audio mode load: gracefully handle mode files of wrong AEC version
Unfortunately our change of enabling L1_NEW_AEC (which is necessary
in order to bring our Calypso ARM fw into match with the underlying
DSP reality) brings along a change in the audio mode file binary
format and file size - all those new tunable AEC parameters do need
to be stored somewhere, after all. But we already have existing
mode files in the old format, and setting AEC config to garbage when
loading old audio modes (which is what would happen without the
present change) is not an appealing proposition.
The solution implemented in the present change is as follows: the
audio mode loading code checks the file size, and if it differs
from the active version of T_AUDIO_MODE, the T_AUDIO_AEC_CFG structure
is cleared - set to the default (disabled AEC) for the compiled type
of AEC. We got lucky in that this varying T_AUDIO_AEC_CFG structure
sits at the end of T_AUDIO_MODE!
/** * * @file rvm_api.c * * This file contains interface functions. * * @author Cristian Livadiotti ( * @version 0.2 * *//* * Revision History: * * 06/04/2000 Cristian Livadiotti Create. * 10/22/2001 David Lamy-Charrier Update for new Riviera 1.6. * * (C) Copyright 2001 by Texas Instruments Incorporated, All Rights Reserved */#ifndef _WINDOWS #include "config/rv.cfg"#endif#include "rvf/rvf_env.h"#include "rvm/rvm_gen.h"#include "rvm/rvm_api.h"#include "rvm/rvm_i.h"#include "rvm/rvm_use_id_list.h"#include <string.h>extern T_RVM_KNOWN_SWE * rvm_swe_array;/********************************************************************************* Function rvm_start_environment**** Description Start the RV manager. ** *******************************************************************************/T_RVM_RETURN rvm_start_environment(){ T_RVF_BUFFER * rvm_stack; /* initialize the RVM */ if ( rvm_init() == FALSE) { return RVM_INTERNAL_ERR; } /* start the RV manager task */ if ( rvf_get_buf( rvm_stack_mem_bank, RVM_STACK_SIZE, &rvm_stack) == RVF_RED ) { return RVM_MEMORY_ERR; } if ( rvf_create_task( rvm_task, RVM_TASK_ID, "RVM", rvm_stack, RVM_STACK_SIZE, RVM_PRIORITY, RVM_TASK, DEFAULT_TIME_SLICING, RUNNING) != RVF_OK ) { return RVM_INTERNAL_ERR; } return RVM_OK;}/*********************************************************************************** Function rvm_start_swe**** Description Called by an application to start the specified SWE**** Parameters: USE_ID of the SWE to start.** return path for asynchronous response**** Returns T_RVM_RETURN: RVM_OK if everything is ok,** RVM_INVALID_PARAMETER if the SWE USE_ID is unknown** RVM_NOT_READY if the get_info function has not been specified in the database** or the SWE has been already started.** RVM_MEMORY_ERR if there is not enough memory in the RVM memory bank.** RVM_INTERNAL_ERR if the RVM task has not been created.*********************************************************************************/T_RVM_RETURN rvm_start_swe (T_RVM_USE_ID swe_use_id, T_RV_RETURN_PATH return_path){ T_RVM_MSG *msg; T_RVM_RETURN rvm_status; UINT8 num_swe; /* Check Application is "startable" */ if ((rvm_status = rvm_check_application (swe_use_id, &num_swe, RVM_START_APPLI)) != RVM_OK) { rvf_send_trace("RVM_task: rvm_start_swe() this appli cannot be started", 54, (UINT32)rvm_status, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING, RVM_USE_ID ); return rvm_status; } /* build a msg */ if (rvf_get_buf( rvm_mem_bank, sizeof(T_RVM_MSG), (void **)&msg) == RVF_RED ) { rvf_send_trace("RVM_task: No memory", 19, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING, RVM_USE_ID ); return RVM_MEMORY_ERR; } msg->header.msg_id = RVM_START_APPLI; msg->header.src_addr_id = return_path.addr_id; // msg->header.callback_func = return_path.callback_func; msg->rp.callback_func = return_path.callback_func; msg->swe_num = num_swe; rvf_send_trace("RVM: SWE START REQUEST", 22, rvm_swe_array[num_swe].swe_use_id, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOW, RVM_USE_ID ); /* and send it to the RVM task to be treated by the RVM task */ /* Note: task_id is used as the destination addr_id. This is only */ /* true in the case of mailbox zero. Then task_id==addr_id */ if ( rvf_send_msg( RVM_TASK_ID, msg) != RVF_OK) { rvf_free_buf( msg); return RVM_INTERNAL_ERR; } return RVM_OK;}/*********************************************************************************** Function rvm_stop_swe**** Description Called by an application to stop the specified SWE.**** Parameters: USE_ID of the SWE to start.** return path for asynchronous response**** Returns T_RVM_RETURN: RVM_OK if everything is ok,** RVM_INVALID_PARAMETER if the USE_ID is unknown** RVM_NOT_READY if the get_info function has not been specified in the database** or the SWE is not running.** RVM_MEMORY_ERR if there is not enough memory in the RVM memory bank.** RVM_INTERNAL_ERR if the RVM task has not been created.**** RV2 ADDITIONAL NOTES: This now creates a RVM_STOP_MSG instead of a RVM_STOP_APPLI message.