view src/g23m-aci/aci/psa_psi.h @ 220:0ed36de51973

ABB semaphore protection overhaul The ABB semaphone protection logic that came with TCS211 from TI was broken in several ways: * Some semaphore-protected functions were called from Application_Initialize() context. NU_Obtain_Semaphore() called with NU_SUSPEND fails with NU_INVALID_SUSPEND in this context, but the return value wasn't checked, and NU_Release_Semaphore() would be called unconditionally at the end. The latter call would increment the semaphore count past 1, making the semaphore no longer binary and thus no longer effective for resource protection. The fix is to check the return value from NU_Obtain_Semaphore() and skip the NU_Release_Semaphore() call if the semaphore wasn't properly obtained. * Some SPI hardware manipulation was being done before entering the semaphore- protected critical section. The fix is to reorder the code: first obtain the semaphore, then do everything else. * In the corner case of L1/DSP recovery, l1_abb_power_on() would call some non-semaphore-protected ABB & SPI init functions. The fix is to skip those calls in the case of recovery. * A few additional corner cases existed, all of which are fixed by making ABB semaphore protection 100% consistent for all ABB functions and code paths. There is still one remaining problem of priority inversion: suppose a low- priority task calls an ABB function, and some medium-priority task just happens to preempt right in the middle of that semaphore-protected ABB operation. Then the high-priority SPI task is locked out for a non-deterministic time until that medium-priority task finishes its work and goes back to sleep. This priority inversion problem remains outstanding for now.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Mon, 26 Apr 2021 20:55:25 +0000
parents fa8dc04885d8
line wrap: on
line source

|  Project :  GSM-PS (6147)
|  Modul   :  PSA_PSI
|  Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 All rights reserved. 
|                 This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas 
|                 Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey 
|                 any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to 
|                 manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in 
|                 whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of 
|                 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG. 
|  Purpose :  Definitions for the protocol stack adapter Protocol Stack Interface (PSI )
#ifdef FF_PSI

#ifndef PSA_PSI_H
#define PSA_PSI_H

#include "dti_conn_mng.h"
#include "psa_uart.h"

#ifndef P_BAT_H
#ifdef FF_BAT
#include "p_bat.h"
#endif /* FF_BAT */

/*==== CONSTANTS ==================================================*/

#define PSI_DTI_FLOW_OFF     1
#define PSI_DTI_SB_BIT       2
#define PSI_DTI_SA_BIT       4
#define PSI_RING_RUNNING     8

/*==== TYPES ======================================================*/
typedef enum{

typedef struct
  T_ACI_DTR_BEHAVIOUR dtr_behaviour;
  BOOL                dtr_clearcall;
  BOOL                reconnect_to_aci;

#ifdef FF_BAT
typedef struct aci_bat_queue_entry_s
  struct aci_bat_queue_entry_s *next;
  T_BAT_cmd_send                cmd;  /* defined in p_bat.h */
  U8                            client_id;
} T_aci_bat_queue_entry;

typedef struct
  T_aci_bat_queue_entry *first;
  T_aci_bat_queue_entry *last;
} T_aci_bat_queue;

typedef struct
  T_BAT_ctrl_params  curCmd;    /* what is the currently running command */
  BOOL               opened;    /* there was a bat_open() at application */
  BOOL               atd_live;  /* TRUE while waiting for a final response to ATD */
  T_desc2           *send_data; /* due to L2P makes our life hard        */
} T_bat_aci_client_maintain;

typedef unsigned short T_BAT_client;
typedef struct
  T_BAT_client         client;
  T_BAT_cmd_response  *response;
#endif /* FF_BAT */

typedef struct
  U32 devId;
  UBYTE dlci;
  UBYTE srcId;   /* = c_id */
#ifdef FF_BAT
  BOOL                 l2p_configured;    /* BAT and L2P */
  void                *rcv_data;          /* L2P receive buffer pointer, must be freed after BAT cmd processing */
  T_desc2             *send_data;         /* for control channel (0xFE), due to L2P makes our life hard         */
  T_bat_aci_client_maintain  *bat_client; /* BAT client maintenance */
  U8                   active_client;     /* which client runs the current command */
  U8                   max_clients;       /* maximum # of BAT clients */
  T_aci_bat_queue     *queue;             /* pendig BAT commands    */
  U8                  *search_str_ptr;    /* CPBF and similiar candidates */
  T_ACI_BAT_RES        res;
#endif /* FF_BAT */
  BOOL                 run_cmd;
  BOOL                 first_output;
  BYTE                 data_cntr;         /* DTI line flags (eg. SB-BIT) */
  BOOL                 large_type;        /* is it a large output ? */
  T_ACI_DTI_DATA_BUF   data_buffer;
  T_ACI_DEVICE_TYPE    device_type;
  S16                  index1;            /* remember for multi line response cmds the current index */
  S16                  index2;            /* remember for multi line response cmds the current index */


/*==== PROTOTYPES =================================================*/
EXTERN void psaPSI_ConnRej ( U32 devId);
EXTERN void psaPSI_ConnRes ( U32 devId);
EXTERN void psaPSI_CloseReq ( U32 devId);
EXTERN void psaPSI_DTICloseReq ( U32 devId, U32 link_id);
EXTERN void psaPSI_DTIOpenReq ( U32 devId, char* peer_name,
                                ULONG link_id, UBYTE dti_direction);
EXTERN void psaPSI_Dti_Req ( ULONG  link_id, UBYTE  peer, T_DTI_MNG_PSI_MODE con_mode);

EXTERN void psa_psi_DTI_data_req (T_desc2 *data, T_ACI_DTI_PRC_PSI *src_infos,
                               T_DTI_ENTITY_ID peer_id);
EXTERN void psa_psi_DTI_getdata( UBYTE src_id, T_DTI_ENTITY_ID peer_id);
EXTERN void psaPSI_DCDreq( UBYTE c_Id, UBYTE line_state );
EXTERN BOOL psaPSI_ESCAPEreq( UBYTE c_Id, UBYTE detection );
EXTERN void psaPSI_RINGreq( UBYTE c_Id, UBYTE line_state );
EXTERN void psaPSI_SetDTIReq( T_DTI_CONN_LINK_ID link_id, T_DTI_ENTITY_ID conn_peer_Id );
EXTERN BOOL atiPSI_dti_cb( UBYTE dti_id, T_DTI_CONN_STATE result_type );

#ifdef PSA_PSIP_C
#endif /* PSA_PSI_C */

/*==== EXPORT =====================================================*/

#endif /* PSA_PSI_H */
#endif /*FF_PSI*/
/*==== EOF =======================================================*/