diff pirelli/fw-disasm @ 252:2eae53bb4a4e

pirelli/fw-disasm: Switch_ON() analysis complete
author Mychaela Falconia <falcon@freecalypso.org>
date Mon, 25 Dec 2017 20:50:30 +0000
parents 6d9a6627b085
children 6f9969cf55a1
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/pirelli/fw-disasm	Sun Dec 24 18:03:25 2017 +0000
+++ b/pirelli/fw-disasm	Mon Dec 25 20:50:30 2017 +0000
@@ -723,6 +723,11 @@
   32db8c:	b002		add	sp, #8
   32db8e:	bd10		pop	{r4, pc}
+; The following function computes the battery remaining % number
+; from the battery mV passed in R0.  It first increases the mV value
+; by a factor that depends on the system current draw (it appears
+; that they are after the "true" battery voltage before the internal
+; resistance), and then does the table look-up for the % number.
   32dfee:	b510		push	{r4, lr}
   32dff0:	b082		sub	sp, #8
   32dff2:	1c04		add	r4, r0, #0
@@ -814,15 +819,21 @@
   32e0a0:	b002		add	sp, #8
   32e0a2:	bd10		pop	{r4, pc}
+; The following function seems to compute the system's current draw.
+; It starts with the display backlight's current draw from 0x1775138,
+; converts it from ADC units to mA per the fixed *855/1000 formula,
+; and then throws in a ton of other factors which are impractical
+; to follow in this totally unknown fw.
   32e340:	b510		push	{r4, lr}
   32e342:	b08c		sub	sp, #48	; 0x30
+; function returns the value of 16-bit var in 0x1775138
   32e344:	f0b0 ffbd	bl	0x3df2c2
   32e348:	1c04		add	r4, r0, #0
   32e34a:	484a		ldr	r0, =0x357	; via 0x32e474
   32e34c:	4360		mul	r0, r4
   32e34e:	217d		mov	r1, #125	; 0x7d
   32e350:	00c9		lsl	r1, r1, #3
-  32e352:	f0c8 ff6b	bl	0x3f722c
+  32e352:	f0c8 ff6b	bl	0x3f722c	; I$DIV
   32e356:	0408		lsl	r0, r1, #16
   32e358:	1404		asr	r4, r0, #16
   32e35a:	f085 fea4	bl	0x3b40a6
@@ -1409,7 +1420,7 @@
   39f04e:	43d2		mvn	r2, r2
   39f050:	2305		mov	r3, #5
   39f052:	f03b fdef	bl	0x3dac34
-  39f056:	f002 f9f1	bl	0x3a143c
+  39f056:	f002 f9f1	bl	0x3a143c	; $Power_OFF_Button
   39f05a:	e125		b	0x39f2a8
 ; end of PUSHOFF_IT_STS handling
   39f05c:	9802		ldr	r0, [sp, #8]
@@ -1424,7 +1435,7 @@
   39f06e:	43d2		mvn	r2, r2
   39f070:	2305		mov	r3, #5
   39f072:	f03b fddf	bl	0x3dac34
-  39f076:	f002 fa9c	bl	0x3a15b2
+  39f076:	f002 fa9c	bl	0x3a15b2	; $Power_OFF_Remote
   39f07a:	e115		b	0x39f2a8
 ; end of REMOT_IT_STS handling
   39f07c:	9802		ldr	r0, [sp, #8]
@@ -1697,6 +1708,86 @@
   39f2b0:	bd10		pop	{r4, pc}
   39f2b2:	46c0		nop			(mov r8, r8)
+  3a13dc:	b570		push	{r4, r5, r6, lr}
+  3a13de:	1c05		add	r5, r0, #0
+; set is_gsm_on
+  3a13e0:	2232		mov	r2, #50	; 0x32
+  3a13e2:	48ee		ldr	r0, =0x1774e38	; via 0x3a179c
+  3a13e4:	6801		ldr	r1, [r0, #0]
+  3a13e6:	2001		mov	r0, #1
+  3a13e8:	5450		strb	r0, [r2, r1]
+; Kp pointers: are they set?
