view src/ui/bmi/AUITextEntry.c @ 268:f2e52cab0a73

abb_inth.c: check all interrupt causes, not just one The original code used if - else if - else if etc constructs, thus the first detected interrupt was the only one handled. However, Iota ITSTATREG is a clear-on-read register, thus if we only handle the first detected interrupt and skip checking the others, then the other interrupts will be lost, if more than one interrupt happened to occur in one ABB interrupt handling cycle - a form of rare race condition. Change the code to check all interrupts that were read in this cycle.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sun, 13 Jun 2021 18:17:53 +0000
parents 70ea7526b59e
line wrap: on
line source




 This software product is the property of Condat (UK) Ltd and may not be
 disclosed to any third party without the express permission of the owner.


 $Project name: Basic MMI
 $Project code: BMI (6349)
 $Module:       MMI
 $File:         AUITextEntry.c
 $Revision:     1.0

 $Author:       Condat(UK)
 $Date:         22/02/01


  Multi-tap and other text entry methods for AUI Editor.


 $History: AUITextEntry.c

  31/01/02      Original Condat(UK) BMI version.


#define ENTITY_MFW

/* includes */
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#if defined (NEW_FRAME)

#include "typedefs.h"
#include "vsi.h"
#include "pei.h"
#include "custom.h"
#include "gsm.h"


#include "STDDEFS.H"
#include "custom.h"
#include "gsm.h"
#include "vsi.h"


#include "mfw_mfw.h"
#include "mfw_win.h"
#include "mfw_kbd.h"
#include "mfw_tim.h"
#include "mfw_phb.h"
#include "mfw_sms.h"
#include "mfw_ss.h"
#include "mfw_icn.h"
#include "mfw_mnu.h"
#include "mfw_lng.h"
#include "mfw_sat.h"
#include "mfw_kbd.h"
#include "mfw_nm.h"
#include "mfw_cm.h"
#include "mfw_edt.h"

#include "dspl.h"

#include "ksd.h"
#include "psa.h"

#include "MmiDummy.h"
#include "MmiMmi.h"
#include "MmiDialogs.h"
#include "MmiMain.h"

#include "cus_aci.h"
#include "prim.h"
#ifndef PCM_2_FFS
#include "pcm.h"

#include "ATBCommon.h"
#include "ATBDisplay.h"
#include "ATBEditor.h"
#include "AUITextEntry.h"



/*SPR 2175, increased KEY_PAD_MAX and changed tables to allow entry of some
accented characters*/
#define KEY_PAD_MAX 6

/* API - 01/09/03 - SPR2371 - Move the new character to the end of the multitap sequence */
/* Alpha mode characters for multi-tap - lower case */

static UBYTE editAlpha [12][KEY_PAD_MAX] =
    {'.',   ',',        '+',        '-',        '=',        '0'},   /*Key 0*/

    {' '    ,'?',       '!',        ';',        ':',        '1'},   /*Key 1*/
    /*                                          a grave     a umlaut*/
    {'a',   'b',        'c',        '2',        '\x85',     '\x84'},    /*Key 2*/
    /*                                          e-grave     e-acute*/
    {'d',   'e',        'f',        '3',        '\x8a',     '\x83'},    /*Key 3*/
    /*                                          i-grave*/
    {'g',   'h',        'i',        '4',        '\x8d',     '@'},   /*Key 4*/
    {'j',   'k',        'l',        '5',        '&',        '*'},   /*Key 5*/
    /*                                          o-grave     o-umlaut*/
    {'m',   'n',        'o',        '6',        '\x95',     '\x94'},    /*Key 6*/
    /*                                                      SS*/
    {'p',   'q',        'r',        's',        '7',        '\xe1'},    /*Key 7*/
    /*                                          u-grave     u-umlaut*/
    {'t',   'u',        'v',        '8',        '\x97',     '\x82'},    /*Key 8*/
    {'w',   'x',        'y',        'z',        '9',        '#'},    /*Key 9*/

    {'*',   '*',        '*',        '*',        '*',        '*'},   /*Key star, not actually used for multitap*/

