view src/cs/drivers/drv_app/abb/board/abb_inth.c @ 275:79cfefc1e2b4

audio mode load: gracefully handle mode files of wrong AEC version Unfortunately our change of enabling L1_NEW_AEC (which is necessary in order to bring our Calypso ARM fw into match with the underlying DSP reality) brings along a change in the audio mode file binary format and file size - all those new tunable AEC parameters do need to be stored somewhere, after all. But we already have existing mode files in the old format, and setting AEC config to garbage when loading old audio modes (which is what would happen without the present change) is not an appealing proposition. The solution implemented in the present change is as follows: the audio mode loading code checks the file size, and if it differs from the active version of T_AUDIO_MODE, the T_AUDIO_AEC_CFG structure is cleared - set to the default (disabled AEC) for the compiled type of AEC. We got lucky in that this varying T_AUDIO_AEC_CFG structure sits at the end of T_AUDIO_MODE!
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Fri, 30 Jul 2021 02:55:48 +0000
parents f2e52cab0a73
line wrap: on
line source

/*                                                                                */
/*   Property of Texas Instruments -- For  Unrestricted  Internal  Use  Only      */
/*   Unauthorized reproduction and/or distribution is strictly prohibited.  This  */
/*   product  is  protected  under  copyright  law  and  trade  secret law as an  */
/*   unpublished work.  Created 1987, (C) Copyright 1997 Texas Instruments.  All  */
/*   rights reserved.                                                             */
/*                                                                                */
/*                                                                                */
/*   Filename          : abb_inth.c                                               */
/*                                                                                */
/*   Description       : Functions to manage the ABB device interrupt.            */
/*                       The Serial Port Interface is used to connect the TI   	  */
/*		         Analog BaseBand (ABB).		                          */
/*		         It is assumed that the ABB is connected as the SPI       */
/*                       device 0, and ABB interrupt is mapped as external IT.    */
/*                                                                                */
/*   Author            : Pascal PUEL                                              */
/*                                                                                */
/*   Version number   : 1.2                                                       */
/*                                                                                */
/*   Date and time    : 07/02/03                                                  */
/*                                                                                */
/*   Previous delta   : Creation                                                  */
/*                                                                                */
/*                                                                                */
/*   17/12/03                                                                     */
/*   The original abb_inth.c has been splitted between the actual abb_inth.c      */
/*   located in drv_apps directory and abb_inth_core.c located in drv_core        */
/*   directory.                                                                   */
/*                                                                                */

#include "l1sw.cfg"
#include "chipset.cfg"
#include "swconfig.cfg"
#include "sys.cfg"
#include "fc-target.h"

#include "l1_macro.h"
#include "l1_confg.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "abb/abb_inth.h"
#include "nucleus.h"

#include "rv/rv_defined_swe.h"     // for RVM_PWR_SWE

#if (CHIPSET == 12)
    #include "sys_inth.h"
    #include "inth/iq.h"

#include "cust_os.h"
#include "l1_signa.h"
#include "abb/abb.h"

#if defined (OP_WCP)
  #include "ffs/ffs.h"
  #include "ffs/board/ffspcm.h"

#include "rvm/rvm_use_id_list.h"   // for SPI_USE_ID
#include "spi/spi_env.h"
#include "spi/spi_process.h"       // for ABB_EXT_IRQ_EVT
#include "kpd/kpd_power_api.h"     // for kpd_power_key_pressed()
#include "power/power.h"

#ifdef RVM_LCC_SWE
  #include "lcc/lcc_api.h"
  #include "lcc/lcc_cfg_i.h"
  #include "lcc/lcc.h"
  #include "lcc/lcc_env.h"

  #include "fchg/fchg_struct.h"
  #include "fchg/fchg_messages.h"

/*                                                                              */
/*  Function Name: spi_abb_read_int_reg_callback                                */
/*                                                                              */
/*  Purpose:      Callback function                                             */
/*                Called when an external interrupt has occured and the         */
/*                ABB interrupt register has been read.                         */
/*                                                                              */
void spi_abb_read_int_reg_callback(SYS_UWORD16 *read_value)
   SYS_UWORD16 loop_count;
   SYS_UWORD16 status_value;
   xSignalHeaderRec *adc_msg;
   volatile SYS_UWORD8 i;

#if (defined(RVM_LCC_SWE) || defined(RVM_FCHG_SWE))
   struct pwr_adc_ind_s *addr;
   extern T_PWR_CTRL_BLOCK *pwr_ctrl;

   // check all the possible causes of the ABB IT
   if (*read_value & PUSHOFF_IT_STS)
      /* Push Button from ON to OFF */
      /* condition below removed in FreeCalypso */
      /* if (SPI_GBL_INFO_PTR->is_gsm_on == TRUE) */

       // WCP Patch
       #if (OP_WCP == 1)
         // Backup of GSM FFS is remotely handled by MPU-S
         // we trigger the backup upon each ON->OFF transition
         ffs_backup ();
         /* Since this callback function is called from the SPI task
         it can't be interrupted by another task
         so we can directly access the SPI through the low-level driver */

         #if ((ANLG_FAM == 1) || (ANLG_FAM == 2))
         status_value = (ABB_Read_Status() & ONREFLT);
         #elif (ANLG_FAM == 3)
         status_value = (ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1, VRPCCFG) & PWOND);

         if (status_value == PWR_OFF_KEY_PRESSED)
            /* Inform keypad that key ON/OFF has been pressed */
          #ifndef CONFIG_TARGET_COMPAL

            loop_count = 0;
            /* Wait loop for Power-OFF */
            while ((loop_count < OFF_LOOP_COUNT) &&
                   (status_value == PWR_OFF_KEY_PRESSED))
               #if ((ANLG_FAM == 1) || (ANLG_FAM == 2))
               status_value = (ABB_Read_Status() & ONREFLT);
               #elif (ANLG_FAM == 3)
               status_value = (ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1, VRPCCFG) & PWOND);

            if (status_value == PWR_OFF_KEY_PRESSED) /* Power-OFF request detected */
               rvf_send_trace("IQ EXT: Power Off request",25, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW, SPI_USE_ID);

