line source
+ − FreeCalypso User Phone Tools are a new software addition to the FreeCalypso
+ − family. These tools are programs that run on a Unix host computer such as a
+ − GNU/Linux PC or laptop and communicate with a FreeCalypso phone or modem via
+ − the standard AT command interface, rather than any of the formerly proprietary
+ − interfaces specific to TI's internal architecture. The following tools are
+ − currently available:
+ −
+ − fcup-at Issues an arbitrary AT command given on the command line.
+ −
+ − fcup-settime Issues AT+CCLK command to the target to set its clock to the
+ − host computer's notion of local time.
+ −
+ − fcup-smdump Retrieves a dump of SMS records (received, sent or stored
+ − messages) from the FC device's SMS storage (currently SIM
+ − storage; ME storage may be implemented in the future),
+ − optionally deleting them from the severely space-limited
+ − SIM/ME storage afterward.
+ −
+ − fcup-smsend* Tools for sending outgoing SMS from a host computer through a
+ − FreeCalypso phone or modem and/or writing such outgoing SMS
+ − into the FC device's SMS storage.
+ −
+ − fcup-smwrite Debug and development tool: writes arbitrary message records
+ − into the FC device's SMS storage (currently SIM storage) in any
+ − of the possible 4 states, with arbitrary incoming or outgoing
+ − SMS PDU content.
+ −
+ − Because these tools communicate with the target via standards-defined AT
+ − commands, in theory they ought to work with any AT-command-speaking 3GPP phone
+ − or modem and not just our own FreeCalypso. However, experience has shown that
+ − in the case of the common proprietary implementations, practice does not match
+ − theory: when I (Mychaela) tried these same AT commands against a random
+ − off-the-shelf proprietary modem (Huawei E303 USB stick modem for 3G), the
+ − following problems were seen:
+ −
+ − * The essential AT+CMGL=4 command for retrieving the full set of SMS records
+ − from SIM storage in PDU mode appears to be broken: all I got was a hang.
+ − Its text mode counterpart AT+CMGL="ALL" produces incomplete output.
+ −
+ − * Qualcomm/Huawei's implementation of the AT command interface does not allow
+ − AT+CSCS to be set to "HEX"; our fcup-smdump implementation uses this setting
+ − so that the phonebook names returned along with SMS PDUs in the +CMGL
+ − responses can be parsed reliably no matter what weird characters they might
+ − contain.
+ −
+ − * Setting AT+CSCS to "8859-1" is not supported either; this setting is used by
+ − our fcup-smsend and fcup-smsendmult tools when sending in text mode.
+ −
+ − * Sending outgoing SMS with fcup-smsend in PDU mode (which does not touch
+ − AT+CSCS) works in that the message goes out, but the tool complains afterward
+ − because the echo after the ^Z is different from what our tools expect.
+ −
+ − Because of these quirks, our FC User Phone Tools officially work only with our
+ − own FreeCalypso phones and modems, and are not expected to work against various
+ − proprietary implementations. Let us not forget that the broken and buggy nature
+ − of the common proprietary implementations is the very reason why we need
+ − FreeCalypso in the first place.
+ −
+ − Target interface options
+ − ========================
+ −
+ − Our fcup-* tools can communicate with the AT-command-speaking target in one of
+ − two ways:
+ −
+ − * The default is the standard AT command interface over a dedicated UART. As
+ − of this writing, the only FreeCalypso device that provides a full-featured AT
+ − command interface of this kind is our FCDEV3B modem, but the ultimate goal of
+ − the project is to build our own end user phone handset (a Libre Dumbphone)
+ − that will also provide a full-featured AT command interface on its USB port
+ − via a built-in CP2102 or FT232R chip.
+ −
+ − * As a dirty hack, one can run FreeCalypso GSM fw on some alien hw targets,
+ − currently Motorola C1xx and Pirelli DP-L10. In this hacked-up configuration
+ − there is no dedicated UART available for a standard AT command interface, but
+ − there is a hack that allows a limited subset of AT commands to be passed over
+ − the RVTMUX binary packet interface provided by the running FreeCalypso GSM fw.
+ − Our fcup-* tools can work with this alternate target interface option and
+ − thereby support these crippled targets.
