FreeCalypso Tourmaline firmware project=======================================In chronological terms, FC Tourmaline is our fourth firmware offering afterCitrine, Magnetite and Selenite. FC Tourmaline supports the following twofundamental modes of operation:* AT-command-controlled modem operation (no UI) is currently unchanged from Magnetite hybrid; standard modem operation is supported on Tango/Caramel2, FCDEV3B and Openmoko hardware targets.* The new work being done in Tourmaline is phone handset functionality - the goal is to produce firmware that can operate a suitable hardware unit as an untethered end user phone. Only two hardware targets are supported in this FC Tourmaline handset UI development venture: FC Luna development platform and Motorola C139.See the following articles under doc for further details:C139-notes -- running smallbw version of the UI on Mot C139Luna-notes -- running both UI versions on FC LunaModem-operation -- using the modem configurationTechnical details=================Just like FC Selenite, Tourmaline is derived from the hybrid config ofMagnetite. Also in common with Selenite, Tourmaline uses the new sourceversion of Nucleus. However, unlike Selenite, Tourmaline retains sole use ofthe original TMS470 compiler (runs under Wine), retains the original blobversions of OSL and OSX glue components of GPF in the default config (seedoc/Blob-status), and includes both modem and handset functional configs.Purpose and goal================As of late 2020, FreeCalypso has achieved everything that needs to be done onthe modem side: our Magnetite hybrid or Tourmaline stdmodem firmware running onour Tango modem module embodies complete fulfillment of our long-standing desirefor a standard GSM+GPRS modem module with fully published circuit schematics andfirmware source code. No more significant work beyond maintenance is deemed tobe needed on the modem side.OTOH, the other need for a FreeCalypso handset that can replace proprietaryphones like Mot C1xx or Pirelli DP-L10 running their original proprietary fwstill remains as unmet as it was when we started back in 2013. Thus the newFreeCalypso work direction is to finally produce this FC handset, initially inthe form of FC firmware running on Mot C139 (and on FC Luna to keep up thebigcolor config) and allowing the possibility of new FreeCalypso handset hw.Seen from the perspective of handset rather than modem functionality, thedirection taken in Citrine and Selenite (going for 100% blob-free compilationwith gcc) is the wrong way to go. That direction would make sense if one caredonly about modem functionality rather than handset, but we are currently in theopposite situation. In the case of handset functionality, going for a compilerchange to gcc in our current state when so many other parts are broken and inneed of fixing would be pure insanity, and we are not going there. Let usfirst produce a working FreeCalypso handset (with fw compiled with TMS470 underWine, keeping the tiny remaining blobs) that can replace Mot/Pirelli's originalproprietary firmwares for daily use, and *then* think about moving to 100%blob-free gcc - in this order.