+  3a13ea:	4eed		ldr	r6, =0x1774e98	; via 0x3a17a0
+  3a13ec:	6834		ldr	r4, [r6, #0]
+  3a13ee:	6830		ldr	r0, [r6, #0]
+  3a13f0:	2800		cmp	r0, #0
+  3a13f2:	d002		beq	0x3a13fa
+  3a13f4:	6870		ldr	r0, [r6, #4]
+  3a13f6:	2800		cmp	r0, #0
+  3a13f8:	d106		bne	0x3a1408
+  3a13fa:	2001		mov	r0, #1
+  3a13fc:	f710 fa4f	bl	0x2b189e	; rvf_delay()
+  3a1400:	6834		ldr	r4, [r6, #0]
+  3a1402:	2c00		cmp	r4, #0
+  3a1404:	d1f6		bne	0x3a13f4
+  3a1406:	e7f8		b	0x3a13fa
+; end of the wait for Kp pointers to be initialized
+; different boot causes result in different key codes being sent
+  3a1408:	2d01		cmp	r5, #1
+  3a140a:	d00d		beq	0x3a1428
+  3a140c:	2d04		cmp	r5, #4
+  3a140e:	d009		beq	0x3a1424
+  3a1410:	2d08		cmp	r5, #8
+  3a1412:	d005		beq	0x3a1420
+  3a1414:	2d02		cmp	r5, #2
+  3a1416:	d001		beq	0x3a141c
+  3a1418:	2036		mov	r0, #54	; 0x36
+  3a141a:	e006		b	0x3a142a
+  3a141c:	2035		mov	r0, #53	; 0x35
+  3a141e:	e004		b	0x3a142a
+  3a1420:	2034		mov	r0, #52	; 0x34
+  3a1422:	e002		b	0x3a142a
+  3a1424:	2033		mov	r0, #51	; 0x33
+  3a1426:	e000		b	0x3a142a
+  3a1428:	2019		mov	r0, #25	; 0x19
+  3a142a:	f055 feef	bl	0x3f720c	; $IND_CALL
+  3a142e:	2005		mov	r0, #5
+  3a1430:	f710 fa35	bl	0x2b189e	; rvf_delay()
+  3a1434:	6874		ldr	r4, [r6, #4]
+  3a1436:	f055 fee9	bl	0x3f720c	; $IND_CALL
+  3a143a:	bd70		pop	{r4, r5, r6, pc}
+  3a143c:	b530		push	{r4, r5, lr}
+  3a143e:	b082		sub	sp, #8
+  3a1440:	f707 f84e	bl	0x2a84e0
+  3a1444:	48d7		ldr	r0, =0xa0020	; via 0x3a17a4
+  3a1446:	9000		str	r0, [sp, #0]
+  3a1448:	a0b9		add	r0, pc, #740	; 0x2e4
+  3a144a:	2110		mov	r1, #16	; 0x10
+  3a144c:	2200		mov	r2, #0
+  3a144e:	43d2		mvn	r2, r2
+  3a1450:	2302		mov	r3, #2
+  3a1452:	f039 fbef	bl	0x3dac34
+  3a1456:	4dd2		ldr	r5, =0x1774e98	; via 0x3a17a0
+  3a1458:	2019		mov	r0, #25	; 0x19
+  3a145a:	682c		ldr	r4, [r5, #0]
+  3a145c:	f055 fed6	bl	0x3f720c	; $IND_CALL
+  3a1460:	2005		mov	r0, #5
+  3a1462:	f710 fa1c	bl	0x2b189e	; rvf_delay()
+  3a1466:	686c		ldr	r4, [r5, #4]
+  3a1468:	f055 fed0	bl	0x3f720c	; $IND_CALL
+  3a146c:	b002		add	sp, #8
+  3a146e:	bd30		pop	{r4, r5, pc}
+  3a1470:	b500		push	{lr}
+  3a1472:	f7a7 ff4b	bl	0x34930c
+  3a1476:	49cc		ldr	r1, =0x1774cd0	; via 0x3a17a8
+  3a1478:	8008		strh	r0, [r1, #0]
+  3a147a:	bd00		pop	{pc}
   3a147c:	b5f0		push	{r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
   3a147e:	b082		sub	sp, #8
@@ -1786,6 +1877,7 @@
   3a1528:	1c02		add	r2, r0, #0
   3a152a:	48a3		ldr	r0, =0x1774ccc	; via 0x3a17b8
