line source
| File: app_cmds.c
| Copyright 2004 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG
| All rights reserved.
| This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas
| Instruments Berlin, AG
| The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey
| any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to
| manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in
| whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of
| Texas Instruments Berlin, AG.
| Purpose : Example application for TCP/IP and Socket API -- command parser.
#define APP_CMDS_C
#define ENTITY_APP
/*==== INCLUDES =============================================================*/
#include <string.h> /* String functions, e. g. strncpy(). */
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef _SIMULATION_
#include "typedefs.h" /* Condat data types. */
#endif /* _SIMULATION_ */
#include "vsi.h" /* A lot of macros. */
#ifndef _SIMULATION_
#include "custom.h"
#include "gsm.h" /* A lot of macros. */
//#include "prim.h" /* Definitions of used SAP and directions. */
#include "pei.h" /* PEI interface. */
#include "tools.h" /* Common tools. */
#endif /* _SIMULATION_ */
#include "prim.h" /* Definitions of used SAP and directions. */
#include "socket_api.h" /* Socket API. */
#include "app.h" /* Global entity definitions. */
char custom_apn[SOCK_MAX_APN_LEN+1];
char custom_user_id[SOCK_MAX_USERID_LEN+1];
char custom_password[SOCK_MAX_PASSWORD_LEN+1];
BOOL custom_apn_valid = FALSE;
/*==== Local defines =========================================================*/
#define MAX_TOKENS 4 /* Maximum number of tokens to search for;
* first token is the command name, last token
* the rest of the line. */
/*==== Local data ============================================================*/
/* Type of command table entry. */
typedef struct APP_CMD_ENTRY app_cmd_entry_t ;
/* Type of some application core functions. */
typedef void (*core_func_t)(int prov, int n, int reps) ;
/* Type of command handler functions. */
typedef char *(*cmd_handler_t)(app_cmd_entry_t *cmd_entry_ptr,
char *param1,
char *param2,
char *param3,
core_func_t core_func) ;
/* Struct for command table entry. */
struct APP_CMD_ENTRY {
char *cmd_name ; /* Command string. */
cmd_handler_t cmd_func ; /* Command handler function. */
core_func_t core_func ; /* Related core function (if applicable). */
char *cmd_usage ; /* Command usage string (informative only). */
} ;
static char *app_cmd_data(app_cmd_entry_t *, char *, char *, char *, core_func_t) ;
static char *app_cmd_echo(app_cmd_entry_t *, char *, char *, char *, core_func_t) ;
static char *app_cmd_tcpsrv(app_cmd_entry_t *, char *, char *, char *, core_func_t) ;
static char *app_cmd_dnsquery(app_cmd_entry_t *, char *, char *, char *, core_func_t) ;
static char *app_cmd_server(app_cmd_entry_t *, char *, char *, char *, core_func_t) ;
static char *app_cmd_shutdown(app_cmd_entry_t *, char *, char *, char *, core_func_t) ;
static char *app_cmd_pstat(app_cmd_entry_t *, char *, char *, char *, core_func_t) ;
static char *app_cmd_help(app_cmd_entry_t *, char *, char *, char *, core_func_t) ;
static char *app_cmd_buffer(app_cmd_entry_t *, char *, char *, char *, core_func_t) ;
static char *app_cmd_port(app_cmd_entry_t *, char *, char *, char *, core_func_t) ;
static char *app_cmd_bearer(app_cmd_entry_t *, char *, char *, char *, core_func_t) ;
static char *app_cmd_xon(app_cmd_entry_t *, char *, char *, char *, core_func_t) ;
static char *app_cmd_xoff(app_cmd_entry_t *, char *, char *, char *, core_func_t) ;
static char *app_cmd_open_bearer(app_cmd_entry_t *, char *, char *, char *, core_func_t) ;
static char *app_cmd_close_bearer(app_cmd_entry_t *, char *, char *, char *, core_func_t) ;
static char *app_cmd_set_provider(app_cmd_entry_t *, char *, char *, char *, core_func_t) ;
/* Command handler table. */
static app_cmd_entry_t app_cmd_table[] = {
