os_mem_fl.c: os_CreatePartitionPool() done
Michael Spacefalcon <msokolov@ivan.Harhan.ORG>
Fri, 13 Jun 2014 19:44:27 +0000 (2014-06-13)
line source
+ − You are looking at the top level of the freecalypso-sw source code tree. The
+ − primary aim of this project is to produce our own full-source GSM firmware that
+ − would fully operate the TI Calypso-based GSM phones and modems of interest to
+ − us; this primary subproject is being worked on in the gsm-fw subtree. While
+ − that project is progressing very slowly, the associated side projects have
+ − already produced some useful tools for operating on these GSM devices; see
+ − README.hosttools for the details.
+ −
+ − The subtrees of this source tree are as follows:
+ −
+ − gsm-fw This tree contains the early beginnings of my (Michael
+ − Spacefalcon's) attempt to recreate TI's GSM firmware suite for
+ − modems and basic phones, consisting of Nucleus RTOS, RiViera
+ − and GPF frameworks, TI's BSP/driver and L1 code, Condat G23
+ − GSM/GPRS protocol stack, AT command interpreter and UI layers.
+ −
+ − At the present, none of the actual GSM code (L1 or G23) has
+ − been integrated yet, but most of the underlying RTOS environment
+ − is present and working: one can exercise RVT, ETM and FFS.
+ − The OSL component of GPF is currently being worked on; L1 will
+ − follow afterward.
+ −
+ − target-utils This tree contains code that runs on Calypso targets, but is
+ − not regular firmware (gsm-fw) or a part thereof. The two key
+ − components built in this tree are loadagent (needed for all
+ − targets) and compalstage (for Compal phones only), which need
+ − to be installed on the user's host system in order for
+ − loadtools (see README.hosttools) to do their job.
+ −
+ − ffstools Tools that run on a Unix or GNU/Linux host; see README.hosttools
+ − loadtools for the details.
+ − miscutil
+ − rvinterf
+ −
+ − toolchain Scripts and patches for building the gcc+binutils toolchain
+ − targeting ARM7, the CPU core of the Calypso GSM/GPRS baseband
+ − processor. You'll need to build and install this toolchain
+ − first before you can build gsm-fw or target-utils.