view src/g23m-gsm/dl/dl_em.c @ 75:8697f358f505

backlight rework: Condat light driver accepts levels The present change is another intermediate step on the path toward new FreeCalypso backlight handling. At this intermediate step the Condat light driver accepts 0-255 backlight levels driven by MFW, and puts them out on PWL on Luna development boards. At the same time on C139 it is now possible to turn on the display backlight with or without the keypad bl - the lsb of the 0-255 backlight level controls the keypad bl. MFW presently drives only 0 and 255 backlight levels, thus there is no visible behavioral change yet - but the plan for subsequent stages of this backlight rework is to add a dimmed backlight state (no keypad bl on C139) during active calls.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sat, 24 Oct 2020 20:44:04 +0000
parents fa8dc04885d8
line wrap: on
line source

|  Project :
|  Modul   :
|  Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG
|                 All rights reserved.
|                 This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas
|                 Instruments Berlin, AG
|                 The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey
|                 any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to
|                 manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in
|                 whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of
|                 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG.
|  Purpose :  This Module defines the engineering mode (EM) device driver for the
|             G23 protocol stack. This driver is used to control all engineering
|             mode related functions.

#ifndef DL_EM_C
#define DL_EM_C

#define ENTITY_DL

/*==== INCLUDES ===================================================*/
#include "typedefs.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "pconst.cdg"
#include "vsi.h"
#include "pconst.cdg"
#include "custom.h"
#include "gsm.h"
#include "mon_dl.h"
#include "prim.h"
#include "pei.h"
#include "tok.h"
#include "ccdapi.h"
#include "dl.h"
#include "dl_em.h"

#ifdef FF_EM_MODE
#pragma message("this build includes engineering mode (FF_EM_MODE)")

/*==== EXPORT =====================================================*/
 * These variables are used between entities. Even this is not a clean solution
 * it is a straigth forward way to reduce the overhead to a minimum. A clean
 * solution would be based on an only usage of primitives which would stress
 * the OS without aditional advantage!!
GLOBAL UBYTE  em_dl_sem_buffer [EM_DL_SEM_SIZE];
GLOBAL UBYTE  em_dl_sem_index      = 0;
GLOBAL UBYTE  em_dl_sem_read_index = 0;

/* Event tracing flags for EM */

/*==== PRIVAT =====================================================*/
static T_HANDLE  sem_EM_DL;
static UBYTE em_dl_trace_occured;

#if !defined(INVOKE_SIGNAL)
LOCAL UBYTE em_dl_write  (UBYTE length, UBYTE * data);
LOCAL void  dl_em_first_event_check(void);/*for ACI notification of first EM event*/
#endif  /* !INVOKE_SIGNAL */

/*==== VARIABLES ==================================================*/

|  Function     : dl_em_buffer_4
|  Description  :  Perform buffer check and store corresponding data in it.
|  Parameters   :  Event number, data value1, data value2
|  Return       :  TRUE/FALSE

GLOBAL UBYTE em_write_buffer_4 (UBYTE event_no, UBYTE value1, UBYTE value2)
 UBYTE em_dl_event_buffer[THIS_EM_BUFFER_LEN];

 TRACE_EVENT_WIN ("em_write_buffer_4");

   ACI is informed about the first event trace, used for later data processing.


 em_dl_event_buffer[0] = event_no;              /* Event number */
 em_dl_event_buffer[1] = THIS_EM_BUFFER_LEN-2;  /* Value length - 0 equals no data */
 em_dl_event_buffer[2] = value1;                /* first data info */
 em_dl_event_buffer[3] = value2;                /* second data info */

 return ( em_dl_write (THIS_EM_BUFFER_LEN, em_dl_event_buffer) ); /* Data is stored inside buffer, reset flag */

|  Function     : dl_em_write_buffer_5a
|  Description  :  Perform buffer check and store corresponding data in it.
|  Parameters   :  Event number, data value1, data value2, data cs (USHORT)
|  Return       :  TRUE/FALSE

GLOBAL UBYTE em_write_buffer_5a (UBYTE event_no, UBYTE value1, UBYTE value2, USHORT cs)
 UBYTE em_dl_event_buffer[THIS_EM_BUFFER_LEN];

 TRACE_EVENT_WIN ("em_write_buffer_5a");

   ACI is informed about the first event trace, used for later data processing.

 em_dl_event_buffer[0] = event_no;              /* Event number */
 em_dl_event_buffer[1] = THIS_EM_BUFFER_LEN-2;  /* Value length - 0 equals no data */
 em_dl_event_buffer[2] = value1;                /* first data info */
 em_dl_event_buffer[3] = value2;                /* second data info */
 em_dl_event_buffer[4] = (UBYTE)(cs >> 8);      /* Data to be stored - MSB first */
 em_dl_event_buffer[5] = (UBYTE)(cs);           /* LSB second */

 return ( em_dl_write (THIS_EM_BUFFER_LEN, em_dl_event_buffer) );/* Data is stored inside buffer, reset flag */

|  Function     : em_init_dl_event_trace
|  Description  :  Initialize the event tracing flags
|  Parameters   :
|  Return       :
GLOBAL void em_init_dl_event_trace(void)

