem NEQ PB_STOR_Af) 
                             AND (inMem > PB_STOR_NotPresent) )
    *outMem = ( T_PHB_TYPE ) cmhPHB_cvtPBType[inMem];
    return ( TRUE );
    return ( FALSE );

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)               MODULE  : CMH_PHBF           |
| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : cmhPHB_toaMrg      |

  PURPOSE : This function is used to build the type of address octet
            from T_ACI_TOA structure.
GLOBAL void cmhPHB_toaMrg ( T_ACI_TOA* type, UBYTE* octet )
  *octet = ( ( ( type -> ton << 4 ) & 0xF0 ) + ( type -> npi & 0x0F ) ) | 0x80;

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)               MODULE  : CMH_PHBF           |
| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : cmhPHB_toaDmrg     |

  PURPOSE : This function is used to build the T_ACI_TOA structure
            from the type of address octet.
GLOBAL void cmhPHB_toaDmrg ( UBYTE octet, T_ACI_TOA* type )
  if ( octet EQ 0xFF )
    type -> ton = TON_NotPresent;
    type -> npi = NPI_NotPresent;
    type -> ton = (T_ACI_TOA_TON)(( octet & 0x70 ) >> 4);
    type -> npi = (T_ACI_TOA_NPI)(octet & 0x0F);

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : CMH_PHBF                 |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : cmhPHB_getAdrStr         |

  PURPOSE : This function is used to convert the phone number
            in BCD to the phone number as a string.

            BCD Note: Two digits are stored in one byte.

            BCD:      | 1 - 0 | 3 - 2 | F - 4 | F - F | 

            STRING:   "01234"

GLOBAL CHAR cmhPHB_convertBCD2char( UBYTE bcd )
  switch ( bcd )
    case 0:
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:
    case 4:
    case 5:
    case 6:
    case 7:
    case 8:
    case 9:
      return (bcd + '0');

    case 0x0a:
      return ('*');

    case 0x0b:
      return ('#');

    case 0x0c:
      return (PHB_DIAL_PAUSE);  /* 'P' */

    case 0x0d:
      return (PHB_WILD_CRD);  /* '?' */

    case 0x0e:
      return (PHB_EXP_DIGIT); /* 'E' */

      return ('\0');

GLOBAL UBYTE cmhPHB_getAdrStr ( CHAR*  pStr,
                                UBYTE  maxIdx,
                          const UBYTE* pBcd,
                                UBYTE  numDigits )
  BOOL  highNibble = FALSE;
  UBYTE bcdIdx     = 0;
  UBYTE strIdx     = 0;

  UBYTE bcd;
  char digit;
  BOOL ignore_next = FALSE;

  while ( bcdIdx < numDigits AND strIdx < maxIdx )
    if ( highNibble )
      bcd = ( pBcd[bcdIdx] & 0xF0 ) >> 4;
      bcd = pBcd[bcdIdx] & 0x0F;

    highNibble = ! highNibble;


    digit = cmhPHB_convertBCD2char( bcd );
    if (ignore_next EQ TRUE)
      ;                     /* skip the digit following on an extension flag since we do not support it */
      ignore_next = FALSE;  /* reset flag */
    else if (digit EQ PHB_EXP_DIGIT)
      ignore_next = TRUE;   /* we currently do not support Expansion Digit so skip next digit */
      pStr[strIdx++] = cmhPHB_convertBCD2char( bcd );  /* normal and supported digit */


  pStr[strIdx] = '\0';
  return ( strIdx );

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : CMH_PHBF                 |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : cmhPHB_getAdrBcd         |

  PURPOSE : This function is used to convert the phone number
            as a string to the phone number in BCD.

            STRING: "01234"

            BCD Note: Two digits are stored in one byte.

