view gsm-fw/nucleus/quc.c @ 992:a7b0b426f9ca

target-utils: boot ROM UART autodetection revamped The new implementation should work with both the familiar Calypso C035 boot ROM version found in our regular targets as well as the older Calypso F741979B version found on the vintage D-Sample board.
author Mychaela Falconia <falcon@ivan.Harhan.ORG>
date Wed, 30 Dec 2015 21:28:41 +0000
parents afceeeb2cba1
line wrap: on
line source

/*                                                                       */
/*               Copyright Mentor Graphics Corporation 2002              */
/*                         All Rights Reserved.                          */
/*                                                                       */
/* SUBJECT TO LICENSE TERMS.                                             */
/*                                                                       */

/*                                                                       */
/* FILE NAME                                               VERSION       */
/*                                                                       */
/*      quc.c                                          Nucleus PLUS 1.14 */
/*                                                                       */
/* COMPONENT                                                             */
/*                                                                       */
/*      QU - Queue Management                                            */
/*                                                                       */
/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
/*                                                                       */
/*      This file contains the core routines for the Queue management    */
/*      component.                                                       */
/*                                                                       */
/* DATA STRUCTURES                                                       */
/*                                                                       */
/*      None                                                             */
/*                                                                       */
/* FUNCTIONS                                                             */
/*                                                                       */
/*      QUC_Create_Queue                    Create a message queue       */
/*      QUC_Delete_Queue                    Delete a message queue       */
/*      QUC_Send_To_Queue                   Send message to a queue      */
/*      QUC_Receive_From_Queue              Receive a message from queue */
/*      QUC_Cleanup                         Cleanup on timeout or a      */
/*                                            terminate condition        */
/*                                                                       */
/* DEPENDENCIES                                                          */
/*                                                                       */
/*      cs_extr.h                           Common Service functions     */
/*      tc_extr.h                           Thread Control functions     */
/*      qu_extr.h                           Queue functions              */
/*      hi_extr.h                           History functions            */
/*                                                                       */
/* HISTORY                                                               */
/*                                                                       */
/*         DATE                    REMARKS                               */
/*                                                                       */
/*      03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0                      */
/*      04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0                             */
/*      08-09-1993      Corrected pointer retrieval                      */
/*                      loop, resulting in version 1.0a                  */
/*      08-09-1993      Verified version 1.0a                            */
/*      11-01-1993      Corrected a problem with fixed-                  */
/*                      size queues of a size equal to                   */
/*                      one message, resulting in                        */
/*                      version 1.0b                                     */
/*      11-01-1993      Verified version 1.0b                            */
/*      03-01-1994      Moved non-core functions into                    */
/*                      supplemental files, changed                      */
/*                      function interfaces to match                     */
/*                      those in prototype, added                        */
/*                      register options, changed                        */
/*                      protection logic to reduce                       */
/*                      overhead, corrected bug in                       */
/*                      queue reset, optimized item                      */
/*                      copy loops, resulting in                         */
/*                      version 1.1                                      */
/*                                                                       */
/*      03-18-1994      Verified version 1.1                             */
/*      04-17-1996      updated to version 1.2                           */
/*      01-28-1998      Corrected SPR412 resulting in                    */
/*                      version 1.2a.                                    */
/*      03-24-1998      Released version 1.3                             */
/*      03-26-1999      Released 1.11m (new release                      */
/*                        numbering scheme)                              */
/*      04-17-2002      Released version 1.13m                           */
/*      11-07-2002      Released version 1.14                            */
#define         NU_SOURCE_FILE

#include        "cs_extr.h"                 /* Common service functions  */
#include        "tc_extr.h"                 /* Thread control functions  */
#include        "qu_extr.h"                 /* Queue functions           */
#include        "hi_extr.h"                 /* History functions         */

/* Define external inner-component global data references.  */

extern CS_NODE         *QUD_Created_Queues_List;
extern UNSIGNED         QUD_Total_Queues;
extern TC_PROTECT       QUD_List_Protect;

/* Define internal component function prototypes.  */

VOID    QUC_Cleanup(VOID *information);

/*                                                                       */
/* FUNCTION                                                              */
/*                                                                       */
/*      QUC_Create_Queue                                                 */
/*                                                                       */
/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
/*                                                                       */
/*      This function creates a queue and then places it on the list     */
/*      of created queues.                                               */
/*                                                                       */
/* CALLED BY                                                             */
/*                                                                       */
/*      Application                                                      */
/*      QUCE_Create_Queue                   Error checking shell         */
/*                                                                       */
/* CALLS                                                                 */
/*                                                                       */
/*      CSC_Place_On_List                   Add node to linked-list      */
/*      [HIC_Make_History_Entry]            Make entry in history log    */
/*      [TCT_Check_Stack]                   Stack checking function      */
/*      TCT_Protect                         Protect created list         */
/*      TCT_Unprotect                       Un-protect data structure    */
/*                                                                       */
/* INPUTS                                                                */
/*                                                                       */
/*      queue_ptr                           Queue control block pointer  */
/*      name                                Queue name                   */
/*      start_address                       Starting address of actual   */
/*                                            queue area                 */
/*      queue_size                          Total size of queue          */
/*      message_type                        Type of message supported by */
/*                                            the queue (fixed/variable) */
/*      message_size                        Size of message.  Variable   */
/*                                            message-length queues, this*/
/*                                            represents the maximum size*/
/*      suspend_type                        Suspension type              */
/*                                                                       */
/* OUTPUTS                                                               */
/*                                                                       */
/*      NU_SUCCESS                                                       */
/*                                                                       */
/* HISTORY                                                               */
/*                                                                       */
/*         DATE                    REMARKS                               */
/*                                                                       */
/*      03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0                      */
/*      04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0                             */
/*      03-01-1994      Changed function interfaces to                   */
/*                      match those in prototype,                        */
/*                      added register options,                          */
/*                      resulting in version 1.1                         */
/*                                                                       */
/*      03-18-1994      Verified version 1.1                             */
/*                                                                       */
STATUS  QUC_Create_Queue(NU_QUEUE *queue_ptr, CHAR *name,
                      VOID *start_address, UNSIGNED queue_size,
                      OPTION message_type, UNSIGNED message_size,
                      OPTION suspend_type)

