/*+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+| PROJECT : PROTOCOL STACK || FILE : p_mnsms.val || SOURCE : "sap\mnsms.pdf" || LastModified : "2002-04-19" || IdAndVersion : "6147.103.96.107" || SrcFileTime : "Thu Nov 29 09:48:28 2007" || Generated by CCDGEN_2.5.5A on Thu Sep 25 09:52:55 2014 || !!DO NOT MODIFY!!DO NOT MODIFY!!DO NOT MODIFY!! |+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+*//* PRAGMAS * PREFIX : NONE * COMPATIBILITY_DEFINES : NO (require PREFIX) * ALWAYS_ENUM_IN_VAL_FILE: NO * ENABLE_GROUP: NO * CAPITALIZE_TYPENAME: NO */#ifndef P_MNSMS_VAL#define P_MNSMS_VAL#define CDG_ENTER__P_MNSMS_VAL#define CDG_ENTER__FILENAME _P_MNSMS_VAL#define CDG_ENTER__P_MNSMS_VAL__FILE_TYPE CDGINC#define CDG_ENTER__P_MNSMS_VAL__LAST_MODIFIED _2002_04_19#define CDG_ENTER__P_MNSMS_VAL__ID_AND_VERSION _6147_103_96_107#define CDG_ENTER__P_MNSMS_VAL__SRC_FILE_TIME _Thu_Nov_29_09_48_28_2007#include "CDG_ENTER.h"#undef CDG_ENTER__P_MNSMS_VAL#undef CDG_ENTER__FILENAME#include "m_sms.val" /* Access values independent from the corresponding h-file. *//* * Value constants for VAL_mem_type */#define MEM_ME (0x1) /* mobile equipment memory 1 */#define MEM_SM (0x3) /* subscriber identity module memory */#define MEM_SR (0x5) /* status report memory *//* * Value constants for VAL_cause */#define SMS_NO_ERROR (0x89ff) /* No error */#define SMS_CAUSE_PARAM_WRONG (0xc900) /* Wrong parameter in primitive */#define SMS_CAUSE_ENTITY_BUSY (0xc901) /* Entity is busy */#define SMS_CAUSE_OPER_NOT_ALLW (0xc902) /* Operation not allowed */#define SMS_CAUSE_OPER_NOT_SUPP (0xc903) /* Operation not supported */#define SMS_CAUSE_SIM_BUSY (0xc904) /* SIM busy */#define SMS_CAUSE_MEM_FAIL (0xc905) /* Memory failure */#define SMS_CAUSE_INV_INDEX (0xc906) /* Invalid memory index */#define SMS_CAUSE_MEM_FULL (0xc908) /* Memory full */#define SMS_CAUSE_NO_SERVICE (0xc909) /* No network service */#define SMS_CAUSE_NET_TIMEOUT (0xc90a) /* Network timeout */#define SMS_CAUSE_UNEXP_CNMA (0xc90b) /* No +CNMA acknowledgement expected */#define SMS_CAUSE_OTHER_ERROR (0xc90f) /* Any other error */#define SMS_CAUSE_MEM_AVAIL (0xc90c) /* Memory available after full */// VAL-FF: REL99 // #define SMS_CAUSE_FAILED_MSG_NOT_FOUND (0xc90e)/* Failed Message not found during Transmission *//* * Value constants for VAL_state */#define SMS_STATE_READY (0x0) /* SMS is full operable */#define SMS_STATE_INITIALISING (0x1) /* SMS is in initialisation state */#define SMS_STATE_BUSY (0x2) /* SMS is in a busy condition */#define SMS_STATE_NOT_AVAILABLE (0xff) /* SMS is inoperable *//* * Value constants for VAL_condx */#define SMS_CONDX_OVR_NON (0x0) /* do not overwrite an existing message */#define SMS_CONDX_OVR_MO (0x1) /* overwrite only an exisiting mobile originated message */#define SMS_CONDX_OVR_ANY (0x2) /* overwrite any existing message *//* * Value constants for VAL_modify */#define SMS_MODIFY_NON (0x0) /* no modification */#define SMS_MODIFY_TPOA (0x1) /* substitution of TP-OA */#define SMS_MODIFY_SCA (0x2) /* substitution of SCA */#define SMS_MODIFY_TPOA_SCA (0x3) /* substitution of TP-OA and SCA */#define SMS_MODIFY_ALL (0x4) /* substitution of the complete message *//* * Value constants for VAL_rec_num */#define SMS_RECORD_NOT_EXIST (0x0) /* record is not existing *//* * Value constants for VAL_status */#define SMS_RECORD_FREE (0x0) /* Free record */#define SMS_RECORD_REC_UNREAD (0x3) /* MT record, not read */#define SMS_RECORD_REC_READ (0x1) /* MT record, already read */#define SMS_RECORD_STO_UNSENT (0x7) /* MO record, not sent */#define SMS_RECORD_STO_SENT (0x5) /* MO