view src/cs/system/main/gcc/exceptions.S @ 268:f2e52cab0a73

abb_inth.c: check all interrupt causes, not just one The original code used if - else if - else if etc constructs, thus the first detected interrupt was the only one handled. However, Iota ITSTATREG is a clear-on-read register, thus if we only handle the first detected interrupt and skip checking the others, then the other interrupts will be lost, if more than one interrupt happened to occur in one ABB interrupt handling cycle - a form of rare race condition. Change the code to check all interrupts that were read in this cycle.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sun, 13 Jun 2021 18:17:53 +0000
parents 4e78acac3d88
line wrap: on
line source

 * This module contains ARM exception handlers which used to be
 * in chipsetsw/system/Main/int.s in TI's original version.

	.code	32

@ layout of xdump buffer:
@ struct xdump_s {
@     long registers[16] // svc mode registers
@     long cpsr          // svc mode CPSR
@     long exception     // magic word + index of vector taken
@     long stack[20]     // bottom 20 words of usr mode stack
@ }

	.globl	_arm_undefined
	@ store r12 for Xdump_buffer pointer, r11 for index
	stmfd   r13!,{r11,r12}
	mov     r11,#1
	b       save_regs

	.globl	_arm_swi
	@ store r12 for Xdump_buffer pointer, r11 for index
	stmfd   r13!,{r11,r12}
	mov     r11,#2
	b       save_regs

	.globl	_arm_abort_prefetch
	@ store r12 for Xdump_buffer pointer, r11 for index
	stmfd   r13!,{r11,r12}
	mov     r11,#3
	b       save_regs

	.globl	_arm_abort_data
	@ store r12 for Xdump_buffer pointer, r11 for index
	stmfd   r13!,{r11,r12}
	mov     r11,#4
	b       save_regs

	.globl	_arm_reserved
	ldr	r13,=_Except_Stack_SP	@ mode unknown
	@ store r12 for Xdump_buffer pointer, r11 for index
	stmfd   r13!,{r11,r12}
	mov     r11,#5
	b       save_regs

        ldr     r12,=xdump_buffer
        str     r14,[r12,#4*15] @ save r14_abt (original PC) into r15 slot

        stmia   r12,{r0-r10}    @ save unbanked registers (except r11 and r12)
        ldmfd   r13!,{r0,r1}    @ get original r11 and r12
        str     r0,[r12,#4*11]  @ save original r11
        str     r1,[r12,#4*12]  @ save original r12
        mrs     r0,spsr         @ get original psr
        str     r0,[r12,#4*16]  @ save original cpsr

        mrs     r1,cpsr         @ save mode psr
        bic     r2,r1,#0x1f     @ psr with mode bits cleared
        and     r0,r0,#0x1f     @ get original mode bits
        add     r0,r0,r2

        msr     cpsr,r0		@ move to pre-exception mode
        str     r13,[r12,#4*13] @ save original SP
        str     r14,[r12,#4*14] @ save original LR
        msr     cpsr,r1 	@ restore mode psr

        @ r11 has original index
        orr     r10,r11,#0xDE<<24 @ r10 = 0xDEAD0000 + index of vector taken
        orr     r10,r10,#0xAD<<16
        str     r10,[r12,#4*17] @ save magic + index

        mov     r0,r11          @ put index into 1st argument
        b       dar_exception

@ the second part

 * For the SP-in-RAM validity check, we use the following simplification:
 * it doesn't really matter what the actual IRAM and XRAM sizes are on
 * any given target, as the address decoder hooked up to the ARM7TDMI core
 * always decodes the full 8 MiB address range for each, causing the
 * actual memories to be aliased multiple times in those two ranges.
 * Furthermore, the XRAM address range falls right after the IRAM one,
 * thus we can get away with only a single range check.

#define	RAM_LOW		0x00800000
#define	RAM_HIGH	0x01800000


	.globl	exception
        ldr     r12,=xdump_buffer
        ldr     r11,[r12,#4*13]   @ get svc mode r13
        add     r12,r12,#4*18     @ base of stack buffer

	@ check if svc r13(sp) is within internal/external RAM.
	@ It *could* be invalid.
        cmp     r11,#RAM_LOW
        blt     nostack
        mov     r0,#RAM_HIGH
        sub     r0,r0,#XDUMP_STACK_SIZE
        cmp     r11,r0
        bge     nostack

        ldmfd   r11!,{r0-r9}    @ copy ten stack words..
        stmia   r12!,{r0-r9}
        ldmfd   r11!,{r0-r9}    @ copy ten stack words..
        stmia   r12!,{r0-r9}

	@ we're finished saving all state.
	@ Now execute C code for more flexibility.
	@ set up a stack for this C call
	ldr	sp,=_Stack_segment_end
	b	dar_reset