+ −
+ − The AT-over-RVTMUX mechanism was originally invented back in 2015 as a
+ − development aid, and was never intended for production use or to support any
+ − kind of end user functionality. One of the limitations of its original
+ − incarnation was that the strings that are sent to ATI via this interface were
+ − limited to 254 characters, whereas sending or writing SMS in hex format
+ − requires longer strings. As of early 2019, this limitation has been lifted:
+ − our Magnetite and Selenite firmwares from 20190109 onward support an extended
+ − version of our AT-over-RVTMUX hack that allows longer strings to be sent in
+ − pieces, and the present version of our FC User Phone Tools suite will send the
+ − strings it generates via this extended mechanism whenever they exceed the old
+ − 254 character limit. The new mechanism works correctly starting with the
+ − 20190128 firmware release for modem products and the 20190129 fw release for
+ − Mot C1xx phones, thus when the present version of FC User Phone Tools is used
+ − to communicate with our current firmwares, both target interface options provide
+ − equivalent functionality on all supported targets.
+ −
+ − All fcup-* tools take the following common command line options for selecting
+ − the AT command target interface:
+ −
+ − -B baud Valid only when -p is also given; selects a different baud rate
+ − than the default 115200 bps.
+ −
+ − -n Dry run debug mode with no target interface at all: the AT
+ − commands which would otherwise be sent to the target are simply
+ − printed on stdout.
+ −
+ − -p ttyport Names the serial port to be used to talk to the target.
+ −
+ − -R Use the AT-over-RVTMUX interface instead of the standard AT
+ − command interface over a dedicated UART.
+ −
+ − -X program Use the specified external program as the AT target
+ − communication back-end; read the source code for the details.
+ −
+ − -R and -p options interact as follows:
+ −
+ − Neither -R The standard dedicated AT command interface is used;
+ − nor -p FC_GSM_DEVICE= environment variable needs to be set
+ − to point to the serial port.
+ −
+ − -p only The standard dedicated AT command interface is used;
+ − the serial port is named with the -p option.
+ −
+ − -R only AT-over-RVTMUX interface is used; the fcup-* tool connects
+ − to an already running rvinterf process.
+ −
+ − -R and -p AT-over-RVTMUX interface is used; a new rvinterf process
+ − is launched to talk RVTMUX on the specified serial port.
+ −
+ − Retrieving and decoding stored SMS
+ − ==================================
+ −
+ − As of this writing, our current FreeCalypso GSM firmware supports only SIM
+ − storage for SMS, i.e., there is no working mechanism currently for storing SMS
+ − records (received and sent messages) in the phone's or modem's own flash file
+ − system. The capacity of this SIM SMS storage is determined by the SIM issuer,
+ − but it is typically quite limited, on the order of 20 to 30 messages.
+ −
+ − The model adopted for FreeCalypso is that incoming (and possibly saved outgoing)
+ − messages initially accumulate in the SIM storage as they come in, and then the
+ − user periodically transfers them to her larger host computer, simultaneously
+ − deleting them from the SIM storage to reclaim the limited space. The retrieval
+ − of stored SMS from FreeCalypso GSM devices is accomplished with our fcup-smdump
+ − utility; like all SMS operations with the current tools+firmware combination,
+ − this operation works exactly the same whether the FC GSM device offers a full-
+ − featured AT command interface or only AT over RVTMUX. SMS retrieval is always
+ − done in PDU mode, and the output from fcup-smdump contains raw SMS PDUs in the
+ − form of long hex strings. A separate utility called sms-pdu-decode then does
+ − what its name says.
+ −
+ − The intended mode of usage is something like this:
+ −
+ − fcup-smdump -d >> long-term-sms-log
+ −
+ − The -d option to fcup-smdump tells it to delete the retrieved messages from the
+ − SIM or future ME storage; this option should only be used when the output is
+ − redirected into some kind of longer-term storage. In the above model the file
+ − named long-term-sms-log becomes what its name says as new messages retrieved
+ − from the FC GSM device get added to it; the format will look like this:
+ −
+ − Received message:
+ − XXXXXX...
+ −
+ − Received message:
+ − XXXXXX...
+ −
+ − Sent message:
+ − XXXXXX...
+ −
+ − Stored unsent message:
+ − XXXXXX...
