view src/g23m-aci/gdd_dio/gdd_dio_if.c @ 220:0ed36de51973

ABB semaphore protection overhaul The ABB semaphone protection logic that came with TCS211 from TI was broken in several ways: * Some semaphore-protected functions were called from Application_Initialize() context. NU_Obtain_Semaphore() called with NU_SUSPEND fails with NU_INVALID_SUSPEND in this context, but the return value wasn't checked, and NU_Release_Semaphore() would be called unconditionally at the end. The latter call would increment the semaphore count past 1, making the semaphore no longer binary and thus no longer effective for resource protection. The fix is to check the return value from NU_Obtain_Semaphore() and skip the NU_Release_Semaphore() call if the semaphore wasn't properly obtained. * Some SPI hardware manipulation was being done before entering the semaphore- protected critical section. The fix is to reorder the code: first obtain the semaphore, then do everything else. * In the corner case of L1/DSP recovery, l1_abb_power_on() would call some non-semaphore-protected ABB & SPI init functions. The fix is to skip those calls in the case of recovery. * A few additional corner cases existed, all of which are fixed by making ABB semaphore protection 100% consistent for all ABB functions and code paths. There is still one remaining problem of priority inversion: suppose a low- priority task calls an ABB function, and some medium-priority task just happens to preempt right in the middle of that semaphore-protected ABB operation. Then the high-priority SPI task is locked out for a non-deterministic time until that medium-priority task finishes its work and goes back to sleep. This priority inversion problem remains outstanding for now.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Mon, 26 Apr 2021 20:55:25 +0000
parents fa8dc04885d8
line wrap: on
line source

|  Project :
|  Modul   :
|  Copyright 2004 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG
|                 All rights reserved.
|                 This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas
|                 Instruments Berlin, AG
|                 The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey
|                 any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to
|                 manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in
|                 whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of
|                 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG.
|  Purpose :  Implementation of the GDD interface with DIOv4 

#define GDD_DIO_IF_C

/*==== INCLUDES =============================================================*/

#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "typedefs.h"
#include "pcm.h"
#include "vsi.h"
#include "custom.h"
#include "gsm.h"
#include "pei.h"

#include "gdd.h"
#include "gdd_dio_data.h"
#include "gdd_dio.h"

#include "gdd_dio_con_mgr.h"
#include "gdd_dio_queue.h"

#include "gdd_dio_dtxf.h"
#include "gdd_dio_drxf.h"

/*==== CONSTANTS ============================================================*/

/*==== TYPES ================================================================*/

/*==== PROTOTYPES ===========================================================*/

/*==== GLOBAL VARS ==========================================================*/

/*==== LOCAL VARS ===========================================================*/

/*==== LOCAL FUNCTIONS=======================================================*/

/*==== EXPORTED FUNCTIONS====================================================*/

/** gdd_init_dio - see header "gdd.h" for comment and description */

GDD_RESULT gdd_init_dio
 T_GDD_INST_ID     inst,
 void *            mem,
 U16               num_con
  T_GDD_DIO_DATA * gdd_dio_data;
  TRACE_FUNCTION("[GDD] gdd_init_dio()");
  /* Check params */
  if(inst < GDD_INST_BAT || inst >= GDD_NUM_INSTS)
    TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] Instance id out of bounds");
  gdd_dio_data = &gdd_dio_data_base[inst];
    TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] Attempted to call gdd_init_dio() twice for same instance");
  if(num_con < 1 || num_con > gdd_dio_data->max_con)
    TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] Number of connections out of bounds");
    gdd_dio_data->con_arr = mem;
    gdd_dio_data->con_arr_mem_allocated = FALSE;
    gdd_dio_data->con_arr = 0;
    MALLOC(gdd_dio_data->con_arr, GDD_DIO_SIZEOF_CONDATA * num_con);
    if(gdd_dio_data->con_arr EQ 0)
      TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] memory allocation failed");
      return GDD_NO_MEMORY;
    gdd_dio_data->con_arr_mem_allocated = TRUE;
  gdd_dio_data->max_con = num_con;
  /* Initialize the connection manager */
  gdd_dio_init_flag[inst] = TRUE;
  return GDD_OK;

