view src/g23m-gprs/llc/llc_uirxf.c @ 223:740a8e8fc9d7

startup sync logic rework for the new PWON button boot scheme Previously we added logic to the MMI task to hold off PEI init until R2D is running, and then extended that condition to wait for FCHG init too. However, the dependencies of MMI upon R2D and FCHG don't start until mmiInit(), and that call is driven by Switch_ON() code, hence the wait for R2D and FCHG init can be made in that code path instead of the MMI task. Furthermore, with our new way of signaling PWON button boot to MMI, we need a new wait to ensure that the MMI task is up - previously this assurance was provided by the wait for Kp pointers to be set. Solution: revert our previous PEI init hold-off additions to MMI, add a new flag indicating MMI task init done, and put the combined wait for all needed conditions into our new PWON button boot code in power.c.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Tue, 27 Apr 2021 06:24:52 +0000
parents fa8dc04885d8
line wrap: on
line source

|  Project :  
|  Modul   :  
|  Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 All rights reserved. 
|                 This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas 
|                 Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey 
|                 any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to 
|                 manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in 
|                 whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of 
|                 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG. 
|  Purpose :  This modul is part of the entity LLC and implements all 
|             procedures and functions as described in the 
|             SDL-documentation (UIRX-statemachine)

#ifndef LLC_UIRXF_C
#define LLC_UIRXF_C

#define ENTITY_LLC

/*==== INCLUDES =============================================================*/

#include "typedefs.h"   /* to get Condat data types */
#include "vsi.h"        /* to get a lot of macros */
#include "macdef.h"
#include "gprs.h"
#include "gsm.h"        /* to get a lot of macros */
#include "cnf_llc.h"    /* to get cnf-definitions */
#include "mon_llc.h"    /* to get mon-definitions */
#include "prim.h"       /* to get the definitions of used SAP and directions */
#include "llc.h"        /* to get the global entity definitions */

#include "llc_uirxf.h"  /* to compare own prototyes */
/*==== CONST ================================================================*/

/*==== LOCAL VARS ===========================================================*/

/*==== PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ====================================================*/

/*==== PUBLIC FUNCTIONS =====================================================*/

| Function    : uirx_queue_clean 
| Description : This procedure removes all entries from the UIRX queue
| Parameters  : 
GLOBAL void uirx_queue_clean (void)
  T_UIRX_QUEUE** entry = &(llc_data->uirx->queue);
  TRACE_FUNCTION( "uirx_queue_clean" );

  while (*entry)
     * get pointer to next (=first) entry
    T_UIRX_QUEUE* current = *entry;

     * Free frame, if one is attached to the entry
    if (current->frame != NULL)
      PFREE (current->frame);

     * remove next entry from the entry (make second to first)
    *entry = current->next;
     * free the removed entry
    MFREE (current);

} /* uirx_queue_clean() */

| Function    : uirx_queue_store
| Description : This procedure stores the primitive to the end of the queue.
|               If the queue is full, an the primitive is freed.
| Parameters  : 
GLOBAL void uirx_queue_store (T_LL_UNITDATA_IND *ll_unitdata_ind)
  T_UIRX_QUEUE** entry       = &(llc_data->uirx->queue);
  int            num_entries = 0;

  TRACE_FUNCTION( "uirx_queue_store" );

   * Skip, but count, already for L3 ready waiting entries.
   * If queue is already full, free this primitive.
  while (*entry)
    if (num_entries >= UIRX_QUEUE_SIZE)
      PFREE (ll_unitdata_ind);
      TRACE_EVENT ("LL_UNITDATA_IND ignored -> UIRX queue is full");

    entry = &((*entry)->next);

   * Allocate management memory
  MALLOC( *entry, sizeof(T_UIRX_QUEUE) );

  if (*entry)
     * Queue primitive
    (*entry)->next   = NULL;
    (*entry)->frame  = ll_unitdata_ind;

     * Out of memory
    PFREE (ll_unitdata_ind);
    TRACE_ERROR( "Out of memory in uirx_queue_store()" );

} /* uirx_queue_store() */

| Function    : uirx_queue_retrieve
| Description : Retrieve the next frame, if any. 
| Parameters  : 
GLOBAL BOOL uirx_queue_retrieve (T_LL_UNITDATA_IND **ll_unitdata_ind)
  T_UIRX_QUEUE** entry = &(llc_data->uirx->queue);

  TRACE_FUNCTION( "uirx_queue_retrieve" );

   * Take the first queue entry, if there is any.
  if (*entry)
     * Store pointer to the entry
    T_UIRX_QUEUE* current = *entry;

     * Remove entry from the queue (make second to first)
    *entry = current->next;

    *ll_unitdata_ind = current->frame;
     * Free retrieved management entry
    MFREE (current);

    return TRUE;
     * Set default return values
    *ll_unitdata_ind = NULL;

    return FALSE;

} /* uirx_queue_retrieve() */

| Function    : uirx_init
| Description : This procedure initialises all necessary variables of
|               ui_frames_rx for all SAPIs.
| Parameters  : 
GLOBAL void uirx_init (void)
  UBYTE inc;

  TRACE_FUNCTION( "uirx_init" );
   * Initialise every incarnation of UIRX with state TLLI_UNASSIGNED_NOT_READY,
   * except incarnation 0 (= SAPI 1), because we have no flow control for 
   * SAPI 1.
  SWITCH_SERVICE (llc, uirx, 0);