R1 QU_QCB      *queue;                      /* Queue control block ptr   */
INT             i;                          /* Working index variable    */

    /* Switch to supervisor mode */

    /* Move input queue pointer into internal pointer.  */
    queue =  (QU_QCB *) queue_ptr;


    /* Call stack checking function to check for an overflow condition.  */



    /* Make an entry that corresponds to this function in the system history
       log.  */
    HIC_Make_History_Entry(NU_CREATE_QUEUE_ID, (UNSIGNED) queue,
                                (UNSIGNED) name, (UNSIGNED) start_address);


    /* First, clear the queue ID just in case it is an old Queue
       Control Block.  */
    queue -> qu_id =             0;

    /* Fill in the queue name.  */
    for (i = 0; i < NU_MAX_NAME; i++)
        queue -> qu_name[i] =  name[i];

    /* Setup the queue suspension type.  */
    if (suspend_type == NU_FIFO)

        /* FIFO suspension is selected, setup the flag accordingly.  */
        queue -> qu_fifo_suspend =  NU_TRUE;


        /* Priority suspension is selected.  */
        queue -> qu_fifo_suspend =  NU_FALSE;

    /* Setup the queue message type.  */
    if (message_type == NU_FIXED_SIZE)

        /* Fixed-size messages are required.  */
        queue -> qu_fixed_size =  NU_TRUE;

        /* Variable-size messages are required.  */
        queue -> qu_fixed_size =  NU_FALSE;

    /* Setup the message size.  */
    queue -> qu_message_size =  message_size;

    /* Clear the messages counter.   */
    queue -> qu_messages =  0;

    /* Setup the actual queue parameters.  */
    queue -> qu_queue_size =    queue_size;

    /* If the queue supports fixed-size messages, make sure that the queue
       size is an even multiple of the message size.  */
    if (queue -> qu_fixed_size)

        /* Adjust the area of the queue being used.  */
        queue_size =  (queue_size / message_size) * message_size;

    queue -> qu_available =     queue_size;
    queue -> qu_start =         (UNSIGNED *) start_address;
    queue -> qu_end =           queue -> qu_start + queue_size;
    queue -> qu_read =          (UNSIGNED *) start_address;
    queue -> qu_write =         (UNSIGNED *) start_address;

    /* Clear the suspension list pointer.  */
    queue -> qu_suspension_list =  NU_NULL;

    /* Clear the number of tasks waiting on the queue counter.  */
    queue -> qu_tasks_waiting =  0;

    /* Clear the urgent message list pointer.  */
    queue -> qu_urgent_list =  NU_NULL;

    /* Initialize link pointers.  */
    queue -> qu_created.cs_previous =    NU_NULL;
    queue -> qu_created.cs_next =        NU_NULL;

    /* Protect against access to the list of created queues.  */

    /* At this point the queue is completely built.  The ID can now be
       set and it can be linked into the created queue list.  */
    queue -> qu_id =                     QU_QUEUE_ID;

    /* Link the queue into the list of created queues and increment the
       total number of queues in the system.  */
    CSC_Place_On_List(&QUD_Created_Queues_List, &(queue -> qu_created));


    /* Release protection against access to the list of created queues.  */

    /* Return to user mode */

    /* Return successful completion.  */

/*                                                                       */
/* FUNCTION                                                              */
/*                                                                       */
/*      QUC_Delete_Queue                                                 */
/*                                                                       */
/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
/*                                                                       */
/*      This function deletes a queue and removes it from the list of    */
/*      created queues.  All tasks suspended on the queue are            */
/*      resumed.  Note that this function does not free the memory       */
/*      associated with the queue.                                       */
/*                                                                       */
/* CALLED BY                                                             */
/*                                                                       */
/*      Application                                                      */
/*      QUCE_Delete_Queue                   Error checking shell         */
/*                                                                       */
/* CALLS                                                                 */
/*                                                                       */
/*      CSC_Remove_From_List                Remove node from list        */
/*      [HIC_Make_History_Entry]            Make entry in history log    */
/*      TCC_Resume_Task                     Resume a suspended task      */
/*      [TCT_Check_Stack]                   Stack checking function      */
/*      TCT_Control_To_System               Transfer control to system   */
/*      TCT_Protect                         Protect created list         */
/*      TCT_Set_Current_Protect             Setup current protect pointer*/
/*      TCT_System_Protect                  Protect against system access*/
/*      TCT_System_Unprotect                Release system protection    */
/*      TCT_Unprotect                       Release protection           */
/*                                                                       */
/* INPUTS                                                                */
/*                                                                       */
/*      queue_ptr                           Queue control block pointer  */
/*                                                                       */
/* OUTPUTS                                                               */
/*                                                                       */
/*      NU_SUCCESS                                                       */
/*                                                                       */
/* HISTORY                                                               */
/*                                                                       */
/*        DATE                    REMARKS                                */
/*                                                                       */
/*      03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0                      */
/*      04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0                             */
/*      03-01-1994      Changed function interfaces to                   */
/*                      match those in prototype,                        */
/*                      added register options, changed                  */
/*                      protection logic to reduce                       */
/*                      overhead, resulting in                           */
/*                      version 1.1                                      */
/*                                                                       */
/*      03-18-1994      Verified version 1.1                             */
/*                                                                       */
STATUS  QUC_Delete_Queue(NU_QUEUE *queue_ptr)

