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view doc/Buzzer-melodies @ 975:343552c6c621
doc/Loadtools-usage: add SE J120
author | Mychaela Falconia <> |
date | Tue, 28 Nov 2023 19:08:53 +0000 (16 months ago) |
parents | cb0f61535166 |
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The Calypso chip includes a built-in hardware provision for driving old-fashioned cellphone ringing buzzers. Not all Calypso phones use a buzzer as their ringing noise generator - many of the higher-end Calypso phones like Mot C155/156 and Pirelli DP-L10 use a loudspeaker driven by a MIDI player chip instead, and it appears that the legendary TSM30 phone may have used TI's Melody E1 mechanism as its ringer. However, Motorola C11x/12x and C139/140 phones do use an old-fashioned buzzer, and in FreeCalypso we also work with some development boards that include one. Having thus established the relevance of the buzzer feature for FreeCalypso, we have done a bit of work toward exercising the buzzer and playing melodies through it. This article describes the available support for buzzer melodies in FC host tools. Buzzer hardware capabilities ============================ The actual noise-making element in phones like Mot C1xx appears to be a magnetic buzzer - I previously assumed that it was a piezoelectic buzzer, but this assumption now appears to be incorrect. However, the relevant capabilities of this old-fashioned cellphone ringing buzzer are determined not so much by the physics of the actual noise-making element, but by the circuit with which it is driven. The buzzer is controlled by a single-bit digital output from the Calypso chip, different tone frequencies are generated by Calypso as digital square wave outputs, and different power control levels (for louder or softer ringing sound volume) are produced by applying PWM to the "on" phase of the tone square wave. The Calypso chip allows its buzzer output to be driven with one of two different internal logic blocks: either BU or PWT. We don't have any authoritative documentation for TI's earlier DBB chips prior to Calypso, but it appears that LT and BU functions for light and buzzer control came first, built into the ARMIO block which appears to precede the GSM Skunkworks business altogether, and then at some later point the alternative PWL and PWT implementations were added. When driven as BU, Calypso buzzer output can produce 255 different frequencies ranging from 99 Hz to 12.7 kHz, produced by taking the 13 MHz master clock, dividing it by 512, and then dividing it again by a programmable integer factor in the range [2,256]. This mode of driving the buzzer works ideally when non-musical output frequencies are needed, i.e., frequencies that are expressed in absolute Hz rather than musical notes. PWT appears to have been added specifically to facilitate playing of ringtones that are composed of musical notes. Compared to the range of 255 possible frequencies that can be produced by BU, PWT can only produce 48 different tone frequencies, but these 48 possible PWT frequencies are special in that they closely approximate the 48 musical notes ranging from F4 to E8 in the scientific pitch notation. These 48 musical notes of PWT range cannot be reproduced as distinct frequencies in BU mode: at the upper range beginning with A6, two or three different notes collapse to the same BU tone frequency, as the possible frequencies that can be produced from 13 MHz by the simple division implemented in BU get farther apart than successive notes of the chromatic scale. Thus if you are seeking to play ringtones that are composed of musical notes, use of PWT should be considered mandatory rather than optional. OTOH, if you are playing non-musical tones like SIT that are defined in absolute Hz, then BU will often work better. Motorola C1xx official firmware uses PWT mode to play its ringtones, both built-in and user-composed, and we have successfully extracted some of those professional-quality PWT melodies from at least one C1xx firmware version. Concept of buzzer melodies ========================== The Calypso buzzer (either BU or PWT) is monophonic, meaning that it can only play one note at a time. Given this constraint, a playable buzzer melody can be defined as a list of {tone, volume, duration} tuples, where <tone> is the frequency to be played (BU or PWT), <volume> is the relative volume for this note (PWM volume control), and <duration> is how long this note should sound. The definitions for <tone> and <volume> are straightforward - they are numbers going directly into hardware registers - but in what units should the duration of notes be reckoned? In FreeCalypso we have adopted TDMA frames of 4.615 ms (or more precisely 60/13 ms) as our unit of duration for buzzer melodies, based on this reasoning: if playing of buzzer melodies is to be incorporated into operational phone handset firmware, then TDMA frames will be the only time unit that is available natively and directly, whereas any other measurement such as milliseconds would have to be converted to TDMA frames by the firmware code. Therefore, it makes the best sense to reckon all note durations in our buzzer melodies in TDMA frames to begin with. 2022 addition: BUZM melody player engine in FC Tourmaline ========================================================= As of 2022 our FC Tourmaline firmware includes a new buzzer melody player engine, implemented as a RiViera-based service named BUZM. The new BUZM service sits on top of the low-level PWT buzzer driver in the same way how RiViera Audio service sits on top of the low-level DSP+L1 combo, and the API (directed toward UI firmware layers) of the new BUZM service is modeled after that of RV Audio service. The primary objective of this BUZM venture is to get rid of the Condat audio driver layer mess which we inherited from TI (it has buzzer ringing and audio tone generation entangled together in a gnarly way which we need to move away from), but this migration also provides a secondary benefit: instead of being hard-coded, buzzer melodies will now be read from files in FFS, just like E1 melodies for loudspeaker-based ringing, allowing our UI firmware design to be harmonized between the two ringer configurations. The following design decisions underlie our new FC Tourmaline buzzer melody facility: * Regarding the choice between BU or PWT driving, PWT has been chosen. All melodies created for playing via BUZM need to consist of musical notes F4 through E8 (scientific pitch notation, 349 to 5274 Hz), as supported by Calypso PWT block. This design decision matches Mot C1xx official firmware. * Each melody is a sequence of sounded tones (PWT), either directly abutted or separated by pauses. In actual implementation, each melody is a sequence of