view src/condat/com/include/dti.h @ 301:4bb5772a05a3

AT%SPVER: new command for setting custom speech version lists The speech version list in the Bearer Capability IE tells the network which speech codecs are supported by the MS, and in which order of preference. The standard behaviour is to list all codecs that are supported by the hw+fw platform, and the standard preference order is newer over older, FR over HR. But sometimes it is desirable (for network testing) to artificially restrict which codecs the test MS will declare as supported, and/or to list them in some peculiar non-standard order of preference. Add a new private AT command, AT%SPVER, allowing the user to set and clear custom speech version lists for the Bearer Capability IE composer in CC.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sun, 21 May 2023 21:43:10 +0000
parents 4e78acac3d88
line wrap: on
line source

|  Project :  DTILIB
|  Modul   :  DTI
|  Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 All rights reserved. 
|                 This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas 
|                 Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey 
|                 any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to 
|                 manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in 
|                 whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of 
|                 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG. 
|  Purpose :  Definitions for the Data Transmission Interface, DTI.
|             Includefile for every entity using DTILIB.
 *  Version 1.6


/* NOTE:
 * there is a MACRO definition for "interface" in objbase.h
 * which says
 * #define interface struct
 * and thus would collide with the name "interface"
 * as a quick fix, all "interface" have been changed to "interfac"
 * in the dtilib project. This should not affect any external files


#ifndef DTI_H
#define DTI_H


#if defined (DTI2)
 *  Use SAP DTI2.DOC
#include "p_dti2.h"
 *  Make this code compatible to SAP dti.doc.
#include "p_dti.h"


 * By use the SAP DTI.DOC and the DTI2.DOC there could be double
 * defines. So an undef is used.

#ifdef DTI2_DATA_IND
  #undef DTI2_DATA_IND
#ifdef DTI2_DATA_REQ
  #undef DTI2_DATA_REQ
  #undef DTI2_READY_IND

 *  For calling the primitives over the macros.

 * Version related to DTI SAP 1.

#define T_desc2 T_desc
#define T_desc_list2 T_desc_list
#define desc_list2 desc_list


 * Externally visible dtilib defines
 *  Reason parameter for the callback function
#define DTI_NO_SIGNAL                 0 /* No signal shall be sended */
#define DTI_REASON_CONNECTION_OPENED  1 /* DTI connection opened or reseted */
#define DTI_REASON_CONNECTION_CLOSED  2 /* DTI connection closed */
#define DTI_REASON_DATA_RECEIVED      3 /* UL Data primitive received */
#define DTI_REASON_TX_BUFFER_FULL     4 /* DTI send-queue full */
#define DTI_REASON_TX_BUFFER_READY    5 /* DTI DTI send-queue no longer full */

 * Connection states
#define DTI_CLOSED      0   /* DTI connection is not established */
#define DTI_SETUP       1   /* Waiting for connection_opened signal from DTILIB */
#define DTI_IDLE        2   /* DTI connection is opened */

 * dti_open - direction parameter
 * to lower layer: send request primitives (_REQ / _CNF)
 * to higher layer: send indications       (_IND / _RES)
 * null link: do not send anything
#define DTI_NULL_LINK 0x02    /* null link (null device) */

 * dti_open - link_options parameter
 * the 0 is legacy from previous versions - upon reception of this value
 * the queue-length parameter has to be used to find out about desired
 * behaviour for the send queue
 *   #define FLOW_CNTRL_ENABLED    0     -- Flow control enabled
#define DTI_FLOW_CNTRL_DISABLED 1 /* Flow control entirely disabled */
 * Modes for handling of the send queue
 * Queue is not used
 * Queue without size limitation
 * Notify entity when queue is full,
 * afterwards discard oldest piece of data upon arrival of new data packets
 * Notify entity when queue is full,
 * afterwards discard newly arriving data packets
 * Notify entity when queue is full but keep all buffered data

 * dti_init - entity_options (flags!)
#define DTI_NO_TRACE    (1<<0)

 * Some parameter which are used for initialization.
#define  D_NO_DATA_BASE     NULL
#define  D_NO_INSTANCE      0xFF
#define  D_NO_INTERFACE     0xFF
#define  D_NO_CHANNEL_NR    0xFF

 * Obsolete dtilib defines
 * NOTE: use of these defines is STRONGLY DISCOURAGED since their functionality
 *       is no longer needed and they will be removed some time in the future