R1 QU_QCB      *queue;                      /* Queue control block ptr   */
QU_SUSPEND     *suspend_ptr;                /* Suspend block pointer     */
QU_SUSPEND     *next_ptr;                   /* Next suspend block pointer*/
STATUS          preempt;                    /* Status for resume call    */

    /* Move input queue pointer into internal pointer.  */
    queue =  (QU_QCB *) queue_ptr;

    /* Switch to supervisor mode */


    /* Call stack checking function to check for an overflow condition.  */



    /* Make an entry that corresponds to this function in the system history
       log.  */
    HIC_Make_History_Entry(NU_DELETE_QUEUE_ID, (UNSIGNED) queue,
                                        (UNSIGNED) 0, (UNSIGNED) 0);


    /* Protect against access to the queue.  */


    /* Clear the queue ID.  */
    queue -> qu_id =  0;

    /* Release protection.  */

    /* Protect against access to the list of created queues.  */

    /* Remove the queue from the list of created queues.  */
    CSC_Remove_From_List(&QUD_Created_Queues_List, &(queue -> qu_created));

    /* Decrement the total number of created queues.  */

    /* Pickup the suspended task pointer list.  */
    suspend_ptr =  queue -> qu_suspension_list;

    /* Walk the chain task(s) currently suspended on the queue.  */
    preempt =  0;
    while (suspend_ptr)

        /* Protect against system access.  */

        /* Resume the suspended task.  Insure that the status returned is
           NU_QUEUE_DELETED.  */
        suspend_ptr -> qu_return_status =  NU_QUEUE_DELETED;

        /* Point to the next suspend structure in the link.  */
        next_ptr =  (QU_SUSPEND *) (suspend_ptr -> qu_suspend_link.cs_next);

        /* Resume the specified task.  */
        preempt =  preempt |
            TCC_Resume_Task((NU_TASK *) suspend_ptr -> qu_suspended_task,

        /* Determine if the next is the same as the head pointer.  */
        if (next_ptr == queue -> qu_suspension_list)

            /* Clear the suspension pointer to signal the end of the list
               traversal.  */
            suspend_ptr =  NU_NULL;

            /* Position suspend pointer to the next pointer.  */
            suspend_ptr =  next_ptr;

        /* Modify current protection.  */

        /* Clear the system protection.  */

    /* Pickup the urgent message suspension list.  */
    suspend_ptr =  queue -> qu_urgent_list;

    /* Walk the chain task(s) currently suspended on the queue.  */
    while (suspend_ptr)

        /* Protect against system access.  */

        /* Resume the suspended task.  Insure that the status returned is
           NU_QUEUE_DELETED.  */
        suspend_ptr -> qu_return_status =  NU_QUEUE_DELETED;

        /* Point to the next suspend structure in the link.  */
        next_ptr =  (QU_SUSPEND *) (suspend_ptr -> qu_suspend_link.cs_next);

        /* Resume the specified task.  */
        preempt =  preempt |
                TCC_Resume_Task((NU_TASK *) suspend_ptr -> qu_suspended_task,

        /* Determine if the next is the same as the head pointer.  */
        if (next_ptr == queue -> qu_urgent_list)

            /* Clear the suspension pointer to signal the end of the list
               traversal.  */
            suspend_ptr =  NU_NULL;

            /* Position to the next suspend block in the list.  */
            suspend_ptr =  next_ptr;

        /* Modify current protection.  */

        /* Clear the system protection.  */

    /* Determine if preemption needs to occur.  */
    if (preempt)