** both are supported in the RVM-FSM, hence the legacy concept may be reverted to easily*******************************************************************************/T_RVM_RETURN rvm_stop_swe (T_RVM_USE_ID swe_use_id, T_RV_RETURN_PATH return_path){ T_RVM_STOP_MSG *msg; T_RVM_RETURN rvm_status; UINT8 num_swe; /* ** Check Application is "stopable" */ if ((rvm_status = rvm_check_application (swe_use_id, &num_swe, RVM_STOP_APPLI)) != RVM_OK) return rvm_status; /* build a msg */ if (rvf_get_buf( rvm_mem_bank, sizeof(T_RVM_STOP_MSG), (void **)&msg) == RVF_RED ) { return RVM_MEMORY_ERR; } msg->header.msg_id = RVM_STOP_MSG; msg->header.src_addr_id = return_path.addr_id; // msg->header.callback_func = return_path.callback_func; msg->rp.callback_func = return_path.callback_func; msg->swe_num = num_swe; msg->status = SWE_RUNNING; /* and send it to the rve mailbox to be treated by the RVM task */ if ( rvf_send_msg( RVM_TASK_ID, msg) != RVF_OK) { rvf_free_buf( msg); return RVM_INTERNAL_ERR; } return RVM_OK;}// NOTE: this may be used to enable the terminator to uncondionally // kill the Entity. Mainly, spoofing RVM.T_RVM_RETURN rvm_kill_immediate (T_RVM_USE_ID swe_use_id, T_RV_RETURN_PATH return_path){ T_RVM_STOP_MSG *msg; T_RVM_RETURN rvm_status; UINT8 num_swe; /* ** Check Application is "stopable" */ if ((rvm_status = rvm_check_application (swe_use_id, &num_swe, RVM_STOP_APPLI)) != RVM_OK) return rvm_status; /* build a msg */ if (rvf_get_buf( rvm_mem_bank, sizeof(T_RVM_STOP_MSG), (void **)&msg) == RVF_RED ) { return RVM_MEMORY_ERR; } msg->header.msg_id = RVM_STOP_MSG; msg->header.src_addr_id = return_path.addr_id; // msg->header.callback_func = return_path.callback_func; msg->rp.callback_func = return_path.callback_func; msg->swe_num = num_swe; msg->status = SWE_STOPPING; /* and send it to the rve mailbox to be treated by the RVM task */ if ( rvf_send_msg( RVM_TASK_ID, msg) != RVF_OK) { rvf_free_buf( msg); return RVM_INTERNAL_ERR; } return RVM_OK;}T_RVM_RETURN rvm_swe_stopped(T_RV_HDR* p_msg) { T_RVM_STOP_MSG *msg=(T_RVM_STOP_MSG*)p_msg; msg->status = SWE_STOPPING; if ( rvf_send_msg( RVM_TASK_ID, msg) != RVF_OK) { rvf_free_buf( msg); return RVM_INTERNAL_ERR; } return RVM_OK;}/*********************************************************************************** Function rvm_snd_msg_to_upper**** Description Called during processing to report to MMI the result of an** action.**** Parameters: name of the application to start.** return path for asynchronous response**** Returns T_RVM_RETURN: RVM_OK if everything is ok,** RVM_INVALID_PARAMETER if the appli name is unknown** RVM_NOT_READY if the get_info function has not been specified in the database** or the application has been already started.** RVM_MEMORY_ERR if there is not enough memory in the RVM memory bank.** RVM_INTERNAL_ERR if the RVM task has not been created.*********************************************************************************/T_RVM_RETURN rvm_snd_msg_to_upper (T_RVM_APPLI_ACTION action, T_RVM_RETURN result, UINT8 swe_num, T_RV_RETURN_PATH return_path){ T_RVM_APPLI_RESULT *msg; /* build a msg */ if (rvf_get_buf( rvm_mem_bank, sizeof(T_RVM_APPLI_RESULT), (void **)&msg) == RVF_RED ) { return RVM_MEMORY_ERR; } msg->header.msg_id = RVM_EVT_TO_APPLI; msg->header.src_addr_id = RVM_TASK_ID;// msg->header.callback_func = return_path.callback_func; msg->rp.callback_func = return_path.callback_func; msg->result = result; msg->action = action; msg->swe_index = swe_num; memcpy(msg->swe_name, rvm_swe_array[swe_num].swe_name, RVM_NAME_MAX_LEN); /* and send it to the rve mailbox to be treated by the RVM task */ if (return_path.callback_func) { return_path.callback_func ((void*) msg); } else { if ( rvf_send_msg(return_path.addr_id, (void*)msg) != RVF_OK) { rvf_free_buf( msg); return RVM_INTERNAL_ERR; } } return RVM_OK;}/*********************************************************************************** Function rvm_get_swe_information**** Description Called by a SWE to know information about another SWE.**** Parameters In: name of the swe we want to get information about.**** Parameters Out: State of the SWE.**** Returns T_RVM_RETURN: RVM_OK if everything is ok,** RVM_INVALID_PARAMETER if the SWE use_id is unknown** RVM_NOT_READY if the ** RVM_MEMORY_ERR if there is not enough memory in the RVM memory bank.** RVM_INTERNAL_ERR if the RVM task has not been created.*********************************************************************************/T_RVM_RETURN rvm_get_swe_information (T_RVM_USE_ID swe_id, T_RV_RETURN_PATH * return_path){ UINT8 swe_index; if (rvm_get_swe_index(&swe_index, swe_id) != RVM_OK) { RVM_TRACE_WARNING_PARAM("RVM API: Get SWE Information of an unknown SWE, use_id:", swe_id); return RVM_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (return_path != NULL) { (*return_path).callback_func = rvm_swe_array[swe_index].swe_return_path.callback_func; (*return_path).addr_id = rvm_swe_array[swe_index].swe_addr_id; } return RVM_OK;}