view src/cs/services/atp/atp_uart_env.c @ 291:a72feaed133a

PWT buzzer driver: conditionalize on TARGET_HAS_BUZZER Here we add a new target config preprocessor symbol TARGET_HAS_BUZZER, currently defined for c11x and c139; later we also expect to have it on for FC Venus, and in FC Magnetite we are going to turn it on for target dsample, just for the sake of completeness and philosophical correctness.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sat, 26 Mar 2022 19:31:18 +0000
parents 4e78acac3d88
line wrap: on
line source

/*                                                                              */
/*    File Name:         atp_uart_env.c                                         */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Purpose:           This file contains the functions used to:              */
/*                          - get some information about the ATP-UART           */
/*                            interface, such as its name or the memory         */
/*                            requirements,                                     */
/*                          - set the memory bank identifier dedicated to the   */
/*                            ATP-UART interface,                               */
/*                          - initialize the ATP-UART interface,                */
/*                          - activate the ATP-UART interface,                  */
/*                          - prepare the termination of the ATP-UART           */
/*                            interface,                                        */
/*                          - kill the ATP-UART interface.                      */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Note:              None.                                                  */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Revision History:                                                         */
/*       10/04/01        Pascal Pompei                                          */
/*                          - Create.                                           */
/*                                                                              */
/* (C) Copyright 2001 by Texas Instruments Incorporated, All Rights Reserved.   */
/*                                                                              */
#include "atp/atp_uart_i.h"
#include "atp/atp_uart_env.h"
#include "rvm/rvm_priorities.h"
#include "rvm/rvm_use_id_list.h"

/******************** GLOBAL ATP-UART INTERFACE CONTROL BLOCK *******************/
/*                                                                              */
/* Define a pointer to the 'Global ATP-UART Interface Control Block'.           */
T_ATP_UART_CTRL_BLK  *gbl_atp_uart_ctrl_blk_p = NULL;

/*                                                                              */
/*    Function Name:     atp_uart_get_info                                      */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Purpose:           This function gets some information about the ATP-UART */
/*                       interface, such as its name or the required resources. */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Input Parameters:                                                         */
/*       info_software_entity_p - Points to the structure gathering information */
/*                                about the ATP-UART interface.                 */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Output Parameters: None.                                                  */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Global Parameters: None.                                                  */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Note:              None.                                                  */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Revision History:                                                         */
/*       10/04/01        Pascal Pompei                                          */
/*                          - Create.                                           */
/*                                                                              */
T_RVM_RETURN atp_uart_get_info (T_RVM_INFO_SWE  *info_software_entity_p)

/*********************** atp_uart_get_info function begins **********************/

	/* Get some information about the ATP-UART interface, such as its priority  */
	/* or the number of needed memory banks.                                    */
	info_software_entity_p->swe_type                        = RVM_SWE_TYPE_4;
	((info_software_entity_p->type_info).type4).stack_size  = ATP_UART_STACK_SIZE;
	((info_software_entity_p->type_info).type4).priority    = RVM_ATP_UART_TASK_PRIORITY;
	((info_software_entity_p->type_info).type4).nb_mem_bank = 0x01;

	/* Get the name of the ATP-UART interface.                                  */
	strcpy (((info_software_entity_p->type_info).type4).swe_name,

	/* Get the unique entity identifier assigned to the ATP-UART interface.     */
	((info_software_entity_p->type_info).type4).swe_use_id = ATP_UART_USE_ID;

	/* Get some information about the 'Memory Bank' assigned to the ATP-UART    */
	/* interface, such as its size or the corresponding watermarks.             */
	strcpy ((((info_software_entity_p->type_info).type4).mem_bank[0]).bank_name,
	((((info_software_entity_p->type_info).type4).mem_bank[0]).initial_params).size      = ATP_UART_MB_PRIM_SIZE;
	((((info_software_entity_p->type_info).type4).mem_bank[0]).initial_params).watermark = ATP_UART_MB_PRIM_WATERMARK;

	/* Notify the 'Riviera Manager' of the callback functions to be used in     */
	/* order to run the ATP-UART interface.                                     */
	((info_software_entity_p->type_info).type4).set_info = atp_uart_set_info;
	((info_software_entity_p->type_info).type4).init     = atp_uart_init;
	((info_software_entity_p->type_info).type4).core     = atp_uart_core;
	((info_software_entity_p->type_info).type4).stop     = atp_uart_stop;
	((info_software_entity_p->type_info).type4).kill     = atp_uart_kill;

