The present package is a basic standalone disassembler for the ARMv4Tinstruction set implemented on the ARM7TDMI CPU core, commonly used in classiccellular phone baseband processors. The armdis utility interprets an arbitraryraw binary image (i.e., one being reverse-engineered) as 32-bit ARMinstructions; thumbdis interprets the same image as 16-bit Thumb instructions.The form in which the disassembly output is presented is a look-and-feel copycatof GNU objdump: armdis is meant to replaceobjdump -b binary -m arm -EL -M reg-names-std -D unknown-firmware.binand thumbdis is meant to replaceobjdump -b binary -m arm -EL -M reg-names-std -M force-thumb -D unknown-fw.binAside from sparing the operator from having to remember all those optionsevery single time, and aside from being an independent from-scratchimplementation (lean and mean, only knows how to disassemble those instructionswhich are meaningful on ARM7TDMI), these tools have one other feature whichpartly prompted me to write them: whenever *dis disassembles a PC-relativeldr instruction, it shows the value pulled from the literal pool on that ldrline. In the reverse engineering jobs I've had to do, it has been a veryvaluable feature for me.Happy hacking,Spacefalcon the Outlaw