FreeCalypso Luna phone handset UI development platform consists of these 3components:* A Caramel-type Calypso motherboard, either iWOW DSK or FC Caramel2* An LCD carrier board, currently using HaoRan HT020K1QC36S LCD module* A 5x5 keyswitch matrix board for the keypad functionThis Luna is our primary official platform for FreeCalypso phone handset UIdevelopment. The UI code we got from TI comes in two interesting versions:* Big color version: 176x220 pixels, 16-bit color* Small B&W version: originally 84x48 pixels, we are extending it to 96x64 pix(Originally there was also a third version, large 176x220 pix B&W, but we find it uninteresting and we've removed it from our supported set. It was really nothing more than a hack to display a minimal-effort derivative of the original small B&W UI on the large D-Sample LCD, so we are not removing anything of any real substance here.)FC Luna hardware is required for anyone who wishes to work on the phone handsetUI project in FC Tourmaline: it is the only target platform that can displayboth versions of our work-in-progress UI firmware. Mot C1xx and other similarphones have small LCDs that can only display the small B&W version of ourTI-based UI, and in the Mother's opinion working solely on the smallbw versionto the exclusion of the bigcolor version is not acceptable.