backlight control on Luna: switch PWL instead of LEDB
This change is preliminary toward upcoming rework of backlight control
logic in our UI firmware. LEDB does not exist on Tango-based platforms
(it is not brought out on Tango modules), thus turning it on and off
produces absolutely no effect beyond making L1 disable deep sleep
when LEDB is turned on. However, both iWOW DSK and our upcoming
FC Caramel2 boards have a PWL LED, so let's switch that LED on and off
to indicate the state of the UI firmware's backlight control.
Note that we are NOT switching the actual Luna LCD backlight here,
even though it is trivially controlled with a GPIO. The reason for
this seemingly strange choice is that we don't want to turn this
development board LCD backlight off until we bring the higher-level
backlight control logic up to par, including new logic to "swallow"
the first keypress that turns on the darkened LCD.
/*************************************************************************//* *//* Copyright Mentor Graphics Corporation 2002 *//* All Rights Reserved. *//* *//* THIS WORK CONTAINS TRADE SECRET AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION WHICH IS *//* THE PROPERTY OF MENTOR GRAPHICS CORPORATION OR ITS LICENSORS AND IS *//* SUBJECT TO LICENSE TERMS. *//* *//*************************************************************************//*************************************************************************//* *//* FILE NAME VERSION *//* *//* pmf.c Nucleus PLUS 1.14 *//* *//* COMPONENT *//* *//* PM - Partition Memory Management *//* *//* DESCRIPTION *//* *//* This file contains routines to obtain facts about the Partition *//* Memory Management component. *//* *//* DATA STRUCTURES *//* *//* None *//* *//* FUNCTIONS *//* *//* PMF_Established_Partition_Pools Number of partition pools *//* PMF_Partition_Pool_Pointers Build partition pool pointer *//* list *//* PMF_Partition_Pool_Information Retrieve partition pool info *//* *//* DEPENDENCIES *//* *//* cs_extr.h Common Service functions *//* tc_extr.h Thread Control functions *//* pm_extr.h Partition functions *//* hi_extr.h History functions *//* *//* HISTORY *//* *//* DATE REMARKS *//* *//* 03-01-1994 Initial version of partition fact *//* service file, version 1.1 *//* *//* 03-18-1994 Verified version 1.1 *//* 04-17-1996 updated to version 1.2 *//* 11-18-1996 Protected Informational service *//* from NULL Control Block pointers *//* creating 1.2a. (SPR220) *//* 03-24-1998 Released version 1.3. *//* 03-26-1999 Released 1.11m (new release *//* numbering scheme) *//* 04-17-2002 Released version 1.13m *//* 11-07-2002 Released version 1.14 *//*************************************************************************/#define NU_SOURCE_FILE#include "cs_extr.h" /* Common service functions */#include "tc_extr.h" /* Thread control functions */#include "pm_extr.h" /* Partition functions */#include "hi_extr.h" /* History functions *//* Define external inner-component global data references. */extern CS_NODE *PMD_Created_Pools_List;extern UNSIGNED PMD_Total_Pools;extern TC_PROTECT PMD_List_Protect;/*************************************************************************//* *//* FUNCTION *//* *//* PMF_Established_Partition_Pools *//* *//* DESCRIPTION *//* *//* This function returns the current number of established *//* partition pools. Pools previously deleted are no longer *//* considered established. *//* *//* CALLED BY *//* *//* Application *//* *//* CALLS *//* *//* [TCT_Check_Stack] Stack checking function *//* *//* INPUTS *//* *//* None *//* *//* OUTPUTS *//* *//* PMD_Total_Pools Number of established *//* partition pools *//* *//* HISTORY *//* *//* DATE REMARKS *//* *//* 03-01-1993 Created initial version 1.0 *//* 04-19-1993 Verified version 1.0 *//* 03-01-1994 Modified function interface, *//* resulting in version 1.1 *//* *//* 03-18-1994 Verified version 1.1 *//* *//*************************************************************************/UNSIGNED PMF_Established_Partition_Pools(VOID){#ifdef NU_ENABLE_STACK_CHECK /* Call stack checking function to check for an overflow condition. */ TCT_Check_Stack();#endif /* Return the number of established partition pools. */ return(PMD_Total_Pools);}/*************************************************************************//* *//* FUNCTION *//* *//* PMF_Partition_Pool_Pointers *//* *//* DESCRIPTION *//* *//* This function builds a list of pool pointers, starting at *//* the specified location. The number of pool pointers *//* placed in the list is equivalent to the total number of *//* pools or the maximum number of pointers specified in the *//* call. *//* *//* CALLED BY *//* *//* Application *//* *//* CALLS *//* *//* [TCT_Check_Stack] Stack checking function *//* TCT_Protect Protect created list *//* TCT_Unprotect Release protection *//* *//* INPUTS *//* *//* pointer_list Pointer to the list area *//* maximum_pointers Maximum number of pointers *//* *//* OUTPUTS *//* *//* pointers Number of partition pools *//* placed in the list *//* HISTORY *//* *//* DATE REMARKS *//* *//* 03-01-1993 Created initial version 1.0 *//* 04-19-1993 Verified version 1.0 *//* 08-09-1993 Corrected pointer retrieval *//* loop, resulting in version 1.0a *//* 08-09-1993 Verified version 1.0a *//* 03-01-1994 