The present libprintf is a very light printf implementation that is well-suitedfor simple bare-metal programs like loadagent; in the present case it overridesthe much heavier printf implementation in newlib. Programs like the presentloadagent only need printf in order to scribble on the serial console port,and the most sensible implementation is to have the "character output" functionfrom the guts of printf point directly to the physical UART output routine, ora trivial wrapper that turns \n into \r\n. In contrast, newlib's version wouldpull in the complete FILE table infrastructure and malloc etc - maybe OK formore complex embedded programs that use those facilities for other things undera bona fide RTOS, but it would be disgusting to pull that stuff in for aminimal program like ours.The present printf implementation has been used earlier by the same author(Michael Spacefalcon) in the StarMON family of PowerPC bootloaders, and in myMC68x302-based SDSL CPE devices (Hack-o-Rocket and OSDCU).