view src/ui/bmi/mmiIcons.h @ 268:f2e52cab0a73

abb_inth.c: check all interrupt causes, not just one The original code used if - else if - else if etc constructs, thus the first detected interrupt was the only one handled. However, Iota ITSTATREG is a clear-on-read register, thus if we only handle the first detected interrupt and skip checking the others, then the other interrupts will be lost, if more than one interrupt happened to occur in one ABB interrupt handling cycle - a form of rare race condition. Change the code to check all interrupts that were read in this cycle.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sun, 13 Jun 2021 18:17:53 +0000
parents 62480f597962
line wrap: on
line source

#ifndef _MMIICONS_H_
#define _MMIICONS_H_ 1


                    CONDAT (UK)


 This software product is the property of Condat (UK) Ltd and may not be
 disclosed to any third party without the express permission of the owner.


 $Project name: Basic MMI
 $Project code: BMI (6349)
 $Module:       Icons
 $File:         Mmiicons.h
 $Revision:     1.0

 $Author:       Condat(UK)
 $Date:         25/10/00



    This provides the implementation of the icon handling in the basic MMI

 $History: Mmiicons.h

       Jun 09, 2006 REF:OMAPS00079650  a0393213 (R.Prabakar)
       Description : CPHS Roaming indication feature implementation
       Solution     : As part of the implementation, in this file, Roaming icon is added to the list of icons

    Apr 17, 2006   REF: ER: OMAPS00075178  x0pleela
    Description: When the charger connect to phone(i-sample), the charger driver works, but the
                MMI and App don't work
    Solution: Added prototype for the function BattChargeEventTim which is the callback called
                for the timeout of battery charging timer

    Apr 27, 2004    REF: ENH 12646  Deepa M.D
    Fix:        When the SMS memory is full,the SMS icon is made to blink.
    25/10/00            Original Condat(UK) BMI version.



#include "mmiResources.h" //For display definition


                                Required Definitions


#define ALLOC_MEMORY mfwAlloc
#define FREE_MEMORY  mfwFree


                                Public Enum types


/* GW #1471 11/12/02 - Add TI logo as powerdown animation */
#define animwelcome 10
#define animGoodbye 10
#define animwelcome 2
#define animGoodbye 2
#define screenparts 5

typedef enum                            /* AVAILABLE ICONS IDLE MODE*/
    iconIdSMS = 0,                      /* icon New SMS message     */
    iconIdVoice,                        /* icon New Voice mail      */
    iconIdCallFor,                      /* icon Call forward uncond */
    iconIdSilRin,                       /* icon silent ringer       */
    iconIdRoaming,      /*icon Roaming Indicator */ /*Jun 09, 2006 REF:OMAPS00079650  a0393213 (R.Prabakar)*/
    iconIdKeyplock,                     /* icon Keypad locked       */
    iconIdCipheringActiv,               /* icon Ciphering           */
    iconIdCipheringDeActiv,             /* icon Ciphering           */
    iconIdRinger,                       /* icon ringer              */
    iconIdVibrator,                     /* icon vibrator            */
    iconIdRingVibr,                     /* icon ringer + vibrator   */
    iconIdAlarm,                        /* icon alarm on            */
    iconSIMTool,                        /* icon SIM Toolkit         */
    iconMessages,                       /* icon Messages            */
    iconOrganiser,                      /* icon Organiser           */
    iconSounds,                         /* icon Sounds              */
    iconSettings,                       /* icon Settings            */
    iconServices,                       /* icon Services            */
    iconExtra,                          /* icon Extra               */
    iconWAP,                            /* icon WAP            */
    iconIdGPRSOn,                       /* icon GPRS ON  (sbh 18/01/02) */
    iconIdHomezone,                     /* icon Homezone  (SH 29/11/01) */
    iconIdTTY,                          /* SPR#xxx- SH - icon TTY */
/* OMAPS00074454 - Edge icon - 24-04-2006 */
    iconIdEdgeOn,                                           /*EDGE Icon */
/* END  */
    idlIdMax                            /* number of icons          */
} IconId;

typedef enum                            /* AVAILABLE ICONS INPUT MODE*/
    iconAMBLOW = 0,                     /* icon ambigous mode low   */
    iconAMBUPP,                         /* icon ambigous mode upper */
    iconAMBNUM,                         /* icon ambigous mode numeric */
    iconMTLOW,                          /* icon multitap mode low   */
    iconMTUPP,                          /* icon multitap mode upper */
    iconMTNUM,                          /* icon multitap mode numeric */
    inputIdMax                          /* number of icons          */
} IconInputId;

typedef enum                            /* AVAILABLE ICONS BATTERY  */
    iconBattery4 = 0,                   /* icon Battery 0-4%        */
    iconBattery14,                      /* icon Battery 5-14%       */
    iconBattery24,                      /* icon Battery 15-24%      */
    iconBattery49,                      /* icon Battery 25-49%      */
    iconBattery100,                     /* icon Battery 50-100%     */
    iconBattMax                         /* number of batterie icon  */

typedef enum                            /* AVAILABLE ICONS SIGNAL */
    iconSigStat49 = 0,                  /* icon Signal 0-49         */
    iconSigStat99,                      /* icon Signal 50-99        */
    iconSigStat149,                     /* icon Signal 100-149      */
    iconSigStat199,                     /* icon Signal 150-199      */
    iconSigStat255,                     /* icon Signal 200-255      */
    iconSignalMax                       /* number of signal icon    */


