view src/gpf/tst/idle_pei.c @ 274:fa22012c4a39

CST: remove AT%Nxxxx old AEC control This crude method of enabling and configuring AEC is not compatible with L1_NEW_AEC, and even for the old AEC it did not support every possible combination. It is time for this hack to go. The new and proper way of enabling and configuring AEC is via RiViera Audio Service audio mode facility, either audio mode files or full access write, most directly accessible via fc-tmsh auw 12 for free experimentation.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Thu, 29 Jul 2021 18:57:36 +0000
parents 4e78acac3d88
line wrap: on
line source

|  File:       idle_pei.c
|                 Copyright Texas Instruments 2002
|                 All rights reserved.
| Purpose:     PEI interface for the IDLE entity.
| $Identity:$

#define IDLE_PEI_C

/*==== INCLUDES ==============================================================*/

#include "typedefs.h"
#include "vsi.h"
#include "pei.h" 
#include "tools.h"
#include "frame.h"
#include "idle.h"

/*==== CONSTS ================================================================*/

/*==== TYPES =================================================================*/

/*==== LOCALS ================================================================*/

/*==== PRIVATE FUNCTIONS =====================================================*/

|	Function	:  pei_primitive
|   Description	:  This function is called by the frame when a primitive is
|                  received and needs to be processed.
|   Parameters	:  prim      - Pointer to the received primitive
|   Return		:  PEI_OK    - function succeeded
|                  PEI_ERROR - function failed
static short pei_primitive (void * prim)
  if (prim != NULL)

  return PEI_OK;

|   Function	:  pei_init
|   Description	:  This function is called by the frame. It is used to initialise
|                  the entitiy.
|   Parameters	:  handle            - task handle
|   Return		:  PEI_OK            - entity initialised
|                  PEI_ERROR         - entity not (yet) initialised
static short pei_init (T_HANDLE handle)
   * Initialize task handle

  idle_handle = handle;

   * Open communication channels
  if (hCommTST < VSI_OK)
    if ((hCommTST = vsi_c_open(VSI_CALLER "RCV")) < VSI_OK)
      return PEI_ERROR;

  return (PEI_OK);

|   Function	:  pei_signal
|   Description :  This function is called by the frame when a signal has been 
|                  received.
|   Parameters  :  opc            - signal operation code
|                  *data          - pointer to primitive
|   Return      :  PEI_OK         - signal processed
|                  PEI_ERROR      - signal not processed
static short pei_signal (U32 opc, void *data)
   * Process signal

  /* Generate trig in TST */

  return PEI_OK;

|   Function    :  pei_exit
|   Description	:  This function is called by the frame when the entity is
|                  terminated. All open resources are freed.
|   Parameters	:  -
|   Return		:  PEI_OK         - exit sucessful
|                  PEI_ERROR      - exit not sueccessful
static short pei_exit (void)
   * Close communication channels


  vsi_c_close(VSI_CALLER hCommTST);

  return PEI_OK;

|   Function	:  pei_config
|   Description	:  This function is called by the frame when a primitive is
|                  received indicating dynamic configuration.
|                  This function is not used in this entity.
|   Parameters  :  handle         - Communication handle
|   Return      :  PEI_OK         - sucessful
|                  PEI_ERROR      - not successful
static short pei_config (char *inString)
  return PEI_OK;

|   Function    :  pei_monitor
|   Description	:  This function is called by the frame in case sudden entity
|                  specific data is requested (e.g. entity Version).
|   Parameters	:  out_monitor    - return the address of the data to be
|                                   monitoredCommunication handle
|   Return      :  PEI_OK         - sucessful (address in out_monitor is valid)
|                  PEI_ERROR      - not successful
static short pei_monitor (void **out_monitor)
  TRACE_FUNCTION ("pei_monitor");
  return PEI_OK;

|   Function    :  pei_timeout
|   Description :  This function is called by the frame when a timer has expired.
|   Parameters  :  index          - timer index
|   Return      :  PEI_OK         - timeout processed
|                  PEI_ERROR      - timeout not processed
static short pei_timeout (USHORT index)
	TRACE_ERROR("Unknown Timeout");

  return PEI_OK;

/*==== PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ======================================================*/

|   Function    :  idle_pei_create
|   Description	:  This function is called by the frame when the process is 
|                  created.
|   Parameters	:  out_name          - Pointer to the buffer in which to locate
|                                      the name of this entity
|   Return		:  PEI_OK            - entity created successfuly
|                  PEI_ERROR         - entity could not be created
short idle_pei_create (T_PEI_INFO **info)
static T_PEI_INFO pei_info =
               "IDLE",         /* name */
               {              /* pei-table */
                 NULL,        /* no pei_run function */
               255,           /* stack size */
               10,            /* queue entries */
               2,             /* priority (1->low, 255->high) */
               0,             /* number of timers */
               0x03           /* flags: bit 0   active(0) body/passive(1) */
              };              /*        bit 1   com by copy(0)/reference(1) */

   * Export startup configuration data
  *info = &pei_info;

  return PEI_OK;

/*==== END OF FILE ===========================================================*/