 * NOTE: this is _obsolete_ and maintained only for compatibility reasons!!
 * (see link_options parameter)
#define DTI_QUEUE_DISABLED    0 /* Queue not used */
#define DTI_QUEUE_UNLIMITED 255 /* Queue without limitations in size */

 * Home and neighbor entity.
 * NOTE: this is _obsolete_ and maintained only for compatibility reasons!!
 *       instead use the defines
#define HOME        TRUE    /* Indicate the entity or instance which send dti_connect_req */
#define NEIGHBOR    FALSE   /* Indicate the entity or instance which send dti_connect_ind */

 *  Type of the link

#define ENTITY_LINK           0x01   /* normal link with an entity */
#define NULL_LINK              0x02   /* null link (null device) */
#define RIVIERA_BT_LINK   0x03    /* link to BT riviera entity */
#define RIVIERA_ATP_LINK  0x04    /* link to RNET riviera entity */

 * Communication type
 * NOTE: this is _obsolete_ and maintained only for compatibility reasons!!
 * (see link_options parameter)
#define FLOW_CNTRL_ENABLED    0     /* Flow control enabled */
#define FLOW_CNTRL_DISABLED   1     /* Flow control disabled */

 * Connection states
 * NOTE: this is _obsolete_ and maintained only for compatibility reasons!!
 *       these states should be defined in the entities or the prefixec versiones
 *       above should be used
#define CLOSED  0   /* DTI connection is not established */
#define SETUP   1   /* Waiting for connection_opened signal from DTILIB */
#define IDLE    2   /* DTI connection is opened */

 * Entity states for sending
 * NOTE: this is _obsolete_ and maintained only for compatibility reasons!!
 *       these states should be defined in the entity itself
 *       to ensure proper prefixing
#define TX_IDLE      3  /* The entity must not send data primitives (initial state) */
#define TX_READY     4  /* The entity can send data primitives */

 * Entity states for receiving
 * NOTE: this is _obsolete_ and maintained only for compatibility reasons!!
 *       these states should be defined in the entity itself
 *       to ensure proper prefixing
#define RX_IDLE     5   /* Data reception stopped (initial state) */
#define RX_READY    6   /* Ready to receive data */

#define ENTITY_NAME_LEN    0x6         

#define MAX_ATP_LINKS       0x4   /* max. number of links towards the RIV/ATP environment,
                                                       set by AAA*/
 * Value constants for capability
#define DTI_CPBLTY_NO                  0x0         /* used as initial value  = no capabilities */
#define DTI_CPBLTY_CMD                 0x1         /* AT cmd capability              */
#define DTI_CPBLTY_PKT                 0x2         /* packet capability              */
#define DTI_CPBLTY_SER                 0x4         /* serial capability              */

 * typedefs

 * Data Base for each entity.

typedef struct
  T_HANDLE  handle;                   /* GPF task handle */ 
  U8 max_links;                       /* Number of links in the link list
                                        - started from the pointer first_link */
  U32 entity_options;                 /* user specified entity_options */
  void ((*sig_callback)               /* Callback function */
    (U8 instance,                     /* Instance of the entity */
     U8 interfac,                     /* Interface of the entity */
     U8 channel,                      /* Channel */
     U8 reason,                       /* Reason for the callback */
     T_DTI2_DATA_IND *dti_data_ind)); /* Data primitive ul */
#ifdef FF_TCP_IP
  char* own_name;                     /* name of the own entity, held by AAA */
  U16 entity_id_p;                    /* entity id within ATP, the same for all 
                                         entities and AAA */ 
  U32 first_link;                     /* Pointer to link table */

typedef DTI_DATA_BASE * DTI_HANDLE;   /* For calling the data base */

 * Link Table, parameter for each DTI connection.
 * For detail information - please see the MSC DTILIB.DOC
typedef struct
  U32             link_id;        /* Identity for the link communication */
  U8              direction;      /* Direction for the link communication */
  U32             version;        /* DTI Version */
  U8              instance;       /* Instance of the entity */
  U8              interfac;       /* Selected interface */
  U8              channel;        /* Channel number */
  U32             link_options;   /* type of flow control, queueing, .. */
  T_HANDLE        link_handle;    /* Handle for the communication channel */
  U8              queue_size;     /* DTI queue size */
  U8              queue_len;      /* length of the queue */
  T_DTI2_DATA_IND *dti_data_ind;  /* DTI data primitive */
  U8              connect_state;  /* State for connect */
  U8              rx_state;       /* State for receive */
  U8              tx_state;       /* State for send */
  U32             next_link;      /* Pointer to next DTI_LINK struct, last */
                                          /*  linkpointer = NULL */
  U8              link_type;      /* indicate Riviera, NULL or GPF link */
#ifdef FF_TCP_IP
  U16             ul_next_atp_data; /* data to be got from ATP */
  U8              atp_tx_state;   /* flow state of ATP */
  U8              dti_id;         /* ACI identity for the link */
  DTI_DATA_BASE*  entity_db;      /* pointer back to home database */
  UINT16          port_nb;        /* port number, if linked towards RIV */