Modified function interface, *//* resulting in version 1.1 *//* *//* 03-18-1994 Verified version 1.1 *//* *//*************************************************************************/UNSIGNED PMF_Partition_Pool_Pointers(NU_PARTITION_POOL **pointer_list, UNSIGNED maximum_pointers){CS_NODE *node_ptr; /* Pointer to each PCB */UNSIGNED pointers; /* Number of pointers in list*/NU_SUPERV_USER_VARIABLES /* Switch to supervisor mode */ NU_SUPERVISOR_MODE();#ifdef NU_ENABLE_STACK_CHECK /* Call stack checking function to check for an overflow condition. */ TCT_Check_Stack();#endif /* Initialize the number of pointers returned. */ pointers = 0; /* Protect against access to the list of created partition pools. */ TCT_Protect(&PMD_List_Protect); /* Loop until all pool pointers are in the list or until the maximum list size is reached. */ node_ptr = PMD_Created_Pools_List; while ((node_ptr) && (pointers < maximum_pointers)) { /* Place the node into the destination list. */ *pointer_list++ = (NU_PARTITION_POOL *) node_ptr; /* Increment the pointers variable. */ pointers++; /* Position the node pointer to the next node. */ node_ptr = node_ptr -> cs_next; /* Determine if the pointer is at the head of the list. */ if (node_ptr == PMD_Created_Pools_List) /* The list search is complete. */ node_ptr = NU_NULL; } /* Release protection against access to the list of created pools. */ TCT_Unprotect(); /* Return to user mode */ NU_USER_MODE(); /* Return the number of pointers in the list. */ return(pointers);}/*************************************************************************//* *//* FUNCTION *//* *//* PMF_Partition_Pool_Information *//* *//* DESCRIPTION *//* *//* This function returns information about the specified partition *//* pool. However, if the supplied partition pool pointer is *//* invalid, the function simply returns an error status. *//* *//* CALLED BY *//* *//* Application *//* *//* CALLS *//* *//* [TCT_Check_Stack] Stack checking function *//* TCT_System_Protect Protect partition pool *//* TCT_Unprotect Release protection *//* *//* INPUTS *//* *//* pool_ptr Pointer to the partition pool*//* name Destination for the name *//* start_address Destination for the starting *//* memory address of the pool *//* pool_size Destination for the pool's *//* total size *//* partition_size Destination for the size of *//* each partition *//* available Destination for the available*//* number of partitions *//* allocated Destination for the number *//* of allocated partitions *//* suspend_type Destination for the type of *//* suspension *//* tasks_waiting Destination for the tasks *//* waiting count *//* first_task Destination for the pointer *//* to the first task waiting *//* *//* OUTPUTS *//* *//* NU_SUCCESS If a valid pool pointer *//* is supplied *//* NU_INVALID_POOL If pool pointer invalid *//* *//* HISTORY *//* *//* DATE REMARKS *//* *//* 03-01-1993 Created initial version 1.0 *//* 04-19-1993 Verified version 1.0 *//* 03-01-1994 Modified function interface, *//* resulting in version 1.1 *//* *//* 03-18-1994 Verified version 1.1 *//* 11-18-1996 Corrected SPR220. *//* *//*************************************************************************/STATUS PMF_Partition_Pool_Information(NU_PARTITION_POOL *pool_ptr, CHAR *name, VOID **start_address, UNSIGNED *pool_size, UNSIGNED *partition_size, UNSIGNED *available, UNSIGNED *allocated, OPTION *suspend_type, UNSIGNED *tasks_waiting, NU_TASK **first_task){PM_PCB *pool; /* Pool control block ptr */INT i; /* Working integer variable */STATUS completion; /* Completion status */NU_SUPERV_USER_VARIABLES /* Switch to superisor mode */ NU_SUPERVISOR_MODE(); /* Move input pool pointer into internal pointer. */ pool = (PM_PCB *) pool_ptr;#ifdef NU_ENABLE_STACK_CHECK /* Call stack checking function to check for an overflow condition. */ TCT_Check_Stack();#endif /* Determine if this partition pool id is valid. */ if ((pool != NU_NULL) && (pool -> pm_id == PM_PARTITION_ID)) { /* Setup protection of the partition pool. */ TCT_System_Protect(); /* The partition pool pointer is valid. Reflect this in the completion status and fill in the actual information. */ completion = NU_SUCCESS; /* Copy the partition pool's name. */ for (i = 0; i < NU_MAX_NAME; i++) *name++ = pool -> pm_name[i]; /* Determine the suspension type. */ if (pool -> pm_fifo_suspend) *suspend_type = NU_FIFO; else *suspend_type = NU_PRIORITY; /* Retrieve information directly out of the control structure. */ *start_address = pool -> pm_start_address; *pool_size = pool -> pm_pool_size; *partition_size = pool -> pm_partition_size; *available = pool -> pm_available; *allocated = pool -> pm_allocated; /* Retrieve the number of tasks waiting and the pointer to the first task waiting. */ *tasks_waiting = pool -> pm_tasks_waiting; if (pool -> pm_suspension_list) /* There is a task waiting. */ *first_task = (NU_TASK *) (pool -> pm_suspension_list) -> pm_suspended_task; else /* There are no tasks waiting. */ *first_task = NU_NULL; /* Release protection of the partition pool. */ TCT_Unprotect(); } else /* Indicate that the partition pool pointer is invalid. */ completion = NU_INVALID_POOL; /* Return to user mode */ NU_USER_MODE(); /* Return the appropriate completion status. */ return(completion);}