   3a152c:	8002		strh	r2, [r0, #0]
+; "First capacity (%):" trace
   3a152e:	489d		ldr	r0, =0xa0020	; via 0x3a17a4
   3a1530:	9000		str	r0, [sp, #0]
   3a1532:	a090		add	r0, pc, #576	; 0x240
@@ -1799,6 +1891,7 @@
   3a1544:	4328		orr	r0, r5
   3a1546:	0600		lsl	r0, r0, #24
   3a1548:	0e05		lsr	r5, r0, #24
+; bit 1 is set in R5 if the battery is critically low
   3a154a:	0928		lsr	r0, r5, #4
   3a154c:	d309		bcc	0x3a1562
   3a154e:	489b		ldr	r0, =0xd2a	; via 0x3a17bc
@@ -1808,10 +1901,13 @@
   3a1556:	7871		ldrb	r1, [r6, #1]
   3a1558:	4008		and	r0, r1
   3a155a:	7070		strb	r0, [r6, #1]
-  3a155c:	f7a8 f98c	bl	0x349878
+  3a155c:	f7a8 f98c	bl	0x349878	; $ABB_Power_Off
   3a1560:	e024		b	0x3a15ac
+; end of RTC alarm low battery check
+; set display backlight to max
   3a1562:	2040		mov	r0, #64	; 0x40
   3a1564:	f03d fe5f	bl	0x3df226
+; find the highest set bit in R5
   3a1568:	2107		mov	r1, #7
   3a156a:	2001		mov	r0, #1
   3a156c:	4088		lsl	r0, r1
@@ -1825,6 +1921,7 @@
   3a157c:	1409		asr	r1, r1, #16
   3a157e:	2900		cmp	r1, #0
   3a1580:	d5f3		bpl	0x3a156a
+; end of the find-highest-bit loop
   3a1582:	2200		mov	r2, #0
   3a1584:	2802		cmp	r0, #2
   3a1586:	d000		beq	0x3a158a
@@ -1837,11 +1934,13 @@
   3a1594:	2000		mov	r0, #0
   3a1596:	08e9		lsr	r1, r5, #3
   3a1598:	d204		bcs	0x3a15a4
-  3a159a:	f7ff ff1f	bl	0x3a13dc
-  3a159e:	f012 fa73	bl	0x3b3a88
+; boot path w/o charging power
+  3a159a:	f7ff ff1f	bl	0x3a13dc	; $Power_ON_Button
+  3a159e:	f012 fa73	bl	0x3b3a88	; $pwr_handle_discharge
   3a15a2:	e003		b	0x3a15ac
-  3a15a4:	f7ff ff1a	bl	0x3a13dc
-  3a15a8:	f000 f805	bl	0x3a15b6
+; boot path with charging power
+  3a15a4:	f7ff ff1a	bl	0x3a13dc	; $Power_ON_Button
+  3a15a8:	f000 f805	bl	0x3a15b6	; $PWR_Charger_Plug
   3a15ac:	b002		add	sp, #8
   3a15ae:	bdf0		pop	{r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
@@ -1866,15 +1965,15 @@
   3a15c6:	30b2		add	r0, #178	; 0xb2
   3a15c8:	f710 f969	bl	0x2b189e	; rvf_delay()
   3a15cc:	2003		mov	r0, #3
-  3a15ce:	f789 fcc9	bl	0x32af64
-  3a15d2:	f7f3 fb5d	bl	0x394c90
-  3a15d6:	f78c fc1b	bl	0x32de10
+  3a15ce:	f789 fcc9	bl	0x32af64	; $rvf_stop_timer ?
+  3a15d2:	f7f3 fb5d	bl	0x394c90	; $pwr_send_charger_plug_event ?
+  3a15d6:	f78c fc1b	bl	0x32de10	; $pwr_get_battery_type ?
   3a15da:	bd00		pop	{pc}
   3a15dc:	b500		push	{lr}
   3a15de:	b082		sub	sp, #8
-  3a15e0:	f7f3 fb8f	bl	0x394d02
+  3a15e0:	f7f3 fb8f	bl	0x394d02	; $pwr_send_charger_unplug_event ?
