view src/g23m-fad/udp/udp_kerf.c @ 268:f2e52cab0a73

abb_inth.c: check all interrupt causes, not just one The original code used if - else if - else if etc constructs, thus the first detected interrupt was the only one handled. However, Iota ITSTATREG is a clear-on-read register, thus if we only handle the first detected interrupt and skip checking the others, then the other interrupts will be lost, if more than one interrupt happened to occur in one ABB interrupt handling cycle - a form of rare race condition. Change the code to check all interrupts that were read in this cycle.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sun, 13 Jun 2021 18:17:53 +0000
parents fa8dc04885d8
line wrap: on
line source

|  Project :
|  Modul   :
|  Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG
|                 All rights reserved.
|                 This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas
|                 Instruments Berlin, AG
|                 The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey
|                 any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to
|                 manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in
|                 whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of
|                 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG.
|  Purpose :  This Modul defines the functions for processing
|             of incomming primitives for the component
|             Internet Protocol of the mobile station

#define ENTITY_UDP

#include <string.h>
#include "typedefs.h"
#include "pcm.h"
#include "pconst.cdg"
#include "mconst.cdg"
#include "message.h"
#include "ccdapi.h"
#include "vsi.h"
#include "macdef.h" /* to get PFREE_DESC2 */
#include "custom.h"
#include "gsm.h"
#include "prim.h"
#include "cus_udp.h"
#include "cnf_udp.h"
#include "mon_udp.h"
#include "pei.h"
#include "tok.h"
#include "dti.h" /* to get dti lib */
#include "udp.h"
#include "ip_udp.h"

| PROJECT : WAP                                 MODULE  : udp_kerf.c |
| STATE   : code                                ROUTINE : init_udp   |

  PURPOSE : Init the global variables of UDP

void init_udp (void)
  T_HILA * p_ul;
  T_LOLA * p_dl;
  T_KER * p_ker = & udp_data->ker;

  /* Set global variables for every entity */


  p_ul = & udp_data->hila;
  *p_ul->entity_name = 0;
  p_ul->dti_state    = DTI_CLOSED;
  p_ul->dti_data_req = NULL;

  p_dl = & udp_data->lola;
  *p_dl->entity_name = 0;
  p_dl->dti_state    = DTI_CLOSED;
  p_dl->dti_data_ind = NULL;
  p_dl->drop_packet  = FALSE;
  p_dl->state_err    = STATE_DL_NO_ERROR;
  p_dl->src_addr     = NO_ADDR;
  p_dl->dst_addr     = NO_ADDR;
  p_dl->dst_port     = NO_PORT;
  p_dl->src_port     = NO_PORT;

  /* Downlink and uplink for one entity */

  p_ker->send_icmp         = FALSE;
  p_ker->port_state        = PORT_DOWN;
  p_ker->dti_data_req_icmp = NULL;

  p_ker->dst_addr = NO_ADDR;
  p_ker->src_addr = NO_ADDR;
  p_ker->src_port = NO_PORT;
  p_ker->dst_port = NO_PORT;

| PROJECT : WAP                           MODULE  : udp_kerf.c       |
| STATE   : code                          ROUTINE : udp_build_packet |

  PURPOSE : Build UDP and ICMP packets to send

void udp_build_packet (BOOL hila, UBYTE to_do)
  T_KER * p_ker = & udp_data->ker;

  if (hila) /* Build the packets for higher layer */
    switch (to_do)
        T_desc_list2 * desc_list = & udp_data->hila.dti_data_req->desc_list2;
        T_desc2 * desc = (T_desc2 *) desc_list->first;
        USHORT udp_payload_len = desc_list->list_len;

        if (desc == NULL)
          TRACE_ERROR ("Hila's desc == NULL in udp_build_packet().");
          /* Make a new desc for the IP and UDP packet header */

          USHORT headroom = LEN_IP_HEADER_B + LEN_UDP_HEADER_B;
          UBYTE * ip_header;
          T_desc2 * desc_new = M_ALLOC (offsetof (T_desc2, buffer) + headroom);

          if (desc_new == NULL)
            TRACE_ERROR ("Not enough memory in udp_build_packet().");
          desc_new->next = (ULONG) desc;
          desc_new->offset = 0;
          desc_new->len = headroom;
          desc_new->size = headroom;
          ip_header = desc_new->buffer;
            register unsigned i;
            for (i=0; i < headroom; i++)
              ip_header[i] = '\0';/*lint !e661 !e662 (Warning -- access/creation of out-of-bounds pointer) */

          /* Put the desc at the first place of the descs and
           * build the UDP header */

          desc_list->first = (ULONG) desc_new;
          desc_list->list_len = (USHORT) (desc_new->len + desc_list->list_len);

