line source
+ − TI's Calypso GSM/GPRS baseband processor chip has not one but two UART serial
+ − ports, called "MODEM" and "IrDA" in the hardware documentation. In hardware
+ − terms, both support basic data-leads-only UART operation at a fixed baud rate,
+ − but their extended capabilities differ: the IrDA UART adds IrDA capability (no
+ − surprise), whereas the MODEM UART adds hardware flow control and autobaud. If
+ − one is not implementing an actual IrDA interface, then the so-called "IrDA"
+ − UART becomes a strict subset of the MODEM one in terms of hw capabilities -
+ − just an extra UART, but a somewhat less capable one.
+ −
+ − In a classic modem design such as that present in the GTA0x smartphones made by
+ − FIC/Openmoko, the Calypso presents a standard AT command interface on its MODEM
+ − UART port. (In the case of GTA0x phones this serial channel is wired to the
+ − phone's application processor; in a standalone modem it would be wired to a
+ − USB-serial chip or even to a classic RS-232 DB25 port.) However, what is less
+ − known is that the standard firmware for such modems simultaneously presents an
+ − entirely different interface on the IrDA UART - an interface intended for
+ − development, debugging and factory production testing (which includes RF
+ − calibration and IMEI etc programming), rather than for "normal" end users.
+ −
+ − Normally this debug/development serial interface (called RVTMUX as will be
+ − explained momentarily) is hidden from "ordinary" users - for example, on FIC
+ − GTA0x phones it is wired to the analog headset jack through a hardware switch
+ − which needs to be enabled through a GPIO signal from the AP. On Mot C139 and
+ − its siblings the situation is similar: one needs to key in the secret magic
+ − sequence **16379#, and then the firmware presents a hidden menu for switching
+ − the analog headset jack between its "normal" function and the UART carrying
+ −
+ − But there also exist some oddball devices on which the RVTMUX interface is
+ − presented "in your face". The Pirelli DP-L10 phone has a USB charging port
+ − which is also wired (through a CP2102 USB-serial chip) to the IrDA UART on the
+ − Calypso - that's right, IrDA, not MODEM - a design decision with which this
+ − hacker strongly disagrees. (It'll definitely be wired to the MODEM UART
+ − instead on our own semi-clone of this phone, but I digress.) Apparently Foxconn
+ − (the designers of this phone) had no desire to provide a standard AT command
+ − interface, and instead the only "official" way to use the "data" function of
+ − their USB port (rather than the charging function) is for their "PC sync"
+ − feature, i.e., their proprietary Weendoze software. And guess what, their
+ − proprietary "PC sync" feature works over TI's RVTMUX interface, as that is
+ − what's presented on Calypso's IrDA UART behind the CP2102!
+ −
+ − OK, so what is this RVTMUX? RV stands for RiViera, an application framework
+ − which TI added to their GSM firmware suite in the early 2000s, T stands for
+ − trace, and MUX stands for multiplexor. It's a binary packet interface, although
+ − many of these packets contain ASCII debug messages inside. The framing format
+ − is the same in both directions: each packet begins and ends with an STX (0x02)
+ − byte, all payload bytes except 0x02 and 0x10 are sent literally, and there is a
+ − DLE (0x10) byte prepended before any 0x02 or 0x10 in the payload. It's the same
+ − general principle as asynchronous HDLC (RFC 1662): packets can contain any
+ − binary data, and the framing provides packet boundaries - although TI's version
+ − is a little less robust than async-HDLC when it comes to recovering after lost
+ − synchronization.
+ −
+ − The firmware suite component responsible for actually sending and receiving
+ − these packets over the assigned UART port (usually IrDA, but can be MODEM too,
+ − as on Compal phones for example) is called RVT (RiViera Trace), and it
+ − implements a MUX function. There are several logical channels multiplexed over
+ − one physical serial port, and the first byte of every packet indicates which
+ − logical channel it belongs to. Any component within the GSM firmware suite can
+ − send packets to RVT for transmission on this serial interface, and can also
+ − register to receive packets beginning with a particular type ID byte.