directly abutted entries, where each entry can be either a sounded tone or a pause. Each entry (tone or silence) has a duration, reckoned in TDMA frames as explained above. * For every sounded tone in a melody, a note volume in the range [1,64] is given. If the melody is played at maximum volume, the per-note volumes will be written directly into the hardware register (PWM control in 1/64 units). If the user-specified play volume is less than 64, the actual sounding volume of each note is determined as (play_volume * note_volume / 64), with the division step rounding up - when both play_volume and note_volume are constrained in the [1,64] range, the result of the rounding-up division is also constrained in the same range. In terms of tool support, each FreeCalypso PWT buzzer melody begins life as an ASCII text source in the format defined by us. It is then compiled into binary form with our fc-pwt-comp utility, and the resulting binary melody file is uploaded into FreeCalypso device FFS. For manual testing, each uploaded buzzer melody can be played with AT@BUZ command. For finished phone operation, there will be two ringtone list files (one for play-until-answer ringing tones and one for non-repeating message alert tones) that will drive ringtone selection in the phone UI. The format of ASCII source files for PWT melodies is best documented by examples: see several in the ringtools/examples directory. Organization of melodies in FC device FFS ========================================= We shall have two types of ringtone melodies in FreeCalypso: PWT melodies to be played via the buzzer, and E1 melodies to be played via the voice path loudspeaker. Naturally, buzzer melodies can only be played on hardware platforms that have a buzzer, and voice path loudspeaker melodies can only be played on hw platforms that have such a speaker. The only platforms that can be expected to have both hw provisions are development boards like D-Sample and FC Venus - but even on those development boards, each given UI firmware build will support one or the other ringing type, but not both at the same time. We shall have two separate FFS subtrees for these two melody types: PWT melodies for the buzzer will be stored under /buz, whereas E1 melodies for the voice path will be stored under /mel. Both trees will be constructed on the host system under /opt/freecalypso/buz and /opt/freecalypso/mel, and they will be uploaded into FC device FFS with fc-fsio: upload-subtree /opt/freecalypso/buz /buz upload-subtree /opt/freecalypso/mel /mel Individual melody files (compiled binary formats produced by fc-pwt-comp and fc-e1gen) will be stored as /buz/ and /mel/melodyname.e1 for the two types. There will also be melody list or index files: /buz/ /buz/ /mel/ /mel/ Each file (for the buzzer or for Melody E1) will list the available melodies for the continuous play-until-answer ringing tone, and each file will list the available melodies for the non-repeating message alert tone. The melody list (.mls) file format is defined by us: it is a binary format consisting of fixed-length records, one 80-byte record for each listed melody. Each record consists of two fields: the FFS pathname (always absolute as required by the RTOS environment without current directories) of the melody file and the name of the melody for the selection menu in the phone UI. Melody lists are compiled from line-based ASCII source into this binary format by our fc-ringlist-comp utility. Support for iMelody ringtones ============================= Back in the olden days when dumbphones with monophonic buzzer-type ringers were the norm in society, there was a community of phone users who composed and exchanged their own ringtone melodies; the community standard format for those interchanges was EMS iMelody. Searching around the Internet in 2022, I (Mother Mychaela) couldn't find any iMelody ringtones that sound any good - the only ones I could find sound like crap, nowhere near professional-quality melodies which we've lifted out of Motorola's firmware. However, as a matter of due diligence, I felt that it would improper for FreeCalypso not to support iMelody ringtones, hence I wrote a program that groks iMelody files and converts those melodies to our native PWT format - this program is fc-imy2pwt. Right now fc-imy2pwt implements a subset of the iMelody spec; the missing features are: * All volume change commands in the melody are ignored: fc-imy2pwt does not support per-note volume changes within the melody, and all PWT notes are emitted at the maximum per-note volume of 64/64. * The STYLE setting in IMY files is ignored, and all melodies are converted as if the style was S1, i.e., continuous, without automatically inserted rest between notes. * All vibrator/LED/backlight control commands are ignored: in FreeCalypso architecture there is no synchronization between ringtone melodies and vibration cadence, instead the user selects between silent mode, ring only, vibrate only or ring+vibrate alerting as needed, without interference from overly-creative vanity melody composers. Likewise, we do not support melody-driven manipulation of any lights. The policies of keeping the ringer and the vibrator separate and of leaving our LCD and keypad backlights alone are absolute, whereas support for volume changes within the melody and for non-S1 styles (automatically inserted rest periods) can be implemented *if* someone in our community has a real use case for such functionality. Standalone buzzer exercising (outside of FC firmware) ===================================================== We have a target utility (running on Calypso devices out of RAM) called buzplayer, and a front end host program called fc-buzplay. If you load and run buzplayer manually via fc-iram, you can use it to exercise the buzzer manually, playing any tone at any volume, in either BU or PWT mode. fc-buzplay is a higher-level tool: it establishes out-of-firmware operation on a target Calypso device similarly to fc-loadtool (based on the same framework), but running buzplayer instead of loadagent. Once you land at the buzplay> prompt, the main command of interest is 'play': it takes one required argument, the name of the melody file to play (ASCII BU or PWT format), and a second optional argument, the play volume in the [1,64] range. The current version of this 'play' command intuits the melody format (BU or PWT) from the filename, which must end in .buz or .pwt, respectively. You can also issue explicit play-bu and play-pwt commands, in which case the filename can be anything. All of these play command variants read the melody file in the respective format (ASCII in both cases, line-based), feed the melody to the target, and then command buzplayer to actually play it on the physical buzzer.