/** gdd_deinit  - see header "gdd.h" for comment and description*/
GDD_RESULT gdd_deinit_dio
 T_GDD_INST_ID     inst
  T_GDD_DIO_DATA * gdd_dio_data = 0;
  TRACE_FUNCTION("[GDD] gdd_deinit_dio()");
  if(inst < GDD_INST_BAT || inst >= GDD_NUM_INSTS)
    TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] instance id out of bounds");
  gdd_dio_data = &gdd_dio_data_base[inst];
  /* If we allocated our own memory, free it. */
  if(gdd_dio_data->con_arr_mem_allocated EQ FALSE)
    gdd_dio_data->con_arr = 0;
    gdd_dio_data->con_arr_mem_allocated = FALSE;
  gdd_dio_init_flag[inst] = FALSE;
  return GDD_OK;

/** gdd_connect - see header "gdd.h" for comment and description */
GDD_RESULT gdd_connect_dio
 T_GDD_INST_ID     inst,
 T_GDD_CON_HANDLE * con_handle,
 const T_GDD_CAP * cap,
 T_GDD_SIGNAL_CB   sig_cb
  T_GDD_DIO_DATA * gdd_dio_data;
  TRACE_FUNCTION("[GDD] gdd_connect_dio()");
  * Do the necessary checks.
  if(inst < GDD_INST_BAT || inst >= GDD_NUM_INSTS)
    TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] instance id out of bounds");
  gdd_dio_data = &gdd_dio_data_base[inst];
  if (gdd_dio_data->ker.state NEQ GDD_DIO_KER_READY)
    TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] DIO driver not initialized");
  /* Check if we are already initialized. If we not, we do it ourselfs! */
  /* This is specific to the DIO implementation of GDD */ 
  if(gdd_dio_init_flag[inst] EQ FALSE)
    gdd_init_dio(inst, 0, gdd_dio_data->max_con);
  if(con_handle EQ 0)
    TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] Connection handle pointer cannot be 0");
  if(cap EQ 0)
    TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] Capabilities pointer cannot be 0");
  if(rcv_cb EQ 0 || sig_cb EQ 0)
    TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] Callback function pointer cannot be 0");
  * We are ready to create the DIO connection
  return gdd_dio_con_mgr_new(gdd_dio_data, con_handle, cap, rcv_cb, sig_cb);

/** gdd_disconnect - see header "gdd.h" for comment and description */
GDD_RESULT gdd_disconnect_dio
 T_GDD_CON_HANDLE  con_handle
  if(con_handle EQ 0)
    TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] Connection handle cannot be 0");
  * Inform the connection manager
  return gdd_dio_con_mgr_close(con_handle);

/** gdd_get_send_buffer - see header "gdd.h" for comment and description */
GDD_RESULT gdd_get_send_buffer_dio
 T_GDD_CON_HANDLE  con_handle,
 T_GDD_BUF **      buf,
 U16               data_size
  TRACE_USER_CLASS(TC_FUNC_DATA_FLOW, "[GDD] gdd_get_send_buffer_dio()");
  if(con_handle EQ 0)
    TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] Connection handle cannot be 0");
  if(buf EQ NULL)
    TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] buf cannot be NULL");
  return gdd_dio_dtx_get_send_buffer(con_handle, buf, data_size);

/** gdd_send_data - see header "gdd.h" for comment and description */
GDD_RESULT gdd_send_data_dio
 T_GDD_CON_HANDLE  con_handle,
 T_GDD_BUF *       buf
  TRACE_USER_CLASS(TC_FUNC_DATA_FLOW, "[GDD] gdd_send_data_dio()");
  if(con_handle EQ 0)
    TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] Connection handle cannot be 0");
  if(buf EQ NULL)
    TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] buf cannot be NULL");
  return gdd_dio_dtx_send_buffer(con_handle, buf);

