/*+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+| PROJECT : PROTOCOL STACK || FILE : p_cgrlc.val || SOURCE : "sap\cgrlc.pdf" || LastModified : "2004-05-17" || IdAndVersion : "8010.119.008.04" || SrcFileTime : "Thu Nov 29 09:38:02 2007" || Generated by CCDGEN_2.5.5A on Thu Sep 25 09:18:53 2014 || !!DO NOT MODIFY!!DO NOT MODIFY!!DO NOT MODIFY!! |+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+*//* PRAGMAS * PREFIX : CGRLC * COMPATIBILITY_DEFINES : NO * ALWAYS_ENUM_IN_VAL_FILE: NO * ENABLE_GROUP: NO * CAPITALIZE_TYPENAME: NO */#ifndef P_CGRLC_VAL#define P_CGRLC_VAL#define CDG_ENTER__P_CGRLC_VAL#define CDG_ENTER__FILENAME _P_CGRLC_VAL#define CDG_ENTER__P_CGRLC_VAL__FILE_TYPE CDGINC#define CDG_ENTER__P_CGRLC_VAL__LAST_MODIFIED _2004_05_17#define CDG_ENTER__P_CGRLC_VAL__ID_AND_VERSION _8010_119_008_04#define CDG_ENTER__P_CGRLC_VAL__SRC_FILE_TIME _Thu_Nov_29_09_38_02_2007#include "CDG_ENTER.h"#undef CDG_ENTER__P_CGRLC_VAL#undef CDG_ENTER__FILENAME/* * Value constants for VAL_access_type */#define CGRLC_AT_NULL (0x0) /* No access is required */#define CGRLC_AT_ONE_PHASE (0x1) /* One phase access requested. */#define CGRLC_AT_TWO_PHASE (0x2) /* Two phase access requested. */#define CGRLC_AT_SHORT_ACCESS (0x3) /* Short access requested. */#define CGRLC_AT_PAGE_RESPONSE (0x4) /* Page response requested. */#define CGRLC_AT_CELL_UPDATE (0x5) /* Access for cell update primitive requested. */#define CGRLC_AT_MM_PROCEDURE (0x6) /* Access for MM/GMM primitive requested. */#define CGRLC_AT_SINGLE_BLOCK (0x7) /* Only used in GRR: access for single block without TBF *//* * Value constants for VAL_dl_timeslot_offset */#define CGRLC_TEST_TN0 (0x0) /* Downlink timeslot offset 0. */#define CGRLC_TEST_TN1 (0x1) /* Downlink timeslot offset 1. */#define CGRLC_TEST_TN2 (0x2) /* Downlink timeslot offset 2. */#define CGRLC_TEST_TN3 (0x3) /* Downlink timeslot offset 3. */#define CGRLC_TEST_TN4 (0x4) /* Downlink timeslot offset 4. */#define CGRLC_TEST_TN5 (0x5) /* Downlink timeslot offset 5. */#define CGRLC_TEST_TN6 (0x6) /* Downlink timeslot offset 6. */#define CGRLC_TEST_TN7 (0x7) /* Downlink timeslot offset 7. *//* * Value constants for VAL_failure */#define CGRLC_ACCESS_2_NETWORK_NOT_ALLOWED (0x0) /* Access to the network is not allowed. */#define CGRLC_PACKET_ACCESS_FAILURE (0x1) /* Failure during packet access procedure, e.g. T3162 expired. */#define CGRLC_RLC_MAC_ERROR (0x2) /* T3168 expires during contention resolution. */#define CGRLC_TLLI_MISMATCH (0x3) /* TLLI mismatch has occurred. */#define CGRLC_TBF_ESTABLISHMENT_FAILURE (0x4) /* T3164 expires or failure occurs due to any other reason. */#define CGRLC_RESUMPTION_FAILURE (0x5) /* Resumption failure after dedicated mode was left. */#define CGRLC_CONTENTION_RESOLUTION_FAILED (0x6) /* Contention Resolution has failed. *//* * Value constants for VAL_prim_status */#define CGRLC_PRIM_STATUS_NULL (0x0) /* No primitives shall be deleted. */#define CGRLC_PRIM_STATUS_ONE (0x1) /* One primitive shall be deleted. */#define CGRLC_PRIM_STATUS_TBF (0x2) /* All primitives, which belongs to the current TBF, shall be deleted. */#define CGRLC_PRIM_STATUS_ALL (0xff) /* All primitives shall be deleted. *//* * Value constants for VAL_prim_type */#define CGRLC_PRIM_TYPE_GMM (0x0) /* At least one GMM primitive was confirmed. */#define CGRLC_PRIM_TYPE_OTHER (0x1) /* No GMM primitive was confirmed. Other User data was confirmed. *//* * Value constants for VAL_tbf_rel_cause */#define CGRLC_TBF_REL_NORMAL (0x0) /* Normal TBF release is or shall be performed. */#define CGRLC_TBF_REL_ABNORMAL (0x1) /* Abnormal TBF release is or shall be performed. */#define CGRLC_TBF_REL_CR_FAILED (0x2) /* Contention resolution failed */#define