        /* Transfer control to system to facilitate preemption.  */

    /* Release protection against access to the list of created queues.  */

    /* Return to user mode */

    /* Return a successful completion.  */

/*                                                                       */
/* FUNCTION                                                              */
/*                                                                       */
/*      QUC_Send_To_Queue                                                */
/*                                                                       */
/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
/*                                                                       */
/*      This function sends a message to the specified queue.  The       */
/*      message length is determined by the caller.  If there are one    */
/*      or more tasks suspended on the queue for a message, the message  */
/*      is copied into the message area of the first waiting task.  If   */
/*      the task's request is satisfied, it is resumed.  Otherwise, if   */
/*      the queue cannot hold the message, suspension of the calling     */
/*      task is an option of the caller.                                 */
/*                                                                       */
/* CALLED BY                                                             */
/*                                                                       */
/*      Application                                                      */
/*      QUCE_Send_To_Queue                  Error checking shell         */
/*                                                                       */
/* CALLS                                                                 */
/*                                                                       */
/*      CSC_Place_On_List                   Place on suspend list        */
/*      CSC_Priority_Place_On_List          Place on priority list       */
/*      CSC_Remove_From_List                Remove from suspend list     */
/*      [HIC_Make_History_Entry]            Make entry in history log    */
/*      TCC_Resume_Task                     Resume a suspended task      */
/*      TCC_Suspend_Task                    Suspend calling task         */
/*      TCC_Task_Priority                   Pickup task's priority       */
/*      [TCT_Check_Stack]                   Stack checking function      */
/*      TCT_Control_To_System               Transfer control to system   */
/*      TCT_Current_Thread                  Pickup current thread pointer*/
/*      TCT_System_Protect                  Protect queue                */
/*      TCT_Unprotect                       Release protection           */
/*                                                                       */
/* INPUTS                                                                */
/*                                                                       */
/*      queue_ptr                           Queue control block pointer  */
/*      message                             Pointer to message to send   */
/*      size                                Size of message to send      */
/*      suspend                             Suspension option if full    */
/*                                                                       */
/* OUTPUTS                                                               */
/*                                                                       */
/*      NU_SUCCESS                          If service is successful     */
/*      NU_QUEUE_FULL                       If queue is currently full   */
/*      NU_TIMEOUT                          If timeout on service expires*/
/*      NU_QUEUE_DELETED                    If queue was deleted during  */
/*                                            suspension                 */
/*      NU_QUEUE_RESET                      If queue was reset during    */
/*                                            suspension                 */
/*                                                                       */
/* HISTORY                                                               */
/*                                                                       */
/*        DATE                    REMARKS                                */
/*                                                                       */
/*      03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0                      */
/*      04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0                             */
/*      03-01-1994      Changed function interfaces to                   */
/*                      match those in prototype,                        */
/*                      added register options, changed                  */
/*                      protection logic to reduce                       */
/*                      overhead, optimized copy loop,                   */
/*                      resulting in version 1.1                         */
/*                                                                       */
/*      03-18-1994      Verified version 1.1                             */
/*                                                                       */
STATUS  QUC_Send_To_Queue(NU_QUEUE *queue_ptr, VOID *message, UNSIGNED size,
                                                        UNSIGNED suspend)

R1 QU_QCB      *queue;                      /* Queue control block ptr   */
QU_SUSPEND      suspend_block;              /* Allocate suspension block */
QU_SUSPEND     *suspend_ptr;                /* Pointer to suspend block  */
R3 UNSIGNED_PTR source;                     /* Pointer to source         */
R4 UNSIGNED_PTR destination;                /* Pointer to destination    */
UNSIGNED        copy_size;                  /* Partial copy size         */
R2 INT          i;                          /* Working counter           */
TC_TCB         *task;                       /* Task pointer              */
STATUS          preempt;                    /* Preempt flag              */
STATUS          status;                     /* Completion status         */

    /* Switch to supervisor mode */

    /* Move input queue pointer into internal pointer.  */
    queue =  (QU_QCB *) queue_ptr;


    /* Call stack checking function to check for an overflow condition.  */



    /* Make an entry that corresponds to this function in the system history
       log.  */
    HIC_Make_History_Entry(NU_SEND_TO_QUEUE_ID, (UNSIGNED) queue,
                                        (UNSIGNED) message, (UNSIGNED) size);


    /* Initialize the status as successful.  */
    status =  NU_SUCCESS;

    /* Protect against simultaneous access to the queue.  */

    /* Determine if an extra word of overhead needs to be added to the
       calculation.  */
    if (queue -> qu_fixed_size)

        /* No overhead.  */
        i =  0;
        /* Variable messages have one additional word of overhead.  */
        i =  1;

        /* Make special check to see if a suspension needs to be
           forced for a variable length message.  */
        if ((queue -> qu_suspension_list) && (queue -> qu_messages))

            /* Pickup task control block pointer.  */
            task =  (TC_TCB *) TCT_Current_Thread();

            /* Now we know that there are other task(s) are suspended trying
               to send a variable length message.  Determine whether or not
               a suspension should be forced.  */
            if ((queue -> qu_fifo_suspend) ||
                (suspend == NU_NO_SUSPEND) ||
                ((queue -> qu_suspension_list) -> qu_suspend_link.cs_priority <=

                /* Bump the computed size to avoid placing the new variable
                   length message ahead of the suspended tasks.  */
                i =  (INT) queue -> qu_available;

    /* Determine if there is enough room in the queue for the message.  The
       extra logic is to prevent a variable-length message from sn*/
    if (queue -> qu_available < (size + i))

        /* Queue does not have room for the message.  Determine if
           suspension is required.  */
        if (suspend)

            /* Suspension is requested.   */

            /* Increment the number of tasks waiting.  */
            queue -> qu_tasks_waiting++;


            /* Setup the suspend block and suspend the calling task.  */
            suspend_ptr =  &suspend_block;
            suspend_ptr -> qu_queue =                    queue;
            suspend_ptr -> qu_suspend_link.cs_next =     NU_NULL;
            suspend_ptr -> qu_suspend_link.cs_previous = NU_NULL;
            suspend_ptr -> qu_message_area =             (UNSIGNED_PTR) message;
            suspend_ptr -> qu_message_size =             size;
            task =                            (TC_TCB *) TCT_Current_Thread();
            suspend_ptr -> qu_suspended_task =           task;

            /* Determine if priority or FIFO suspension is associated with the
               queue.  */
            if (queue -> qu_fifo_suspend)