	/* Notify the 'Riviera Manager' of the fact that the ATP-UART interface     */
	/* requires to be layered above the AT Parser.                              */
	((info_software_entity_p->type_info).type4).nb_linked_swe    = 0x01;
	((info_software_entity_p->type_info).type4).linked_swe_id[0] = ATP_USE_ID;
	return (RVM_OK);

} /********************** End of atp_uart_get_info function *********************/

/*                                                                              */
/*    Function Name:     atp_uart_set_info                                      */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Purpose:           This function sets the memory bank identifiers         */
/*                       dedicated to the ATP-UART interface.                   */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Input Parameters:                                                         */
/*       addr_id            - Contains the unique address identifier assigned   */
/*                            to the ATP-UART interface.                        */
/*       return_path_p      - Points to the information regarding return paths  */
/*                            assigned to other linked software entities.       */
/*       mb_id_p            - Points to the memory bank identifiers assigned to */
/*                            the ATP-UART interface.                           */
/*       error_function_p   - Function to be called in order to report any      */
/*                            unrecoverable error.                              */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Output Parameters: None.                                                  */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Global Parameters: None.                                                  */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Note:              None.                                                  */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Revision History:                                                         */
/*       10/04/01        Pascal Pompei                                          */
/*                          - Create.                                           */
/*                                                                              */
T_RVM_RETURN atp_uart_set_info (T_RVF_ADDR_ID  addr_id,
								T_RV_RETURN    return_path_p[],
								T_RVF_MB_ID    *mb_id_p,
								T_RVM_CB_FUNC  error_function_p)
    /* Declare a local variable.                                                */
	T_RVF_MB_STATUS  mb_status = RVF_GREEN;

/*********************** atp_uart_set_info function begins **********************/

	/* Allocate memory required to store the 'Global ATP-UART Interface Control */
	/* Block'.                                                                  */
	mb_status = rvf_get_buf (mb_id_p[0],
							 sizeof (T_ATP_UART_CTRL_BLK),
							 (T_RVF_BUFFER **) (&gbl_atp_uart_ctrl_blk_p));

	/* If insufficient resources to properly run the ATP-UART interface, then   */
	/* report an internal memory error and abort.                               */
	switch (mb_status)
		case RVF_GREEN:

				/* Initialize the 'Global ATP-UART Interface Control Block'.    */
				memset ((T_RVF_BUFFER *) (gbl_atp_uart_ctrl_blk_p),
						sizeof (T_ATP_UART_CTRL_BLK));

				/* Store the memory bank identifier assigned to the ATP-UART    */
				/* interface.                                                   */
				gbl_atp_uart_ctrl_blk_p->mb_id = mb_id_p[0];

				/* Store the unique address identifier assigned to the ATP-UART */
				/* interface.                                                   */
				gbl_atp_uart_ctrl_blk_p->addr_id = addr_id;

				/* Store the function to be called whenever any unrecoverable   */
				/* error occurs.                                                */
				gbl_atp_uart_ctrl_blk_p->error_function_p = error_function_p;
				rvf_send_trace ("  ATP-UART (env). 'atp_uart_set_info' succeeded ",
		case RVF_YELLOW:
				(void) rvf_free_buf ((T_RVF_BUFFER *) (gbl_atp_uart_ctrl_blk_p));
				gbl_atp_uart_ctrl_blk_p = NULL;
				rvf_send_trace ("  ATP-UART (env). 'atp_uart_set_info' failed ",
				return (RVM_MEMORY_ERR);
	return (RVM_OK);

} /********************** End of atp_uart_set_info function *********************/

/*                                                                              */
/*    Function Name:     atp_uart_init                                          */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Purpose:           This function initializes the ATP-UART interface.      */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Input Parameters:  None.                                                  */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Output Parameters: None.                                                  */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Global Parameters: None.                                                  */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Note:              None.                                                  */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Revision History:                                                         */
/*       10/04/01        Pascal Pompei                                          */
/*                          - Create.                                           */
/*                                                                              */
T_RVM_RETURN atp_uart_init (void)

/************************* atp_uart_init function begins ************************/

	/* Set the default name and handle assigned to the COM port. Note that the  */
	/* name must be a NULL-terminated string.                                   */
	(void) strcpy ((gbl_atp_uart_ctrl_blk_p->conn_ctrl_blk).com_port_name,
	(gbl_atp_uart_ctrl_blk_p->conn_ctrl_blk).com_port_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;