record, already sent, status report not requested */#define SMS_RECORD_STAT_UNRCVD (0xd) /* MO record, already sent, status report requested, not received */#define SMS_RECORD_STAT_UNSTRD (0x15) /* MO record, already sent, status report received, not stored */#define SMS_RECORD_STAT_STRD (0x1d) /* MO record, already sent, status report received and stored */#define SMS_RECORD_INVALID (0xe0) /* The record keeps unrecognizable data *//* * Value constants for VAL_mt */#define MT0 (0x0) /* Mobile Terminated Mode 0 */#define MT1 (0x1) /* Mobile Terminated Mode 1 */#define MT2 (0x2) /* Mobile Terminated Mode 2 */#define MT3 (0x3) /* Mobile Terminated Mode 3 */#define MT_DEF (0x4) /* Mobile Terminated Mode Default *//* * Value constants for VAL_ds */#define DS0 (0x0) /* Status Report Mode 0: no status report to be returned */#define DS1 (0x1) /* Status Report Mode 1: status report returned to MMI */#define DS2 (0x2) /* Status Report Mode 2: status report stored, if possible *//* * Value constants for VAL_mhc */#define SMS_MHC_DEF (0x0) /* default (Phase 2) */#define SMS_MHC_PH2 (0x2) /* Phase 2 */#define SMS_MHC_PH2PLUS (0x3) /* Phase 2+ *//* * Value constants for VAL_read_mode */#define READ_NORMAL (0x0) /* Normal reading */#define READ_PREVIEW (0x1) /* Reading without preview */#define READ_STATUS_CHANGE (0x2) /* Change only status *//* * Value constants for VAL_resp */#define SMS_RP_ACK (0x0) /* send RP-ACK to network */#define SMS_RP_ERROR (0x1) /* send RP-ERROR to network *//* * Value constants for VAL_mo_sms_serv */#define GPRS_SMS_GPRS_ONLY (0x0) /* Use GPRS only for MO SMS */#define GPRS_SMS_CCT_ONLY (0x1) /* Use CCT only for MO SMS */#define GPRS_SMS_GPRS_PREF (0x2) /* Use GPRS in preference for MO SMS */#define GPRS_SMS_CCT_PREF (0x3) /* Use CCT in preference for MO SMS *//* * Value constants for VAL_query */#define SMS_QUERY_DELIVER_STATUS (0x1) /* Query Request is for delivery status (pause or resume) *//* * Value constants for VAL_deliver_status */#define SMS_DELIVER_STATUS_PAUSE (0x10) /* SMS delivery paused by user */#define SMS_DELIVER_STATUS_RESUME (0x11) /* SMS delivery to user allowed *//* * Value constants for VAL_cmms_mode */#define CMMS_MODE_DEF (0x0) /* Default value of 0 for +CMMS mode. The mode switches to 0 when timer expires if the mode set was 1. */#define CMMS_MODE_ONE (0x1) /* Mode value of one for +CMMS mode. For this mode set, when the timer expires, mode is switched back to 0. */#define CMMS_MODE_TWO (0x2) /* Mode value of two for +CMMS mode. For this mode set, even after the timer expiry mode is not switched to 0 *//* * Value constants for VAL_delete_status */#define CMGD_DEL_INDEX (0x0) /* Delete the messages specified by the index. */#define CMGD_DEL_READ (0x1) /* Ignore the index and delete all the read messages. */#define CMGD_DEL_READ_SENT (0x2) /* Ignore the index and delete all the read and sent messages. */#define CMGD_DEL_READ_SENT_UNSENT (0x3) /* Ignore the index and delete all the read, send and unsent messages. */#define CMGD_DEL_ALL (0x4) /* Ignore the index and delete all the messages whatever the status it is. */// VALTAB-FF: REL99 // // Value constants for VAL_auto_rep_flag// // VAL-FF: REL99 // #define AUTO_REP_FLAG_DISABLED (0x0) /* Do not attempt retransmission */// VAL-FF: REL99 // #define AUTO_REP_FLAG_ENABLED (0x1) /* Attempt retransmission *//* * user defined constants */#define SMS_MSG_LEN (0x8c) #define SMS_CMD_LEN (0x9d) #define SIM_PDU_LEN (0xaf) #define SMSCP_ORIGINATING_ENTITY (0x7) #define SMSRP_ORIGINATING_ENTITY (0x8) #define SMSTP_ORIGINATING_ENTITY (0x9) #include "CDG_LEAVE.h"#endif