/********************************************************************************** COPYRIGHT (C) 2000 BY ERICSSON EUROLAB DEUTSCHLAND GmbH** The program(s) may be used and/or copied only with the* written permission from Ericsson or in accordance* with the terms and conditions stipulated in the agreement or* contract under which the program(s) have been supplied.********************************************************************************** File : conv_encoder.h* Purpose : Header file for conv_encoder.c* Author : Francisco Javier Gil Gomez********************************************************************************** Changes since October 13, 2000:* - added reset function conv_encoder_reset()********************************************************************************* $Id: $ **/#ifndef conv_encoder_h#define conv_encoder_h "$Id: $"#include "conv_poly.h" /* definition of encoder_t *//***********************************************************************//* conv_encoder_init() *//* ******************* *//* Initialization of the convolutional encoder. *//* *//* output variables: *//* *ptr_state Initialized state variable of the encoder *//***********************************************************************/void conv_encoder_init(conv_encoder_t* ptr_state);void conv_encoder_reset(conv_encoder_t* ptr_state);/***********************************************************************//* conv_encoder_exec() *//* ******************* *//* Execution of the convolutional encoder *//* *//* input variables: *//* in Vector with net bits *//* inbits Number of valid net bits in vector in. *//* *//* output variables: *//* out Vector with the encoded gross bits. The gross *//* bits are either 0 or 1. The vector out must *//* have at least CHC_RATE*inbits elements. *//* *//* input/output variables: *//* *ptr_state State variable of the encoder *//* *//***********************************************************************/void conv_encoder_exec(conv_encoder_t* ptr_state, WORD16* in, WORD16 inbits, WORD16* out);#endif