view src/cs/layer1/gtt_include/ctm/fifo.h @ 75:8697f358f505

backlight rework: Condat light driver accepts levels The present change is another intermediate step on the path toward new FreeCalypso backlight handling. At this intermediate step the Condat light driver accepts 0-255 backlight levels driven by MFW, and puts them out on PWL on Luna development boards. At the same time on C139 it is now possible to turn on the display backlight with or without the keypad bl - the lsb of the 0-255 backlight level controls the keypad bl. MFW presently drives only 0 and 255 backlight levels, thus there is no visible behavioral change yet - but the plan for subsequent stages of this backlight rework is to add a dimmed backlight state (no keypad bl on C139) during active calls.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sat, 24 Oct 2020 20:44:04 +0000
parents 4e78acac3d88
line wrap: on
line source

*      90411 NUERNBERG, GERMANY, Tel Int + 49 911 5217 100
*      The program(s) may be used and/or copied only with the
*      written permission from Ericsson or in accordance
*      with the terms and conditions stipulated in the agreement or
*      contract under which the program(s) have been supplied.
*      File             : fifo.h
*      Author           : Matthias Doerbecker
*      Tested Platforms : DEC Alpha 250 4/266 (OSF/1 3.2)
*      Description      : File I/O for float and double (32/64 bit signed) 
*                         values. 
*      Revision history
*      Rev  Date       Name            Description
*      -------------------------------------------------------------------
*      pA1  12-MAR-97  M.Doerbecker    initial version
*                                      (based on shortio.h pA2)
#ifndef fifo_h
#define fifo_h "$Id: $"

*                         INCLUDE FILES

#include "ctm_typedefs.h"
*                         DEFINITION OF CONSTANTS

*                         DEFINITION OF DATA TYPES

// typedef float Float;
// typedef char Char;

typedef enum {SHORTINT_FIFO, FLOAT_FIFO, CHAR_FIFO} fifo_type_t;

/* fifo_state_t is the state variable type that is used for both types */
/* of fifo structures: Shortint_fifo as well as Float_fifo.            */

typedef struct
  WORD16    *buffer_Shortint;  /* buffer for Shortint_fifo_xxx()           */
  Float       *buffer_Float;     /* buffer for Float_fifo_xxx()              */
  Char        *buffer_Char;      /* buffer for Char_fifo_xxx()               */
  WORD32     length_buffer;     /* maximum length of the fifo buffer        */
  WORD32     num_entries_actual;/* actual number of elements in fifo        */
  fifo_type_t fifo_type;         /* either SHORTINT_FIFO or FLOAT_FIFO       */
  WORD32     magic_number;      /* for detecting wheter fifo is initialized */

*                         DECLARATION OF PROTOTYPES

*     Function        : Shortint_fifo_init
*     In              : length_fifo   determines maximukm length of the buffer
*     Out             : fifo_state    initialized state variable
*     Calls           : calloc, fprintf, exit
*     Tables          : <none>
*     Compile Defines : <none>
*     Return          : 0 on success, 1 in case of an error
*     Information     : initialization of a fifo structure for buffering 
*                       Shortint data

int Shortint_fifo_init(fifo_state_t *fifo_state,
                       WORD32      length_fifo);

*     Function        : Shortint_fifo_reset
*     In              : 
*     In/Out          : fifo_state    initialized state variable
*     Calls           : <none>
*     Tables          : <none>
*     Compile Defines : <none>
*     Return          : 0 on success, 1 in case of an error
*     Information     : reset of the fifo structure, i.e. all buffered 
*                       elements are removed

int Shortint_fifo_reset(fifo_state_t *fifo_state);

*     Function        : Shortint_fifo_exit
*     In              : length_fifo   determines maximum length of the buffer
*     In/Out          : fifo_state    initialized state variable
*     Calls           : free, fprintf, exit
*     Tables          : <none>
*     Compile Defines : <none>
*     Return          : 0 on success, 1 in case of an error
*     Information     : shuts down fifo structure, frees allocated memory

int Shortint_fifo_exit(fifo_state_t *fifo_state);

*     Function        : Shortint_fifo_push
*     In              : elements_to_push        vector containing the elements
*     In                num_elements_to_push    number of the elements
*     In/Out          : fifo_state              state variable
*     Calls           : fprintf, exit
*     Tables          : <none>
*     Compile Defines : <none>
*     Return          : 0 on success, 1 in case of an error
*     Information     : pushes elements into the fifo

int Shortint_fifo_push(fifo_state_t *fifo_state, 
                       WORD16     *elements_to_push,
                       WORD32      num_elements_to_push);

*     Function        : Shortint_fifo_pop
*     In              : num_elements_to_pop     number of the elements
*     Out             : popped_elements         vector containing the elements
*     In/Out          : fifo_state              state variable
*     Calls           : fprintf, exit
*     Tables          : <none>
*     Compile Defines : <none>
*     Return          : 0 on success, 1 in case of an error
*     Information     : pops elements from the fifo

int Shortint_fifo_pop(fifo_state_t *fifo_state, 
                      WORD16     *popped_elements,
                      WORD32      num_elements_to_pop);

*     Function        : Shortint_fifo_peek
*     In              : num_elements_to_peek    number of the elements
*     Out             : peeked_elements         vector containing the elements
*     In/Out          : fifo_state              state variable
*     Calls           : fprintf, exit
*     Tables          : <none>
*     Compile Defines : <none>
*     Return          : 0 on success, 1 in case of an error
*     Information     : similar to pop, but elements are remaining in buffer

int Shortint_fifo_peek(fifo_state_t *fifo_state, 
                       WORD16     *peeked_elements,
                       WORD32      num_elements_to_peek);

*     Function        : Shortint_fifo_check
*     In/Out          : fifo_state              state variable
*     Calls           : <none>
*     Tables          : <none>
*     Compile Defines : <none>
*     Return          : number of elements in fifo
*     Information     : determines the number of valid elements in fifo

WORD32 Shortint_fifo_check(fifo_state_t *fifo_state);