 * Prototypes for DTILIB

  U8 maximum_links,
  T_HANDLE handle,
  U32 entity_options,
  void (sig_callback(
    U8 instance,
    U8 interfac,
    U8 channel,
    U8 reason,
    T_DTI2_DATA_IND *dti_data_ind
    ) )

EXTERN void dti_deinit( DTI_HANDLE hDTI);

EXTERN BOOL dti_open(
  U8 instance,
  U8 interfac,
  U8 channel,
  U8 queue_size,
  U8 direction,
  U32 link_options,
  U32 version,
  U8 *neighbor_entity,
  U32 link_id

EXTERN BOOL dti_resolve_link_id(
  U8 instance,
  U8 interfac,
  U8 channel,
  U32 *link_id

EXTERN void dti_close(
  U8 instance,
  U8 interfac,
  U8 channel,
  BOOL flush

EXTERN void dti_start( DTI_HANDLE hDTI, U8 instance, U8 interfac, U8 channel);

EXTERN void dti_stop( DTI_HANDLE hDTI, U8 instance, U8 interfac, U8 channel);

EXTERN void dti_send_data(
  U8 instance,
  U8 interfac,
  U8 channel,
  T_DTI2_DATA_IND *dti_data_ind

EXTERN void mfree_desc(DTI_HANDLE hDTI, T_desc_list2 * desc_list2);

EXTERN BOOL dti_tx_buffer_status(
  U8 instance,
  U8 interfac,
  U8 channel,
  U8 *queue_len

 * Functions in ip_kerp.c

#if defined (DTI2)
EXTERN GLOBAL  void dti_dti_connect_req (DTI_HANDLE hDTI,
                            T_DTI2_CONNECT_REQ *dti_connect_req);

EXTERN GLOBAL  void dti_dti_disconnect_req (DTI_HANDLE hDTI,
                            T_DTI2_DISCONNECT_REQ *dti_disconnect_req);

EXTERN GLOBAL  void dti_dti_disconnect_ind (DTI_HANDLE hDTI,
                            T_DTI2_DISCONNECT_IND *dti_disconnect_ind);

EXTERN GLOBAL  void dti_dti_connect_cnf (DTI_HANDLE hDTI,
                            T_DTI2_CONNECT_CNF *dti_connect_cnf);

EXTERN GLOBAL  void dti_dti_connect_res (DTI_HANDLE hDTI,
                            T_DTI2_CONNECT_RES *dti_connect_res);

EXTERN GLOBAL  void dti_dti_connect_ind (DTI_HANDLE hDTI,
                            T_DTI2_CONNECT_IND *dti_connect_ind);

EXTERN GLOBAL  void dti_dti_ready_ind (DTI_HANDLE hDTI,
                            T_DTI2_READY_IND *dti_ready_ind);

EXTERN GLOBAL  void dti_dti_data_req (DTI_HANDLE hDTI,
                            T_DTI2_DATA_REQ *dti_data_req);

EXTERN GLOBAL  void dti_dti_getdata_req (DTI_HANDLE hDTI,
                            T_DTI2_GETDATA_REQ *dti_getdata_req);

EXTERN GLOBAL  void dti_dti_data_ind (DTI_HANDLE hDTI,
                            T_DTI2_DATA_IND *dti_data_ind);

 * Test functions used in the windows operating system.

#if defined (_SIMULATION_)
EXTERN  void dti_dti_data_test_ind (DTI_HANDLE hDTI,
                    T_DTI2_DATA_TEST_IND *dti_data_test_ind);

EXTERN  void dti_dti_data_test_req (DTI_HANDLE hDTI,
                    T_DTI2_DATA_TEST_REQ *dti_data_test_req);

EXTERN BOOL dti_make_new_desc (DTI_HANDLE hDTI,
                               T_desc2 **p_desc_new,
                               U16 malloc_len,
                               BOOL buff_init_0);

#endif /* _SIMULATION_ */
#endif /* DTI_H */