line source
| Project :
| Modul :
| Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG
| All rights reserved.
| This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas
| Instruments Berlin, AG
| The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey
| any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to
| manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in
| whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of
| Texas Instruments Berlin, AG.
| Purpose : This module defines the signalling functions of the
| protocol stack adapter for the registration part of
| GPRS session management.
#ifdef GPRS
#ifndef PSA_SMS_C
#define PSA_SMS_C
#include "aci_all.h"
/*==== INCLUDES ===================================================*/
#include "dti.h" /* functionality of the dti library */
#include "aci_cmh.h"
#include "ati_cmd.h"
#include "aci_cmd.h"
#include "aci.h"
#include "psa.h"
#include "dti_conn_mng.h"
#include "dti_cntrl_mng.h"
#include "gaci_cmh.h"
#include "psa_gmm.h"
#include "psa_sm.h"
#include "cmh.h"
#include "gaci.h"
#include "gaci_cmh.h"
#include "cmh_sm.h"
/*==== CONSTANTS ==================================================*/
/*==== TYPES ======================================================*/
/*==== EXPORT =====================================================*/
/*==== VARIABLES ==================================================*/
/*==== FUNCTIONS ==================================================*/
| STATE : finished ROUTINE : psaSM_ActivateReq |
PURPOSE : MS initiates a primary PDP context activation
GLOBAL void psaSM_smreg_pdp_activate_req( U8 cid,
U8 hcomp,
U8 dcomp)
U8 no_of_tft_pf = 0;
USHORT PCO_length = 0;
T_PDP_CONTEXT_INTERNAL *p_pdp_context_node = NULL;
T_TFT_INTERNAL *p_tft_pf_node = NULL;
UBYTE gprs_default_pco[] = {
TRACE_FUNCTION ("psaSM_smreg_pdp_activate_req()");
p_pdp_context_node = pdp_context_find_node_from_cid( cid );
if( !p_pdp_context_node )
TRACE_ERROR( "ERROR: PDP context not found, invalid cid");
/* As in the previous Berlin code the default user_pco.len is 160
* This is not present in Alborg code, but as we have to be consitant with our
* prious implementation we have to set the user_pco some default value
if( p_pdp_context_node->internal_data.user_pco.len EQ 0 )
p_pdp_context_node->internal_data.user_pco.len = sizeof (gprs_default_pco);
memcpy (p_pdp_context_node->internal_data.user_pco.pco, gprs_default_pco, sizeof (gprs_default_pco));
PCO_length = p_pdp_context_node->internal_data.user_pco.len << 3;
no_of_tft_pf = pdp_context_get_no_of_tft_pfs( p_pdp_context_node->cid );
* create and send primitive for context activation
PALLOC_SDU( p_smreg_pdp_activate_req, SMREG_PDP_ACTIVATE_REQ, PCO_length );
p_smreg_pdp_activate_req -> comp_params.hcomp = hcomp;
p_smreg_pdp_activate_req -> comp_params.dcomp = dcomp;
p_smreg_pdp_activate_req -> pdp_type = cmhSM_Get_pdp_type();
p_smreg_pdp_activate_req -> nsapi = (U8)CID_TO_NSAPI( cid );
p_smreg_pdp_activate_req -> ti = gprs_call_table[current_gprs_ct_index].sm_ind.ti;
/* Set the control for the UNIONs sm_qos and sm_min_qos */
cmhSM_Get_QOS ( &p_smreg_pdp_activate_req -> qos );
cmhSM_Get_QOS_min ( &p_smreg_pdp_activate_req -> min_qos );
cmhSM_Get_pdp_address( &p_smreg_pdp_activate_req -> ip_address, &p_smreg_pdp_activate_req->ctrl_ip_address);
cmhSM_Get_smreg_apn ( &p_smreg_pdp_activate_req -> apn );
p_smreg_pdp_activate_req -> ctrl_qos = p_pdp_context_node->ctrl_qos;
p_smreg_pdp_activate_req -> ctrl_min_qos = p_pdp_context_node->ctrl_min_qos;
* At this point the TFT should be added, waiting for a new frame release.
