view src/ui/bmi/mmiIdle.h @ 211:96c7a4eed1df

.../power/board/power.c: rm trailing white space
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Thu, 22 Apr 2021 20:33:27 +0000
parents 62480f597962
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                    CONDAT (UK)


 This software product is the property of Condat (UK) Ltd and may not be
 disclosed to any third party without the express permission of the owner.


 $Project name: Basic MMI
 $Project code: BMI (6349)
 $Module:       Call
 $File:         MmiIdle.h
 $Revision:     1.0

 $Author:       Condat(UK)
 $Date:         25/10/00




 $History: MmiIdle.h
       Mar 30, 2007 OMAPS00123019 a0393213(R.Prabakar0
       Description : Reboot of the target when you unplug/plug USB cable using camera application

    Oct 13, 2006 OMAPS00095266 a0393213(R.Prabakar)
    Description : CT-GCF[]-Incorrect string display
    Solution     : The DCS attribute is set dynamically

    xashmic 27 Sep 2006, OMAPS00096389
    ENH - a) Providing static menu for re-selection of enum options for enumeration
    b) Popup menu displayed on connect event, can be enabled or disabled via menu option

    xrashmic 9 Sep 2006, OMAPS00092732

       July 12, 2006    REF:DR OMAPS00081477   x0047075
    Description:   SMS (with SMS Report Indicator +CDS Enabled) Reset Issue.
    Solution: Added a window handler for the sms status editor.
                  If sms status editor does not exist, create it.If it already exists Update the same.

    Jun 06, 2006 DR: OMAPS00080543 - xreddymn
    Changes to display long SAT messages correctly on idle screen.

    May 15, 2006 DR: OMAPS00075852 - xreddymn
    Do not display messages on Idle screen when inside the dialer.

    Mar 14, 2006 DR: OMAPS00061468 - x0035544.
    Description: SAT SET UP IDLE MODE TEXT (Icon support) fails
    Solution : Added additional parameter to the prototype of  addSatMessage() to hold the display type
    for  SAT idle text with icon support.

    Sept 15, 2005    REF: CRR 32410  x0021334
    Description: The keypad unlocks even though the unlocking sequence is not executed in quick succession.
    Fix:    A new timer expiry event is added and handled.

        xrashmic 26 Aug, 2004 MMI-SPR-23931

    25/10/00            Original Condat(UK) BMI version.



/* SPR#1428 - SH - New Editor changes */
#include "ATBCommon.h"
#include "ATBDisplay.h"
#include "ATBEditor.h"
#include "mfw_edt.h"
#include "mmiIcons.h" //for T_BITMAP

#ifndef _DEF_MMI_IDLE_H_
#define _DEF_MMI_IDLE_H_

#define EDITOR_SIZE 41                  /* SPR761 - SH - Moved from MmiIdle.c, changed to 41 */

/* xreddymn OMAPS00080543 Jun-06-2006
 * Maximum length allowed for SAT messages on Idle Screen.
#define MAX_SATMSG_LEN                  296

typedef enum
{                                       /* REASONS                  */
 IdleNone = IdleDummy,                  /* no reason                */
 IdleNormal,                            /* normal idle mode         */
} E_IDLE_TYPE; /*a0393213 warnings removal-typedef name given*/

//  Sept 15, 2005    REF: CRR 32410  x0021334
//  Description: The keypad unlocks even though the unlocking sequence is not executed in quick succession.
//  Added a new enum member IDLE_KEYPAD_UNLOCK_TIMER_EXPIRED
typedef enum
{                                       /* REASONS                  */
} E_IDLE_EVENTS; /*a0393213 warnings removal-typedef name given*/

typedef enum
} Version_events;

#define SHOW_CPRS_DEACTIV       0
#define SHOW_CPRS_ACITV         1
#define DONT_SHOW_CPRS          2 //not allowed to show any indication