  SWITCH_SERVICE (llc, uirx, 1);
  SWITCH_SERVICE (llc, uirx, 2);
  SWITCH_SERVICE (llc, uirx, 3);
  SWITCH_SERVICE (llc, uirx, 4);
  SWITCH_SERVICE (llc, uirx, 5);

   * Initialise the UIRX queue structure
  for (inc = 0; inc < UIRX_NUM_INC; inc++)
    SWITCH_SERVICE (llc, uirx, inc);

     * Free old used resources (in case of an LLC restart):
    uirx_queue_clean ();
    llc_data->uirx->queue = NULL;

} /* uirx_init() */

| Function    : uirx_init_sapi
| Description : This procedure initialises all necessary variables of
|               ui_frames_rx for the given SAPI.
| Parameters  : 
GLOBAL void uirx_init_sapi (void)
  TRACE_FUNCTION( "uirx_init_sapi" );
   * <R.LLC.TLLI_ASS.A.007>, <R.LLC.TLLI_ASS.A.009>
  llc_data->sapi->vur = 0;

  llc_data->uirx->last_32_frames_bitfield = 0L;

} /* uirx_init_sapi() */

| Function    : uirx_store_nu
| Description : This procedure stores the given n(u) in a list of the last 32 
|               received n(u)s concerning the given SAPI. Therefore the 
|               variable v(ur) is passed to the procedure, which contains 
|               the current value of the unacknowledged receive sequence 
|               number.
| Parameters  : nu  - N(U), must be in the range vur-32 <= nu < vur
|               vur - V(UR)
GLOBAL void uirx_store_nu (T_FRAME_NUM nu, T_FRAME_NUM vur)
  USHORT            diff;

  TRACE_FUNCTION( "uirx_store_nu" );
   * Set the bit for the received N(U) in last_32_frames_bitfield. The 
   * relative bit position referring to V(UR) has already been stored 
   * in diff.
  diff = (vur + (MAX_SEQUENCE_NUMBER+1) - nu - 1) % (MAX_SEQUENCE_NUMBER+1);

  llc_data->uirx->last_32_frames_bitfield |= (0x00000001L) << diff;

} /* uirx_store_nu() */

| Function    : uirx_check_nu
| Description : This procedure checks if the given n(u) has already been 
|               received for the current SAPI within the last 32 frames (see 
|               procedure store_nu).
| Parameters  : nu    - N(U), must be in the range vur-32 <= nu < vur
|               vur   - V(UR)
| Returns     : TRUE  - if frame was already received.
|               FALSE - else
GLOBAL BOOL uirx_check_nu (T_FRAME_NUM nu, T_FRAME_NUM vur)
  USHORT diff;

  TRACE_FUNCTION( "uirx_check_nu" );
   * The difference (modulo counted) between V(UR) and N(U) is 
   * calculated as follows:
   * - add 512 (maximum sequence number + 1) to V(UR), in case V(UR)
   *   is smaller than N(U)
   * - subtract N(U)
   * - subtract 1 because V(UR) is not contained within 
   *   last_32_frames_bitfield and thus the bit shift must be one less
   * - afterwards apply modulo 512 to get back into the range of 
   *   sequence numbers, because we added this value initially to
   *   V(UR)
  diff = (vur + (MAX_SEQUENCE_NUMBER+1) - nu - 1) % (MAX_SEQUENCE_NUMBER + 1);

   * Check if the corresponding bit of N(U) in last_32_frames_bitfield is 
   * set. The bit is stored in last_32_frames_bitfield relative to V(UR).
  return ((llc_data->uirx->last_32_frames_bitfield & (0x00000001L << diff)) != 0L);
} /* uirx_check_nu() */

| Function    : uirx_set_new_vur
| Description : This procedure handles setting vur to a new value. The modulo
|               operation and the handling of the last_32_frames_bitfield
|               is done here.
| Parameters  : new_vur - V(UR), must be in range V(UR) < new_vur < V(UR)-32
GLOBAL void uirx_set_new_vur (T_FRAME_NUM new_vur)
  USHORT diff;

  TRACE_FUNCTION( "uirx_set_new_vur" );

  new_vur %= (MAX_SEQUENCE_NUMBER+1);
   * The difference (modulo counted) between V(UR) and the new_vur is 
   * calculated as follows:
   * - add 512 (maximum sequence number + 1) to new_vur
   * - subtract V(UR)
   * - afterwards apply modulo 512 to get back into the range of 
   *   sequence numbers, because we added this value initially
  diff = (new_vur + (MAX_SEQUENCE_NUMBER+1) - llc_data->sapi->vur) 
           % (MAX_SEQUENCE_NUMBER+1);

   * Now move the bitfield indicating the last 32 frames numbers. If the diff
   * from current to new_vur is to large, the bitfild is automaticly cleard
   * by shifting all bits out.
  llc_data->uirx->last_32_frames_bitfield <<= diff;

   * Increase oc if necessary. If new_vur is a higher value, no overflow
   * encountered. If new_vur is lower, an retransmission could be possible
   * or we have had an overflow. But this function will not be called in 
   * case of a retransmission!
  if ( new_vur < llc_data->sapi->vur )
    llc_data->sapi->oc_ui_rx += (MAX_SEQUENCE_NUMBER+1);

   * Set net V(UR) value
  llc_data->sapi->vur = new_vur;

} /* uirx_set_new_vur() */