            BCD:    | 1 - 0 | 3 - 2 | F - 4 | F - F | 
GLOBAL void cmhPHB_getAdrBcd ( UBYTE* pBcd,
                               UBYTE* pNumDigits,
                               UBYTE  maxDigits,
                               CHAR*  pStr )
  BOOL  highNibble = FALSE;

  UBYTE bcdIdx     = 0;
  UBYTE strIdx;
  SHORT restLen;

  UBYTE bcd;
  for(strIdx = 0; bcdIdx < maxDigits AND pStr[strIdx] NEQ '\0'; strIdx++)
    switch ( pStr[strIdx] )
      case '0':
      case '1':
      case '2':
      case '3':
      case '4':
      case '5':
      case '6':
      case '7':
      case '8':
      case '9':
        bcd = pStr[strIdx] - '0';

      case '*':
        bcd = 0x0a;

      case '#':
        bcd = 0x0b;

      case 'w':
      case 'p':
      case 'W':
      case 'P':
        bcd = 0x0c;

      case '?':
        bcd = 0x0d;

      case 'E':
        bcd = 0x0e;


    if ( highNibble )
      pBcd[bcdIdx] += ( bcd << 4 ); 

      pBcd[bcdIdx] = bcd;

    highNibble = ! highNibble;
   * The last byte of the phone number is filled up with 'F' if
   * necessary
  if ( highNibble )
    pBcd[bcdIdx] += ( PHB_CMH_INVALID_BCD_ENTRY << 4 );

  *pNumDigits = bcdIdx;

   * The rest of the phone number is filled up with 'FF'
  restLen = maxDigits - bcdIdx;
  if ( restLen > 0 )
    memset ( &pBcd[bcdIdx], 
             restLen );

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : CMH_PHBF                 |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : cmhPHB_cpyRecEntr        |

  PURPOSE : This function is used to copy the relevant data from the
            T_PHB_RECORD structure to the T_ACI_PB_ENTR structure.
GLOBAL void cmhPHB_cpyRecEntr ( T_ACI_PB_ENTR* entry,
#ifdef TI_PS_FFS_PHB
                               T_PHB_TYPE     book,
                          const T_PHB_RECORD*  record )
#ifdef TI_PS_FFS_PHB
  entry -> index = record->phy_recno;
  entry -> index = ( SHORT ) record -> index;

  cmhPHB_getAdrStr ( entry -> number,
                     MAX_PHB_NUM_LEN - 1,
                     record -> number,
                     record -> len );

  cmhPHB_toaDmrg ( record -> ton_npi, &entry -> type );

  cmhPHB_getMfwTagNt ( record -> tag,  record -> tag_len, 
                       entry  ->, &entry -> text.len );

  entry -> text.cs = CS_Sim;

/* Implements Measure 108, 109 */
#ifdef TI_PS_FFS_PHB
  if ( (book >= INVALID_PHB) AND (book <= MAX_PHONEBOOK) )
    entry -> book = ( T_ACI_PB_STOR ) cmhPHB_cvtPhbPsaType[book];
  if ( record -> book <= MAX_PHONEBOOK )
    entry -> book = ( T_ACI_PB_STOR ) cmhPHB_cvtPhbPsaType[record -> book];
#endif /* TI_PS_FFS_PHB */

  cmhPHB_cpyPhbDateTime ( record,  &entry -> dateTime );

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : CMH_PHBF                 |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : cmhPHB_invldEntr         |

  PURPOSE : This function is used to invalidate the elements of 
            a T_ACI_PB_ENTR structure.
GLOBAL void cmhPHB_invldEntr ( T_ACI_PB_ENTR* entry )
  entry -> index     = ACI_NumParmNotPresent;
  entry -> number[0] = '\0';
  entry -> type.ton  = TON_Unknown;
  entry -> type.npi  = NPI_IsdnTelephony;
  entry -> text.len  = 0;  
  entry -> book      = PB_STOR_NotPresent;

  cmhPHB_invldCmhDateTime ( &entry -> dateTime);

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : CMH_PHBF                 |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : cmhPHB_getTagNt          |

  PURPOSE : This function converts the actual tag in the format used
            when storing it on the SIM into a null terminated string.
GLOBAL void cmhPHB_getTagNt ( UBYTE* inTag,
                              UBYTE  maxInLen,
                              CHAR*  outTag, 
                              UBYTE  maxOutLen )
  UBYTE i = 0;

  while ( i < maxOutLen - 1 AND i < maxInLen AND 
          inTag[i] NEQ PHB_CMH_INVALID_TAG_ENTRY )
     * Convert from default GSM to internal GSM alphabet
    outTag[i] = ( CHAR ) inTag[i] | 0x80;

  outTag[i] = '\0';

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : CMH_PHBF                 |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : cmhPHB_getMfwTagNt       |