{ "tcpdl", app_cmd_data, app_start_tcpdl, "[Provider][size] [reps]" },
{ "tcpul", app_cmd_data, app_start_tcpul, "[Provider][size] [reps]" },
{ "udpdl", app_cmd_data, app_start_udpdl, "[Provider][size] [reps]" },
{ "udpul", app_cmd_data, app_start_udpul, "[Provider][size] [reps]" },
{ "tcpecho", app_cmd_echo, app_start_tcpecho, "[Provider][items] [reps]" },
{ "udpecho", app_cmd_echo, app_start_udpecho, "[Provider] [items] [reps]" },
{ "tcpsrv", app_cmd_tcpsrv, app_start_tcpsrv, "[Provider][port] [repeat]" },
{ "dnsquery", app_cmd_dnsquery, 0, "[Provider][times] [fqdn]" },
{ "server", app_cmd_server, 0, "[server-address]" },
{ "port", app_cmd_port, 0, "[portnumber]" },
{ "buffer", app_cmd_buffer, 0, "[bufsize]" },
{ "bearer", app_cmd_bearer, 0, "[gsm|gprs|best|none]" },
{ "shutdown", app_cmd_shutdown, 0, "" },
{ "stat", app_cmd_pstat, 0, "" },
{ "help", app_cmd_help, 0, "" },
{ "xon", app_cmd_xon, 0, "" },
{ "xoff", app_cmd_xoff, 0, "" },
{ "open_bearer", app_cmd_open_bearer,app_open_bearer,"[Provider]" },
{ "close_bearer", app_cmd_close_bearer,0, "[Provider]" },
{ "set_provider", app_cmd_set_provider, 0,"[apn] [user_id] [password]" },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0},
} ;
/*============ Support functions =============================================*/
static U32 get_provider(char *param)
prov = atoi(param) ;
if( (prov EQ 0) OR (!(prov < APP_PROV_INVALID)) )
TRACE_EVENT("ERROR: unkown provider - setting to default");
return prov;
static U32 get_item(char *param, U32 default_item, BOOL can_null)
U32 item = default_item;
if (param)
item = atoi(param);
if (!can_null AND item EQ 0)
TRACE_EVENT("ERROR: item is 0, setting to default");
item = default_item;
return item;
/*==== Command handler functions =============================================*/
static char *app_cmd_data(app_cmd_entry_t *cmd_entry_ptr,
char *param1, char *param2, char *param3, core_func_t core_func)
U32 prov = get_provider(param1);
U32 size = get_item(param2, APP_DEF_DOWNLOAD_SIZE,TRUE);
U32 reps = get_item(param3, APP_DEF_DOWNLOAD_REPS,FALSE);
TRACE_FUNCTION("app_cmd_data()") ;
core_func(prov,size, reps) ;
return 0 ;
static char *app_cmd_echo(app_cmd_entry_t *cmd_entry_ptr,
char *param1, char *param2, char *param3, core_func_t core_func)
U32 prov = get_provider(param1);
U32 size = get_item(param2, APP_DEF_ECHO_ITEMS,TRUE);
U32 reps = get_item(param3, APP_DEF_ECHO_REPS,FALSE);
TRACE_FUNCTION("app_cmd_echo()") ;
core_func(prov,size, reps) ;
return 0 ;
static char *app_cmd_tcpsrv(app_cmd_entry_t *cmd_entry_ptr,
char *param1, char *param2, char *param3, core_func_t core_func)
U32 prov = get_provider(param1);
U32 port = get_item(param2, APP_DEF_TCPSRV_PORT,TRUE);
U32 rep = get_item(param3, APP_DEF_TCPSRV_REPEAT,TRUE);
TRACE_FUNCTION("app_cmd_tcpsrv()") ;
app_start_tcpsrv(prov,port, rep) ;
return 0 ;
static char *app_cmd_dnsquery(app_cmd_entry_t *cmd_entry_ptr,
char *param1, char *param2, char *param3, core_func_t core_func)
U32 prov = get_provider(param1);
int times = get_item(param2, APP_DEF_DNSQUERY_TIMES,FALSE);
app_start_dnsquery(prov,times, param3) ;
return 0 ;
static char *app_cmd_server(app_cmd_entry_t *cmd_entry_ptr,
char *param1, char *param2, char *param3, core_func_t core_func)
app_server(param1) ;
return 0 ;
static char *app_cmd_buffer(app_cmd_entry_t *cmd_entry_ptr,
char *param1, char *param2, char *param3, core_func_t core_func)
app_buffer(param1) ;
return 0 ;
static char *app_cmd_port(app_cmd_entry_t *cmd_entry_ptr,
char *param1, char *param2, char *param3, core_func_t core_func)
app_port(param1) ;
return 0 ;
static char *app_cmd_shutdown(app_cmd_entry_t *cmd_entry_ptr,
char *param1, char *param2, char *param3, core_func_t core_func)
app_shutdown() ;
return 0 ;
static char *app_cmd_bearer(app_cmd_entry_t *cmd_entry_ptr,
char *param1, char *param2, char *param3, core_func_t core_func)
app_bearer(param1) ;
return 0 ;
