/*+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| File: frm_glob.h+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG| All rights reserved.|| This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas| Instruments Berlin, AG| The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey| any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to| manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in| whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of| Texas Instruments Berlin, AG.+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Purpose : Global frame tables+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/#ifndef FRM_GLOB_H#define FRM_GLOB_H/*==== INCLUDES =============================================================*/#include "frm_types.h"/*==== CONSTANTS ============================================================*//*==== TYPES ================================================================*//*==== VARIABLES ================================================================*/#ifndef CONFIG_MODULEextern USHORT MaxEntities;extern USHORT MaxCommunications;extern USHORT MaxSimultaneousTimer;extern USHORT MaxTimer;extern USHORT MaxSemaphores;extern USHORT NumberOfPPMPartitions;extern ULONG MaxPrimPartSize;extern USHORT TextTracePartitionSize;extern T_VOID_STRUCT *processed_prim[];extern T_VOID_STRUCT *freed_prim[];extern T_HANDLE e_running[];extern T_FRM_TASK_TABLE_ENTRY pf_TaskTable[];extern ULONG TraceMask[]; extern char TracesAborted[];extern char PrimAborted[];extern char route_desclist[];extern T_HANDLE TimerHandleField[];#if !defined _TARGET_ && !defined _TOOLS_extern char pcheck_active[];#endif #else /* CONFIG_MODULE *//* -------------- S H A R E D - BEGIN ---------------- */#ifdef _TOOLS_#pragma data_seg("FRAME_SHARED")#endif#ifndef DATA_INT_RAM/* declare on pointer for each entity for ccd error handling */struct ccd_task_table;struct ccd_task_table* ccd_task_list[MAX_ENTITIES+1];USHORT MaxEntities = MAX_ENTITIES;USHORT MaxTimer = MAX_TIMER;#ifndef _TOOLS_/* * This way of setting the TST and RCV stacksize is chosen to keep it backwardscompatible, * i.e. not change the behavior if the stacksizes are not define in the configuration * file xxxconst.h. */#ifdef TSTSND_STACK_SIZEconst USHORT TST_SndStacksize = TSTSND_STACK_SIZE;#elseconst USHORT TST_SndStacksize = 0;#endif#ifdef TSTRCV_STACK_SIZEconst USHORT TST_RcvStacksize = TSTRCV_STACK_SIZE;#elseconst USHORT TST_RcvStacksize = 0;#endif#endif /* _TOOLS_ */T_FRM_TASK_TABLE_ENTRY pf_TaskTable [ MAX_ENTITIES + 1 ]={0};ULONG *Routing [ MAX_ENTITIES + 1 ]={0};ULONG TraceMask [ MAX_ENTITIES + 1 ]={0};char TracesAborted [ MAX_ENTITIES + 1 ]={0};char PrimAborted [ MAX_ENTITIES + 1 ]={0};#ifdef PRIM_AUTO_FREET_VOID_STRUCT *processed_prim [ MAX_ENTITIES + 1 ]={0};T_VOID_STRUCT *freed_prim [ MAX_ENTITIES + 1 ]={0};#endif T_HANDLE e_running [ MAX_ENTITIES + 1 ]={0};char route_desclist [ MAX_ENTITIES + 1 ]={0};T_DRV_TABLE_ENTRY DrvTable [ MAX_TST_DRV + 1 ]={0};T_HANDLE TimerHandleField [ MAX_TIMER + 1 ]={0};#if !defined _TARGET_ && !defined _TOOLS_char pcheck_active [ MAX_ENTITIES + 1 ]={0};#endif#endif /* DATA_INT_RAM */#ifdef _TOOLS_#pragma data_seg()#endif/* -------------- S H A R E D - END ---------------- */#endif /* CONFIG_MODULE */#endif