view src/cs/drivers/drv_core/sys_map.h @ 275:79cfefc1e2b4

audio mode load: gracefully handle mode files of wrong AEC version Unfortunately our change of enabling L1_NEW_AEC (which is necessary in order to bring our Calypso ARM fw into match with the underlying DSP reality) brings along a change in the audio mode file binary format and file size - all those new tunable AEC parameters do need to be stored somewhere, after all. But we already have existing mode files in the old format, and setting AEC config to garbage when loading old audio modes (which is what would happen without the present change) is not an appealing proposition. The solution implemented in the present change is as follows: the audio mode loading code checks the file size, and if it differs from the active version of T_AUDIO_MODE, the T_AUDIO_AEC_CFG structure is cleared - set to the default (disabled AEC) for the compiled type of AEC. We got lucky in that this varying T_AUDIO_AEC_CFG structure sits at the end of T_AUDIO_MODE!
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Fri, 30 Jul 2021 02:55:48 +0000
parents 4e78acac3d88
line wrap: on
line source

/*                @(#) nom : sys_map.h SID: 1.2 date : 05/23/03               */
/* Filename:      sys_map.h                                                   */
/* Version:       1.2                                                         */
 *             (C) 2002 Texas Instruments France. All rights reserved
 *                          Author : Francois AMAND
 *  Important Note
 *  --------------
 *  This S/W is a preliminary version. It contains information on a product 
 *  under development and is issued for evaluation purposes only. Features 
 *  characteristics, data and other information are subject to change.
 *  The S/W is furnished under Non Disclosure Agreement and may be used or
 *  copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. It is an offence
 *  to copy the software in any way except as specifically set out in the 
 *  agreement. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any
 *  form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
 *  recording, for any purpose without the express written permission of Texas
 *  Instruments Inc.
 *  FILE NAME: sys_map.h
 *  PURPOSE:  Memory mapping of the CALYPSO PLUS chip.
 *  Name                  IO      Description
 *  -------------         --      ---------------------------------------------
 *  Source:
 *  Name                  Type              IO   Description
 *  -------------         ---------------   --   ------------------------------
 *  Name                Description
 *  ------------------  -------------------------------------------------------
 *  NOTES:
 *  Date         Name(s)         Version  Description
 *  -----------  --------------  -------  -------------------------------------
 *  11-Oct-2002  Francois AMAND  0.0.1    First implementation

#include "chipset.cfg"

#if (CHIPSET == 12)

