/*+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| File: cmh_dti.h+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Copyright Condat AG 1999-2000, Berlin| All rights reserved.|| This file is confidential and a trade secret of Condat AG.| The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey| any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to| manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in| whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of| Condat AG.+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Purpose: Definitions for the DTI managment. | | $Identity:$+------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/#ifndef CMH_DTI_H#define CMH_DTI_H/*==== ENUMS =====================================================*/typedef enum /* DTI redirection mode */{ REDIR_DELETE = 0, REDIR_ONCE, REDIR_ALWAYS } T_ACI_REDIR_MODE;typedef enum /* DINF mode */{ SHOW_CURR_CHAN_INF = 0, SHOW_ALL_CHAN_INF} T_ACI_DINF_MODE;typedef enum /* to map*/{ DEV_CPBLTY_CMD = 0, /* AT cmd capability */ DEV_CPBLTY_SER, /* serial capability */ DEV_CPBLTY_PKT, /* packet capability */ DEV_CPBLTY_CMD_SER, /* AT cmd and serial capability */ DEV_CPBLTY_CMD_PKT, /* AT cmd and packet capability */ DEV_CPBLTY_PKT_SER, /* packet and serial capability */ DEV_CPBLTY_CMD_PKT_SER, /* AT cmd, packet and serial capability */ DEV_CPBLTY_NONE /* sentinel for %DINF command */} T_CAP_ID;/*==== STRUCTS =====================================================*/typedef struct{ CHAR *name; T_CAP_ID id;} T_CAP_NAME;/*==== VARIABLE====================================================*//*==== EXPORT =====================================================*/#endif /* CMH_DTI_H *//*==== EOF =======================================================*/