	/* Indicate that no virtual modem port is established with the AT Parser    */
	/* for now.                                                                 */
	(gbl_atp_uart_ctrl_blk_p->conn_ctrl_blk).virtual_modem_port_established = FALSE;
	(gbl_atp_uart_ctrl_blk_p->conn_ctrl_blk).virtual_modem_port_mode        = ATP_PORT_CMD_MODE;
	(gbl_atp_uart_ctrl_blk_p->conn_ctrl_blk).control_signals                = ATP_RX_FLOW_OFF;
	rvf_send_trace ("  ATP-UART (env). 'atp_uart_init' succeeded ",
	return (RVM_OK);

} /************************ End of atp_uart_init function ***********************/

/*                                                                              */
/*    Function Name:     atp_uart_core                                          */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Purpose:           This function activates the ATP-UART interface.        */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Input Parameters:  None.                                                  */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Output Parameters: None.                                                  */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Global Parameters: None.                                                  */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Note:              None.                                                  */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Revision History:                                                         */
/*       10/04/01        Pascal Pompei                                          */
/*                          - Create.                                           */
/*                                                                              */
T_RVM_RETURN atp_uart_core (void)

/************************* atp_uart_core function begins ************************/

	return (atp_uart_handle_msg ());

} /************************ End of atp_uart_core function ***********************/

/*                                                                              */
/*    Function Name:     atp_uart_stop                                          */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Purpose:           This function prepares the termination of the ATP-UART */
/*                       interface.                                             */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Input Parameters:  None.                                                  */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Output Parameters: None.                                                  */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Global Parameters: None.                                                  */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Note:              None.                                                  */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Revision History:                                                         */
/*       10/04/01        Pascal Pompei                                          */
/*                          - Create.                                           */
/*                                                                              */
T_RVM_RETURN atp_uart_stop (void)

/************************* atp_uart_stop function begins ************************/

	/* If the virtual modem port is opened with the AT Parser, then deactivate  */
	/* it first. If any  error occurred, then call the function used whenever   */
	/* any unrecoverable error occurs and abort.                                */
	if (((gbl_atp_uart_ctrl_blk_p->conn_ctrl_blk).virtual_modem_port_established == TRUE) && \
		(atp_close_port ((gbl_atp_uart_ctrl_blk_p->conn_ctrl_blk).atp_id, \
									  "  ATP-UART (env). 'atp_uart_stop' failed ");
		return (RVM_NOT_READY);

	/* Then, if needed, deactivate the COM port currently in use. If any        */
	/* error occurred, then call the function used whenever any unrecoverable   */
	/* error occurs and abort.                                                  */
	if (((gbl_atp_uart_ctrl_blk_p->conn_ctrl_blk).com_port_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && \
		(atp_uart_remove_com_port () != RV_OK))
									  "  ATP-UART (env). 'atp_uart_stop' failed ");
		return (RVM_NOT_READY);
	/* At last, withdraw the ATP-UART interface from the AT Parser. If any      */
	/* error occurred, then call the function used whenever any unrecoverable   */
	/* error occurs and abort.                                                  */
	if (atp_dereg ((gbl_atp_uart_ctrl_blk_p->conn_ctrl_blk).atp_id) != RV_OK)
									  "  ATP-UART (env). 'atp_uart_stop' failed ");
		return (RVM_NOT_READY);
	rvf_send_trace ("  ATP-UART (env). 'atp_uart_stop' succeeded ",
	return (RVM_OK);

} /************************ End of atp_uart_stop function ***********************/

/*                                                                              */
/*    Function Name:     atp_uart_kill                                          */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Purpose:           This function kills the ATP-UART interface.            */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Input Parameters:  None.                                                  */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Output Parameters: None.                                                  */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Global Parameters: None.                                                  */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Note:              None.                                                  */
/*                                                                              */
/*    Revision History:                                                         */
/*       10/04/01        Pascal Pompei                                          */
/*                          - Create.                                           */
/*                                                                              */
T_RVM_RETURN atp_uart_kill (void)

/************************* atp_uart_kill function begins ************************/

	/* Free the previously allocated memory required to store the 'Global       */
	/* ATP-UART Interface Control  Block'.                                      */
	(void) rvf_free_buf ((T_RVF_BUFFER *) (gbl_atp_uart_ctrl_blk_p));
	gbl_atp_uart_ctrl_blk_p = NULL;
	rvf_send_trace ("  ATP-UART (env). 'atp_uart_kill' succeeded ",
	return (RVM_OK);

} /************************ End of atp_uart_kill function ***********************/