                /* FIFO suspension is required.  Link the suspend block into
                   the list of suspended tasks on this queue.  */
                CSC_Place_On_List((CS_NODE **) &(queue -> qu_suspension_list),
                                        &(suspend_ptr -> qu_suspend_link));

                /* Get the priority of the current thread so the suspend block
                   can be placed in the appropriate place.  */
                suspend_ptr -> qu_suspend_link.cs_priority =

                CSC_Priority_Place_On_List((CS_NODE **)
                                &(queue -> qu_suspension_list),
                                        &(suspend_ptr -> qu_suspend_link));

            /* Finally, suspend the calling task. Note that the suspension call
               automatically clears the protection on the queue.  */
            TCC_Suspend_Task((NU_TASK *) task, NU_QUEUE_SUSPEND,
                                        QUC_Cleanup, suspend_ptr, suspend);

            /* Pickup the return status.  */
            status =  suspend_ptr -> qu_return_status;

            /* Return a status of NU_QUEUE_FULL because there is no
               room in the queue for the message.  */
            status =  NU_QUEUE_FULL;



        /* Determine if a task is waiting on an empty queue.  */
        if ((queue -> qu_suspension_list) && (queue -> qu_messages == 0))

            /* Task is waiting on an empty queue for a message.  */

            /* Decrement the number of tasks waiting on queue.  */
            queue -> qu_tasks_waiting--;


            /* Remove the first suspended block from the list.  */
            suspend_ptr =  queue -> qu_suspension_list;
            CSC_Remove_From_List((CS_NODE **) &(queue -> qu_suspension_list),
                                          &(suspend_ptr -> qu_suspend_link));

            /* Setup the source and destination pointers.  */
            source =       (UNSIGNED_PTR) message;
            destination =  suspend_ptr -> qu_message_area;

            /* Initialize the return status.  */
            suspend_ptr -> qu_return_status =  NU_SUCCESS;

            /* Loop to actually copy the message.  */
            i = (INT) size;
                *(destination++) =  *(source);
                if ((--i) == 0)
            } while (1);

            /* Return the size of the message copied.  */
            suspend_ptr -> qu_actual_size =  size;

            /* Wakeup the waiting task and check for preemption.  */
            preempt =
                TCC_Resume_Task((NU_TASK *) suspend_ptr -> qu_suspended_task,

            /* Determine if preemption needs to take place. */
            if (preempt)

                 /* Transfer control to the system if the resumed task function
                   detects a preemption condition.  */

            /* There is enough room in the queue and no task is waiting.  */

            /* Setup the source pointer.  */
            source =       (UNSIGNED_PTR) message;
            destination =  queue -> qu_write;

            /* Process according to the type of message supported.  */
            if (queue -> qu_fixed_size)

                /* Fixed-size messages are supported by this queue.  */

                /* Loop to copy the message into the queue area.  */
                i =  (INT) size;
                    *(destination++) =  *(source);
                    if ((--i) == 0)
                } while (1);

                /* Variable-size messages are supported.  Processing must
                   check for queue wrap-around conditions.  */

                /* Place message size in first location.  */
                *(destination++) =  size;

                /* Check for a wrap-around condition on the queue.  */
                if (destination >= queue -> qu_end)

                    /* Wrap the write pointer back to the top of the queue
                       area.  */
                    destination =  queue -> qu_start;

                /* Decrement the number of words remaining by 1 for this
                   extra word of overhead.  */
                queue -> qu_available--;

                /* Calculate the number of words remaining from the write
                   pointer to the bottom of the queue.  */
                copy_size =  queue -> qu_end - destination;

                /* Determine if the message needs to be wrapped around the
                   edge of the queue area.  */
                if (copy_size >= size)

                    /* Copy the whole message at once.  */
                    i =  (INT) size;
                        *(destination++) =  *(source);
                        if ((--i) == 0)
                    } while (1);

                    /* Copy the first half of the message.  */
                    i =  (INT) copy_size;
                        *(destination) =  *(source++);
                        if ((--i) == 0)
                    } while (1);

                    /* Copy the second half of the message.  */
                    destination =  queue -> qu_start;
                    i =  (INT) (size - copy_size);
                        *(destination++) =  *(source);
                        if ((--i) == 0)
                    } while (1);

            /* Check again for wrap-around condition on the write pointer. */
            if (destination >= queue -> qu_end)

                /* Move the write pointer to the top of the queue area.  */
                queue -> qu_write =  queue -> qu_start;

                /* Simply copy the last position of the destination pointer
                   into the write pointer.  */
                queue -> qu_write =  destination;

            /* Decrement the number of available words.  */
            queue -> qu_available =  queue -> qu_available - size;

            /* Increment the number of messages in the queue.  */
            queue -> qu_messages++;