+ −
+ − Use in FreeCalypso
+ − ==================
+ −
+ − The FreeCalypso project has adopted the same general firmware architecture as
+ − that exhibited by TI's standard firmwares from the Moko/Pirelli time frame. We
+ − use TI's RiViera framework lifted directly out of the TCS211 reference fw, and
+ − that includes the RVT module and the RVTMUX interface it presents. At the
+ − present time (early development stage, none of the actual GSM functionality has
+ − been integrated yet) this RVTMUX interface is put to the following uses in our
+ − own gsm-fw:
+ −
+ − * Debug trace output from various components sent via the rvf_send_trace()
+ − function - it is the RiViera Trace output in the proper sense;
+ −
+ − * The ETM module and the associated FFS access protocol described below.
+ −
+ − In the existing proprietary firmwares which serve as our reference, the RVTMUX
+ − serial channel is continuously spewing very voluminous debug output. This debug
+ − output exhibits 3 different packet types: RV traces described above, and also
+ − L1 and G23 traces, each in its own format. We expect that our own gsm-fw will
+ − become just like these reference versions in this regard, once we integrate
+ − those code layers.
+ −
+ − ETM and FFS access
+ − ==================
+ −
+ − Another component which we have lifted out of the TCS211 reference fw is ETM,
+ − which stands for Enhanced Test Mode. This module registers its own "top level"
+ − protocol over RVTMUX, and provides a registration service of its own, such that
+ − various components in the fw suite can register to receive external command
+ − packets passing first through RVT, then through ETM, and can send responses
+ − passing through ETM, then through RVT back to the external host.
+ −
+ − The ETM_CORE module contained within ETM itself provides some low-level debug
+ − commands: by sending the right binary command packets to the GSM device via the
+ − RVTMUX serial channel, an external host can examine or modify any memory
+ − location and any hardware register, cause the device to reset, etc.
+ −
+ − The only other ETM-based functionality currently integrated in our gsm-fw
+ − besides ETM_CORE is TMFFS (Test Mode for FFS), which is the external access
+ − channel to the device file system - see TIFFS-Overview. The TMFFS1 and TMFFS2
+ − protocols provide a command/response packet interface to the FFS API functions
+ − inside the fw, and enable an external host connected to the GSM device via the
+ − RVTMUX channel to perform arbitrary read and write operations on the device
+ − file system.
+ −
+ − TMFFS protocol versions
+ − =======================
+ −
+ − TI made two different and entirely incompatible versions of the TMFFS protocol
+ − for accessing a device's FFS via RVT/ETM: TMFFS1 and TMFFS2. The fw sources
+ − available to us contain implementations of both versions, so we have the freedom
+ − to use whichever we like better for FreeCalypso. After studying the fw source
+ − implementing the two TMFFS protocols, I (Space Falcon) came to the conclusion
+ − that TMFFS2 is both more capable and more reliable; my guess is that TMFFS1 was
+ − likely kept around only because some of TI's crappy Weendoze host software
+ − depended on it. (See gsm-fw/services/ffs/tmffs.c if you would like to judge
+ − for yourself.) Thus TMFFS2 is currently the "officially adopted" version for
+ − FreeCalypso.
+ −
+ − Our fc-tmsh utility (see below and ../rvinterf/README) allows a developer-
+ − operator to send TMFFS "get version" queries to a running GSM fw in both
+ − ETM_FFS1 and ETM_FFS2 formats; this capability allows us to determine
+ − experimentally which protocol (if any) is implemented by a given proprietary
+ − firmware version. Experiments reveal that Openmoko's moko11 firmware
+ − implements TMFFS1, whereas Pirelli's fw implements TMFFS2.
+ −
+ − The leo2moko-r1 firmware produced by the FreeCalypso project in 2013-10
+ − implements TMFFS1, simply because that was the selected configuration in the
+ − found Leonardo source that transitional fw is based on, and that release was
+ − made before I learned RVTMUX, FFS, ETM and TMFFS properly. All future
+ − FreeCalypso firmwares will use TMFFS2, or at least that's the current plan.
+ −
+ − Host utility support
+ − ====================
+ −
+ − As one would naturally expect, the FreeCalypso project has developed some host
+ − tools that allow a PC running GNU/Linux (or other Unix systems) to interface to
+ − running firmwares on GSM devices via RVTMUX. See the rvinterf subtree of
+ − freecalypso-sw for the source and documentation.