  #ifndef __SYS_MAP_H__
    #define __SYS_MAP_H__
     *                            STROBE 0 MAPPING
    #define C_MAP_TPU_BASE                0xFFFF1000L   // CS2  : TPU registers
    #define C_MAP_I2C_BASE                0xFFFF2800L   // CS5  : I2C registers
    #define C_MAP_UWIRE_BASE              0xFFFF4000L   // CS8  : UWIRE registers
    #define C_MAP_UART_IRDA_BASE          0xFFFF5000L   // CS10 : UART IRDA registers
    #define C_MAP_UART_MODEM1_BASE        0xFFFF5800L   // CS11 : UART MODEM 1 registers
    #define C_MAP_UART_UIR_BASE           0xFFFF6000L   // CS12 : UART UIR register
    #define C_MAP_RIF_BASE                0xFFFF7000L   // CS14 : RIF registers
    #define C_MAP_TPU_RAM_BASE            0xFFFF9000L   // CS18 : TPU RAM
    #define C_MAP_DPLL_BASE               0xFFFF9800L   // CS19 : DPLL register
    #define C_MAP_LCD_IF_BASE             0xFFFFA000L   // CS20 : LCD registers
    #define C_MAP_USIM_BASE               0xFFFFA800L   // CS21 : USIM registers
    #define C_MAP_USB_BASE                0xFFFFB000L   // CS22 : USB registers
    #define C_MAP_GEA_BASE                0xFFFFC000L   // CS24 : GEA registers
    #define C_MAP_MMC_SD_BASE             0xFFFFC800L   // CS25 : MMC/SD registers
    #define C_MAP_MS_BASE                 0xFFFFD000L   // CS26 : Memory Stick registers
    #define C_MAP_CPORT_BASE              0xFFFFD800L   // CS27 : C-Port registers
    #define C_MAP_UART_MODEM2_BASE        0xFFFFE000L   // CS28 : UART MODEM 2 registers
    #define C_MAP_DMA_BASE                0xFFFFE800L   // CS29 : DMA registers
    #define C_MAP_WD_TIMER_BASE           0xFFFFF800L   // CS31 : Watchdog TIMER registers
    #define C_MAP_WD_TIMER_SEC_BASE       0xFFFFF880L   // CS31 : Secure Watchdog TIMER registers
    #define C_MAP_RHEA_BASE               0xFFFFF900L   // CS31 : RHEA bridge registers
    #define C_MAP_INTH_BASE               0xFFFFFA00L   // CS31 : INTH registers
    #define C_MAP_INTH_SEC_BASE           0xFFFFFA80L   // CS31 : Secure INTH registers
    #define C_MAP_MEMIF_BASE              0xFFFFFB00L   // CS31 : MEMIF registers
    #define C_MAP_PRRM_BASE               0xFFFFFC00L   // CS31 : PRRM (Protected Ressource Reset Management) registers
    #define C_MAP_CLKM_BASE               0xFFFFFD00L   // CS31 : CLOCKM registers
    #define C_MAP_JTAG_ID_CODE_BASE       0xFFFFFE00L   // CS31 : JTAG ID code registers
    #define C_MAP_EMPU_BASE               0xFFFFFF00L   // CS31 : EMPU registers
     *                            STROBE 1 MAPPING
    #define C_MAP_SIM_BASE                0xFFFE0000L   // CS0  : SIM registers
    #define C_MAP_TSP_BASE                0xFFFE0800L   // CS1  : TSP registers
    #define C_MAP_RTC_BASE                0xFFFE1800L   // CS3  : RTC registers
    #define C_MAP_ULPD_BASE               0xFFFE2000L   // CS4  : ULPD registers
    #define C_MAP_SPI_BASE                0xFFFE3000L   // CS6  : SPI registers
    #define C_MAP_TIMER1_BASE             0xFFFE3800L   // CS7  : TIMER1 registers
    #define C_MAP_GPIO_BASE               0xFFFE4800L   // CS9  : GPIO registers
    #define C_MAP_TIMER2_BASE             0xFFFE6800L   // CS13 : TIMER2 registers
    #define C_MAP_LPG_BASE                0xFFFE7800L   // CS15 : LPG registers
    #define C_MAP_PWL_BASE                0xFFFE8000L   // CS16 : PWL registers
    #define C_MAP_PWT_BASE                0xFFFE8800L   // CS17 : PWT registers
    #define C_MAP_KEYBOARD_BASE           0xFFFEB800L   // CS23 : KEYBOARD registers
    #define C_MAP_JTAG_ID_BASE            0xFFFEF000L   // CS30 : JTAG ID register
    #define C_MAP_JTAG_VERSION_BASE       0xFFFEF002L   // CS30 : JTAG Version register
    #define C_MAP_DIE_ID_CODE_BASE        0xFFFEF004L   // CS30 : DIE IDENTIFICATION code registers
    #define C_MAP_HASH_MAN_PUB_KEY_BASE   0xFFFEF00CL   // CS30 : Hash of the Manufacturer Public Key registers
    #define C_MAP_CORE_CONF_BASE          0xFFFEF01CL   // CS30 : Core configuration registers
     *                          INTERNAL MEMORY MAPPING
    #define C_MAP_CS6_4MBITS_BASE         0x08000000L   // Main 4Mbits of Internal SRAM
    #define C_MAP_CS6_SHD_RAM0_BASE       0x08080000L   // Shared 0.5Mbits of Internal SRAM
    #define C_MAP_CS6_SHD_RAM1_BASE       0x08090000L   // Shared 0.5Mbits of Internal SRAM
    #define C_MAP_CS6_SHD_RAM2_BASE       0x080A0000L   // Shared 0.5Mbits of Internal SRAM
     *                        INTERNAL PERIPHERAL MAPPING
    #define C_MAP_SHA1MD5_BASE            0x09800000L   // SHA1/MD5 registers
    #define C_MAP_DES_BASE                0x09900000L   // DES/3DES registers
    #define C_MAP_RNG_BASE                0x09A00000L   // RNG registers
    #define C_MAP_NAND_FLASH_BASE         0x09D00000L   // Nand Flash Conroller registers
    #define C_MAP_PATCH_UNIT_BASE         0x09E00000L   // Patch Unit registers
    #define C_MAP_DEBUG_UNIT_BASE         0x09F00000L   // Debug Unit registers
     *                              API MAPPING
    #define C_MAP_API_RAM_BASE            0xFFD00000L   // API RAM address on MCU side
    #define C_MAP_DSP_API_RAM_BASE        0xE000        // API RAM address on DSP side
    #define C_MAP_APIC_BASE               0xFFE00000L   // APIC register 
  #endif /* __SYS_MAP_H__ */

#endif /* (CHIPSET == 12) */