* remove the line below !!!!!!! "no_of_tft_pf = 0;"
/*no_of_tft_pf = 0;*/
if( no_of_tft_pf )
p_smreg_pdp_activate_req -> v_tft = TRUE;
p_smreg_pdp_activate_req -> tft.c_tft_pf = no_of_tft_pf;
p_smreg_pdp_activate_req -> tft.ptr_tft_pf = (T_NAS_tft_pf*) DRP_ALLOC( no_of_tft_pf * sizeof( T_NAS_tft_pf ), 0 );
p_smreg_pdp_activate_req -> v_tft = FALSE;
no_of_tft_pf = 0;
p_tft_pf_node = p_pdp_context_node -> p_tft_pf;
while( p_tft_pf_node AND p_smreg_pdp_activate_req -> v_tft )
memcpy( &p_smreg_pdp_activate_req->tft.ptr_tft_pf[no_of_tft_pf], &p_tft_pf_node->pf_attributes, sizeof( T_NAS_tft_pf ) );
p_tft_pf_node = p_tft_pf_node->p_next;
p_smreg_pdp_activate_req -> sdu.l_buf = PCO_length;
p_smreg_pdp_activate_req -> sdu.o_buf = 0;
if ( PCO_length )
memcpy( &p_smreg_pdp_activate_req -> sdu.buf,
p_pdp_context_node->internal_data.user_pco.len );
psaGMM_NetworkRegistrationStatus( SMREG_PDP_ACTIVATE_REQ, p_smreg_pdp_activate_req );
PSEND( hCommSM, p_smreg_pdp_activate_req );
| STATE : - ROUTINE : psaSM_smreg_pdp_activate_sec_req |
PURPOSE : MS initiates a secondary PDP context activation
#ifdef REL99
GLOBAL void psaSM_smreg_pdp_activate_sec_req( U8 cid )
U32 dti_linkid,
U8 dti_neighbor[NAS_SIZE_ENTITY_NAME],
U8 dti_direction )*/
T_PDP_CONTEXT_INTERNAL *p_pdp_context_prim_node = NULL;
T_PDP_CONTEXT_INTERNAL *p_pdp_context_sec_node = NULL;
T_TFT_INTERNAL *p_tft_pf_node = NULL;
T_SMREG_PDP_ACTIVATE_SEC_REQ *p_smreg_pdp_activate_sec_req = NULL;
U8 no_of_tft_pf = 0;
TRACE_FUNCTION( "psaSM_smreg_pdp_activate_sec_req()");
/* Find secondary PDP context */
p_pdp_context_sec_node = pdp_context_find_node_from_cid( cid );
if( !p_pdp_context_sec_node )
TRACE_ERROR( "ERROR: Secondary PDP context not found, invalid cid");
/* Find primary PDP context */
p_pdp_context_prim_node = pdp_context_find_node_from_cid( p_pdp_context_sec_node->attributes.p_cid );
if( !p_pdp_context_prim_node )
TRACE_ERROR( "ERROR: Primary PDP context not found, invalid cid");
no_of_tft_pf = pdp_context_get_no_of_tft_pfs( p_pdp_context_sec_node->cid );
p_smreg_pdp_activate_sec_req = DRPO_ALLOC( SMREG_PDP_ACTIVATE_SEC_REQ, (no_of_tft_pf * sizeof(T_NAS_tft_pf)) );
p_smreg_pdp_activate_sec_req->nsapi = (U8)CID_TO_NSAPI( cid );
p_smreg_pdp_activate_sec_req->pri_nsapi = (U8)CID_TO_NSAPI( p_pdp_context_prim_node->cid ); /* !!! From primary PDP context */
p_smreg_pdp_activate_sec_req->comp_params.dcomp = p_pdp_context_sec_node->attributes.d_comp;
p_smreg_pdp_activate_sec_req->comp_params.hcomp = p_pdp_context_sec_node->attributes.h_comp;
p_smreg_pdp_activate_sec_req->ti = p_pdp_context_sec_node->internal_data.smreg_ti;
p_smreg_pdp_activate_sec_req->ctrl_qos = p_pdp_context_sec_node->ctrl_qos;
p_smreg_pdp_activate_sec_req->qos = p_pdp_context_sec_node->qos;
p_smreg_pdp_activate_sec_req->ctrl_min_qos = p_pdp_context_sec_node->ctrl_min_qos;
p_smreg_pdp_activate_sec_req->min_qos = p_pdp_context_sec_node->min_qos;
if( no_of_tft_pf )
p_smreg_pdp_activate_sec_req -> v_tft = TRUE;
p_smreg_pdp_activate_sec_req -> tft.c_tft_pf = no_of_tft_pf;
p_smreg_pdp_activate_sec_req -> tft.ptr_tft_pf = (T_NAS_tft_pf*) DP_ALLOC( (no_of_tft_pf * sizeof( T_NAS_tft_pf )), p_smreg_pdp_activate_sec_req, 0 );
p_smreg_pdp_activate_sec_req->v_tft = FALSE;
no_of_tft_pf = 0;
p_tft_pf_node = p_pdp_context_sec_node->p_tft_pf;
while( p_tft_pf_node )