/** gdd_signal_ready_rcv - see header "gdd.h" for comment and description */
void gdd_signal_ready_rcv_dio( T_GDD_CON_HANDLE  con_handle )
  TRACE_FUNCTION("[GDD] gdd_signal_ready_rcv_dio()");
  if(con_handle NEQ 0)

/** Exported function table for DIO implementation of GDD */
T_GDD_FUNC gdd_func_dio =

/*==== EXPORTED HELPER FUNCTIONS=============================================*/

S32 gdd_write_buf_with_pid(const U8 * src_buf,
                           U16 src_size,
                           T_GDD_BUF * dest_buf,
                           U8 protocol_id)
  int idx_seg;
  int remaining;

  /* Check that we have more than one segment and that the first one
     is the PID segment which. */
  TRACE_ASSERT(dest_buf->c_segment > 1);
  TRACE_ASSERT(dest_buf->ptr_gdd_segment[0].c_data EQ GDD_DIO_PID_SEG_SIZE);

  if( dest_buf->c_segment < 2 ||
      dest_buf->ptr_gdd_segment[0].c_data NEQ GDD_DIO_PID_SEG_SIZE )
    return -1;

  /* Set the protocol ID, which is carried in the first buffer segment */
  /* Note: the DTI2 interface in the stack uses only 8 bits for the p_id. */
  dest_buf->ptr_gdd_segment[0].ptr_data[0] = 0x0;/* not used, see note above */
  dest_buf->ptr_gdd_segment[0].ptr_data[1] = protocol_id;

  remaining = src_size;

  for(idx_seg=1; idx_seg<dest_buf->c_segment; ++idx_seg)
    T_GDD_SEGMENT * seg = &(dest_buf->ptr_gdd_segment[idx_seg]);
    int bytes_to_copy = remaining < seg->c_data ? remaining : seg->c_data;

    memcpy(seg->ptr_data, src_buf + src_size - remaining, bytes_to_copy);
    remaining -= bytes_to_copy;
    if(remaining EQ 0) 

  dest_buf->length = src_size - remaining + GDD_DIO_PID_SEG_SIZE;
  return remaining;

#define DTI_PID_IP (0x21)  /* simple ip packet (IPv4) */

S32 gdd_write_buf(const U8 * src_buf, U16 src_size, T_GDD_BUF * dest_buf)
  return gdd_write_buf_with_pid(src_buf, src_size, dest_buf, DTI_PID_IP);

S32 gdd_read_buf(const T_GDD_BUF * src_buf, U8 * dest_buf, U16 dest_size)
  int idx_seg;
  int remaining;

  /* Check that we have more than one segment and that the first one
     is the PID segment which. */

  TRACE_ASSERT(src_buf->c_segment > 1);
  TRACE_ASSERT(src_buf->ptr_gdd_segment[0].c_data EQ GDD_DIO_PID_SEG_SIZE);
  if( src_buf->c_segment < 2 ||
      src_buf->ptr_gdd_segment[0].c_data NEQ GDD_DIO_PID_SEG_SIZE )
    return -1;
  remaining = src_buf->length - GDD_DIO_PID_SEG_SIZE;
  if(remaining > dest_size)
    remaining = dest_size;

  for(idx_seg=1; idx_seg<src_buf->c_segment; ++idx_seg)
    T_GDD_SEGMENT * seg = &(src_buf->ptr_gdd_segment[idx_seg]);
    int bytes_to_copy = remaining < seg->c_data ? remaining : seg->c_data;
    memcpy(dest_buf + dest_size - remaining, seg->ptr_data, bytes_to_copy);
    remaining -= bytes_to_copy;
    if(remaining EQ 0)

  return remaining;