+ −
+ − Received message:
+ − XXXXXX...
+ −
+ − Each of the "XXXXXX..." lines will be a long hex string giving an SMS PDU. The
+ − idea is that the complete record of all received and sent messages should be
+ − stored on the user's big computer in raw PDU form, rather than decoded, and the
+ − decoding utility sms-pdu-decode should be invoked by the user (with the message
+ − log file as input) as needed for reading these messages.
+ −
+ − The message decoding utility sms-pdu-decode does its best to decode and show
+ − everything without dropping any bits: in addition to the actual decoded message
+ − characters and the From/To address (the "end user" content of the message), it
+ − decodes and shows the SC address, the first octet, the MR octet for outgoing
+ − messages, PID and DCS octets, the SC timestamp or the validity period fields,
+ − and the UDH bytes if present. However, some bits can still be lost in the
+ − decoding, which is why it is important to archive messages in the raw PDU form:
+ −
+ − * Padding bits used to round the From/To address and septet-based user data to
+ − an octet boundary and to round any UDH to a septet boundary are not decoded.
+ −
+ − * If the user data portion of the message is 8-bit or compressed data (per the
+ − DCS octet), it is shown as a raw hex dump, which is lossless, but if it is
+ − GSM7 or UCS-2 text (GSM 03.38 character encodings), the characters are
+ − converted to the user's character set (plain ASCII only by default) for
+ − display, and some characters may not be displayable.
+ −
+ − Character sets and encodings
+ − ----------------------------
+ −
+ − By default, sms-pdu-decode only emits 7-bit ASCII characters in its output; any
+ − GSM7 or UCS-2 characters which fall outside of this plain ASCII repertoire are
+ − converted into backslash escapes. This conservative default behaviour can be
+ − modified as follows:
+ −
+ − -e option extends the potential output character repertoire from 7-bit ASCII to
+ − 8-bit ISO 8859-1. Any 8859-1 high characters are emitted as single bytes,
+ − i.e., are NOT encoded in UTF-8 - this option is intended for non-UTF-8
+ − environments.
+ −
+ − -u option extends the potential output character repertoire to all of Unicode,
+ − and changes the output encoding to UTF-8.
+ −
+ − Regardless of whether the source message character set is GSM7 or UCS-2 and
+ − irrespective of -e or -u options, any backslash characters are always escaped
+ − as \\, and any CR characters are represented as \r. Additional backslash
+ − escape encodings depend on the source message character set:
+ −
+ − * If the source message character set is GSM7, the following additional
+ − backslash escapes can be emitted:
+ −
+ − - In the absence of -u option, the Euro currency symbol is converted to \E;
+ −
+ − - Any GSM7 escape characters (0x1B) that aren't part of a valid escape
+ − sequence for [\]^ or {|}~ or \E are represented as \e;
+ −
+ − - Any GSM7 characters that either can't be represented in the output character
+ − set (ASCII or ISO 8859-1) or are outright invalid per GSM 03.38 are
+ − represented as \xX, where xX is the original GSM7 code point in 2-digit
+ − hexadecimal form between 00 and 7F;
+ −
+ − - Invalid GSM7 escape sequences are emitted as \e\xX.
+ −
+ − * If the source message character set is UCS-2, the following additional
+ − backslash escapes can be emitted:
+ −
+ − - Invalid UCS-2 characters falling onto control character code points are
+ − emitted as \u00XX;
+ −
+ − - UCS-2 characters that can't be represented in ASCII or ISO 8859-1 (when
+ − running without -u option) are emitted as \uXXXX;
+ −
+ − - If UTF-16 surrogate pairs are detected in the input, the encoded high-plane
+ − Unicode character is reconstructed and emitted as \UXXXXXX in the absence
+ − of -u option, or as the appropriate UTF-8 byte sequence with -u.
+ −
+ − -h option causes the user data portion of every message to be displayed as a
+ − raw hex dump; in the case of GSM7-encoded messages, this hex dump shows the
+ − unpacked septets.