       #endif //WCP

   if (*read_value & REMOT_IT_STS)
      rvf_send_trace("IQ EXT: Power Off remote request",32, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW, SPI_USE_ID);

      /* 'Remote Power' from ON to OFF */

   if (*read_value & ADCEND_IT_STS)
      rvf_send_trace("IQ EXT: ADC End",15, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW, SPI_USE_ID);

      /* ADC end of conversion */
      adc_msg = os_alloc_sig(sizeof(T_CST_ADC_RESULT));
     if(adc_msg != NULL)
        adc_msg->SignalCode = CST_ADC_RESULT;

          ((T_CST_ADC_RESULT *)(adc_msg->SigP))->adc_result[i] = SPI_GBL_INFO_PTR->adc_result[i];
        os_send_sig(adc_msg, RRM1_QUEUE);
#if (defined(RVM_LCC_SWE) || defined(RVM_FCHG_SWE))
        // Send ADC measurement to PWR (LCC) task
        // NOTE that memory is allocated externally in the PWR task
        if (rvf_get_buf(pwr_ctrl->prim_id, sizeof(struct pwr_adc_ind_s), (void *)&addr) == RVF_RED) {
            rvf_send_trace("rvf_get_buf failed",18, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW, LCC_USE_ID);
            /* Unmask External interrupt */
//            rvf_dump_mem();
        addr->header.msg_id        = PWR_ADC_IND;
        addr->header.src_addr_id   = SPI_GBL_INFO_PTR->addr_id;
        addr->header.dest_addr_id  = pwr_ctrl->addr_id;
        addr->header.callback_func = NULL;
        // FIXME: memcpy from SPI_GBL_INFO_PTR->adc_result - make sure it has not been de-allocated
        memcpy(addr->data, SPI_GBL_INFO_PTR->adc_result, 8*2);
        addr->data[9] = ABB_Read_Status();; // Read & assign ITSTATREG status so we save the polling in PWR task!!
        if (rvf_send_msg(pwr_ctrl->addr_id, addr) != RV_OK) {
            rvf_send_trace("SPI FATAL: Send failed!",23, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW, LCC_USE_ID);

#if (defined(RVM_PWR_SWE) || defined(RVM_LCC_SWE) || defined(RVM_FCHG_SWE))
   if (*read_value & CHARGER_IT_STS)
      /* Charger plug IN or OUT */
#if ((ANLG_FAM == 1) || (ANLG_FAM == 2))
      status_value = ABB_Read_Status();
#elif (ANLG_FAM == 3)
      status_value = ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1, VRPCCFG);
      if (status_value & CHGPRES)
         rvf_send_trace("IQ EXT: Charger Plug",20, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW, SPI_USE_ID);
#ifdef RVM_PWR_SWE
         PWR_Charger_Plug();  /* charger plugged IN */
#if (defined(RVM_LCC_SWE) || defined(RVM_FCHG_SWE))
          // Forward charger plug indication to PWR (LCC) task
          // NOTE that memory is allocated externally in the PWR task
          if (rvf_get_buf(pwr_ctrl->prim_id, sizeof(struct pwr_req_s), (void *)&addr) == RVF_RED) {
              rvf_send_trace("rvf_get_buf failed#1",20, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW, LCC_USE_ID);
          addr->header.msg_id        = PWR_CHARGER_PLUGGED_IND;
          addr->header.src_addr_id   = SPI_GBL_INFO_PTR->addr_id;
          addr->header.dest_addr_id  = pwr_ctrl->addr_id;
          addr->header.callback_func = NULL;
          if (rvf_send_msg(pwr_ctrl->addr_id, addr) != RV_OK) {
              rvf_send_trace("SPI FATAL: Send failed!",23, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW, LCC_USE_ID);
         rvf_send_trace("IQ EXT: Charger Unplug",22, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW, SPI_USE_ID);

#ifdef RVM_PWR_SWE
         PWR_Charger_Unplug();   /* charger plugged OUT */
#if (defined(RVM_LCC_SWE) || defined(RVM_FCHG_SWE))
          // Forward charger unplug indication to PWR (LCC) task
          // NOTE that memory is allocated externally in the PWR task
          if (rvf_get_buf(pwr_ctrl->prim_id, sizeof(struct pwr_req_s), (void *)&addr) == RVF_RED) {
              rvf_send_trace("rvf_get_buf failed#2",20, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW, LCC_USE_ID);
          addr->header.msg_id        = PWR_CHARGER_UNPLUGGED_IND;
          addr->header.src_addr_id   = SPI_GBL_INFO_PTR->addr_id;
          addr->header.dest_addr_id  = pwr_ctrl->addr_id;
          addr->header.callback_func = NULL;
          if (rvf_send_msg(pwr_ctrl->addr_id, addr) != RV_OK) {
              rvf_send_trace("SPI FATAL: Send failed!",23, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW, LCC_USE_ID);
       * FreeCalypso addition: mask further charger interrupts,
       * until unmasked in FCHG.
      ABB_Write_Register_on_page(PAGE0, ITMASK, 0x008);

#endif /* RVM_PWR_SWE || RVM_LCC_SWE */

   /* Unmask External interrupt */
   #if (CHIPSET == 12)
     // Unmask ABB ext interrupt
     // Unmask external (ABB) interrupt