  PURPOSE : This function copy the actual tag .
GLOBAL void cmhPHB_getMfwTagNt ( const UBYTE* inTag,
                                 UBYTE  maxInLen,
                                 UBYTE* outTag, 
                                 UBYTE* maxOutLen )
  UBYTE len;

 if(maxInLen EQ 0)
   memset(outTag, 0, MAX_ALPHA_LEN); /* we need to set out tag to 0 to prevent to be recognized by UCS2 decoder */
   *maxOutLen = 0;

 len = pb_get_entry_len(inTag, maxInLen);

 if (len >= MAX_ALPHA_LEN)
   len = MAX_ALPHA_LEN;

 memcpy(outTag, inTag, len);
 *maxOutLen = len;

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : CMH_PHBF                 |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : cmhPHB_getTagSim         |

  PURPOSE : This function converts the actual tag as a null
            terminated string in the format used when storing it on 
            the SIM.
GLOBAL void cmhPHB_getTagSim ( T_ACI_PB_TEXT  *inTag,
                               UBYTE          *outTag, 
                               UBYTE          maxOutLen )
  UBYTE inLen   = inTag->len;
  UBYTE i       = MINIMUM ( maxOutLen, inLen);
  SHORT restLen = maxOutLen - inLen;
  UBYTE j;

   * Convert from internal GSM to default GSM alphabet
  for ( j = 0; j < i; j++ )
    outTag[j] = inTag->data[j] & 0x7F;
  if ( restLen > 0 )
    memset ( &outTag[i], PHB_CMH_INVALID_TAG_ENTRY, restLen);

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : CMH_PHBF                 |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : cmhPHB_getMfwTagSim      |

  PURPOSE : This function converts the actual tag string in the 
            format used when storing it on the SIM.
GLOBAL void cmhPHB_getMfwTagSim ( T_ACI_PB_TEXT*  inTag,
                                  UBYTE*          outTag,
                                  UBYTE*          outTagLen,
                                  UBYTE           maxOutLen )
  UBYTE i       = MINIMUM ( maxOutLen, inTag->len);
  SHORT restLen = maxOutLen - inTag->len;
  UBYTE j;

   * Convert from internal GSM to default GSM alphabet
  for ( j = 0; j < i; j++ )
    outTag[j] = inTag->data[j];
  *outTagLen = i;

  if ( restLen > 0 )
    memset ( &outTag[i], PHB_CMH_INVALID_TAG_ENTRY, restLen);

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : CMH_PHBF                |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : cmhPHB_invldPhbDateTime |

  PURPOSE : This function is used to invalidate the date and time
            of a phonebook entry.
GLOBAL void cmhPHB_invldPhbDateTime ( T_PHB_RECORD* record )
#ifdef TI_PS_FFS_PHB
  record->v_time      = FALSE;

  /* Backward compatibility. Setting v_time to FALSE would be sufficient */
  record->time.year   = PHB_CMH_YEAR_INVLD;
  record->time.month  = PHB_CMH_MONTH_INVLD;
  record->    = PHB_CMH_DAY_INVLD;
  record->time.hour   = PHB_CMH_HOUR_INVLD;
  record->time.minute = PHB_CMH_MINUTE_INVLD;
  record->time.second = PHB_CMH_SECOND_INVLD;
  record -> year   = PHB_CMH_YEAR_INVLD;
  record -> month  = PHB_CMH_MONTH_INVLD;
  record -> day    = PHB_CMH_DAY_INVLD;
  record -> hour   = PHB_CMH_HOUR_INVLD;
  record -> minute = PHB_CMH_MINUTE_INVLD;
  record -> second = PHB_CMH_SECOND_INVLD;

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : CMH_PHBF                |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : cmhPHB_invldCmhDateTime |

  PURPOSE : This function is used to invalidate the date and time
            of a phonebook entry.
GLOBAL void cmhPHB_invldCmhDateTime ( T_ACI_VP_ABS* dateTime )
  dateTime -> year  [0] = PHB_CMH_INVALID_BCD_ENTRY;
  dateTime -> year  [1] = PHB_CMH_INVALID_BCD_ENTRY;
  dateTime -> month [0] = PHB_CMH_INVALID_BCD_ENTRY;
  dateTime -> month [1] = PHB_CMH_INVALID_BCD_ENTRY;
  dateTime -> day   [0] = PHB_CMH_INVALID_BCD_ENTRY;
  dateTime -> day   [1] = PHB_CMH_INVALID_BCD_ENTRY;
  dateTime -> hour  [0] = PHB_CMH_INVALID_BCD_ENTRY;
  dateTime -> hour  [1] = PHB_CMH_INVALID_BCD_ENTRY;
  dateTime -> minute[0] = PHB_CMH_INVALID_BCD_ENTRY;
  dateTime -> minute[1] = PHB_CMH_INVALID_BCD_ENTRY;
  dateTime -> second[0] = PHB_CMH_INVALID_BCD_ENTRY;
  dateTime -> second[1] = PHB_CMH_INVALID_BCD_ENTRY;