    {'#',   '#',        '#',        '#',        '#',        '#'}    /*Key hash, not actually used for multitap*/

/* Alpha mode characters for multi-tap - upper case */

static UBYTE editAlphaU [12][KEY_PAD_MAX] =
    {'.',   ',',        '+',        '-',        '=',        '0'}, /*Key 0*/

    {' ',   '?',        '!',        ';',        ':',        '1'}, /*Key 1*/
/*                                              A-umlaut    cedilla*/
    {'A',   'B',        'C',        '2',        '\x8e',     '\x81'}, /*Key 2*/
/*                                              E-acute*/
    {'D',   'E',        'F',        '3',        '\x90',     ' '}, /*Key 3*/

    {'G',   'H',        'I',        '4',        '@',        ' '}, /*Key 4*/

    {'J',   'K',        'L',        '5',        '&',        '*'}, /*Key 5*/
/*                                              O-umlaut */
    {'M',   'N',        'O',        '6',        '\x99',     ' '},  /*Key 6*/
     /*                                                     SS*/
    {'P',   'Q',        'R',        'S',        '7',        '\xe1'}, /*Key 7*/
/*                                              U-umlaut*/
    {'T',   'U',        'V',        '8',        '\x9A',     ' '}, /*Key 8*/

    {'W',   'X',        'Y',        'Z',        '9',        '#'}, /*Key 9*/

    {'*',   '*',        '*'         ,'*',       '*',        '*'}, /*Key star, not actually used for multitap*/

    {'#',   '#',        '#',        '#',        '#',        '#'}  /*Key hash, not actually used for multitap*/

/* API - 01/09/03 - SPR2371 - END*/

static void *MMIdata;       /* Temporary storage for MMI pointer */




static int AUI_entry_Timer (MfwEvt event, MfwTim *timer);
static USHORT AUI_entry_Keypress(T_AUI_ENTRY_DATA *entry_data, MfwEvt event, MfwKbd *key);


 $Function:     AUI_entry_Create

 $Description:  Initialises the text entry data.  Allocates memory.  Creates the timer.

 $Returns:      Pointer to the data.

 $Arguments:    win     - The window in which the editor is displayed
                editor  - The editor
                update  - The event to be sent to the window in order to update it


T_AUI_ENTRY_DATA *AUI_entry_Create(T_MFW_HND win, T_ED_DATA *editor, U32 update)
    T_AUI_ENTRY_DATA *entry_data = (T_AUI_ENTRY_DATA *)mfwAlloc(sizeof(T_AUI_ENTRY_DATA));

    entry_data->win         = win;
    entry_data->update      = update;
    entry_data->editor      = editor;
    /* SPR#1597 - SH - Always create this timer */
    entry_data->editTim     = tim_create(win, 1000, (MfwCb) AUI_entry_Timer);
    entry_data->Level       = KEY_PAD_MAX-1;
    entry_data->Key         = KCD_MAX;

    return entry_data;


 $Function:     AUI_entry_Destroy

 $Description:  Frees memory associated with text entry.

 $Returns:      none.

 $Arguments:    entry_data  - The text entry data


void AUI_entry_Destroy(T_AUI_ENTRY_DATA *entry_data)
    if (entry_data->editTim)

    mfwFree((void *)entry_data, sizeof(T_AUI_ENTRY_DATA));



 $Function:     AUI_entry_EditChar

 $Description:  Sends a character to the text editor.

 $Returns:      None.

 $Arguments:    data        - The editor data
                alphachar   - Character to be inserted, or NULL if key tables are to
                            be used
                multitap    - TRUE if multitap is in progress


USHORT AUI_entry_EditChar (T_AUI_ENTRY_DATA *entry_data, USHORT alphachar, BOOL multitap)
    T_ED_DATA       *editor     = entry_data->editor;

    TRACE_FUNCTION("AUITextEntry: AUI_entry_EditChar()");

    /* If character is not provided, get it from the key table */

    if (alphachar==NULL)
        alphachar = AUI_entry_GetKeyChar(entry_data, ATB_edit_GetCasePref(editor));

        if (!(ATB_edit_Mode(entry_data->editor, ED_MODE_ALPHA) && entry_data->Key!=KCD_MAX))
            alphachar = UNICODE_SPACE;

    ATB_edit_MultiTap(editor, alphachar, multitap);

    return alphachar;


 $Function:     AUI_entry_EditDigit

 $Description:  Sends a numeric digit/symbol to the editor

 $Returns:      None.

