FreeCalypso > hg > freecalypso-reveng
frbl/reconst/convert.c: perfect match to TCS211 object2020-03-05, by Mychaela Falconia
frbl/reconst/command.c: first function reconstructed2020-03-05, by Mychaela Falconia
frbl/reconst/convert.c: better match to original object2020-03-05, by Mychaela Falconia
frbl/reconst/convert.c: almost perfect reconstruction2020-03-05, by Mychaela Falconia
frbl/reconst/boot.c: perfect match to TCS211 boot.obj2020-03-05, by Mychaela Falconia
frbl/reconst: boot.c passes compilation2020-03-04, by Mychaela Falconia
frbl/reconst: first attempt to compile boot.c2020-03-04, by Mychaela Falconia
frbl/reconst/boot.c: import from TI's FLUID package2020-03-04, by Mychaela Falconia
frbl/reconst/main/sys_types.h: import from TCS2112020-03-04, by Mychaela Falconia
frbl/reconst/inc/command.h: tab fixes2020-03-04, by Mychaela Falconia
frbl/reconst/inc: import from TCS211 surviving source2020-03-04, by Mychaela Falconia
fluid-mnf: original source from TI,2020-02-29, by Mychaela Falconia
moko1-fw-disasm: simple analysis of init module2020-01-31, by Mychaela Falconia
dspanal: char2coff works now2019-10-28, by Mychaela Falconia
dspanal: char2coff utility written, compiles2019-10-28, by Mychaela Falconia
dspanal: char2bin utility written, compiles2019-10-28, by Mychaela Falconia
dsample-fw-disasm: one more cinit record2019-10-06, by Mychaela Falconia
dsample-fw-disasm: tpudrv10 init code analysed2019-10-06, by Mychaela Falconia
dsample-fw-disasm: Tx up/down functions located and analysed2019-10-06, by Mychaela Falconia
dsample-fw-disasm: Rx up/down functions located and analysed2019-10-06, by Mychaela Falconia
dsample-fw-disasm: rf_program() and l1dmacro_agc() analysed2019-10-05, by Mychaela Falconia
dsample-fw-disasm: finished l1_drive and its l1dmacro calls2019-10-05, by Mychaela Falconia
dsample-fw-disasm: a few tpudrv10 l1dmacro functions2019-10-05, by Mychaela Falconia
dsample-fw-disasm: found l1_drive and tpudrv modules2019-10-05, by Mychaela Falconia
blobstat/specs: added divisions spec2019-09-21, by Mychaela Falconia
blobstat: classification spec files moved into specs subdir2019-09-21, by Mychaela Falconia
blobstat: maghybrid-libclass added2019-09-21, by Mychaela Falconia
blobstat: actually works now2019-09-21, by Mychaela Falconia
blobstat: code finished, compiles2019-09-21, by Mychaela Falconia
blobstat: mostly complete2019-09-21, by Mychaela Falconia
gtm900/fw-reg-config: note that the main config regs are as expected2019-06-09, by Mychaela Falconia
gtm900/fw-reg-config note added2019-06-09, by Mychaela Falconia
gtm900/interface-signals: notes from connection tracing2019-06-07, by Mychaela Falconia
gtm900 subdir created, fw-disasm work moved inside2019-06-07, by Mychaela Falconia
gtm900-fw-disasm created2019-05-31, by Mychaela Falconia
compal/c156-fw-disasm: got to Init_Target()2019-03-23, by Mychaela Falconia
compal/j100-fw-disasm: GPIO init analysis2019-03-14, by Mychaela Falconia
compal/c156-fw-disasm: first attempt2019-03-14, by Mychaela Falconia
compal/c139-fw-disasm: GPIO init analysis complete2019-03-14, by Mychaela Falconia
compal/sym-fw-disasm: ULPD setup diffs analysed2019-03-14, by Mychaela Falconia
compal/sym-fw-disasm: initial analysis2019-03-14, by Mychaela Falconia
dsample-fw-disasm: found l1dmacro_init_hw() and2019-03-03, by Mychaela Falconia
compal/c139-{rssi,txcal}: results of C139 to CMU200 experiment2019-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
pirelli/{rssi,txcal}: results of the Pirelli to CMU200 experiment2019-02-16, by Mychaela Falconia
benq-fw-disasm: dug a little into BenQ's M32 firmware2018-12-12, by Mychaela Falconia
compal/c156-boot.disasm: GPIO comments were wrong2018-11-05, by Mychaela Falconia
leo-obj/bootloader/Notes: bootloader blob reverse-engineered2018-09-21, by Mychaela Falconia
Pirelli PCB RE: traced out Calypso FDP and flash reset input2018-03-24, by Mychaela Falconia
fbdump2ppm: adjust for R2D's extra 32-bit word2018-01-20, by Mychaela Falconia
miscprog: fbdump2ppm program written, compiles2018-01-20, by Mychaela Falconia
dsample-fw-disasm: done with the calc_a_b()-like function2018-01-20, by Mychaela Falconia
dsample-fw-disasm: magic2 tables located2018-01-19, by Mychaela Falconia
dsample-fw-disasm: cinit for magic1 tables2018-01-19, by Mychaela Falconia
dsample-fw-disasm: located cinit records for rf_path and synth_*2018-01-19, by Mychaela Falconia
cinitdump program written, compiles2018-01-19, by Mychaela Falconia
dsample-fw-disasm tpudrv10 code analysis: got to calc_a_b()2018-01-19, by Mychaela Falconia
dsample-fw-disasm: found apparent beginning of the tpudrv10 module2018-01-18, by Mychaela Falconia
dsample-fw-disasm: beginning to locate tpudrv10 code2018-01-18, by Mychaela Falconia
dsample-fw-disasm: ARMIO functions located2018-01-18, by Mychaela Falconia
dsample-fw-disasm: comment fixes2018-01-18, by Mychaela Falconia