view src/ui/mfw/mfw_win.h @ 223:740a8e8fc9d7

startup sync logic rework for the new PWON button boot scheme Previously we added logic to the MMI task to hold off PEI init until R2D is running, and then extended that condition to wait for FCHG init too. However, the dependencies of MMI upon R2D and FCHG don't start until mmiInit(), and that call is driven by Switch_ON() code, hence the wait for R2D and FCHG init can be made in that code path instead of the MMI task. Furthermore, with our new way of signaling PWON button boot to MMI, we need a new wait to ensure that the MMI task is up - previously this assurance was provided by the wait for Kp pointers to be set. Solution: revert our previous PEI init hold-off additions to MMI, add a new flag indicating MMI task init done, and put the combined wait for all needed conditions into our new PWON button boot code in power.c.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Tue, 27 Apr 2021 06:24:52 +0000
parents 92abb46dc1ba
line wrap: on
line source

| PROJECT: MMI-Framework (8417)         $Workfile:: mfw_win.h       $|
| $Author:: Es  $ CONDAT GmbH           $Revision:: 8               $|
| CREATED: 21.09.98                     $Modtime:: 23.03.00 9:08    $|
| STATE  : code                                                      |


   PURPOSE : window types & constants

   EXPORT  :

   TO DO   :

   $History:: mfw_win.h                                             $
 * *****************  Version 8  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 23.03.00   Time: 14:42
 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/MS/SRC/MFW
 * Added 'winUnhide()': no update(), no event.
 * *****************  Version 7  *****************
 * User: Kk           Date: 17.01.00   Time: 8:56
 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/MS/SRC/MFW
 * added simple check functions for easy checking if win is visible,
 * focussed, closed
 * *****************  Version 6  *****************
 * User: Le           Date: 6.01.00    Time: 9:23
 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/MS/SRC/MFW
 * Alignment of MFW versions
 * *****************  Version 3  *****************
 * User: Xam          Date: 12/15/99   Time: 4:06p
 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/SND-MMI/MFW
 * Added constant MfwWinClosed.
 * *****************  Version 2  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 22.11.99   Time: 10:30
 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/SND-MMI/MFW
 * *****************  Version 1  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 18.11.99   Time: 16:35
 * Created in $/GSM/Condat/SND-MMI/MFW
 * Initial
 * *****************  Version 5  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 6.07.99    Time: 12:37
 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW
 * *****************  Version 4  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 17.02.99   Time: 20:01
 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW
 * *****************  Version 3  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 14.01.99   Time: 17:19
 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW
 * *****************  Version 2  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 23.12.98   Time: 16:19
 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW

#ifndef _DEF_MFW_WIN_H_
#define _DEF_MFW_WIN_H_

typedef struct MfwWinAttrTag            /* WINDOW ATTRIBUTES        */
    MfwRect win;                        /* window position and size */
    MfwRect view;                       /* view position and size   */
    U16 bgColor;                        /* background color         */
} MfwWinAttr;

typedef unsigned long *MfwUserDataPtr ;

typedef struct MfwWinTag                /* WINDOW CONTROL BLOCK     */
    MfwEvt mask;                        /* selection of events      */
    MfwEvt flags;                       /* current event            */
    MfwCb handler;                      /* event handler            */
    MfwWinAttr *attr;                   /* window attributes        */
    MfwHdr *elems;                      /* window elements          */
    void *user;                         /* user specific data       */
} MfwWin;

                                        /* WINDOW FLAGS             */
#define MfwWinVisible       1           /* window is visible        */
#define MfwWinFocussed      2           /* input focus / selected   */
#define MfwWinDelete        4           /* window will be deleted   */
#define MfwWinClosed        256         /* Child window closed ??   */
/* xreddymn Aug-09-2004, MMI-SPR-23964 (TII_MMS33)
 * Implemented suspend and resume functionality for MFW windows
#define MfwWinSuspend       8           /* window is suspended      */
#define MfwWinResume        16          /* window is resumed        */
                                        /* PROTOTYPES               */
MfwRes winInit (U16 *sx, U16 *sy);
MfwRes winExit (void);
MfwHnd winCreate (MfwHnd w, MfwWinAttr *a, MfwEvt e, MfwCb f);
MfwRes winDelete (MfwHnd w);
MfwRes winShow (MfwHnd w);
MfwRes winHide (MfwHnd w);
MfwRes winUnhide (MfwHnd w);
MfwHnd winFocus (MfwHnd w);
U8 winAutoFocus (U8 useit);
MfwRes winClear (MfwHnd win);
MfwRes winUpdate (MfwWin *w);
MfwHnd winNext (MfwHnd winCur);
MfwHnd winPrev (MfwHnd winCur);

int	winIsVisible(MfwHnd w);
int	winIsFocussed(MfwHnd w);
int	winIsClosed(MfwHnd w);

void mfw_traceWinHdrs(void);