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : CMH_PHBF                |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : cmhPHB_cpyCmhDateTime   |

  PURPOSE : This function is used to convert the date and time used
            within the command handler to the format used in the 
            phonebook management.
GLOBAL void cmhPHB_cpyCmhDateTime ( const T_ACI_VP_ABS* dateTime,
                                    T_PHB_RECORD* record )
#ifdef TI_PS_FFS_PHB
  record->time.year   = (UBYTE)(dateTime -> year  [0] << 4) +
                                dateTime -> year  [1];
  record->time.month  = (UBYTE)(dateTime -> month [0] << 4) +
                                dateTime -> month [1];
  record->    = (UBYTE)(dateTime -> day   [0] << 4) +
                                dateTime -> day   [1];
  record->time.hour   = (UBYTE)(dateTime -> hour  [0] << 4) +
                                dateTime -> hour  [1];
  record->time.minute = (UBYTE)(dateTime -> minute[0] << 4) +
                                dateTime -> minute[1];
  record->time.second = (UBYTE)(dateTime -> second[0] << 4) +
                                dateTime -> second[1];
  record->v_time = (record->time.year NEQ 0xff);
  record -> year   = (UBYTE)(dateTime -> year  [0] << 4) +
                             dateTime -> year  [1];
  record -> month  = (UBYTE)(dateTime -> month [0] << 4) +
                             dateTime -> month [1];
  record -> day    = (UBYTE)(dateTime -> day   [0] << 4) +
                             dateTime -> day   [1];
  record -> hour   = (UBYTE)(dateTime -> hour  [0] << 4) +
                             dateTime -> hour  [1];
  record -> minute = (UBYTE)(dateTime -> minute[0] << 4) +
                             dateTime -> minute[1];
  record -> second = (UBYTE)(dateTime -> second[0] << 4) +
                             dateTime -> second[1];

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : CMH_PHBF                |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : cmhPHB_cpyPhbDateTime   |

  PURPOSE : This function is used to convert the date and time used
            within the phonebook management to the format used in
            the command handler.
GLOBAL void cmhPHB_cpyPhbDateTime ( const T_PHB_RECORD*  record,
                                    T_ACI_VP_ABS*  dateTime )
#ifdef TI_PS_FFS_PHB
  dateTime -> year  [0] = ( record->time.year )   >> 4;
  dateTime -> year  [1] = record->time.year   & 0x0F;
  dateTime -> month [0] = ( record->time.month )  >> 4;
  dateTime -> month [1] = record->time.month  & 0x0F;
  dateTime -> day   [0] = ( record-> )    >> 4;
  dateTime -> day   [1] = record->    & 0x0F;
  dateTime -> hour  [0] = ( record->time.hour )   >> 4;
  dateTime -> hour  [1] = record->time.hour   & 0x0F;
  dateTime -> minute[0] = ( record->time.minute ) >> 4;
  dateTime -> minute[1] = record->time.minute & 0x0F;
  dateTime -> second[0] = ( record->time.second ) >> 4;
  dateTime -> second[1] = record->time.second & 0x0F;
  dateTime -> year  [0] = ( record -> year )   >> 4;
  dateTime -> year  [1] = record -> year   & 0x0F;
  dateTime -> month [0] = ( record -> month )  >> 4;
  dateTime -> month [1] = record -> month  & 0x0F;
  dateTime -> day   [0] = ( record -> day )    >> 4;
  dateTime -> day   [1] = record -> day    & 0x0F;
  dateTime -> hour  [0] = ( record -> hour )   >> 4;
  dateTime -> hour  [1] = record -> hour   & 0x0F;
  dateTime -> minute[0] = ( record -> minute ) >> 4;
  dateTime -> minute[1] = record -> minute & 0x0F;
  dateTime -> second[0] = ( record -> second ) >> 4;
  dateTime -> second[1] = record -> second & 0x0F;

/*==== EOF ========================================================*/