/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Project : | Modul : +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG | All rights reserved. | | This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas | Instruments Berlin, AG | The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey | any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to | manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in | whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of | Texas Instruments Berlin, AG. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Purpose : This modul is part of the entity LLC and implements all | functions to handles the incoming primitives as described in | the SDL-documentation (IRX-statemachine)+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef LLC_IRXP_C#define LLC_IRXP_C#endif#define ENTITY_LLC/*==== INCLUDES =============================================================*/#include "typedefs.h" /* to get Condat data types */#include "vsi.h" /* to get a lot of macros */#include "macdef.h"#include "gprs.h"#include "gsm.h" /* to get a lot of macros */#include "cnf_llc.h" /* to get cnf-definitions */#include "mon_llc.h" /* to get mon-definitions */#include "prim.h" /* to get the definitions of used SAP and directions */#include "llc.h" /* to get the global entity definitions */#include "llc_irxf.h" /* to get IRX helper functions *//*==== CONST ================================================================*//*==== LOCAL VARS ===========================================================*//*==== PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ====================================================*//*==== PUBLIC FUNCTIONS =====================================================*//*+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : irx_ll_getdata_req+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : Handles the primitive LL_GETDATA_REQ|| Parameters : *ll_getdata_req - Ptr to primitive payload|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/GLOBAL void irx_ll_getdata_req ( T_LL_GETDATA_REQ *ll_getdata_req ){ BOOL frame_found; T_LL_UNITDATA_IND *ll_unitdata_ind; TRACE_FUNCTION( "ll_getdata_req" ); SWITCH_LLC (ll_getdata_req->sapi); TRACE_1_PARA("s:%d", ll_getdata_req->sapi); switch (GET_STATE(IRX)) { case IRX_TLLI_UNASSIGNED: /* * Ignore primitive. */ PFREE (ll_getdata_req); /* SET_STATE (IRX, SAME_STATE); */ break; case IRX_TLLI_ASSIGNED: /* * Store L3 ready flag */ llc_data->irx->ll_send_ready = TRUE; PFREE (ll_getdata_req); /* SET_STATE (IRX, SAME_STATE); */ break; case IRX_ABM: /* * Try to retrieve a frame from the queue and * forward it to L3, else store L3 ready flag. */ irx_queue_retrieve (&ll_unitdata_ind, &frame_found); if (frame_found) { PPASS (ll_unitdata_ind, ll_data_ind, LL_DATA_IND); TRACE_2_OUT_PARA("s:%d len:%d", ll_data_ind->sapi, BYTELEN(ll_data_ind->sdu.l_buf)); PSEND (hCommSNDCP, ll_data_ind); llc_data->irx->ll_send_ready = FALSE; /* SET_STATE (IRX, SAME_STATE); */ } else { llc_data->irx->ll_send_ready = TRUE; /* SET_STATE (IRX, SAME_STATE); */ } PFREE (ll_getdata_req); break; case IRX_ABM_BUSY: /* * Try to retrieve a frame from the queue and * forward it to L3, else store L3 ready flag. */ irx_queue_retrieve (&ll_unitdata_ind, &frame_found); if (frame_found) { PPASS (ll_unitdata_ind, ll_data_ind, LL_DATA_IND); TRACE_2_OUT_PARA("s:%d len:%d", ll_data_ind->sapi, BYTELEN(ll_data_ind->sdu.l_buf)); PSEND (hCommSNDCP, ll_data_ind); llc_data->irx->ll_send_ready = FALSE; /* * Indicate the clearance of the 'own received * busy' condition to the peer entity */ irx_send_ack (ABIT_SET_REQ); SET_STATE (IRX, IRX_ABM); } else { llc_data->irx->ll_send_ready = TRUE; /* SET_STATE (IRX, SAME_STATE); */ } PFREE (ll_getdata_req); break; default: PFREE (ll_getdata_req); TRACE_ERROR( "LL_GETDATA_REQ unexpected" ); break; }} /* irx_ll_getdata_req() */