You are looking at the source for the TIFFS In Vitro Analyzer utility. You mayhave downloaded it either as a separate package or as part of the largerfreecalypso-sw suite.See TIFFS-Overview (in ../doc if you are working with the full freecalypso-swsource tree) for a general description of what TIFFS is and why it matters.The utility contained in the present package runs on a general purpose GNU/Linux(or other Unix) host and enables "in vitro" examination of Flash File Systemimages read out of TI-based GSM devices. Using this utility, you can list thedirectory and file content of an FFS image, cat any individual file in the FFS,or extract the complete FFS content into your regular Unix file system. Some"forensic" operations are also supported: by listing the inode array, one candeduce the order in which the present FFS content got created, and see whatfiles have been overwritten or deleted in the span of still-visible history.One can then cat the old byte content of those overwritten or deleted files,if those data chunks are still in the FFS image (i.e., if the flash sector inquestion has not been reclaimed yet).Compilation and installation are straightforward: run 'make' to compile thesource; you should get 3 executable binaries named tiffs, mokoffs and pirffs;then run 'make install' as root to install them in /usr/local/bin. The binarynamed tiffs is the main program; mokoffs and pirffs are wrappers that simplifythe most common current use cases.To install somewhere other than /usr/local/bin, edit the INSTBIN= setting inthe subdirectory Makefiles. You will also need to edittiffs-wrappers/installpath.c accordingly, as the mokoffs and pirffs wrappersare designed to exec tiffs by its absolute installed pathname.See Usage for the usage instructions.