    /* Release protection against access to the queue.  */

    /* Return to user mode */

    /* Return the completion status.  */

/*                                                                       */
/* FUNCTION                                                              */
/*                                                                       */
/*      QUC_Receive_From_Queue                                           */
/*                                                                       */
/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
/*                                                                       */
/*      This function receives a message from the specified queue.  The  */
/*      size of the message is specified by the caller.  If there is a   */
/*      message currently in the queue, the message is removed from the  */
/*      queue and placed in the caller's area.  Suspension is possible   */
/*      if the request cannot be satisfied.                              */
/*                                                                       */
/* CALLED BY                                                             */
/*                                                                       */
/*      Application                                                      */
/*      QUCE_Receive_From_Queue             Error checking shell         */
/*                                                                       */
/* CALLS                                                                 */
/*                                                                       */
/*      CSC_Place_On_List                   Place on suspend list        */
/*      CSC_Priority_Place_On_List          Place on priority list       */
/*      CSC_Remove_From_List                Remove from suspend list     */
/*      [HIC_Make_History_Entry]            Make entry in history log    */
/*      TCC_Resume_Task                     Resume a suspended task      */
/*      TCC_Suspend_Task                    Suspend calling task         */
/*      TCC_Task_Priority                   Pickup task's priority       */
/*      [TCT_Check_Stack]                   Stack checking function      */
/*      TCT_Control_To_System               Transfer control to system   */
/*      TCT_Current_Thread                  Pickup current thread pointer*/
/*      TCT_System_Protect                  Protect queue                */
/*      TCT_Unprotect                       Release protection           */
/*                                                                       */
/* INPUTS                                                                */
/*                                                                       */
/*      queue_ptr                           Queue control block pointer  */
/*      message                             Pointer to message to send   */
/*      size                                Size of the message          */
/*      actual_size                         Size of message received     */
/*      suspend                             Suspension option if empty   */
/*                                                                       */
/* OUTPUTS                                                               */
/*                                                                       */
/*      NU_SUCCESS                          If service is successful     */
/*      NU_QUEUE_EMPTY                      If queue is currently empty  */
/*      NU_TIMEOUT                          If timeout on service expires*/
/*      NU_QUEUE_DELETED                    If queue was deleted during  */
/*                                            suspension                 */
/*      NU_QUEUE_RESET                      If queue was reset during    */
/*                                            suspension                 */
/*                                                                       */
/* HISTORY                                                               */
/*                                                                       */
/*         DATE                    REMARKS                               */
/*                                                                       */
/*      03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0                      */
/*      04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0                             */
/*      11-01-1993      Corrected a problem resuming a                   */
/*                      task suspended on a full queue                   */
/*                      that only has a capacity of a                    */
/*                      single message, resulting in                     */
/*                      version 1.0b                                     */
/*      11-01-1993      Verified version 1.0b                            */
/*      03-01-1994      Changed function interfaces to                   */
/*                      match those in prototype,                        */
/*                      added register options, changed                  */
/*                      protection logic to reduce                       */
/*                      overhead, optimized copy loop,                   */
/*                      resulting in version 1.1                         */
/*                                                                       */
/*      03-18-1994      Verified version 1.1                             */
/*      01-28-1998      Corrected SPR412.                                */
/*                                                                       */
STATUS  QUC_Receive_From_Queue(NU_QUEUE *queue_ptr, VOID *message,
                UNSIGNED size, UNSIGNED *actual_size, UNSIGNED suspend)

R1 QU_QCB      *queue;                      /* Queue control block ptr   */
QU_SUSPEND      suspend_block;              /* Allocate suspension block */
QU_SUSPEND     *suspend_ptr;                /* Pointer to suspend block  */
R3 UNSIGNED_PTR source;                     /* Pointer to source         */
R4 UNSIGNED_PTR destination;                /* Pointer to destination    */
TC_TCB         *task;                       /* Task pointer              */
UNSIGNED        copy_size;                  /* Number of words to copy   */
R2 INT          i;                          /* Working counter           */
STATUS          preempt;                    /* Preemption flag           */
STATUS          status;                     /* Completion status         */

    /* Move input queue pointer into internal pointer.  */
    queue =  (QU_QCB *) queue_ptr;

    /* Switch to supervisor mode */


    /* Call stack checking function to check for an overflow condition.  */



    /* Make an entry that corresponds to this function in the system history
       log.  */
    HIC_Make_History_Entry(NU_RECEIVE_FROM_QUEUE_ID, (UNSIGNED) queue,
                                        (UNSIGNED) message, (UNSIGNED) size);


    /* Initialize the status as successful.  */
    status =  NU_SUCCESS;

    /* Protect against simultaneous access to the queue.  */

    /* Determine if an urgent message request is currently suspended.  */
    if (queue -> qu_urgent_list)

        /* If so, copy the message from the suspended request block and
           resume the associated task.  */

        /* Decrement the number of tasks waiting on queue.  */
        queue -> qu_tasks_waiting--;

        /* Remove the first suspended block from the list.  */
        suspend_ptr =  queue -> qu_urgent_list;
        CSC_Remove_From_List((CS_NODE **) &(queue -> qu_urgent_list),
                                          &(suspend_ptr -> qu_suspend_link));

        /* Setup the source and destination pointers.  */
        destination =   (UNSIGNED_PTR) message;
        source =        suspend_ptr -> qu_message_area;

        /* Initialize the return status.  */
        suspend_ptr -> qu_return_status =  NU_SUCCESS;

        /* Loop to actually copy the message.  */
        i =  (INT) suspend_ptr -> qu_message_size;
            *(destination++) =  *(source);
            if ((--i) == 0)
        } while (1);

        /* Return the size of the message copied.  */
        *actual_size =  suspend_ptr -> qu_message_size;

        /* Wakeup the waiting task and check for preemption.  */
        preempt =
            TCC_Resume_Task((NU_TASK *) suspend_ptr -> qu_suspended_task,

        /* Determine if preemption needs to take place. */
        if (preempt)

             /* Transfer control to the system if the resumed task function
                detects a preemption condition.  */

    /* Determine if there are messages in the queue.  */
    else if (queue -> qu_messages)