+ −
+ − Composing and sending outgoing SMS
+ − ==================================
+ −
+ − When used in the default PDU mode (which now works on all targets with our
+ − current firmware and tools), the primary SMS sending/writing tool fcup-smsend
+ − offers the following capabilities:
+ −
+ − * Sending outgoing messages in either GSM7 or UCS-2 encoding;
+ − * Sending either single or long (concatenated) SMS;
+ − * Message body input in ASCII, ISO 8859-1 or UTF-8;
+ − * Message body input either on the command line or on stdin;
+ − * Any messages sent through this tool (single or concatenated) may be
+ − multiline, i.e., may contain embedded newlines;
+ − * Messages sent in GSM7 encoding can contain ASCII characters [\]^ and {|}~
+ − - the tool is smart enough to do the necessary escape encoding.
+ −
+ − The default and preferred AT command interface mode for sending/writing SMS is
+ − PDU mode, which works great when the GSM device provides a proper AT command
+ − interface. However, when a message of maximum or near-maximum length is being
+ − submitted to the modem in PDU mode, the hex string that needs to be sent is
+ − quite long, and at the time when our FC User Phone Tools were first designed
+ − and written, our AT-over-RVTMUX mechanism could not handle such long strings.
+ − Because we sought to have at least limited SMS sending and writing support for
+ − crippled Motorola and Pirelli targets, we also implemented text mode support in
+ − fcup-smsend and fcup-smsendmult, enabled with the -t option. In this text (-t)
+ − mode the following restrictions apply:
+ −
+ − * Only single SMS can be sent, not concatenated;
+ − * Only GSM7-encoded messages can be sent, not UCS-2;
+ − * No multiline messages can be sent, i.e., no newlines in the message body;
+ − * ASCII characters [\]^ and {|}~ won't be sent correctly - GSM 07.05 text mode
+ − drops them.
+ −
+ − Now that we have extended our AT-over-RVTMUX mechanism to support longer strings
+ − and gained full support for PDU mode on all targets, the above -t mode is no
+ − longer necessary for any use case, as the default PDU mode is a proper superset
+ − in functionality. However, support for this -t mode has been retained, as
+ − removing software functionality for no good reason is not the way of FOSS.
+ −
+ − The invokation syntax is as follows:
+ −
+ − fcup-smsend [options] dest-addr [message]
+ −
+ − The destination address must be given on the command line; the address digits
+ − may be optionally followed by a comma and an address type byte, either decimal
+ − or hexadecimal with 0x prefix. The default address type is 0x91 if the number
+ − begins with a '+' or 0x81 otherwise. If the message body is given on the
+ − command line, it must be given as a single argument; if no message body argument
+ − is given, the message body will be read from stdin. Any trailing newlines are
+ − stripped before SMS encoding.
+ −
+ − The following options are supported, in addition to the common target interface
+ − options listed earlier:
+ −
+ − -c Enables concatenated SMS. Concatenated SMS will be sent only
+ − if the message body exceeds 160 GSM7 or 70 UCS-2 characters,
+ − otherwise plain SMS will be sent whether -c is given or not -
+ − but the -c option enables the possibility of sending
+ − concatenated SMS.
+ −
+ − -C refno Enables concatenated SMS like -c, but also explicitly sets the
+ − concatenated SMS reference number to be used. The number can
+ − be either decimal or hexadecimal with 0x prefix.
+ −
+ − -q Concatenated SMS quiet mode. If -c is given without -q, the
+ − tool prints a message on stdout indicating whether the message
+ − was sent as single or concatenated, and in how many parts.
+ − -q suppresses this additional output.
+ −
+ − -t Use text mode instead of PDU mode on the AT command interface.
+ − This option is incompatible with -c and with -U, and introduces
+ − other restrictions listed above.
+ −
+ − -u By default, if the message body input contains any 8-bit
+ − characters, they are interpreted as ISO 8859-1. With -u they
+ − are interpreted as UTF-8 instead. This option is only relevant
+ − for GSM7 output encoding, and it is implemented by converting
+ − the input first from UTF-8 to 8859-1, and then from 8859-1 to
+ − GSM7 - thus all UTF-8 input characters must fall into the
+ − 8859-1 repertoire, and it is not currently possible to send
+ − GSM7-encoded messages containing the few Greek letters or the
+ − Euro currency symbol allowed by GSM 03.38 encoding.