                                Externally declared data elements


extern const MfwIcnAttr idl_Attr[ idlIdMax ];
extern const MfwIcnAttr batt_Attr[ iconBattMax ];
extern const MfwIcnAttr sign_Attr[ iconSignalMax ];
extern const MfwIcnAttr goodbye_Attr[ animGoodbye ];
extern const MfwIcnAttr welcome_Attr[ animwelcome];
extern const MfwIcnAttr incoming_call_animate [CALLANIMATION];
extern  MfwIcnAttr callBackDrop;
extern  MfwIcnAttr mainIconSimToolkit;
extern  MfwIcnAttr mainIconCalculator;
extern  MfwIcnAttr mainIconSettings;
extern  MfwIcnAttr mainIconRecentCalls;
extern  MfwIcnAttr mainIconCallDivert;
extern  MfwIcnAttr mainIconSecurity;
extern  MfwIcnAttr mainIconMessages;
extern  MfwIcnAttr mainIconPhonebook;
extern  MfwIcnAttr mainIconWAP;
extern  MfwIcnAttr IconTexteZiText;
extern  MfwIcnAttr IconTexteZiTextSmall;

extern  MfwIcnAttr mainIconBackground;

extern const  MfwIcnAttr IconCol1Attr;
extern const  MfwIcnAttr IconCol2Attr;
extern const  MfwIcnAttr IconCol3Attr;
extern const  MfwIcnAttr IconCol4Attr;
extern MfwIcnAttr IconLogo;

//gb icons for game(four in a row)
extern const unsigned char white_stone_bw[];
extern const unsigned char black_stone_bw[];
extern const unsigned char game_cursor[];

extern const unsigned char game_name1[];
extern const unsigned char player_win1[];
extern const unsigned char player_lost1[];
extern const unsigned char board_full1[];

extern const unsigned char game_name2[];
extern const unsigned char player_win2[];
extern const unsigned char player_lost2[];
extern const unsigned char board_full2[];

//gb icons for melodygenerator
extern const MfwIcnAttr melodygenerator_Attr[ screenparts];
//active frame
extern const unsigned char akt_frame[];
//begin of noteline
extern const unsigned char noteline_begin[];
extern const unsigned char noteline_background[];
//end of noteline
extern const unsigned char noteline_end[];
//all the possible musical notes
//all notes with flag up
extern const unsigned char n1[];
extern const unsigned char n1_16[];
extern const unsigned char n1_32[];
extern const unsigned char n1_8[];
extern const unsigned char n1_f[];
extern const unsigned char n1_h[];
//all notes with flag down
extern const unsigned char n5[];
extern const unsigned char n5_16[];
extern const unsigned char n5_32[];
extern const unsigned char n5_8[];
extern const unsigned char n5_h[];
//all musical pauses
extern const unsigned char n4_b[];
extern const unsigned char n8_b[];
extern const unsigned char n16_b[];
extern const unsigned char n32_b[];
extern const unsigned char nf_b[];
extern const unsigned char nh_b[];
//musical sign
extern const unsigned char n_point[];
extern const unsigned char n_hash[];
extern const unsigned char screenpart0[];
extern const unsigned char screenpart1[];
extern const unsigned char screenpart2[];
extern const unsigned char screenpart3[];
extern const unsigned char screenpart4[];
//multicaller icon
extern const unsigned char multi_pointer[];

#define T_BITMAP MfwIcnAttr

enum {


                                Public method prototypes


void iconsInit( void );
void iconsExit( void );

void iconsSetState( int icon );
void iconsDeleteState( int icon );
U8 iconsGetState( int icon );

void iconsShow( void );
int  iconsShowBattery( U8 batterystatus );
int  iconsShowSignal( U8 signalstatus );
void iconsInputShow( int IconInputId );

void iconsMainIconsAreaSet (MfwRect selected_area);
void iconShowGoodbye(void); /* Warning Correction */
//  Apr 27, 2004    REF: ENH 12646  Deepa M.D
int iconsShowSmsFull(void ); //to start the timer for blinking SMS Icon
//x0pleela 11 Apr, 2006  ER: OMAPS00075178
//Callback for battery charging animation timer
int BattChargeEventTim( MfwEvt e, MfwTim *tc );

T_BITMAP* icon_getNetworkIcon( UBYTE* networkNumber);
T_BITMAP* icon_getBgdBitmap( int bgdId );
T_BITMAP *icon_getBitmapFromId( int bgdId, T_BITMAP *bmpData);
//  Apr 27, 2004    REF: ENH 12646  Deepa M.D
int smsFullEventTim( MfwEvt e, MfwTim *tc ); //Timer callback for blinking SMS Icon(sms_animate)

int icon_networkShow (MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i);
int icon_networkDontShow (MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i);

#define ICON_VISIBLE    (0)
#define ICON_INVISIBLE  (0xFF)

  End Of File