        /* Copy message from queue into the caller's area.  */

        /* Setup the source and destination pointers.  */
        source =       queue -> qu_read;
        destination =  (UNSIGNED_PTR) message;

        /* Process according to the type of message supported by the queue. */
        if (queue -> qu_fixed_size)

            /* Queue supports fixed-size messages.  */

            /* Copy the message from the queue area into the destination.  */
            i =  (INT) size;
                *(destination) =  *(source++);
                if ((--i) == 0)
            } while (1);

            /* Queue supports variable-size messages.  */

            /* Variable length message size is actually in the queue area. */
            size =  *(source++);

            /* Check for a wrap-around condition on the queue.  */
            if (source >= queue -> qu_end)

                /* Wrap the read pointer back to the top of the queue
                   area.  */
                source =  queue -> qu_start;

            /* Increment the number of available words in the queue.  */
            queue -> qu_available++;

            /* Calculate the number of words remaining from the read pointer
               to the bottom of the queue.  */
            copy_size =  queue -> qu_end - source;

            /* Determine if the message needs to be wrapped around the
               edge of the queue area.  */
            if (copy_size >= size)

                /* Copy the whole message at once.  */
                i =  (INT) size;
                    *(destination) =  *(source++);
                    if ((--i) == 0)
                } while (1);

                /* Copy the first half of the message.  */
                i =  (INT) copy_size;
                    *(destination++) =  *(source);
                    if ((--i) == 0)
                } while (1);

                /* Copy the second half of the message.  */
                source =  queue -> qu_start;
                i =  (INT) (size - copy_size);
                    *(destination) =  *(source++);
                    if ((--i) == 0)
                } while (1);

        /* Check again for wrap-around condition on the read pointer. */
        if (source >= queue -> qu_end)

            /* Move the read pointer to the top of the queue area.  */
            queue -> qu_read =  queue -> qu_start;

            /* Move the read pointer to where the copy left off.  */
            queue -> qu_read =  source;

        /* Increment the number of available words.  */
        queue -> qu_available =  queue -> qu_available + size;

        /* Decrement the number of messages in the queue.  */
        queue -> qu_messages--;

        /* Return the number of words received.  */
        *actual_size =  size;


        /* Determine if any tasks suspended on a full queue can be woken
           up.  */
        if (queue -> qu_suspension_list)

            /* Overhead of each queue message.  */
            if (!queue -> qu_fixed_size)

                i =  1;

                i =  0;

            /* Pickup the suspension list and examine suspension blocks
               to see if the message could now fit in the queue.  */
            suspend_ptr =  queue -> qu_suspension_list;
            preempt =      NU_FALSE;
            while ((suspend_ptr) &&
              ((suspend_ptr -> qu_message_size + i) <= queue -> qu_available))

                /* Place the suspended task's message into the queue.  */

                /* Setup the source and destination pointers.  */
                source =        suspend_ptr -> qu_message_area;
                destination =   queue -> qu_write;
                size =          suspend_ptr -> qu_message_size;

                /* Process according to the type of message supported.  */
                if (queue -> qu_fixed_size)

                    /* Fixed-size messages are supported by this queue.  */

                    /* Loop to copy the message into the queue area.  */
                    i =  (INT) size;
                        *(destination++) =  *(source);
                        if ((--i) == 0)
                    } while (1);

                    /* Variable-size messages are supported.  Processing must
                       check for queue wrap-around conditions.  */

                    /* Place message size in first location.  */
                    *(destination++) =  size;

                    /* Check for a wrap-around condition on the queue.  */
                    if (destination >= queue -> qu_end)

                        /* Wrap the write pointer back to the top of the queue
                           area.  */
                        destination =  queue -> qu_start;

                    /* Decrement the number of words remaining by 1 for this
                       extra word of overhead.  */
                    queue -> qu_available--;

                    /* Calculate the number of words remaining from the write
                       pointer to the bottom of the queue.  */
                    copy_size =  queue -> qu_end - destination;

                    /* Determine if the message needs to be wrapped around the
                       edge of the queue area.  */
                    if (copy_size >= size)

                        /* Copy the whole message at once.  */
                        i =  (INT) size;
                            *(destination++) =  *(source);
                            if ((--i) == 0)
                        } while(1);

                        /* Copy the first half of the message.  */
                        i =  (INT) copy_size;
                            *(destination) =  *(source++);
                            if ((--i) == 0)
                        } while (1);

                        /* Copy the second half of the message.  */
                        destination =  queue -> qu_start;
                        i =  (INT) (size - copy_size);
                            *(destination++) =  *(source);
                            if ((--i) == 0)
                        } while (1);

                /* Check again for wrap-around condition on the write
                   pointer. */
                if (destination >= queue -> qu_end)

                    /* Move the write pointer to the top of the queue area.  */
                    queue -> qu_write =  queue -> qu_start;

                    /* Simply copy the last position of the destination pointer
                       into the write pointer.  */
                    queue -> qu_write =  destination;

                /* Decrement the number of available words.  */
                queue -> qu_available =  queue -> qu_available - size;

                /* Increment the number of messages in the queue.  */
                queue -> qu_messages++;

                /* Decrement the number of tasks waiting counter.  */
                queue -> qu_tasks_waiting--;

                /* Remove the first suspended block from the list.  */
                CSC_Remove_From_List((CS_NODE **)
                    &(queue -> qu_suspension_list),
                                &(suspend_ptr -> qu_suspend_link));

                /* Return a successful status.  */
                suspend_ptr -> qu_return_status =  NU_SUCCESS;