 TRACE_EVENT_WIN ("em_init_dl_event_trace");

 for(i=1; i<EM_MAX_DL_EVENTS; i++)
   dl_v[i] = 0;

|  Function     : dl_em_dl_event_req
|  Description  :  Set the event tracing flags according the bitmask
|  Parameters   :  Primitive    - Bitmask
|  Return       :

GLOBAL void dl_em_dl_event_req (T_EM_DL_EVENT_REQ *em_dl_event_req)

 TRACE_EVENT_WIN_P1 ("dl_em_dl_event_req: bitmask_dl=%x", em_dl_event_req->bitmask_dl);
  *  The event tracing flags are set according the bitmask. dl_v[i] are
  *  the flags belonging to the event number described in 8443.601
 for(i=1; i<EM_MAX_DL_EVENTS; i++)
   dl_v[i] = ((em_dl_event_req->bitmask_dl & (0x01<<(i-1))) > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;

   A new event trace is generated therefor the flag is set to 0.
 em_dl_trace_occured = 0;


LOCAL void em_dl_sem_clear (void)
  em_dl_sem_index = em_dl_sem_read_index = 0;

  SYST_TRACE ("DL:em_dl_sem_index cleared");

GLOBAL void em_dl_sem_init (void)
  sem_EM_DL  = vsi_s_open (VSI_CALLER "EM_DL_SEM",1);

  if (sem_EM_DL NEQ VSI_ERROR)
    em_dl_sem_clear ();
    SYST_TRACE ("DL:canīt open semaphore \"EM_DL_SEM\"");

  em_dl_trace_occured = 0;

GLOBAL void em_dl_sem_exit (void)
  if (sem_EM_DL NEQ VSI_ERROR)
    vsi_s_close (VSI_CALLER sem_EM_DL);

To be able to read the dl-buffer from aci, em_dl_sem_read occupies the semaphor with ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION.
After read process toke place the function em_dl_sem_clear must be called to open the semaphor again and
reset the read index.
GLOBAL void em_dl_sem_reset (void)
  em_dl_sem_index = em_dl_sem_read_index = 0;

  SYST_TRACE ("DL:em_dl_sem_index reseted");

GLOBAL void em_dl_sem_read (void)
  USHORT  semCount;
  TRACE_EVENT_WIN ( "em_dl_sem_read");

  if (vsi_s_status (VSI_CALLER sem_EM_DL, &semCount) NEQ VSI_OK)
    return ;
  if (semCount EQ 0)
    SYST_TRACE ("DL:semCount == 0");
    return ;
 The dl semaphor will be read by the engineering mode via aci, therefore the functions em_dl_sem_read
 and em_dl_sem_reset are defined as global. To ensure that during reading only aci has access to
 the semaphor the macro LEAVE_CRITICAL_SECTION is called after the read process toke place -
 in the em_dl_sem_reset function.

  Return value TRUE/FALSE - TRUE keeps the event flag valid, FALSE indicates a successful flag handle
#if defined(INVOKE_SIGNAL)
GLOBAL UBYTE em_dl_write (UBYTE length, UBYTE *data)
#else /* INVOKE_SIGNAL */
LOCAL UBYTE em_dl_write (UBYTE length, UBYTE *data)
#endif /* INVOKE_SIGNAL */
  USHORT  semCount;

  TRACE_EVENT_WIN ("em_dl_write");

  if (dl_data->interrupt_context)
    sig_invoke_dl_em_write (length, data);
    return FALSE;

  if (vsi_s_status (VSI_CALLER sem_EM_DL, &semCount) NEQ VSI_OK)
    return TRUE;

  if (semCount EQ 0)
    TRACE_EVENT_WIN ("semCount == 0");
    return TRUE;

  *  buffer overflow protection - EM_DL_SEM_SIZE = 30
  if ( (em_dl_sem_index + length) > EM_DL_SEM_SIZE )
    TRACE_EVENT_WIN ("dl em buffer full");
    return FALSE;

  if (com_enter_critical_section (sem_EM_DL))
    return TRUE;

  memcpy (&em_dl_sem_buffer[em_dl_sem_index], data, length);
  em_dl_sem_index += length;

  com_leave_critical_section (sem_EM_DL);
  return FALSE;                                           /* indicates that flag was handled */
} /* endfunc em_dl_write */

|  Function     : dl_em_first_event_check()
|  Description  :  Checks if first EM-Event ocured
|  Parameters   :  None
|  Return       :  None

   ACI is informed about the first event trace, used for later data processing.
#if defined(INVOKE_SIGNAL)
GLOBAL void dl_em_first_event_check(void)
LOCAL void  dl_em_first_event_check(void)
#endif  /* !INVOKE_SIGNAL */

#if defined(INVOKE_SIGNAL)
    if (dl_data->interrupt_context)
      sig_invoke_dl_em_first_event_check ();
#endif  /* INVOKE_SIGNAL */


      PALLOC(em_notification, EM_DATA_IND);
      em_notification->entity = EM_DL;
      PSENDX(MMI, em_notification);


#endif /* FF_EM_MODE */

#endif /* DL_EM_C */