*  The information related to every window must be encapsulated in such an structure
typedef struct
    T_MMI_CONTROL   mmi_control;        // this a common parameter in every structure
    T_MFW_HND win;                      // windows handler, another common parameter
    T_MFW_HND kbd;                      // To control all of the events, 2 handler are needed kbd that handles the key press
    T_MFW_HND kbd_long;                 // event and kbd_long that handles the release and long key event.
#ifdef NEW_EDITOR                       /* SPR#1428 - SH - New Editor changes */
    T_ED_DATA *editor;
    T_ED_DATA *editor_sat;
    T_MFW_HND sms_status_editor;    //July 12, 2006    REF:DR OMAPS00081477  x0047075 Fix:Handler for the sms status editor
#else /* NEW_EDITOR */
    T_MFW_HND edt;
    T_MFW_HND edt_sat;                  /* SPR759 - SH*/
    T_MFW_HND sms_status_edt;          //July 12,2006 REF:DR OMAPS00081477 x0047075 Fix:Handler for the sms status editor
#endif /* NEW_EDITOR */
    T_MFW_HND info_win;
    T_MFW_HND klck_win;             // Keypad Locked Window Handler
    int missedCalls;
    int ems; //xrashmic 26 Aug, 2004 MMI-SPR-23931
    UBYTE search;
    UBYTE flagIdle;
    USHORT nm_status;
    char edt_buf[EDITOR_SIZE];          /* SPR761 - SH - Changed from a number to a constant */
#ifdef NEW_EDITOR                       /* SPR#1428 - SH - New Editor changes */
    T_ED_ATTR editor_attr;              /* Dialling editor */
    T_ED_ATTR editor_attr2;             /* CB editor */
    T_ED_ATTR editor_attr3;             /* CLASS 0 SMS editor */
    T_ED_ATTR editor_attr_sat;          /* SAT & Homezone editor */
#else /* NEW_EDITOR */
    MfwEdtAttr edt_attr;                //this one for the dialling editor
    MfwEdtAttr edt_attr2;               //this is for the CB editor
    MfwEdtAttr edt_attr3;               //this is for the (only CLASS 0) SMS editor
    MfwEdtAttr edt_attr_sat;            /* SPR759 - SH*/
#endif /* NEW_EDITOR */
    char imei[16];
    /* xreddymn OMAPS00075852 May-15-2006
     * This will be set to TRUE when dialer is being displayed.
    UBYTE dialer_visible;
    UBYTE new_sms;
    UBYTE new_cbch;
    CHAR incoming_cb_msg[MAX_CBMSG_LEN];
    /*NM, p019*/
    CHAR incoming_sms_msg[MAX_MSG_LEN_SGL];
    UBYTE right_key_pressed;
    UBYTE silent_mode;
    UBYTE clean_screen;
    UBYTE ciphering;
    UBYTE starting_up;                  /*SPR#1662 - NH - New field for checking the start up status */
    /* xreddymn OMAPS00080543 Jun-06-2006 */
    CHAR incoming_sat_msg[MAX_SATMSG_LEN];      /* SPR759 - SH*/
    T_BITMAP* idleNetLogo;              //Background for idle screen - NULL if no background.
    T_BITMAP * idleBgd;             //Background image on the idle Screen
    int defTextOffset;              //start point for text (may vary with bitmap ?)
} T_idle;

extern UBYTE KeyPadLock;
extern T_idle idle_data;/*Oct 13 2006, OMAPS00095266, a0393213(R.Prabakar)*/
extern T_MFW_HND usb_opt_win; /*Mar 30, 2007 OMAPS00123019 a0393213(R.Prabakar)*/
                                        /* PROTOTYPES               */
extern void wake_up_rr(void);

void idleInit (MfwHnd parent);
void idleExit (void);
void idleExec (int reason, MmiState next);
void idleEvent(int reason);
void idleDialBuffer(char* dialBuffer);

MfwHnd idle_get_window(void);

int idleIsFocussed(void);

void idle_set_starting_up(UBYTE set);

void windowsUpdate(void);

void addMissedCall(void);
void addNewEMS(void);//xrashmic 26 Aug, 2004 MMI-SPR-23931
void addCBCH(char* cbch_string, UBYTE type);
void statusCBCH(UBYTE status);

// 09-Dec-2005, Shashi Shekar B.S., a0876501, START
//x0035544 Mar 14, 2006 DR:OMAPS00061468
**Sending additional parameter display_type to hold the display type for SAT Idle text with icon display
void addSatMessage(char *satMessage, UBYTE width, UBYTE height,
                   char *dst, UBYTE selfExplanatory, T_DISPLAY_TYPE display_type);
void addSatMessage(char *satMessage);       /* SPR759 - SH*/
extern void showIMEI (T_MFW_HND win, char* IMEI);
void idle_setBgdBitmap(int bmp);

/* Added to remove warning Aug - 11 */
EXTERN U32 dspl_GetBorderColour ( void );
EXTERN U32 dspl_GetFgdColour ( void );
EXTERN U32 dspl_SetBorderColour (U32 inColour);
EXTERN int dspl_GetContrastColour( int ipCol);
EXTERN UBYTE sms_check_message_pending(void);
EXTERN int M_callVoice(MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i);
/* End - Remove warning Aug - 11 */


/* Callback function for powermanagement timer. */
int powerManagementEvent( MfwEvt e, MfwTim *tc );

/*function for updating PM timer.*/
void mmi_update_pm_timer_duration(void);

/*function to enable/disable Power Management .*/
void mmi_pm_enable( int enable_pm);
//xashmic 9 Sep 2006, OMAPS00092732
void mmi_usb_mode_connect(void);
void mmi_usb_mode_disconnect(void);
GLOBAL int mmi_usb_enumeration (MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i);
GLOBAL int setUSBMSPS (MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i);//xashmic 27 Sep 2006, OMAPS00096389
GLOBAL int setUSBMSPopup (MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i);//xashmic 27 Sep 2006, OMAPS00096389
UBYTE getUSBMSFlags(void);//xashmic 27 Sep 2006, OMAPS00096389