 $Arguments:    data        - The editor data
                code        - The key code of the digit to be inserted


USHORT AUI_entry_EditDigit (T_AUI_ENTRY_DATA *entry_data, UBYTE code)
    T_ED_DATA       *editor     = entry_data->editor;
    USHORT          alphachar;

    TRACE_FUNCTION("AUITextEntry: AUI_entry_EditDigit()");

    alphachar = ATB_char_Unicode(editControls[code]);

    ATB_edit_MultiTap(editor, alphachar, FALSE);

    return alphachar;


 $Function:  AUI_entry_Timer

 $Description:   executes the timer event from the edit component

 $Returns:      none.



static int AUI_entry_Timer (MfwEvt event, MfwTim *timer)
    T_AUI_ENTRY_DATA *entry_data        = (T_AUI_ENTRY_DATA *)MMIdata;

    TRACE_FUNCTION("AUIEditor: AUI_entry_Timer()");

    /* SPR#2174 - SH - Only display character if we're still in multi-tap */

    if (entry_data->editor->multitap)
        if (ATB_edit_Mode(entry_data->editor, ED_MODE_ALPHA))
            AUI_entry_EditChar(entry_data, NULL, FALSE);

            entry_data->Level = KEY_PAD_MAX-1;
            entry_data->Key = KCD_MAX;

        SEND_EVENT(entry_data->win, entry_data->update,0,0);

    return 1;


 $Function:     AUI_entry_StopMultitap

 $Description:  Stops a multitap operation going on, cancelling the timer
                SPR#2174 - SH - Added

 $Returns:      none.

 $Arguments:    entry_data - The entry data


void AUI_entry_StopMultitap(T_AUI_ENTRY_DATA *entry_data)
    TRACE_FUNCTION("AUIEditor: AUI_entry_StopMultitap()");


    entry_data->editor->multitap = FALSE;

    entry_data->Level = KEY_PAD_MAX-1;
    entry_data->Key = KCD_MAX;



 $Function:     AUI_entry_EventKey

 $Description:  Process a keypress event.

 $Returns:      The character that is entered, or NULL.



USHORT AUI_entry_EventKey (T_AUI_ENTRY_DATA *entry_data, MfwEvt event, MfwKbd *key)
    T_ED_DATA       *editor     = entry_data->editor;
    USHORT          alphachar;                                              // The character entered

    TRACE_FUNCTION("AUIEditor: AUI_entry_EventKey");

    alphachar = AUI_entry_Keypress(entry_data, event, key);


    return alphachar;


 $Function:     AUI_entry_Keypress

 $Description:  Process a keypress event

 $Returns:      The character that is entered, or NULL.



static USHORT AUI_entry_Keypress(T_AUI_ENTRY_DATA *entry_data, MfwEvt event, MfwKbd *key)
    T_ED_DATA       *editor         = entry_data->editor;
    USHORT          alphachar;                                      /* Current multi-tap character */
    T_ED_CASE_PREF  casePref;

    TRACE_FUNCTION("AUIEditor: AUI_entry_KeypressFormat()");

    alphachar = NULL;

    if (key->code!=KCD_HUP && editor->cursor.pos<(editor->attr->size-1)) /* SPR#1995 - SH */
        /* Multi-tap: The user presses a different key, meaning the previous character must be entered */

        if (entry_data->Key != KCD_MAX && entry_data->Key != key->code)

            AUI_entry_EditChar(entry_data, alphachar, FALSE);                   // Show character, not multi-tap
            entry_data->Level = KEY_PAD_MAX-1;
            entry_data->Key = KCD_MAX;

        casePref = ATB_edit_GetCasePref(editor);    /* Work out the format character that will govern the format of this keypress */

        if (editor->cursor.pos < (editor->attr->size-1) && casePref!=ED_CASEPREF_NONE) /* SPR#1995 - SH */                  // Make sure we can still show a character
            if (key->code <= KCD_HASH)                      /* SPR#1788 - SH - Now accept 0-9, * and # */
                entry_data->Key = key->code;                                        // Store the key pressed