          /* Fill in IP header information */

          SET_IP_VERSION (ip_header, IP_VERSION);
          SET_IP_HEADER_LEN (ip_header, MIN_HEADER_LEN);
          /*lint -e{661, 662} (Warning -- access/creation of out-of-bounds pointer) */
          SET_IP_TOTAL_LEN (ip_header, desc_list->list_len);
          SET_IP_PROT (ip_header, UDP_PROT);
          SET_IP_SOURCE_ADDR (ip_header, p_ker->src_addr);
          SET_IP_DEST_ADDR (ip_header, p_ker->dst_addr);

          SET_UDP_SRC_PORT (ip_header, p_ker->src_port);
          SET_UDP_DST_PORT (ip_header, p_ker->dst_port);
          SET_UDP_LEN (ip_header, udp_payload_len + LEN_UDP_HEADER_B);
            UBYTE pseudo_header [LEN_PSEUDO_HEADER_B];
            ULONG overlay;
            USHORT chksum;

            /* Build the pseudoheader for to calculate the chksum */

            SET_UDP_PSEUDO_H_SRC_ADDR (pseudo_header, p_ker->src_addr);
            SET_UDP_PSEUDO_H_DEST_ADDR (pseudo_header, p_ker->dst_addr);
            SET_UDP_PSEUDO_H_ZERO (pseudo_header, 0);
            SET_UDP_PSEUDO_H_PROT (pseudo_header, UDP_PROT);
            SET_UDP_PSEUDO_H_LEN (pseudo_header, udp_payload_len + LEN_UDP_HEADER_B);

            /* Calculate the checksum for the pseudoheader */
            overlay = partial_checksum (pseudo_header, LEN_PSEUDO_HEADER_B);

            /* Calculate for the UDP header and the data */
            RESET_UDP_CHKSUM (ip_header, LEN_IP_HEADER_B);/*lint !e661 !e662 (Warning -- access/creation of out-of-bounds pointer) */
            chksum = desc_checksum (desc_list, LEN_IP_HEADER_B, overlay);
            SET_UDP_CHKSUM (ip_header, LEN_IP_HEADER_B, chksum);/*lint !e661 !e662 (Warning -- access/creation of out-of-bounds pointer) */

  else /* Build the packets for lower layer */
    T_LOLA * p_dl = & udp_data->lola;
    T_desc_list2 * desc_list = & p_dl->dti_data_ind->desc_list2;
    T_desc2 * desc = (T_desc2 *) desc_list->first;

    if (desc == NULL)
      TRACE_ERROR ("Lola's desc == NULL in udp_build_packet().");
    if (desc->len < LEN_IP_HEADER_B)
        "Lola's desc->len < LEN_IP_HEADER_B "
        "in udp_build_packet()."
    if (GET_IP_HEADER_LEN_B (desc->buffer + desc->offset) < LEN_IP_HEADER_B)
        "Lola's GET_IP_HEADER_LEN_B() < LEN_IP_HEADER_B "
        "in udp_build_packet()."

    switch (to_do)
        /* Build a new desc for IP addresses and port numbers */

        T_desc2 * addr = M_ALLOC (
          offsetof (T_desc2, buffer) + sizeof (T_SRC_DES)
        if (addr == NULL) {
          TRACE_ERROR ("Not enough memory in udp_build_packet().");

        addr->next = (ULONG) desc;
        addr->offset = 0;
        addr->len = sizeof (T_SRC_DES);
        addr->size = sizeof (T_SRC_DES);

        memcpy (((T_SRC_DES *) addr->buffer)->src_ip, & p_dl->src_addr, 4);
        memcpy (((T_SRC_DES *) addr->buffer)->des_ip, & p_dl->dst_addr, 4);
        memcpy (((T_SRC_DES *) addr->buffer)->src_port, & p_dl->src_port, 2);
        memcpy (((T_SRC_DES *) addr->buffer)->des_port, & p_dl->dst_port, 2);

        desc_list->first = (ULONG) addr;
        desc_list->list_len = (USHORT) (addr->len + desc_list->list_len);

        /* Filter out the given IP and UDP header */
          register unsigned headroom =
            GET_IP_HEADER_LEN_B (desc->buffer + desc->offset) + LEN_UDP_HEADER_B;
          if (desc->len < headroom)
            TRACE_ERROR ("Lola's IP packet is short in udp_build_packet().");
          memmove (
            desc->buffer + desc->offset,
            desc->buffer + desc->offset + headroom,
            desc->len - headroom
          desc->len = (USHORT) (desc->len - headroom);
          desc_list->list_len = (USHORT) (desc_list->list_len - headroom);

    case B_NO_DEST_PORT:
        /* We build the whole ICMP packet */

        PPASS (p_dl->dti_data_ind, data_req, DTI2_DATA_REQ);

        desc_list = & data_req->desc_list2;
        desc = (T_desc2 *) desc_list->first;

        build_icmp_with_payload (
          GET_IP_DEST_ADDR (desc->buffer + desc->offset),

        p_ker->dti_data_req_icmp = data_req;

