view src/cs/services/etm/etm.h @ 275:79cfefc1e2b4

audio mode load: gracefully handle mode files of wrong AEC version Unfortunately our change of enabling L1_NEW_AEC (which is necessary in order to bring our Calypso ARM fw into match with the underlying DSP reality) brings along a change in the audio mode file binary format and file size - all those new tunable AEC parameters do need to be stored somewhere, after all. But we already have existing mode files in the old format, and setting AEC config to garbage when loading old audio modes (which is what would happen without the present change) is not an appealing proposition. The solution implemented in the present change is as follows: the audio mode loading code checks the file size, and if it differs from the active version of T_AUDIO_MODE, the T_AUDIO_AEC_CFG structure is cleared - set to the default (disabled AEC) for the compiled type of AEC. We got lucky in that this varying T_AUDIO_AEC_CFG structure sits at the end of T_AUDIO_MODE!
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Fri, 30 Jul 2021 02:55:48 +0000
parents 1fe443ccb656
line wrap: on
line source

 * Enhanced TestMode  (ETM)
 * @file              etm.h
 * Design and coding  Mads Meisner-Jensen, (
 *                    Kim T. Petersn,      (

#ifndef _ETM_H_
#define _ETM_H_

 * Prototypes and Globals

// Max size of downlink packet payload
#define ETM_PAYLOAD_MAX 256
// End Terminator for Tables
#define TABLE_END -1

struct ioformat_s {
    const short index;  // index for identifier
    const char *name;   // parameter
    const char *format; // parameter data format

 * Global Definitions

// Enhanced TestMode Module IDentifiers
enum {
    ETM_TM3        = 0x00, // Use of old TM3 protocol
    ETM_CORE       = 0x01,
    ETM_TMT        = 0x02, // Pseudo module
    ETM_SH         = 0x03, // Pseudo module
    ETM_TM3_MISC   = 0x04, // Pseudo module - Target side
    ETM_RF         = 0x05,
    ETM_IMEI       = 0x06,
    ETM_FFS2       = 0x07,
    ETM_AUDIO      = 0x08,
    ETM_TPU        = 0x09, // Not official part ETM
    ETM_PWR        = 0x0A,
    ETM_BT         = 0x0B,
    ETM_L23        = 0x0C,
    ETM_RESERVED10 = 0x0D,
    ETM_RESERVED11 = 0x0E,
    ETM_RESERVED12 = 0x0F,

    /* FreeCalypso addition */
    ETM_BSIM       = 0x12,

    ETM_CUST       = 0xC0, // Customize id
    ETM_CUST1      = 0xC1, // Customize id
    ETM_CUST2      = 0xC2, // Customize id
    ETM_CUST3      = 0xC3, // Customize id
    ETM_CUST4      = 0xC4, // Customize id
    ETM_CUST5      = 0xC5, // Customize id
    ETM_CUST6      = 0xC6, // Customize id
    ETM_CUST7      = 0xC7, // Customize id
    ETM_CUST8      = 0xC8, // Customize id

    ETM_TEST       = 0xAA, // used for test of dll's
    ETM_TASK       = 0xEE, // ETM TASK in Target

    ETM_FFS1       = 0x70

enum {
//    ETM_ERROR_MUL  = 100,
    ETM_CORE_ERROR   = -100 * ETM_CORE,
    ETM_TMT_ERROR    = -100 * ETM_TMT,
    ETM_SH_ERROR     = -100 * ETM_SH,
    ETM_RF_ERROR     = -100 * ETM_RF,
    ETM_FFS2_ERROR   = -100 * ETM_FFS2,
    ETM_TPU_ERROR    = -100 * ETM_TPU,
    ETM_IMEI_ERROR   = -100 * ETM_IMEI,
    ETM_PWR_ERROR    = -100 * ETM_PWR,
    ETM_BT_ERROR     = -100 * ETM_BT,
    ETM_FFS_ERROR    = -100 * ETM_FFS2,

    ETM_TEST_ERROR   = -100 * ETM_TEST, // used for test of dll's

    ETM_OS_ERROR     = -100 * 1000 // OS Error (specially handled!)

// Module private (normally target-side) errors are in the range: [ -2..-47]
// Common (normally target-side) errors are in the range:         [-48..-63]
// Common (normally PC-side) errors are in the range:             [-64..-89]
// Module private (normally PC-side) errors are in the range:     [-90..-99]

enum ETMCommonTargetErrors {
    ETM_OK               =   0,   // Ok
    ETM_FINISHED         =  -1,   // Previously started operation has finished.