+ −
+ − -U Send message in UCS-2 encoding instead of GSM7. Any 8-bit
+ − characters in the message body input are interpreted as UTF-8,
+ − and the entire Basic Multilingual Plane of Unicode is allowed.
+ −
+ − -w By default the outgoing message is sent out on the GSM network
+ − with the AT+CMGS command. With this -w option, the message is
+ − first written into SIM or future ME SMS storage with AT+CMGW,
+ − then sent out on the GSM network with AT+CMSS.
+ −
+ − -W Write only, not send: the message is written into storage with
+ − AT+CMGW and no further action is taken. The modem's +CMGW:
+ − responses with message storage indices are forwarded to stdout.
+ − With this option the destination address argument can be a null
+ − string or omitted altogether.
+ −
+ − Concatenated SMS reference numbers
+ − ----------------------------------
+ −
+ − Every concatenated SMS transmission needs a reference number, and this number
+ − needs to increment from one concatenated SMS to the next, to help message
+ − recipients sort out which is which. If the reference number is not given
+ − explicitly with -C, fcup-smsend creates (opens with O_RDWR|O_CREAT) a file
+ − named .concat_sms_refno in the invoking user's $HOME directory; automatically
+ − incrementing reference numbers are maintained in this file. The initial seed
+ − is an XOR of all bytes of the current time returned by gettimeofday(2),
+ − followed by simple linear incrementing; these reference numbers do not need to
+ − be random in any kind of cryptographically secure sense.
+ −
+ − fcup-smsendmult
+ − ===============
+ −
+ − As an alternative to sending concatenated SMS, one can use the fcup-smsendmult
+ − utility to send several single (no UDH) messages in one batch. This utlity
+ − supports both text and PDU modes (PDU mode is still the preferred default when
+ − it can be used), and when PDU mode is used, it supports both GSM7 and UCS-2
+ − output encodings just like fcup-smsend. The messages to be sent are read from
+ − stdin, and each input line produces a new message.
+ −
+ − The entire batch of messages can be sent to a single recipient, or each message
+ − in the batch can have its own individual destination address. If the
+ − destination address is given on the command line, each input line read from
+ − stdin is just a message body; if no destination address is given on the command
+ − line, each input line must have the following format:
+ −
+ − <dest addr><white space><message body>
+ −
+ − -t, -u, -U, -w and -W command line options are unchanged from fcup-smsend.
+ −
+ − This fcup-smsendmult method of sending batched SMS was originally envisioned as
+ − an alternative to concatenated SMS for crippled hw targets that couldn't support
+ − sending SMS in PDU mode, but that limitation has now been lifted. Because we
+ − do not remove already-implemented functionality for no good reason, the tool
+ − currently remains in search of new potential use cases.
+ −
+ − fcup-smsendpdu
+ − ==============
+ −
+ − This utility sends out SMS PDUs that have been prepared externally; it only
+ − works in PDU mode - originally it was limited to high-end FreeCalypso hardware
+ − with a full AT command interface, but now we've got PDU mode working on all
+ − targets. The PDUs to be sent out are read from stdin, one long hex string PDU
+ − per line; one can send either a single message or a batch. Because the
+ − destination address and all content details are encoded in the PDU, the tool
+ − does not care if the messages are going to the same recipient or to different
+ − recipients, nor does it care if they constitute a concatenated SMS transmission
+ − or not. -w and -W options work the same way as in fcup-smsend and
+ − fcup-smsendmult.
+ −
+ − fcup-smwrite
+ − ============
+ −
+ − This utility is a debug and development tool; it differs from fcup-smsendpdu in
+ − the following ways:
+ −
+ − * fcup-smsendpdu can send messages out with AT+CMGS, write them into memory
+ − with AT+CMGW, or do a write-then-send sequence (-w option) with AT+CMGW
+ − followed by AT+CMSS. fcup-smwrite only issues AT+CMGW commands.
+ −
+ − * fcup-smwrite passes a second argument to AT+CMGW that sets the message state
+ − to any of the possible 4 values; fcup-smsend* -W put them in the "stored
+ − unsent" state.
+ −
+ − * The input to fcup-smsendpdu is just PDU hex strings; the input to
+ − fcup-smwrite needs to have the same format as fcup-smdump output in order to
+ − indicate what state each message should be written in.