view src/ui/mfw/mfw_lng.c @ 287:3dee79757ae4

UI fw: load handheld audio mode on boot We have now reached the point where use of audio mode config files should be considered mandatory. In ACI usage we can tell users that they need to perform an AT@AUL of some appropriate audio mode, but in UI-enabled fw we really need to have the firmware load audio modes on its own, so that correct audio config gets established when the handset or development board runs on its own, without a connected host computer. Once have FC Venus with both main and headset audio channels and headset plug insertion detection, our fw will need to automatically load the handheld mode or the headset mode depending on the plug insertion state. For now we load only the handheld mode, which has been tuned for FC-HDS4 on FC Luna.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sat, 13 Nov 2021 03:20:57 +0000
parents 92abb46dc1ba
line wrap: on
line source

| PROJECT: MMI-Framework (8417)         $Workfile:: mfw_lng.c       $|
| $Author:: Kk  $ CONDAT GmbH           $Revision:: 3               $|
| CREATED: 27.08.99                     $Modtime:: 14.03.00 13:59   $|
| STATE  : code                                                      |


   PURPOSE : language handling functions

   EXPORT  :

   TO DO   :

   $History:: mfw_lng.c                                             $
 * *****************  Version 3  *****************
 * User: Kk           Date: 14.03.00   Time: 15:48
 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/MS/SRC/MFW
 * added handling of various texts
 * *****************  Version 2  *****************
 * User: Kk           Date: 10.01.00   Time: 14:03
 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/MS/SRC/MFW
 * *****************  Version 3  *****************
 * User: Rm           Date: 12/22/99   Time: 4:34p
 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/SND-MMI/MFW
 * *****************  Version 2  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 22.11.99   Time: 10:29
 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/SND-MMI/MFW
 * *****************  Version 1  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 18.11.99   Time: 16:35
 * Created in $/GSM/Condat/SND-MMI/MFW
 * Initial

#if defined (NEW_FRAME)

#include "typedefs.h"
#include "vsi.h"
#include "pei.h"
#include "custom.h"
#include "gsm.h"


#include "STDDEFS.H"
#include "custom.h"
#include "gsm.h"
#include "vsi.h"


#include <stdio.h>

#include "mfw_mfw.h"
#include "mfw_sys.h"
#include "drv_key.h"
#include "mfw_kbd.h"
#include "mfw_lng.h"

static int lngCommand (U32 cmd, void *h);

EXTERN MfwHdr * current_mfw_elem;

| PROJECT : MMI-Framework (8417)        MODULE  : MFW_LNG            |
| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : lngInit            |

  PURPOSE : initialize language handler


MfwRes lngInit (void)
    mfwCommand[MfwTypLng] = (MfwCb) lngCommand;

    return MfwResOk;

| PROJECT : MMI-Framework (8417)        MODULE  : MFW_LNG            |
| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : lngExit            |

  PURPOSE : finalize language handler


MfwRes lngExit (void)
    mfwCommand[MfwTypLng] = 0;

    return MfwResOk;

| PROJECT : MMI-Framework (8417)        MODULE  : MFW_LNG            |
| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : lngCreate          |

  PURPOSE : create language control


MfwHnd lngCreate (MfwHnd w, MfwEvt e, LngInfo *l, MfwCb f)
    MfwHdr *hdr = (MfwHdr *) mfwAlloc(sizeof(MfwHdr));
    MfwLng *lng = (MfwLng *) mfwAlloc(sizeof(MfwLng));
	MfwHdr *insert_status =0;

    if (!hdr || !lng)
    	TRACE_ERROR("ERROR: lngCreate() Mem Alloc Failed.");


	   	return 0;

    lng->map = e;
    lng->evt = 0;
    lng->handler = f;
    lng->lng = l;

    hdr->data = lng;
    hdr->type = MfwTypLng;

    insert_status = mfwInsert(w,hdr);
  		TRACE_ERROR("ERROR: lngCreate() Failed to Install Handler. ");
   		mfwFree((U8*)lng ,sizeof(MfwLng));
		return 0;
    return insert_status;

| PROJECT : MMI-Framework (8417)        MODULE  : MFW_LNG            |
| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : lngDelete          |

  PURPOSE : delete language control


MfwRes lngDelete (MfwHnd h)
    MfwRes res;

    if (!h)
        return MfwResIllHnd;

    res = (mfwRemove(h)) ? MfwResOk : MfwResIllHnd;

    mfwFree(((MfwHdr *) h)->data,sizeof(MfwLng));

    return res;

| PROJECT : MMI-Framework (8417)        MODULE  : MFW_LNG            |
| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : lngText            |

  PURPOSE : get prmpt text in current language


char* lngText (MfwHnd h, unsigned int t)
    char *err = "lngText: Fatal";
    MfwHdr *hp = h;
    LngInfo *lc;
    const char* const* lt;

    if (!hp || hp->type != MfwTypLng)
        return err;

    lc = ((MfwLng *) (hp->data))->lng;

    if (!lc || !lc->prompts)
        return err;

    if (t >= lc->nPrompts)
        return ((char *) t);

    lt = lc->prompts[lc->language];

    return ((char *) (lt[t]));

| PROJECT : MMI-Framework (8417)        MODULE  : MFW_LNG            |
| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : sigExec            |

  PURPOSE : execute language control related signal


static int sigExec (MfwHdr *curElem, U32 event/*, U8 key*/)
    MfwLng *lc;

    while (curElem)
        if (curElem->type == MfwTypLng)
            lc = curElem->data;
            if (lc->map & event)
                if (lc->handler)        /* handler valid            */
                  // PATCH LE 06.06.00
                  // store current mfw elem
                  current_mfw_elem = curElem;
                  // END PATCH LE 06.06.00
                  if ((*(lc->handler))(event,lc))
                    return 1;       /* event consumed           */
        curElem = curElem->next;

    return 0;

| PROJECT : MMI-Framework (8417)        MODULE  : MFW_LNG            |
| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : lngSignal          |

  PURPOSE : language control related event


void lngSignal (void /*char make, char key*/)
{/*MC, SPR 1389, we have to enable the display whenever
	we send an event up to the MMI*/
  	UBYTE temp = dspl_Enable(0);
    U32 event = 0;  // RAVI

    if (mfwFocus)
        if (sigExec(mfwFocus,event/*,(U8) key)*/))
        { dspl_Enable(temp);/*MC, SPR 1389*/
    if (mfwRoot)
        sigExec(mfwRoot,event/*,(U8) key*/);

   dspl_Enable(temp);/*MC, SPR 1389*/

| PROJECT : MMI-Framework (8417)        MODULE  : MFW_LNG            |
| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : lngCommand         |

  PURPOSE : handle mfw windows command


static int lngCommand (U32 cmd, void *h)
    switch (cmd)
        case MfwCmdDelete:              /* delete me                */
            if (!h)
                return 0;
            return 1;

    return 0;