There are 4 test points accessible from the battery compartment under theSIM card slot. I shall number them as follows: B A (battery connector) T+-----+| || SIM || |+-----+1 2 3 4i.e., the test point closest to the headset jack shall be numbered 4.TP 1 and TP 2 have tiny vias inside the TP pads themselves; these viasappear to go no deeper than L2.TP 1: on L2 it crosses over the tiny via coming from L1 to a larger viathat penetrates almost the entire layer stack. On L7 the latter viaconnects to a trace. The latter trace runs at normal signal thicknessuntil it hits yet another via. On the other side of that via, still onthe same L7, there is a dead-end arm of what appears to be the same net,and the latter arm is thick - almost as if it acts as an antenna ofsome kind. From there the connections are unclear, but it appears toconnect a bunch of fat traces and possibly even copper fill on otherlayers, so it's unlikely to be an interesting signal.TP 2: on L2 it goes to a trace, that trace goes to another via at imagecoords (4378,1746).TP 3 connects to a via; that via appears to make a solid connection tothe copper flood-fill on L6.TP 4 is connected to the L1 GND copper fill with thermals.