The purpose of "live" output from rvinterf (stdout) is to allow FreeCalypsodevelopers (and tinkerer-level users) to see what the target firmware is doingin real time; the purpose of the log file created with -l option is to allowmore detailed analysis at a later time. In most cases the same output lines areprinted to both stdout and the log file, but there are some hex dumps of sentand received packets that are printed only to the log file when one is beingwritten, and get printed to stdout only when there is no log file - suchexceptions are listed under the respective log item descriptions in thisdocument.For the most part, every packet sent to the target (by way of a client programconnecting to the rvinterf socket interface) and every RVTMUX packet receivedfrom the target results in a log item being printed. The only exceptions aremade for certain highly voluminous packet exchanges: packets going to and fromour FC-invented TCH tap mechanism are normally elided from the output, andpackets emitted on the obsolete EXTUI channel (implemented only in special hackfirmware versions from 2015) are also elided from stdout and log outputs whenthat channel is piped to fc-lcdemu via -X option.In the new logging design as of fc-host-tools-r19, various packet types ofinterest are logged as follows:* RiViera, L1 and GPF traces are expected to be ASCII strings. However, any non-printable characters that occur in these traces (or any other context where printable ASCII is normally expected, such as ATI exchanges) are printed in C-style backslash escape form, using the following escapes: \r, \n, \0 through \7 (when not followed by a digit) and \x00 through \xFF generic form. Any already-present backslashes are doubled, thus the representation is lossless. This design is a change from previous versions where we used 'cat -v' notation, which is a flawed representation because it does not allow reconstruction of the original binary string.* When logging TM/ETM command packets sent to the target and the target's TM response packets, rvinterf does a basic identification of what command it is, or at least which TM or ETM component. By default only a single header line is printed for each command packet and each response packet, giving this identification. In rvinterf -v mode, a full hex dump of each TM/ETM packet is also generated; if a log file is being written, this hex dump goes only to that log, otherwise it goes to stdout.* Protocol stack binary primitives sent via GPF TST are printed as a header line followed by a hex dump of all payload bytes after the opcode; the hex dump portion goes only to the log if one is being written.* Unrecognized packet formats on the GPF channel (old version of GPF TST as seen in the ancient 20020917 D-Sample firmware and on BenQ M32) are also printed as hex dumps, however the new hex dump format includes ASCII on the right, thus all ASCII strings emitted by those ancient firmwares will be readable.* Packets that are sent and received on FC-invented TCH RVTMUX channel are normally not printed at all, as they are far too voluminous - instead a count of sent and received TCH packets is printed in between other (usually trace) packet types. To log these packets individually, run rvinterf -vv. In the latter mode, if a log file is being written, the hex dump goes only to that log, otherwise it goes to stdout.* If the firmware emits packets on EXTUI RVTMUX channel (also FC-invented, but totally obsolete) but no LCD emulator pipe is created (rvinterf -X option), each received EXTUI packet is logged as a single summary line; to add a full hex dump (written to log file only if possible), run rvinterf -vv.* All other/unknown sent and received packet types are always dumped in hex, both on stdout and in the log file.