view src/g23m-aci/aci/psa_mmis.c @ 267:10b3a6876273

fc-target.h preprocessor symbols: introduce CONFIG_TARGET_LEO_RFFE Out of our currently existing supported targets, Leonardo and Tango use TI's classic Leonardo RFFE wiring. However, we would like to use the same quadband RFFE with the same classic wiring on our FreeCalypso Libre Dumbphone handset, and also on the planned development board that will serve as a stepping stone toward that goal. Therefore, we introduce the new CONFIG_TARGET_LEO_RFFE preprocessor symbol, and conditionalize on this symbol in tpudrv12.h, instead of a growing || of different targets.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Wed, 09 Jun 2021 07:26:51 +0000
parents fa8dc04885d8
line wrap: on
line source

|  Project :  GSM-PS (6147)
|  Modul   :  PSA_MMI
|  Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 All rights reserved. 
|                 This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas 
|                 Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey 
|                 any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to 
|                 manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in 
|                 whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of 
|                 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG. 
|  Purpose :  This module defines the signalling functions of the 
|             protocol stack adapter for the man machine interface.

#ifndef PSA_MMIS_C
#define PSA_MMIS_C

#include "aci_all.h"

/*==== INCLUDES ===================================================*/
#include "aci_cmh.h"
#include "ati_cmd.h"
#include "aci_cmd.h"

#include "aci_fd.h"
#endif    /* of #ifdef FAX_AND_DATA */

#include "aci.h"
#include "psa.h"
#include "psa_sms.h"
#include "psa_mmi.h"
#include "cmh.h"
#include "cmh_sms.h"
#include "cmh_mmi.h"

/*==== CONSTANTS ==================================================*/
#define CBHZ_ON_MSG_ID  0xDD
#endif /* HOMEZONE */

/*==== TYPES ======================================================*/

/*==== EXPORT =====================================================*/

/*==== VARIABLES ==================================================*/

/*==== FUNCTIONS ==================================================*/

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_MMIS                |
|                                 ROUTINE : psaMMI_Cbch             |

  PURPOSE : cell broadcast channel request


GLOBAL SHORT psaMMI_Cbch ( void )
  TRACE_FUNCTION ("psaMMI_Cbch()");

 * check owner id
    return( -1 );

 * create and send primitive for CBCH request
  if (smsShrdPrm.cbmPrm.cbmHndl NEQ BM0)   /* only if NMI for CBM is set*/
    PALLOC (mmi_cbch_req, MMI_CBCH_REQ);

    /* fill in primitive parameter: CBCH request */
    memcpy ( ( CHAR * ) mmi_cbch_req -> msg_id,
             ( CHAR * ) smsShrdPrm.cbmPrm.msgId,
             sizeof ( mmi_cbch_req -> msg_id ) );

    memcpy ( ( CHAR * ) mmi_cbch_req -> dcs_id,
             ( CHAR * ) smsShrdPrm.cbmPrm.dcsId,
             sizeof ( mmi_cbch_req -> dcs_id ) );

    mmi_cbch_req -> modus = smsShrdPrm.cbmPrm.cbmMode;

    PSENDX (PL, mmi_cbch_req);
    PALLOC (mmi_cbch_req, MMI_CBCH_REQ);

    memset (mmi_cbch_req, NOT_PRESENT_8BIT, sizeof(T_MMI_CBCH_REQ));
    mmi_cbch_req -> modus = MMI_CBCH_STOP;

    PSENDX (PL, mmi_cbch_req);
  return 0;

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_MMIS                |
|                                 ROUTINE : psaMMI_homezone_req     |

  PURPOSE : homezone request


GLOBAL SHORT psaMMI_homezone_req( void )
  TRACE_FUNCTION ("psaMMI_homezone_req()");

 * check owner id
    return( -1 );

 * create and send primitive for CBCH request

    PALLOC (mmi_cbch_req, MMI_CBCH_REQ);

    memset (mmi_cbch_req, NOT_PRESENT_8BIT, sizeof(T_MMI_CBCH_REQ));
    /* fill in primitive parameter: CBCH request */
    mmi_cbch_req->modus     = CBCH_HOMEZONE;

    if ( smsShrdPrm.cbmPrm.hzMode EQ CBHZ_MOD_Active )
      mmi_cbch_req->msg_id[0] = CBHZ_ON_MSG_ID;
      mmi_cbch_req->msg_id[0] = CBHZ_OFF_MSG_ID;

    mmi_cbch_req->dcs_id[0] = smsShrdPrm.cbmPrm.hzDcs;
    mmi_cbch_req->dcs_id[1] = smsShrdPrm.cbmPrm.hzTimeout;

    TRACE_EVENT_P2("MMI_CBCH_REQ: modus %d, msg_id %d", 
                    mmi_cbch_req->modus, mmi_cbch_req->msg_id[0]);

    PSENDX (PL, mmi_cbch_req);
  return 0;
#endif /* FF_HOMEZONE */

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : PSA_MMIS                |
|                                 ROUTINE : psaMMI_Display          |

  PURPOSE : set the parameters for display request


GLOBAL SHORT psaMMI_Display ( void )

  TRACE_FUNCTION ("psaMMI_Display()");

 * create and send primitive for display request 
    PSENDX (PL, mmiShrdPrm.dspRq);

  return 0;

| PROJECT : GSM-PS                MODULE  : PSA_MMIS                |
|                                 ROUTINE : psaMMI_ConfigPrim       |

  PURPOSE : send a config message to a entity

#define CONFIG_STR 0x0

typedef struct
  char config_str[80];

GLOBAL void psaMMI_ConfigPrim (T_HANDLE receiver_handle, 
                               char *config_msg)
  PALLOC (cfg_str, CONFIG_STR);

  D2P(cfg_str)->opc |= SYS_MASK;
  strcpy (cfg_str->config_str, config_msg);

  PSEND (receiver_handle, cfg_str);

/*==== EOF ========================================================*/