   3a15e4:	486f		ldr	r0, =0xa0020	; via 0x3a17a4
   3a15e6:	9000		str	r0, [sp, #0]
   3a15e8:	a068		add	r0, pc, #416	; 0x1a0
@@ -1901,12 +2000,12 @@
   3a1616:	7800		ldrb	r0, [r0, #0]
   3a1618:	2800		cmp	r0, #0
   3a161a:	d102		bne	0x3a1622
-  3a161c:	f012 fa34	bl	0x3b3a88
+  3a161c:	f012 fa34	bl	0x3b3a88	; $pwr_handle_discharge
   3a1620:	e004		b	0x3a162c
   3a1622:	2001		mov	r0, #1
   3a1624:	213c		mov	r1, #60	; 0x3c
   3a1626:	2201		mov	r2, #1
-  3a1628:	f7a7 fdf0	bl	0x34920c
+  3a1628:	f7a7 fdf0	bl	0x34920c	; $ABB_Write_Register_on_page
   3a162c:	b002		add	sp, #8
   3a162e:	bd00		pop	{pc}
@@ -1937,11 +2036,11 @@
   3a165c:	203c		mov	r0, #60	; 0x3c
   3a165e:	4d50		ldr	r5, =0x1774e98	; via 0x3a17a0
   3a1660:	682c		ldr	r4, [r5, #0]
-  3a1662:	f055 fdd3	bl	0x3f720c
+  3a1662:	f055 fdd3	bl	0x3f720c	; $IND_CALL
   3a1666:	2005		mov	r0, #5
-  3a1668:	f710 f919	bl	0x2b189e
+  3a1668:	f710 f919	bl	0x2b189e	; rvf_delay()
   3a166c:	686c		ldr	r4, [r5, #4]
-  3a166e:	f055 fdcd	bl	0x3f720c
+  3a166e:	f055 fdcd	bl	0x3f720c	; $IND_CALL
   3a1672:	bd30		pop	{r4, r5, pc}
   3a1674:	b500		push	{lr}
@@ -2030,6 +2129,10 @@
   3a172c:	4770		bx	lr
   3a172e:	46c0		nop			(mov r8, r8)
+  3b40a6:	488c		ldr	r0, =0x1774db0	; via 0x3b42d8
+  3b40a8:	6800		ldr	r0, [r0, #0]
+  3b40aa:	4770		bx	lr
   3bb7d4:	b570		push	{r4, r5, r6, lr}
   3bb7d6:	b081		sub	sp, #4
@@ -2818,6 +2921,92 @@
   3dc9e0:	b003		add	sp, #12	; 0xc
   3dc9e2:	bd00		pop	{pc}
+; A higher-level display backlight control function: takes a backlight
+; level index as input (0 means off, 1-4 are defined levels, anything >=5
+; means maximum), calls the lower-level function with the corresponding
+; PWL value, and sets the 0x1775138 var to a number that seems to be
+; the backlight's expected current draw.
+  3df226:	b500		push	{lr}
+  3df228:	2800		cmp	r0, #0
+  3df22a:	d105		bne	0x3df238
+  3df22c:	f000 f827	bl	0x3df27e
+  3df230:	492a		ldr	r1, =0x1775138	; via 0x3df2dc
+  3df232:	2000		mov	r0, #0
+  3df234:	8008		strh	r0, [r1, #0]
+  3df236:	bd00		pop	{pc}
+  3df238:	2801		cmp	r0, #1
+  3df23a:	d019		beq	0x3df270
+  3df23c:	2802		cmp	r0, #2
+  3df23e:	d012		beq	0x3df266
+  3df240:	2803		cmp	r0, #3
+  3df242:	d00b		beq	0x3df25c
+  3df244:	2804		cmp	r0, #4
+  3df246:	d004		beq	0x3df252
+  3df248:	20ff		mov	r0, #255	; 0xff
+  3df24a:	f000 f818	bl	0x3df27e
+  3df24e:	2162		mov	r1, #98	; 0x62
+  3df250:	e012		b	0x3df278
+  3df252:	20c0		mov	r0, #192	; 0xc0
+  3df254:	f000 f813	bl	0x3df27e
+  3df258:	2157		mov	r1, #87	; 0x57
+  3df25a:	e00d		b	0x3df278
+  3df25c:	2080		mov	r0, #128	; 0x80
+  3df25e:	f000 f80e	bl	0x3df27e
+  3df262:	214c		mov	r1, #76	; 0x4c
+  3df264:	e008		b	0x3df278
+  3df266:	2040		mov	r0, #64	; 0x40
+  3df268:	f000 f809	bl	0x3df27e
+  3df26c:	2141		mov	r1, #65	; 0x41
+  3df26e:	e003		b	0x3df278
+  3df270:	2001		mov	r0, #1
+  3df272:	f000 f804	bl	0x3df27e
+  3df276:	2108		mov	r1, #8
+  3df278:	4818		ldr	r0, =0x1775138	; via 0x3df2dc
+  3df27a:	8001		strh	r1, [r0, #0]
+  3df27c:	bd00		pop	{pc}
+; The following 0x3df27e function controls the display backlight.
