/*+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+| PROJECT : PROTOCOL STACK || FILE : p_mmreg.val || SOURCE : "sap\mmreg.pdf" || LastModified : "2003-06-13" || IdAndVersion : "6147.100.96.110" || SrcFileTime : "Thu Nov 29 09:46:52 2007" || Generated by CCDGEN_2.5.5A on Thu Sep 25 09:18:53 2014 || !!DO NOT MODIFY!!DO NOT MODIFY!!DO NOT MODIFY!! |+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+*//* PRAGMAS * PREFIX : NONE * COMPATIBILITY_DEFINES : NO (require PREFIX) * ALWAYS_ENUM_IN_VAL_FILE: NO * ENABLE_GROUP: NO * CAPITALIZE_TYPENAME: NO */#ifndef P_MMREG_VAL#define P_MMREG_VAL#define CDG_ENTER__P_MMREG_VAL#define CDG_ENTER__FILENAME _P_MMREG_VAL#define CDG_ENTER__P_MMREG_VAL__FILE_TYPE CDGINC#define CDG_ENTER__P_MMREG_VAL__LAST_MODIFIED _2003_06_13#define CDG_ENTER__P_MMREG_VAL__ID_AND_VERSION _6147_100_96_110#define CDG_ENTER__P_MMREG_VAL__SRC_FILE_TIME _Thu_Nov_29_09_46_52_2007#include "CDG_ENTER.h"#undef CDG_ENTER__P_MMREG_VAL#undef CDG_ENTER__FILENAME/* * Value constants for VAL_detach_cause */#define CS_SIM_REM (0x0) /* Consider SIM as removed or not valid */#define CS_POW_OFF (0x1) /* Power off and delete SIM data */#define CS_SOFT_OFF (0x2) /* Power off and keep SIM data *//* * Value constants for VAL_mode */#define MODE_AUTO (0x0) /* automatic mode */#define MODE_MAN (0x1) /* manual mode *//* * Value constants for VAL_service */#define NREG_NO_SERVICE (0x0) /* no service available */#define NREG_LIMITED_SERVICE (0x1) /* limited service available *//* * Value constants for VAL_forb_ind */#define FORB_PLMN_NOT_INCLUDED (0x0) /* Not member of the forbidden PLMN list */#define FORB_PLMN_INCLUDED (0x1) /* Member of the forbidden PLMN list *//* * Value constants for VAL_search_running */#define SEARCH_NOT_RUNNING (0x0) /* Network search not running anymore */#define SEARCH_RUNNING (0x1) /* Network search still running *//* * Value constants for VAL_tz */#define TIMEZONE_GMT (0x0) /* GMT */#define TIMEZONE_GMT_PLS_1HR (0x40) /* GMT + 1 hour */#define TIMEZONE_GMT_PLS_2HR (0x80) /* GMT + 2 hours */#define TIMEZONE_GMT_MIN_1HR (0x48) /* GMT - 1 hour */#define TIMEZONE_GMT_MIN_2HR (0x88) /* GMT - 2 hours *//* * Value constants for VAL_month *//* * Value constants for VAL_second *//* * Value constants for VAL_minute *//* * Value constants for VAL_hour *//* * Value constants for VAL_day *//* * Value constants for VAL_year */// VALTAB-FF: REL99 /* * Value constants for VAL_daylight_save_time */#define MMR_ADJ_NO (0x0) /* No adjustment for Daylight Saving Time */#define MMR_TIME_ADJ_1 (0x1) /* +1 hour adjustment for Daylight Saving Time */#define MMR_TIME_ADJ_2 (0x2) /* +2 hours adjustment for Daylight Saving Time *//* * Value constants for VAL_service_mode */#define SERVICE_MODE_LIMITED (0x0) /* Search for limited service required */#define SERVICE_MODE_FULL (0x1) /* Search for full service required *//* * Value constants for VAL_cause */#define MMCS_IMSI_IN_HLR (0x402) /* IMSI unknown in HLR */#define MMCS_ILLEGAL_MS (0x403) /* Illegal MS */#define MMCS_IMSI_IN_VLR (0x404) /* IMSI unknown in VLR */#define MMCS_IMEI_NOT_ACCEPTED (0x405) /* IMEI not accepted */#define MMCS_ILLEGAL_ME (0x406) /* Illegal ME */#define MMCS_PLMN_NOT_ALLOWED (0x40b) /* PLMN not allowed */#define MMCS_LA_NOT_ALLOWED (0x40c) /* Location Area not allowed */#define MMCS_ROAMING_NOT_ALLOWED (0x40d) /* Roaming not allowed in this location area */#define MMCS_NO_SUITABLE_CELL_IN_LA (0x40f) /* Find another allowed location area in the same PLMN */#define MMCS_NETWORK_FAILURE (0x411) /* Network failure */#define MMCS_CONGESTION (0x416) /* Congestion */#define MMCS_SERVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x420) /* Service option not supported */#define MMCS_SERVICE_NOT_SUBSCRIBED (0x421) /* Requested service option not subscribed */#define MMCS_SERVICE_ORDER (0x422) /* Service option temporarily out of order */#define MMCS_IDENTIFIY (0x426) /* Call cannot be identified */#define MMCS_RETRY_IN_NEW_CELL (0x430) /* retry upon entry into a new cell (mapped 0x0430..0x043f -> 0x0430) */#define MMCS_INCORRECT_MESSAGE (0x45f) /* Semantically incorrect message */#define MMCS_INVALID_MAND_MESSAGE (0x460) /* Invalid mandatory information */#define MMCS_MESSAGE_TYPE_NOT_IMPLEM (0x461) /* Message type non-existent or not implemented */#define MMCS_MESSAGE_TYPE_INCOMPAT (0x462) /* Message type not compatible with the protocol state */#define MMCS_IE_NOT_IMPLEM (0x463) /* Information element non-existent or not implemented */#define MMCS_CONDITIONAL_IE (0x464) /* Conditional IE error */#define MMCS_MESSAGE_INCOMPAT (0x465) /* Message not compatible with the protocol state */#define MMCS_UNSPECIFIED (0x46f) /* Protocol error, unspecified */#define MMCS_SUCCESS (0xc400) /* No error, successful operation (MM) */#define MMCS_NO_REGISTRATION (0xc480) /* MS is not registered or deregistration started */#define MMCS_TIMER_RECOVERY (0xc481) /* time-out in MM during establishment */#define MMCS_NO_REESTABLISH (0xc482) /* Cell does not support call reestablishment */#define MMCS_INT_PREEM (0xc483) /* Preemptive release, e.g. MO-MT clash in MM */#define MMCS_PLMN_NOT_IDLE_MODE (0xc484) /* reject, not in idle mode (MMR_PLMN_IND) */#define MMCS_AUTHENTICATION_REJECTED (0xc488) /* AUTHENTICATION REJECT received */#define MMCS_SIM_REMOVED (0xc489) /* A valid SIM is not present */#define MMCS_INT_NOT_PRESENT (0xc4ff) /* No error cause (MM) *//* * Value constants for VAL_ciph */#define CIPH_OFF (0x0) /* ciphering off */#define CIPH_ON (0x1) /* ciphering on *//* * Value constants for VAL_bootup_act */#define NORMAL_REG (0x0) /* Normal Registration */#define QUICK_REG (0x1) /* Fast Registration *//* * Value constants for VAL_bootup_cause */#define REG_END (0x0) /* end of registration */#define PWR_SCAN_START (0x1) /* power scanning started *//* * user defined constants */#define MAX_PLMN_ID (0xc) #define MMR_MAX_TEXT_LEN (0x28) #define SIZE_MCC (0x3) #define SIZE_MNC (0x3) #define MM_ORIGINATING_ENTITY (0x4) #include "CDG_LEAVE.h"#endif