There are 3 parts to the complete FreeCalypso software suite which are builtindependently of each other:* The tools that run on a GNU/Linux PC or other host system are the most straightforward: there is a top level Makefile (named Makefile.hosttools if you looking at a development source snapshot, will be renamed to just Makefile in packaged releases of the host tools) that coordinates building and installing all of them.* The gsm-fw tree, which will eventually become our main GSM firmware, needs to be built with a GNU cross-compiler toolchain for ARM7. This firmware can be built for several different target devices and with different feature configurations, hence there is no singular build for it - it's more like the Linux kernel in terms of its build configuration management.* We also have a few utilities which need to be compiled to run on Calypso targets, but which are not part of gsm-fw; they are gathered in the target-utils tree. They are built with the same GNU toolchain for ARM7 as gsm-fw, but don't have any fancy configuration system.Building and installing FreeCalypso host tools==============================================If you are working with a packaged FC host tools release, just run 'make', then'make install' as root. If you are working with a development source snapshot,do 'make -f Makefile.hosttools' instead.The "standard" install directories are /usr/local/bin for binaries and/usr/local/share/freecalypso for helper files. If you need to change thesepaths to something else, you'll need to edit a bunch of individual componentMakefiles, and possibly also some source files like loadtools/defpath.c -sorry, FreeCalypso is not GNU and does not use autotools.Building and installing the ARM7 toolchain==========================================The current "official" GNU ARM toolchain for FreeCalypso consists ofbinutils-2.21.1, gcc-4.5.4 and newlib-2.0.0 with a specific set of patches andbuild configuration options. Build it as follows:1. Download these 3 source tarballs for the standard GNU+newlib components: binutils-2.21.1a.tar.bz2 gcc-core-4.5.4.tar.bz2 newlib-2.0.0.tar.gz2. Run the script in the toolchain directory. Read the comments in the script first for the usage instructions.The toolchain thus built will need to be in your PATH before you can compilegsm-fw or target-utils.Please note: the toolchain that is prescribed for FreeCalypso as above is*believed* to be equivalent to the one used by OsmocomBB, but there are noguarantees. Use any other toolchain at your own risk.Compiling target-utils======================Running 'make' in the target-utils tree with the ARM7 toolchain present in yourPATH will result in compalstage and loadagent being built; these are the twocomponents needed in order to use FreeCalypso loadtools. Run 'make install' toinstall these target binaries in /usr/local/share/freecalypso, which is whereloadtools will look for them.Run 'make all' in target-utils to build some other components that aren'treally needed.