static char *app_cmd_pstat(app_cmd_entry_t *cmd_entry_ptr,
char *param1, char *param2, char *param3, core_func_t core_func)
app_pstat() ;
return 0 ;
static char *app_cmd_xon(app_cmd_entry_t *cmd_entry_ptr,
char *param1, char *param2, char *param3, core_func_t core_func)
app_switch_flow(1) ;
return 0 ;
static char *app_cmd_xoff(app_cmd_entry_t *cmd_entry_ptr,
char *param1, char *param2, char *param3, core_func_t core_func)
app_switch_flow(0) ;
return 0 ;
static char *app_cmd_help(app_cmd_entry_t *cmd_entry_ptr,
char *param1, char *param2, char *param3, core_func_t core_func)
TRACE_EVENT("Available commands:") ;
for (cmd_entry_ptr = &app_cmd_table[0];
TRACE_EVENT_P2(" %s %s",
cmd_entry_ptr->cmd_name, cmd_entry_ptr->cmd_usage) ;
return 0 ;
static char *app_cmd_open_bearer(app_cmd_entry_t *cmd_entry_ptr, char *param1,
char *param2, char *param3, core_func_t core_func)
U32 prov = get_provider(param1);
TRACE_FUNCTION("app_cmd_open_bearer()") ;
core_func(prov, 0, 0);
return 0;
static char *app_cmd_close_bearer(app_cmd_entry_t *cmd_entry_ptr, char *param1,
char *param2, char *param3, core_func_t core_func)
TRACE_FUNCTION("app_cmd_close_bearer()") ;
return 0;
static char *app_cmd_set_provider(app_cmd_entry_t *cmd_entry_ptr, char *param1,
char *param2, char *param3, core_func_t core_func)
/* To indicate presence of valid Custom APN */
custom_apn_valid = TRUE;
/* Set the APN string sent by the user */
strcpy(custom_apn, param1);
/* Set used ID sent by the user */
strcpy(custom_user_id, param2);
/* Set used ID sent by the user */
strcpy(custom_password, param3);
return 0;
/*==== Local functions =======================================================*/
static char **app_tokenize_cmd(char *command)
/* Three tokens will be enough: command name, parameter 1, parameter 2. Empty
* tokens will be NULL. */
static char *cmd_token[MAX_TOKENS] ;
char *cur ; /* Pointer to current character. */
int cur_tok ; /* Current token number. */
cur = command ;
cur_tok = 0 ;
while (isspace(*cur)) /* FALSE also for NUl character. */
cur++ ; /* Skip whitespace. */
if (!*cur) /* String terminated. */
cmd_token[cur_tok] = 0 ; /* No token here and stop. */
break ;
cmd_token[cur_tok++] = cur ;
cmd_token[cur_tok] = 0 ;
while (*cur && !isspace(*cur))
cur++ ; /* Skip non-whitespace. */
if (*cur) *cur++ = 0 ; /* Zero-terminate token if not end of string. */
while (cur_tok < MAX_TOKENS) ;
return cmd_token ;
#if !defined (FF_GPF_TCPIP) && !defined (CO_TCPIP_TESTAPP)
char *string_to_lower(char *s)
char *tmp ;
for (tmp = s; *tmp; tmp++)
*tmp = tolower(*tmp) ;
return s ;
#endif /* #if !defined (FF_GPF_TCPIP) && !defined (CO_TCPIP_TESTAPP) */
/*==== Exported functions ====================================================*/
/** Parse a command and execute it if it is valid. Return appropriate error
* message if the command is invalid or fails.
* @param command command line to execute
* @return an error message or NULL on success
char *app_handle_command_tcpip(char *command)
char **tokened_cmd ; /* Tokenized command line. */
int cmd_index ;
TRACE_FUNCTION("app_handle_command_tcpip()") ;
tokened_cmd = app_tokenize_cmd(command) ;
if (!tokened_cmd[0])
return "ERROR: empty command line" ;
string_to_lower(tokened_cmd[0]) ; /* convert to lower char */
cmd_index = 0 ;
while (app_cmd_table[cmd_index].cmd_name)
if (!strcmp(tokened_cmd[0], app_cmd_table[cmd_index].cmd_name))
TRACE_EVENT_P4("Call %s(%s, %s, %s)", app_cmd_table[cmd_index].cmd_name,
tokened_cmd[1] ? tokened_cmd[1] : "(null)",
tokened_cmd[2] ? tokened_cmd[2] : "(null)",
tokened_cmd[3] ? tokened_cmd[3] : "(null)") ;
return app_cmd_table[cmd_index].cmd_func(&app_cmd_table[cmd_index],
app_cmd_table[cmd_index].core_func) ;
cmd_index++ ;
return "ERROR: command not recognized" ;
/* This is onoy for the case that the macro UI_TRACE() is undefined, in which
* case the linker bemoans it as missing. */
#endif /* FF_GPF_TCPIP */
/* EOF */