                /* Numeric */

                if (casePref==ED_CASEPREF_NUM)                                              // A numeric digit is expected
                    alphachar = AUI_entry_GetKeyChar(entry_data, casePref);
                    entry_data->Level = KEY_PAD_MAX-1;                              // Reset multi-tap settings
                    entry_data->Key = KCD_MAX;
                    AUI_entry_EditChar(entry_data, alphachar, FALSE);                   // Show character, not multi-tap#

                /* Multi-tap alphanumeric */

                else                                        // Valid format codes
                    alphachar = NULL;

                    entry_data->Level++;                                                // Increment through list of symbols
                    if (entry_data->Level > (KEY_PAD_MAX-1))                            // List wraps round
                        entry_data->Level = 0;

                    alphachar = AUI_entry_GetKeyChar(entry_data, casePref);

                    if (alphachar!=NULL)                // If we've found a character, and string isn't max size
                        AUI_entry_EditChar(entry_data, alphachar, TRUE);                    // Add character, multi-tap
                        /* Need to store this handle, so timer can get access to
                         * entry_data on callback */
                        MMIdata = (void *)entry_data;
                        entry_data->Key = KCD_MAX;/*a0393213 warnings removal-KEY_MAX changed to KCD_MAX*/
    return alphachar;


 $Function:     AUI_entry_GetKeyChar

 $Description:  Return the character to be entered, based on the keypress

 $Returns:      the unicode character to be entered into the text

 $Arguments:    case        - the preference for the case of the output


USHORT AUI_entry_GetKeyChar(T_AUI_ENTRY_DATA *entry_data, T_ED_CASE_PREF casePref)
    T_ED_DATA       *editor     = entry_data->editor;
    USHORT          alphachar;
    USHORT          safetycounter;                      /* Stops searching forever to find compatible character */
    BOOL            valid;                      /* flag to indicate whether character is accepted */
    USHORT          upper;
    USHORT          lower;
    UBYTE           caseSel = ATB_edit_GetCase(editor); /* The case selected by the user */


    if (casePref==ED_CASEPREF_NUM || (casePref==ED_CASEPREF_ALPHANUM && caseSel==ED_CASE_NUM))
        alphachar = editControls[entry_data->Key];
        if (entry_data->Key<=KCD_HASH)
            alphachar = alphachar << 8;                 // Gives us the ascii in the upper byte of the unicode
        valid = FALSE;
        alphachar = NULL;
        safetycounter = 0;

        while (!valid && safetycounter<KEY_PAD_MAX)
            upper = (USHORT)editAlphaU[entry_data->Key][entry_data->Level];
            lower = (USHORT)editAlpha[entry_data->Key][entry_data->Level];

                case ED_CASEPREF_ALPHANUM:
                    if (caseSel==ED_CASE_UPPER || caseSel==ED_CASE_CAPS)
                        alphachar = upper;
                        alphachar = lower;
                    valid = TRUE;

                case ED_CASEPREF_ALPHANUM_UC:
                    alphachar = upper;
                    valid = TRUE;

                case ED_CASEPREF_ALPHANUM_LC:
                    alphachar = lower;
                    valid = TRUE;

                case ED_CASEPREF_ALPHA_UC:
                    alphachar = upper;
                    valid = !ATB_char_IsNumeric(alphachar);

                case ED_CASEPREF_ALPHA_LC:
                    alphachar = lower;
                    valid = !ATB_char_IsNumeric(alphachar);

            if (!valid)
            {                                                           // find the next one that is,
                alphachar = NULL;
                safetycounter++;                                            // (but don't search forever)
                if (entry_data->Level > (KEY_PAD_MAX-1))
                    entry_data->Level = 0;

        alphachar = ATB_char_Unicode(alphachar);    /* SPR#2342 - SH - Convert from unicode properly */

    TRACE_EVENT_P1(">>> alphachar = %d", alphachar);

    return alphachar;