    // Errors that are related to the Riv env.
    ETM_RV_FATAL         = -48,   // Fatal error in RIV environment eg. memory error
    ETM_RV_NOT_SUPPORTED = -49,   // Funtionality not supported by RIV

    // Error codes related to L1 Test mode
    ETM_L1TESTMODE       = -50,   // Layer 1 is not in test mode

    ETM_NOT_USED1        = -51,   //
    ETM_NOT_USED2        = -52,   //
    ETM_NOT_USED3        = -53,   //
    ETM_NOT_USED4        = -54,   //

    // ETM Common Target Errors
    ETM_MESSAGE          = -55,   // Received unknown message
    ETM_NOMEM            = -56,   // Out of memory
    ETM_AGAIN            = -57,   // Not ready, try again later
    ETM_BADOP            = -58,   // Operation not possible in current context
    ETM_INVAL            = -59,   // Invalid parameter/argument
    ETM_NOSYS            = -60,   // Module or function not present
    ETM_FATAL            = -61,   // System fatal error
    ETM_PACKET           = -62,   // Packet error (checksum or other)
    ETM_OK_MORE          = -63    // Ok, more data coming

// ETM Common PC-side Errors. The error codes from this section are not to
// be used directly but should be used like 'ETM_XXX_ERROR + ETM_INVALID',
// where XXX is the module's name
enum ETMCommonPCErrors {
    ETM_INTERNAL    = -64, // Fatal (internal) unrecoverable error
    ETM_TOOFEWARGS  = -65, // Too few arguments

    ETM_USE         = -67, // Failed to load module
    ETM_USEAGAIN    = -68, // Module already loaded
    ETM_USEVERSION  = -69, // Module version incompatible

    ETM_INVALID     = -70, // Invalid parameter/argument
    ETM_MEMORY      = -71, // Out of memory
    ETM_BUFFER      = -72, // Buffer too small (maybe internal buffer)
    ETM_BADDATA     = -73, // Bad/unexpected data in uplink packet
    ETM_NOSUPPORT   = -74, // Not supported
    ETM_BADVALUE    = -75, // Bad argument/parameter value

    ETM_FILE_IO     = -76, // File I/O error (file not found?)
    ETM_HOST_FIO    = -78  // Host system file I/O error

enum ETMTgTraceMask {
    TgTrTest      = 0x00000001,
    TgTrEtmLow    = 0x00000002,
    TgTrEtmMed    = 0x00000004,
    TgTrEtmHigh   = 0x00000008,
    TgTrCore      = 0x00000100,
    TgTrAudio     = 0x00000200,
    TgTrFfs       = 0x00000400,
    TgTrRf        = 0x00000800,
    TgTrFatal     = 0x80000000,
    TgTrAll       = 0xFFFFFFFF

 * Macros

#define if_error_return(myerror) if (myerror < 0) return myerror

// Keyword to use for exporting a DLL function
#define FEXPORT __stdcall

// Keyword to use for defining a DLL variable as private
#define PRIVATE

// Keyword to use for defining a DLL variable as private
#define PUBLIC

 * Tracing

// Trace module IDs
enum {
    TrSH          =  1 << 24,
    TrTMT         =  2 << 24,
    TrCore        =  3 << 24,
    TrAUDIO       =  4 << 24,
    TrFFS         =  5 << 24,
    TrPWR         =  6 << 24,
    TrCust        =  9 << 24,
    TrRF          = 10 << 24,
    TrIMEI        = 11 << 24,
    TrBT          = 12 << 24,
    TrETM         = 14 << 24,
    TrTPU         = 15 << 24,
    TrTEST        = 19 << 24

 * Supported hardware and software version - read out from Target

enum HW_SW_revisions_fids
    SW_REV_ETM_TASK            = 0x01,
    SW_REV_ETM_API             = 0x02,
    SW_REV_ETM_CORE            = 0x10,
    SW_REV_ETM_AUDIO           = 0x11,
    SW_REV_ETM_RF              = 0x12,
    SW_REV_ETM_FFS             = 0x13,
    SW_REV_ETM_PWR             = 0x14,
    SW_REV_ETM_BT              = 0x15,
    SW_REV_xx1                 = 0x16, // Not in use
    SW_REV_xx2                 = 0x18, // Not in use
    SW_REV_xx3                 = 0x19, // Not in use
    SW_MCU_TCS_OFFICIAL        = 0xC1,
    SW_MCU_TCS_INTERNAL        = 0xC2,
    SW_MCU_TM_VERSION          = 0xC3,
    SW_DSP_CODE_VERSION        = 0xD0,
    SW_DSP_PATCH_VERSION       = 0xD1,

 * Types

typedef signed   char  int8_t;
typedef unsigned char  uint8_t;
typedef signed   short int16_t;
typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
typedef signed   int   int32_t;
typedef unsigned int   uint32_t;

typedef signed   char  int8;
typedef unsigned char  uint8;
typedef signed   short int16;
typedef unsigned short uint16;
typedef signed   int   int32;
typedef unsigned int   uint32;

 * Trash/Hacks

#endif // _ETM_H_