                /* Resume the suspended task.  */
                preempt =  preempt |
                  TCC_Resume_Task((NU_TASK *) suspend_ptr -> qu_suspended_task,

                /* Setup suspend pointer to the head of the list.  */
                suspend_ptr =  queue -> qu_suspension_list;

                /* Overhead of each queue message.  */
                if (!queue -> qu_fixed_size)

                    i =  1;

                    i =  0;

            /* Determine if a preempt condition is present.  */
            if (preempt)

                /* Transfer control to the system if the resumed task function
                   detects a preemption condition.  */

        /* Queue is empty.  Determine if the task wants to suspend.  */
        if (suspend)

            /* Increment the number of tasks waiting on the queue counter. */
            queue -> qu_tasks_waiting++;


            /* Setup the suspend block and suspend the calling task.  */
            suspend_ptr =  &suspend_block;
            suspend_ptr -> qu_queue =                    queue;
            suspend_ptr -> qu_suspend_link.cs_next =     NU_NULL;
            suspend_ptr -> qu_suspend_link.cs_previous = NU_NULL;
            suspend_ptr -> qu_message_area =           (UNSIGNED_PTR) message;
            suspend_ptr -> qu_message_size =             size;
            task =                            (TC_TCB *) TCT_Current_Thread();
            suspend_ptr -> qu_suspended_task =           task;

            /* Determine if priority or FIFO suspension is associated with the
               queue.  */
            if (queue -> qu_fifo_suspend)

                /* FIFO suspension is required.  Link the suspend block into
                   the list of suspended tasks on this queue.  */
                CSC_Place_On_List((CS_NODE **) &(queue -> qu_suspension_list),
                                        &(suspend_ptr -> qu_suspend_link));

                /* Get the priority of the current thread so the suspend block
                   can be placed in the appropriate place.  */
                suspend_ptr -> qu_suspend_link.cs_priority =

                CSC_Priority_Place_On_List((CS_NODE **)
                            &(queue -> qu_suspension_list),
                                            &(suspend_ptr -> qu_suspend_link));

            /* Finally, suspend the calling task. Note that the suspension call
               automatically clears the protection on the queue.  */
            TCC_Suspend_Task((NU_TASK *) task, NU_QUEUE_SUSPEND,
                                        QUC_Cleanup, suspend_ptr, suspend);

            /* Pickup the status of the request.  */
            status =  suspend_ptr -> qu_return_status;
            *actual_size =  suspend_ptr -> qu_actual_size;

            /* Return a status of NU_QUEUE_EMPTY because there are no
               messages in the queue.  */
            status =  NU_QUEUE_EMPTY;



    /* Release protection against access to the queue.  */

    /* Return to user mode */

    /* Return the completion status.  */

/*                                                                       */
/* FUNCTION                                                              */
/*                                                                       */
/*      QUC_Cleanup                                                      */
/*                                                                       */
/* DESCRIPTION                                                           */
/*                                                                       */
/*      This function is responsible for removing a suspension block     */
/*      from a queue.  It is not called unless a timeout or a task       */
/*      terminate is in progress.  Note that protection is already in    */
/*      effect - the same protection at suspension time.  This routine   */
/*      must be called from Supervisor mode in Supervisor/User mode      */
/*      switching kernels.                                               */
/*                                                                       */
/* CALLED BY                                                             */
/*                                                                       */
/*      TCC_Timeout                         Task timeout                 */
/*      TCC_Terminate                       Task terminate               */
/*                                                                       */
/* CALLS                                                                 */
/*                                                                       */
/*      CSC_Remove_From_List                Remove suspend block from    */
/*                                            the suspension list        */
/*                                                                       */
/* INPUTS                                                                */
/*                                                                       */
/*      information                         Pointer to suspend block     */
/*                                                                       */
/* OUTPUTS                                                               */
/*                                                                       */
/*      None                                                             */
/*                                                                       */
/* HISTORY                                                               */
/*                                                                       */
/*        DATE                    REMARKS                                */
/*                                                                       */
/*      03-01-1993      Created initial version 1.0                      */
/*      04-19-1993      Verified version 1.0                             */
/*                                                                       */
VOID  QUC_Cleanup(VOID *information)

QU_SUSPEND      *suspend_ptr;               /* Suspension block pointer  */

    /* Switch to supervisor mode */

    /* Use the information pointer as a suspend pointer.  */
    suspend_ptr =  (QU_SUSPEND *) information;

    /* By default, indicate that the service timed-out.  It really does not
       matter if this function is called from a terminate request since
       the task does not resume.  */
    suspend_ptr -> qu_return_status =  NU_TIMEOUT;

    /* Decrement the number of tasks waiting counter.  */
    (suspend_ptr -> qu_queue) -> qu_tasks_waiting--;

    /* Unlink the suspend block from the suspension list.  */
    if ((suspend_ptr -> qu_queue) -> qu_urgent_list)
       /* Unlink the suspend block from the suspension list.  */
       CSC_Remove_From_List((CS_NODE **) 
                   &((suspend_ptr -> qu_queue) -> qu_urgent_list), 
                                   &(suspend_ptr -> qu_suspend_link));
       /* Unlink the suspend block from the suspension list.  */
       CSC_Remove_From_List((CS_NODE **) 
                   &((suspend_ptr -> qu_queue) -> qu_suspension_list), 
                                   &(suspend_ptr -> qu_suspend_link));

    /* Return to user mode */