/* +------------------------------------------------------------------------------| File: gdd_dio_data.h+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG | All rights reserved. | | This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas | Instruments Berlin, AG | The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey | any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to | manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in | whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of | Texas Instruments Berlin, AG. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Purpose : Internal data structures for entity gdd_dio (DIO BAT Adapter)+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef GDD_DIO_DATA_H#define GDD_DIO_DATA_H/*==== INCLUDES =============================================================*//* DIO stuff */#include "dio.h" /* for T_DIO_CAP_PKT *//* We must define P_DIO_H, in order to avoid inclusion of p_dio.h. This is necessary due to the special fact, that "dio.h", which is included in the header "dio_io/dio_drv.h", mirrors the header "p_dio.h". */#define P_DIO_H#include "gdd.h"#include "gdd_dio_queue.h" /* for T_GDD_BUF_QUEUE *//*==== DEFINITIONS ==========================================================*/#define GDD_CON_HANDLE_USER_MASK 0xFF000000/*==== CONSTS ===============================================================*//*==== TYPES =================================================================*//** * States of kernel service */typedef enum { GDD_DIO_KER_DEAD = 0, GDD_DIO_KER_INIT, GDD_DIO_KER_READY} T_GDD_DIO_KER_STATE;/** * Kernel service data */typedef struct{ T_GDD_DIO_KER_STATE state;} T_GDD_DIO_KER_DATA;/** * States of a single connection */typedef enum{ GDD_DIO_CON_DEAD = 1, GDD_DIO_CON_CONNECT, GDD_DIO_CON_READY, GDD_DIO_CON_SENDING, GDD_DIO_CON_CLOSE} T_GDD_DIO_CON_STATE;/** * Connection data */typedef struct { T_GDD_BUF_QUEUE rx_queue; /* RX buffer queue */ T_GDD_BUF_QUEUE tx_queue; /* TX buffer queue */ UBYTE con_state; /* Connection state */ UBYTE wait_send_buf; /* Flag indicating that we wait for a send buffer */ U32 dio_device; /* Dio device type */ T_GDD_RECEIVE_DATA_CB rcv_cb; /* Receive callback of the client */ T_GDD_SIGNAL_CB sig_cb; /* Signale callback of the client */ T_DIO_CAP_PKT dio_cap; /* DIO capabilities */} T_GDD_DIO_CON_DATA;/** * DIO driver number */typedef U32 T_GDD_DIO_DRV_NUM;/*==== EXPORTS ===============================================================*/int inst_num_from_dev_id(U32 device);#endif /* !GDD_DIO_DATA_H */