TCH tap: extend DL sniffing feature to support CSD modes
Our debug feature for TCH DL sniffing reads the content of the DSP's
a_dd_0 buffer (or a_dd_1 for TCH/H subchannel 1) at appropriate times
and forwards captured bits to the host. This feature was originally
implemented for TCH/FS, TCH/EFS and TCH/HS - now extend it to cover
TCH/F data modes too.
/****************************************************************************** * Power Task (pwr) * Design and coding by Svend Kristian Lindholm, * * PWR MMI Interface * * $Id: pwr_api.h 1.1 Wed, 20 Aug 2003 10:22:37 +0200 skl $ * ******************************************************************************/#ifndef __LCC_API_H__#define __LCC_API_H__#include "rv/rv_general.h"#ifndef BASIC_TYPES#define BASIC_TYPEStypedef signed char int8;typedef unsigned char uint8;typedef signed short int16;typedef unsigned short uint16;typedef signed int int32;typedef unsigned int uint32;#endif// INFO Indication mail SENT to the MMIstruct mmi_info_ind_s { T_RV_HDR header; int Vbat; // Battery Voltage int Tbat; // Battery Temperature int Cbat; // Battery Capacity int cause; // Reason for the charge fail};typedef struct mmi_info_ind_s T_PWR_MMI_INFO_IND_EVENT;// Corresponds to /mmi/pwr/bsie.cfgtypedef struct{ uint16 repetition; // The repetition interval for sending MMI info events} T_PWR_MMI_CFG_BLOCK;// Events send from the PWR module// See RIV461typedef enum PWR_MMI_MESSAGES { MMI_CHG_PLUG_IND = 1, MMI_CHG_UNPLUG_IND = 2, MMI_CHG_START_IND = 3, MMI_CHG_STOP_IND = 4, MMI_CHG_UNKNOWN_IND = 5, MMI_BAT_UNKNOWN_IND = 6, MMI_CHG_FAILED_IND = 7, MMI_BAT_SUPERVISION_INFO_IND = 10};// Only one instance (e.g. the MMI) can registervoid pwr_register (T_RV_RETURN_PATH *return_path, void *ptr);#endif