CGRLC_TBF_REL_WITH_CELL_RESELECT (0x3) /* TBF release with cell reselection *//* * Value constants for VAL_starting_time */#define CGRLC_STARTING_TIME_NOT_PRESENT (0xffffffff)/* No TBF starting time present. *//* * Value constants for VAL_test_mode_flag */#define CGRLC_TEST_RANDOM (0x0) /* Pseudo random data. */#define CGRLC_LOOP (0x1) /* Loop back. */#define CGRLC_TEST_MODE_RELEASE (0xfe) /* used in GRLC, intermediate status during release procedure */#define CGRLC_NO_TEST_MODE (0xff) /* No testmode active *//* * Value constants for VAL_ti */#define CGRLC_TLLI_NOT_PRESENT (0x0) /* TLLI shall not be sent in the RLC data block. */#define CGRLC_TLLI_PRESENT (0x1) /* TLLI shall be sent in the RLC data block. *//* * Value constants for VAL_cs_mode */#define CGRLC_CS_MODE_1 (0x0) /* Coding scheme 1. */#define CGRLC_CS_MODE_2 (0x1) /* Coding scheme 2. */#define CGRLC_CS_MODE_3 (0x2) /* Coding scheme 3. */#define CGRLC_CS_MODE_4 (0x3) /* Coding scheme 4. *//* * Value constants for VAL_tlli_cs_mode */#define CGRLC_TLLI_CS_MODE_1 (0x0) /* CS 1 shall be used during Contention resolution. */#define CGRLC_TLLI_CS_MODE_DEF (0x1) /* Default coding scheme shall be used during Contention resolution. *//* * Value constants for VAL_mac_mode */#define CGRLC_MAC_MODE_DA (0x0) /* Dynamic allocation. */#define CGRLC_MAC_MODE_EDA (0x1) /* Extended dynamic allocation. */#define CGRLC_MAC_MODE_FA (0x2) /* Fixed allocation. */#define CGRLC_MAC_MODE_FA_HD (0x3) /* Fixed allocation, half duplex mode. *//* * Value constants for VAL_queue_mode */#define CGRLC_QUEUE_MODE_DEFAULT (0x0) /* Use current queue. */#define CGRLC_QUEUE_MODE_GMM (0x1) /* Use GMM queue (RAU procedure). */#define CGRLC_QUEUE_MODE_LLC (0x2) /* Use LLC queue. *//* * Value constants for VAL_rlc_mode */#define CGRLC_RLC_MODE_ACK (0x0) /* RLC acknowledged mode. */#define CGRLC_RLC_MODE_UACK (0x1) /* RLC unacknowledged mode. *//* * Value constants for VAL_tbf_mode */#define CGRLC_TBF_MODE_NULL (0x0) /* No tbf active, used in GRR */#define CGRLC_TBF_MODE_ACCESS_FAILED (0x1) /* Access has failed. GRLC handles prim queue. */#define CGRLC_TBF_MODE_DL (0x2) /* Downlink TBF is assigned/released. */#define CGRLC_TBF_MODE_UL (0x3) /* Uplink TBF is assigned/released. */#define CGRLC_TBF_MODE_TMA (0x4) /* Uplink TBF for Testmode A is assigned. */#define CGRLC_TBF_MODE_TMB (0x5) /* Uplink TBF for Testmode B is assigned. */#define CGRLC_TBF_MODE_DL_UL (0x6) /* Uplink and Downlink TBF assigned/released. */#define CGRLC_TBF_MODE_ESTABLISHMENT_FAILURE (0x7)/* T3164 expires or failure occurs due to any other reason */// VAL-FF: REL99 AND TI_PS_FF_TBF_EST_PACCH #define CGRLC_TBF_MODE_2PA (0x8) /* 2 Phase access mode during TBF est on PACCH *//* * Value constants for VAL_rxlev */#define CGRLC_RXLEV_MIN (0x0) /* Minimum receive signal level value. */#define CGRLC_RXLEV_MAX (0x3f) /* Maximum receive signal level value. */#define CGRLC_RXLEV_NONE (0x80) /* Specific value used to indicate that no new RX value is present or RX value is invalid. *//* * Value constants for VAL_alpha */#define CGRLC_ALPHA_INVALID (0xff) /* No alpha value is available. *//* * Value constants for VAL_pc_meas_chan */#define CGRLC_MEAS_CHAN_BCCH (0x0) /* Downlink measurements for power control shall be made on BCCH. */#define CGRLC_MEAS_CHAN_PDCH (0x1) /* Downlink measurements for power control shall be made on PDCH. *//* * Value constants for VAL_gamma_ch */#define CGRLC_GAMMA_INVALID (0xff) /* No GCH is available. *//* * Value constants for VAL_disable_class */#define CGRLC_DISABLE_CLASS_NULL (0x0) /* Initial state of the disable class */#define CGRLC_DISABLE_CLASS_OTHER (0x1) /* Any other cause for disable class */#define CGRLC_DISABLE_CLASS_CR (0x2) /* Disable