+; 0 argument means fully off, otherwise the master on/off control is on
+; and the argument is the value for PWL control before the inversion.
+  3df27e:	b530		push	{r4, r5, lr}
+  3df280:	2800		cmp	r0, #0
+  3df282:	d10d		bne	0x3df2a0
+  3df284:	4c16		ldr	r4, =0x177513a	; via 0x3df2e0
+  3df286:	7820		ldrb	r0, [r4, #0]
+  3df288:	2800		cmp	r0, #0
+  3df28a:	d016		beq	0x3df2ba
+; 0x2785d0 must be the display backlight master on/off control function
+  3df28c:	2000		mov	r0, #0
+  3df28e:	f699 f99f	bl	0x2785d0
+  3df292:	2000		mov	r0, #0
+  3df294:	4913		ldr	r1, =0xfffe8000	; via 0x3df2e4
+  3df296:	7008		strb	r0, [r1, #0]
+  3df298:	4913		ldr	r1, =0xfffe8001	; via 0x3df2e8
+  3df29a:	7008		strb	r0, [r1, #0]
+  3df29c:	7020		strb	r0, [r4, #0]
+  3df29e:	bd30		pop	{r4, r5, pc}
+  3df2a0:	4910		ldr	r1, =0xfffe8000	; via 0x3df2e4
+  3df2a2:	4240		neg	r0, r0
+  3df2a4:	7008		strb	r0, [r1, #0]
+  3df2a6:	4c0e		ldr	r4, =0x177513a	; via 0x3df2e0
+  3df2a8:	7820		ldrb	r0, [r4, #0]
+  3df2aa:	2800		cmp	r0, #0
+  3df2ac:	d105		bne	0x3df2ba
+  3df2ae:	2501		mov	r5, #1
+  3df2b0:	704d		strb	r5, [r1, #1]
+  3df2b2:	2001		mov	r0, #1
+  3df2b4:	f699 f98c	bl	0x2785d0
+  3df2b8:	7025		strb	r5, [r4, #0]
+  3df2ba:	bd30		pop	{r4, r5, pc}
+  3df2bc:	4808		ldr	r0, =0x177513a	; via 0x3df2e0
+  3df2be:	7800		ldrb	r0, [r0, #0]
+  3df2c0:	4770		bx	lr
+  3df2c2:	4806		ldr	r0, =0x1775138	; via 0x3df2dc
+  3df2c4:	8800		ldrh	r0, [r0, #0]
+  3df2c6:	4770		bx	lr
   3e300c:	4a44		ldr	r2, =0xfffef00a	; via 0x3e3120
   3e300e:	2101		mov	r1, #1
@@ -3486,10 +3675,22 @@
 0x17649b8:	ABB_Hisr
 0x1764a10:	ABB_HisrStack
+0x17729d0:	init data array that should have been const instead,
+		mapping from system current draw to voltage drop
+		that can be modeled as the battery's internal resistance:
+		005A ( 90) 0017 (23)
+		00AA (170) 002D (45)
+		00FA (250) 0050 (80)
 0x17741e0:	abb_sem
 0x1774b7c:	16-bit var battery voltage in mV
+0x1774ccc:	16-bit var initial battery % is stored here
+0x1774cd0:	16-bit var, ABB_Read_Status() return value at the beginning
+		of Switch_ON() is stored here
 0x1774cd4:	32-bit var BatOperationMode
 0x1774e38:	SPI_GBL_INFO_PTR
@@ -3500,3 +3701,9 @@
 0x1775041:	byte var set to 0 in spi_abb_read_int_reg_callback()
 		in ADC end processing
+0x1775138:	16-bit var, stores a number that goes up as the display
+		backlight intensity increases, probably the backlight's
+		expected current draw
+0x177513a:	8-bit var, flag indicating if the display backlight is on