memcpy( &p_smreg_pdp_activate_sec_req->tft.ptr_tft_pf[no_of_tft_pf], &p_tft_pf_node->pf_attributes, sizeof( T_NAS_tft_pf ) );
p_tft_pf_node = p_tft_pf_node->p_next;
psaGMM_NetworkRegistrationStatus( SMREG_PDP_ACTIVATE_SEC_REQ, p_smreg_pdp_activate_sec_req );
PSEND( hCommSM, p_smreg_pdp_activate_sec_req );
| STATE : finished ROUTINE : psaSM_PDP_Deactivate |
PURPOSE : MS initiates a PDP context deactivation
GLOBAL void psaSM_PDP_Deactivate( USHORT nsapi_set, UBYTE smreg_local )
TRACE_FUNCTION ("psaSM_PDP_Deactivate()");
* create and send primitive for context deactivation
PALLOC (smreg_pdp_deactivate_req, SMREG_PDP_DEACTIVATE_REQ);
smreg_pdp_deactivate_req -> nsapi_set = nsapi_set;
smreg_pdp_deactivate_req -> rel_ind = smreg_local;//PS_REL_IND_YES;
PSEND (hCommSM, smreg_pdp_deactivate_req);
| STATE : finished ROUTINE : psaSM_PDP_No_activate |
PURPOSE : GACI is not able to set up another context
GLOBAL void psaSM_PDP_No_activate ( UBYTE smreg_ti, USHORT smreg_cause )
TRACE_FUNCTION ("psaSM_PDP_No_activate()");
* create and send primitive for rejection
* the network requested context activation
PALLOC (smreg_pdp_activate_rej_rsp, SMREG_PDP_ACTIVATE_REJ_RES);
/* fill in primitive parameter: registration mode */
smreg_pdp_activate_rej_rsp -> ti = smreg_ti;
smreg_pdp_activate_rej_rsp->ps_cause.ctrl_value = CAUSE_is_from_nwsm;
smreg_pdp_activate_rej_rsp->ps_cause.value.sm_cause = (unsigned char)smreg_cause;
PSEND (hCommSM, smreg_pdp_activate_rej_rsp);
| STATE : finished ROUTINE : psaSM_PDP_Modify |
PURPOSE : MS initiates a PDP context modification.
GLOBAL void psaSM_PDP_Modify( void )
T_SMREG_PDP_MODIFY_REQ *p_smreg_pdp_modify_req = NULL;
T_PDP_CONTEXT_INTERNAL *p_pdp_context_node = NULL;
T_TFT_INTERNAL *p_tft_node = NULL;
U8 tft_pf_count = 0;
TRACE_FUNCTION ("psaSM_PDP_Modify()");
p_pdp_context_node = pdp_context_find_node_from_cid( work_cids[cid_pointer] );
if( ! p_pdp_context_node )
TRACE_ERROR( "ERROR: PDP context not found, in function psaSM_PDP_Modify" );
* send primitive for modify context
p_smreg_pdp_modify_req = DRPO_ALLOC( SMREG_PDP_MODIFY_REQ, 0 );
/* fill in primitive parameter: registration mode */
p_smreg_pdp_modify_req -> nsapi = (U8)CID_TO_NSAPI( work_cids[cid_pointer] );
p_smreg_pdp_modify_req -> ctrl_qos = p_pdp_context_node->ctrl_qos;
p_smreg_pdp_modify_req -> ctrl_min_qos = p_pdp_context_node->ctrl_min_qos;
p_smreg_pdp_modify_req -> v_tft = FALSE;
cmhSM_Get_QOS ( &p_smreg_pdp_modify_req -> qos );
cmhSM_Get_QOS_min( &p_smreg_pdp_modify_req -> min_qos );
if( p_pdp_context_node -> tft_changed )
// Set the tft_changed bool to false since we are modifying the pdp context now.
p_pdp_context_node -> tft_changed = FALSE;
p_tft_node = p_pdp_context_node -> p_tft_pf;
while( p_tft_node )
tft_pf_count ++;
p_tft_node = p_tft_node -> p_next;
if( tft_pf_count )
p_smreg_pdp_modify_req->v_tft = TRUE;
p_smreg_pdp_modify_req->tft.c_tft_pf = tft_pf_count;
p_smreg_pdp_modify_req->tft.ptr_tft_pf = (T_NAS_tft_pf*) DP_ALLOC( tft_pf_count * sizeof( T_NAS_tft_pf ), p_smreg_pdp_modify_req, 0 );
tft_pf_count = 0;
p_tft_node = p_pdp_context_node -> p_tft_pf;
while( p_tft_node )
memcpy( &p_smreg_pdp_modify_req->tft.ptr_tft_pf[tft_pf_count],
sizeof( T_TFT_INTERNAL ) );
p_tft_node = p_tft_node->p_next;
PSEND( hCommSM, p_smreg_pdp_modify_req );
#endif /* GPRS */
/*==== EOF ========================================================*/