cause is cell reselection *//* * Value constants for VAL_poll_b_type */#define CGRLC_POLL_NONE (0x0) /* No poll position present,only in grlc */#define CGRLC_POLL_COLLISION (0x1) /* Collision detected, only in grlc */#define CGRLC_POLL_DATA (0x2) /* Poll for dl ack/nack, only in grlc */#define CGRLC_POLL_UACK (0x3) /* Poll for pca uplink tbf relaase */#define CGRLC_POLL_CTRL (0x4) /* Default poll for control msg. */#define CGRLC_POLL_RES_NB (0x5) /* Poll for normal burst with packet polling req */#define CGRLC_POLL_RES_AB (0x6) /* Poll for access burst with packet polling req */// VAL-FF: REL99 AND TI_PS_FF_TBF_EST_PACCH #define CGRLC_POLL_RE_ASS (0x7) /* Poll for TBF on PACCH for sendong PCA or PRR *//* * Value constants for VAL_burst_type */#define CGRLC_BURST_TYPE_AB (0x0) /* Access burst */#define CGRLC_BURST_TYPE_NB (0x1) /* Normal burst *//* * Value constants for VAL_ab_type */#define CGRLC_AB_8_BIT (0x0) /* 8 bit access burst */#define CGRLC_AB_11_BIT (0x1) /* 11 bit access burst *//* * Value constants for VAL_blk_owner */#define CGRLC_BLK_OWNER_CTRL (0x0) /* Owner is service ctrl (GRR). */#define CGRLC_BLK_OWNER_CS (0x1) /* Owner is service cs (GRR). */#define CGRLC_BLK_OWNER_TM (0x2) /* Owner is service tm (GRLC). */#define CGRLC_BLK_OWNER_MEAS (0x3) /* Owner is service meas (GRR). */#define CGRLC_BLK_OWNER_NONE (0x4) /* Owner is not specified *//* * Value constants for VAL_cu_cause */#define CGRLC_RA_DEFAULT (0x0) /* No action required */#define CGRLC_RA_CU (0x1) /* Next packet access cause will be cell update *//* * Value constants for VAL_pmax */#define CGRLC_NO_UPDATE_N3102 (0xff) /* N3102 shall not be updated *//* * Value constants for VAL_llc_prim_type */#define CGRLC_LLC_PRIM_TYPE_NULL (0x0) /* No primitive available */#define CGRLC_LLC_PRIM_TYPE_DATA_REQ (0x1) /* GRLC_DATA_REQ */#define CGRLC_LLC_PRIM_TYPE_UNITDATA_REQ (0x2) /* GRLC_UNITDATA_REQ *//* * Value constants for VAL_ac_class */#define CGRLC_CCCH_AC_NOT_ALLOWED (0x8) /* CCCH access control class not allowed */#define CGRLC_PCCCH_AC_NOT_ALLOWED (0x9) /* PCCCH access control class not allowed */#define CGRLC_PCCCH_AC_ALLOWED (0xa) /* PCCCH access control class allowed *//* * Value constants for VAL_enable_cause */#define CGRLC_ENAC_NORMAL (0x0) /* Normal Operation */#define CGRLC_ENAC_ABNORM_RELEASE_CRESELECT_FAILED (0x1)/* Abnormal Release with Cell Re-Selection has Failed *//* * Value constants for VAL_rlc_db_granted */#define CGRLC_OPEN_ENDED_TBF (0x0) /* Open ended tbf *//* * Value constants for VAL_t3314_val */#define CGRLC_STANDBY (0x0) /* MS always in STANDBY state. */#define CGRLC_T3314_DEFAULT (0xabe0) /* Default timeout value for T3314. */#define CGRLC_DEACTIVATED (0xffffffff)/* MS always in READY state. *//* * Value constants for VAL_pdch_band */#define CGRLC_GSM_400 (0x0) /* GSM 400MHz Band. */#define CGRLC_GSM_850 (0x1) /* GSM 850MHz Band. */#define CGRLC_GSM_900 (0x2) /* GSM 900MHz Band. */#define CGRLC_DCS_1800 (0x3) /* DCS 1800MHz Band. */#define CGRLC_PCS_1900 (0x4) /* PCS 1900MHz Band. *//* * Value constants for VAL_ilev */#define CGRLC_ILEV_MIN (0x0) /* Minimum interference level value. */#define CGRLC_ILEV_MAX (0x3f) /* Maximum interference level value. */#define CGRLC_ILEV_NONE (0x80) /* Specific value used to indicate that no new interference level value is present or interference level value is invalid. */// VALTAB-FF: REL99 /* * Value constants for Val_pfi_support */#define CGRLC_PFI_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x0) /* PFC Not Supported */#define CGRLC_PFI_SUPPORTED (0x1) /* PFC Supported *//* * user defined constants */#define CGRLC_MAX_CTRL_MSG_SIZE (0x17) #define CGRLC_MAX_TIMESLOTS (0x8) #include "CDG_LEAVE.h"#endif